To Have Rosaline

By BelieveNUnbelievable

71.1K 3.4K 306

She was meant for a simple life. A family involving parent's unconditionally in love and who dearly love the... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
Alternate Ending/Rose and Abellon

{Chapter 22}

1.4K 83 4
By BelieveNUnbelievable

Chapter 22

Above: Fix You by Coldplay

"A siren. A seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men, who lures them to destruction by their seductive singing."

Rhyvos stalked around Rosaline who stood in the middle of his office with Abellon sitting off to the side with a glass of something in his hand. She was awoken first thing that morning and dragged straight to the room so the two men could figure out what it is exactly that they held close to them.

"You could be a danger to all men around you. Only the women can stand the call in your songs." Rhyvos continued and Abellon added in.

"We do not realize when we are under the enchantment and quite confused afterwards feeling as if we are missing something. It's quite interesting."

"Interesting? She could do anything she wanted to us and we wouldn't even know!"

Abellon gave his son a small smirk. "Yes, interesting."

Rhyvos rolled his eyes. "Have you heard of a species as this father?"

Abellon furrowed his eyebrows thinking.

"I've heard about sirens when I was young. We believed them to be an actual myth unlike us. Some would say how they've met one and how she was a queen but was murdered. Nobody could ever believe them without seeing any proof. Truthfully I don't know much."

They continued on like this, with Rhyvos circling her while asking her questions before he finally came to a conclusion.

"We will need to work on your abilities."

Rosaline tore her eyes from the wall to him with bewilderment.

"I'm sorry, what?"

He repeated himself and she could only blink at him, staring at him as if he's grown two heads.

"You want me to work on my abilities which involve me putting men under a spell or enchantment, whatever, and have them do as I say without them recalling exactly what it is I made them do when they come to?"

Rhyvos pursed his lips looking her over before nodding.

She looked over to Abellon with a raised eyebrow and he only shrugged sipping from his glass.

"Uh, aren't you afraid?"

"We fear nothing." Rhyvos stated and his father agreed.

"We can try being a distance away and wear ear protection."

"Okay, well, what am I suppose to improve?"

They stayed in the office speaking for a while before the two men finally let her go with Rhyvos telling her that they will meet up again later in the afternoon which she had to begrudgingly be okay with. She found herself in the kitchen that was being put back to order from yesterday's events. She made her way to the fridge but was stopped by Darcy who cut her way in front of her.

"Rose. I was looking for you."

"Sorry. I was with Abellon and Rhyvos in the office. What did you need?"

"You left your presents in the living room. They are now in your room."

"Oh. Thank you." She gave her a smile and went around to the fridge.

"You can go sit down Rose and I'll make you breakfast. What you did yesterday probably took a lot of energy so maybe you should relax today."

"You really don't have to-"

"No, no. I can do it, please." She gestured to the table that was upside down but now sat perfectly.

Rosaline sighed and went and sat in one of the chairs that wasn't broken. Setting her elbows on the table and putting her face in her hands she groaned.

"Today will most likely not be a relaxing day for me Darcy. I'm suppose to meet up with Abellon and Rhyvos again to, how they like to put it, 'train my abilities'."

"Why is that? You helped out a lot yesterday so shouldn't you be rewarded with a break?"

Rosaline chuckled humorlessly. "You'd think."

"Has the king gave you a punishment for not staying in your room when you were told?"

She shrugged.

"Not exactly. He just said that if I disobeyed him again then I'd be grounded. Whatever that's suppose to mean."

Darcy nodded and made her some eggs, bacon and toast and sat it down in front of her and then sat across the table. Rosaline thanked her and took a bite of her eggs before speaking.

"But, anyways, I haven't been doing much around here. I mean all I pretty much do is hang out and relax with you and Abellon since Rhyvos doesn't force me at his side anymore for some reason. I think I can handle some training." She looked around at the maids and back to Darcy. "Have you seen my pops yet?"

