Fixing Him ll ♡ jack gilinsky...

By JackGilinskie

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"You can't try to forget someone who's engraved on your heart." ____ Sequel to Fixing Him All rights reserve... More

Character Visual
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.3K 32 10
By JackGilinskie

Two months forward

Allison's P.O.V.

I don't know how or why suddenly Jack and Sam are the best of friends. It's driving me crazy just to know they're out and about together. Johnson doesn't even bother joining them or anything he's just so caught up with his little family and it's cute, but I wish he was there to tell me all about my boyfriend and ex boyfriend talk about.

I am only jealous because Sam and I hang out like three times out of a week if I'm lucky, because Jacks always asking if he wants to do anything. Where's Kelsey?! Why isn't she bothering Jack, why can't she be up his ass twenty-four seven. Then again, she's not Madison.

"What are you doing?" Stassy asked "going crazy." "Don't, Sam is a good boy." She said "I know, but Jack isn't. And to put the cherry on top of this fine Sunday, he is my ex boyfriend. Whom, I'm not even sure of I stopped loving him." I sigh. "Let's go out, just you and me because Cassidy and Johnson are on cloud nine." She said rolling her eyes playfully. I chuckled "I don't thin-" "go get ready we're going."

I knew better than to argue eventually either way I would still come. Because she has her ways.

I stood up and walked upstairs.

I made it to my room, entering quickly shutting the door behind me. Seeing my phone screen light up. I smiled hoping it was Sam. But it was just a notification that Sam tweeted

@sammywilk: brothaaas 😂😝😝

I sighed before going to my messages debating on texting Sam about me going out or not. I decided against it and shut my phone off and went to my hair and make up.

I was actually pouting as I just stared at my reflection. I miss Sam, I may be clingy but he was the most clingy one out of both of us and now we barely even make conversation with one another and it really does hurt because he's to busy in love with Jack.

I sighed before throwing on a mini tank top and blue jeans with black shoes. I actually looked decent.


"Ooh, nice.. not to flashy, not to much cleavage.. you look cute." Stassy said I gave her fake smile, before stepping down the last step. I honestly wanted to curl up in bed and just wait for Sam to come home. But that would be hours from now. "Let's get going." I say "and I will not drink as much." I say "you plan on drinking??" She beamed "just one or two." I say she smiled nodding get as we walked out to the car.

"Oh, Kenny and Khloé are there too." I nodded maybe a night out wouldn't be so bad after all.


"One.. two.. forget it." I laugh downing three out of four shots that were displayed in front of us. "Another.." I laugh as Kendall nodded "on three!" She shouted over the loud music I grabbed the small long glass and tossing my head back to that one too. As I made a sour face feeling the alcohol run through my body and burn at the back of my throat.

"Hey pretty thing.." I hear a muscular accented voice. I turn to face where the voice came from. "Here alone?" He asked I stayed silent admiring his toned body and his perfect jaw line and toothy smile he was giving me "Ma'am." He smiled "oh, no these are my friends, Kendall, Anastasia, Khloé..-" "I mean are you alone.. no date?" I smiled shaking my head before taking a sip of my margarita. "What's your name?" He asked "Allison, yours?" He blushed "William, William Levey.. call me Will." He smiled "you can call me Ally or lis. I either or." I say

"You're very beautiful." He complimented I smile looking down "thank you." I say "are you single?" He asked I looked up Aretha him shaking my head no, and shrugging. "What's a pretty girl like you doing at a night club with no boy wrapped around your finger?" He questions "long story." I sigh "I like stories, especially the long ones, do tell." He said so kindly. I smiled "let's go somewhere quiet.." I suggest he nodded "there's a burger shack down the street we can walk over.. if you'd like to." He said I smile "sure.. I'm kind of hungry.." I giggle he only gave me toothy grin. Helping me off the stool carefully.

"Just let me tell my girls," I say he nodded as I whispered to Anastasia as she eyed him before nodding "text me if anything." I nodded kissing her cheek quickly before wrapping my arm around Williams muscular one. It meant nothing to me, my mind was way to focused on Sammy, and his doing.


"So now, they're like the best of friends and I'm being pushed aside and I just don't like how it makes me feel and oh my god. I'm probably annoying you. I'm sorry." I apologize for the hundredth time. "Like I have told you, it's fine. But how come you do that communicate with him?" He ask "because he's either on the phone with Jack or with Jack or exhausted from a long day WITH Jack." I groan running my hands through my hair. "Hmm. Sometimes trying can help. Set boundaries." He suggested "but I don't do that unless-" "it's your relationship. You may do however you please, but don't just let it slide, it'll only drown you in sadness and make you miserable and and lovely person like you, should not be miserable." I smile.