Darcy shook her head.

"I believe he is still in his room resting. He is a good man for trying to help out yesterday but it was very risky. He could have gotten seriously hurt."

Rosaline agreed and grief for what could have happened struck her. Images of her father lying in his own blood filled her mind and she quickly shook them away. She doesn't know why she always imagines the worst. It's not healthy.

"Maybe I should go check on him."

She left the kitchen after finishing most of her food and headed to her dad's door. Knocking on it lightly she opened it little by little and stuck her head in to see her father spread out on his bed face down. A little worried she walked over to him and rubbed his head.


There was no answer. She bent over him.


He moved his head in her direction and hummed. Letting out a sigh of relief she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Are you feeling alright?"

He peeked through his eyelids up at her and with a groan tried to sit up with her help.

"I'm fine, Rosa. Just a little sore."
She nodded and looked down at her hands. He looked her over and laid his hand on her shoulder to turn her towards him.  "What's wrong?"

Tears began to build in her eyes at recalling the events from yesterday. How her father tried to protect her by going against Louis who basically threw him around like a rag doll.

"I thought you were going to die." She whispered so quietly that he barely heard her.

Gathering her up he pulled her into his lap like how he used to when she was little and tucked her head under his chin.

"I'm sorry for frightening you."

"Dad, those were werewolf's. They overpower humans easily. Louis would have killed you if I didn't do anything and I don't know what I would have done if that ever happened."

He sighed and combed his fingers through her hair.

"I just wanted to help....wait....Louis?"

She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut. How stupid of her to mention her mothers new husband. Her father tugged on her hair when she didn't respond.

"Who is Louis?"

"The guy you were fighting."

"Yes, I figured that. How do you know that man, Rosaline?"


"Just tell me, baby girl. I won't be mad."

She let out a breath and looked up at him.

"Dad, he's moms husband."

"Her husband."

"Maybe ex." She replied quickly when hurt flashed across his features.

"She married?"

Sighing again she sat her hand on his shoulder.

"You've been gone for to long. She's changed from your disappearance. She never thought you were coming back so she tried to move on. I think...I think she was tired of being alone and needed someone to love her like you did. She's made some decisions that I do not agree with but I now understand. I'm sorry dad."

He looked down and closed his eyes. A tear slid down his cheek and he didn't move to wipe it away so she did for him. They sat in silence before he looked back up.

"I still love your mother, very much. No matter what. I can understand how she needed someone to be there for her when i wasn't."

Rosaline wanted to comment on that but she didn't know what to tell him so she kept her mouth shut and watched him with sympathy.

After a while he changed the subject by commenting "Thank God that mans not going anywhere. He would have to be Houdini himself to get out of those cells."

"Are you sure he won't be able to escape?"

"Nobody has been able to escape, that I know of."

"So what if he does? Oh my god, dad. Mom could still be married to that psychopath. What if he somehow breaks out and she is his first stop? What do we do?"

Sammuel furrowed his eyebrows. Just the thought of that bastard going after his woman made his blood boil. He wanted to go down to where he sat on the dirty cell floors and finish him off so that he couldn't cause any more harm. He'd be damned if he left any chances for that despicable  man to hurt any of his family.
His thoughts paused when he realized that he referred to Regina as his wife. Is she still his wife being that he's not dead? Could it be?
He shook his head clearing his mind and keeping from getting his hopes up. That is not the issue at the moment. He looked down at his little girl who was looking up at him with worry clear in her eyes. He was her wall at that moment. He had to be strong for her.

"How about we go and mention this to the king and Abellon. They'd know what to do."

She nodded and quickly jumped up from the bed grabbing his hand. "Come on. Let's go."

"Uh, actually, I think I'm going to just rest a little more."

She turned her anxious eyes onto him. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll catch up with you in a little while."

Rosaline looked at her father questioningly. She thought he'd want to bring this issue up to Rhyvos himself. Maybe he actually is tired. Biting her lip she looked from the door back to him before giving him an 'okay, feel better' and left to find Rhyvos. 

Finding him in his office sat in his chair she told him exactly what she was worried about.

"I'm already on it."

She stood there quietly for a second wodering if she heard him right.
   "You are?"

He nodded.

"Yes, in fact I got news from one of the spies I've sent out, knowing beforehand your request, who has contacted about your mother and little brother earlier today. It seems they were not found at your childhood home. I gave orders for them to search around and find any leads to where the two could have gone and then report back. They are my best and so it shouldn't be long."

"They weren't at home?"


Where could they be? What happened to them? A dark thought crossed her mind before she could stop it. What if Louis did something with them before he left? Just at the thought she felt anguish. She now knows how her father feels when he says how he wasn't there to protect us. She's not there to protect her mum and Joey. Who knows what happened. She looked back to Rhyvos.

"Have you interrogated Louis yet?"

He shook his head.

"We were going to leave him down there with no food or water for a few days to weaken him first that way he'd be more susceptible to our devices. With him being of my kind it would take a bit to actually be able to torture him. Our injuries heal more quickly than an average humans. Our blood heals us as it heals the person we give it to."

Rosaline frowned. "Can you interrogate him a little sooner? If we can't find my family then he could have done something with them."

"Let's see if my men can possibly find them first."

Biting her lips Rosaline nodded and looked down at her hands. She wanted to go to Louis herself and make him feel a world of pain. She never liked him and for good reason it seems. She looked back up when she heard a rustle. 

Rhyvos now stood behind his desk gazing at her with pensive eyes. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and he bit the left side of his bottom lip. She couldn't help but notice and her eyes glanced down before quickly going back up when she realized what she was doing.

"I think we can skip over the training for today and save it for tomorrow. I shouldn't have said I would do it today anyways after what happened yesterday."

Rosaline nodded and looked down at her hands nervously. She didn't hear as Rhyvos slowly crept towards her.

"Do you fear me, Rosaline?"

She quickly looked up at the sudden question to see that he was now in front of his desk and looked him square in the eyes.


He nodded and stepped forward.

"There's no need to be. Especially since you now hold a rare gift. I hope you will never take advantage of it."

She quickly shook her head.
"I promise, I won't."

He nodded again and took a couple more steps towards her.

"I'm not a brute you know."

She agreed and kept silent as they stared at each other in an awkward silence.

"May I ask a question?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged.

"Are you attracted to my father?"

Rosaline could have sworn that at that very moment her heart skipped a couple of beats. Why would he ask that? She looked nervously around the room not wanting to answer him.


"Do you like him? Do you wish to be with him?"

She didn't know how to answer so she kept quiet.

Her eyes glanced back at him in time to see anger cross his features and he began marching towards her.

She found her voice. "What are-"

Before she could blink Rhyvos grabbed both of her arms and pulled her to him roughly and his head dipped down and captured her lips in a fierce kiss.

'What the hell?'

Her whole body froze in shock but her heart was beating to jump through her chest.

'Is this really happening? Is the king of wolfs actually kissing me?'

She put her hands up against his chest to push him away but he was strong. His arms encircled around her and held her close to his body. He kissed her with a savage intensity.

'Oh God'

His mouth was firm - demanding a response from her. But she held still. His kiss was beginning to make her weak and her thoughts froze. She became confused.

"Kiss me, Rose." He demanded with a growl vibrating through his chest.

She tried to resist him, but it was almost impossible. He smelled and tasted so good. Her fists clenched til' her nails dug into her palms. Then his kiss surprisingly turned gentler. A shiver went through her at the sweet tenderness of it. It made her knees feel weak. Her eyes closed and she forgot who it was she's kissing at that precise moment. She melted. She was aching with the need to kiss back.

"Kiss me." He muttered against her lips.