"You're so polite, and kind. I thought I would bore you by now." I say "I'm to focused on you, to be bored." He said "oh stop.. you're being nice." "Yeah, if you'd want to see it as that go ahead." He said smiling. "Okay.." I laugh his eyes showing emotions I can't really read. "That's the most cutest thing I've heard. I'm so sorry but-" "it's okay." I chuckle, "can you give me a ride home.. my friends left without me hours ago.." I said seeing it was now 5:45 a.m. "Of course I will." He some aid in thanked him as he insisted on paying. I walked towards the door "I'm lucky to speed Sammy right now." I said to myself. "I'm sorry?" "Oh, nothing." I say before exiting the small hamburger place.


"Thank you for the ride." I say "it was my honor.." he smiled "can I see you again.. whether you and that boy work things out?" He asked I smiled "of course.. here's my number. Call or text whenever you feel like it." I say he smiled "thank you beautiful." "Thanks Will..iam" I smile biting my bottom lip before waving him off as I walked to my front door.

I entered seeing Stass awake sipping some coffe. "Is Sam here?" I ask she nodded "he isn't happy.." "neither am I with him. I'm sorry if it gets out of hand. If it does-" "don't worry, my room is your room." She said "thank you Stass." I smile "I'm going to go see what happens." She nodded before waving me off.

I entered my room shutting the door behind me. "Well, well, well. Look who's home." I say jokingly "I can say the same thing." He said "where have you been?" He asked "I went out." I said "with who?" "Anastasia, Kendall and Khloé. Is there a problem?" "Why did Stassy come home before you?" "Because I made a friend and we ended have an early breakfast to sober up." I say "wait. Why am I even being questioned?" I asked

"Because I was up all damn night waiting to see you and you were probably out seeing whomever you met." He scoffed "He, he, understood I am dating you! We have drinks and talked and made plans to spend more time together FRIEND WISE Sam!" I raise my tone "so before you go all crazy or even act or say something good don't go there. And you waited all night long to see me. If I wouldn't have gone out, I would be asleep and you wouldn't have ever spent no time with me because you normally get here past 12. Don't say you got here early because we left at 7." I retorted "yeah. Sure, so who dropped you off?" "William did. He's a new friend, of course you wouldn't know." "Yeah I wouldn't. You use your time and leave when I'm not home." "No I don't intend was once Sam! I swear this is not how I even wanted to ever get!" I sigh "well it did. Are you going to be seeing William again?" He again seed "yeah. He is a friend Sam." "Well maybe he can give you attention since  you need it so much." He said "I can't believe you." I say shoving him.

"You don't need all me all time." "Sam I miss you. I don't even see you anymore and we live together." "Now I can't have friends? This is like weighing me down."

My heart stopping, and then it hit me. Hard. Who am I kidding? He's falling out of love by the minute. It's been two months. Going on like this. "Does  Bri.." i whispered my voice shaking afraid of what this will come too. "Does, Brianna treat you better?" I ask he suddenly stopped doing everything and glanced at me.

"Have you been seeing her?" I ask "It's okay.." I repeat "she's just my friend, I'm not seeing her." I smiled "maybe you have slowly been trying to tell me you're slowly falling out of love.." I say "don't worry. I'm not sad, or mad." I state "if this is spoken about.. we can hope for the best for one another. And it be a mutual decision." I say his eyes dulling "I love you.." he mumbled "I love you too Sam with everything I have and I want you happy" I say sincerely.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered "it's okay.." I whisper "it's okay." I tell him as he came closer. He cupped my cheeks kissing my lips for a long time. Before pulling away and hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him for the longest time. I didn't want to even let go. I lived with him for almost three years. I've been in love with him for the same amount of time.

"You're still my best friend." I mumbled "and you're still mine. Always and forever Allison. Together as a couple in five years or just friends." He said I nodded "no tears?" He said and I smiled before crying. "It stings." I say "but we'll be alright." I say. I'll be alright.. he slowly let go and left me 'to rest'

But I only cried. Because I knew he would go and tell Brianna the news of how we broke up. It was okay though.. I need this.. I'll be alright, not now perhaps. But sometime soon.


So.. that happened ):

Please don't get upset, it gets better..

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