She could feel her lips slowly begin to part so he could kiss her deeper. She was ready to succumb to his addictive kiss. She was on her way to pressing closer to him when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

With a gasp she found the strength to shove him away and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. Rhyvos gazed at her with an emotion that she couldn't pinpoint and didn't want to. The door opened and her father came in. He looked between them with a confused expression.

"Did you go over the situation?"

"Yes, we did." Rhyvos told him without taking his eyes off her.

Thinking fast Rosaline quickly went to her father.

"Yep. How about you tell him what you need to pops and I'll see you later."

Before a word could leave either of them she was out the door.
She had to find Abellon. That shouldn't have happened. She was so confused of her actions and she needed to find Abellon to help clear her mind. She ran to where she knew his room to be and knocked. When no answer came she opened it and walked in to see that he wasn't there. Leaving she ran to the library and slammed the doors open running inside. Looking in front of her she didn't see anybody and almost jumped out of her skin when familiar hands touched her arms.

"Are you alright, love?"

She sighed at the sound of Abellon's voice and twisted and turned her body towards him. She ran her hands up from his chest to his neck and clung to him. He looked confused at first until she leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lips. He immediately reacted and held her head in his hands, angling his mouth and gave her a sweet, tantalizing kiss. Moving away he kissed both of her cheeks before going back and smothered her lips.
She quivered. He smelled so good. Pure masculine. He tasted so heavenly. His lips were warm and moist. He traced his tongue against her lips and she opened to him for him to explore the recesses of her mouth. His hands claimed her body possessively running up and down her curves.

Her body instinctively arched closer towards him and she caressed his back and ran her hands threw his hair. He kissed her hungrily taking her breath away. She held onto him as her knees buckled. He moved his lips from her and she breathed in and out heavily as he kissed down her neck. She yelped as he picked her up off her feet and sat down on the library couch with her on his lap and started to kiss her again. His kisses halted abruptly when he felt her tears from beneath his hands. He pulled back to look at her and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Why are you crying, love?"

She shook her head and looked away. He gently grabbed her chin and brought her face back to him.

"Why are you crying?"

She stared at him for a minute and gave him a weak smile.

"Just happy tears."

He stared at her with a look of doubt before kissing her forehead.

"I don't like seeing you cry."

"I'm sorry." She whimpered.

He looked back at her. "What for? Did something happen?"

She shook her head. "No"

"I know you are not telling me the truth, love. You wouldn't have been flying in here like a bat out of hell if something didn't happen."

She glared at him. "It's nothing."

She didn't want to tell him what happened.

He raised an eyebrow. "Lie"

She pushed away from him and stood up.

"It was nothing dammit. It didn't mean anything. It couldn't have."

He watched her with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

She shook her head and ran a hand threw her hair.

"I-I think I'm just going to go rest more."

She walked towards the library doors.


She looked back at Abellon who went from confusion to concern. She gave him a halfhearted smile and left.

This is too much. With the fight, her father, her mum and lil' Joey, Rhyvos and Abellon. It's all becoming too much. She feels as if she's going to need to be sent to a psychiatric home soon. All the crap she's been going through is more than one person can handle. She wanted to pull her damn hair out. What did she do to deserve all of this? She stopped and looked up at the ceiling with raised arms.
'Please God. Is this because I never went to church? Or is it because I don't pray? Did I do something I wasn't suppose to? I'm sorry for whatever it is. Just, please cut me some slack here.'
She let her arms fall to her sides and sighed. Maybe it's not God. Maybe it's karma. But she still doesn't know what she did to deserve any of it.

She dragged her feet to her room to find her birthday presents scattered around on her floor. Looking through them for Darcy's present she found it and turned the device on and searched the music. 'Darcy has good taste' she thought while scrolling. Finding a song she put the headphones in and dropped on her bed listening.

'When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When your too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what your worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face and I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you'





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