Imagine If You Assembled The...

By imagine-avengers

2.1M 90.4K 32.8K

A collection of reader insert ( x reader) imagines/one-shots/fics of the Avengers and a few other Marvel char... More

I Could Do This All Day (Rogers/Stark/Barnes): Civil War Trailer #2 References
Another 5 minute Tumblr drabble challenge (Deadpool/Spiderman)
I Don't Know What I Did to Deserve You (Colossus/Deadpool x reader)
I Don't Want to Love You (Deadpool/Parker x reader)
Shattered (Rogers/Barnes x reader)
Why Did You Wake Me? (Guardians x reader)
Stop Lying (Rogers/Wilson x reader)
Before We Get Started (Thor/Avengers x reader)
Sibling Rivalry (Barnes x reader)
What Are You Doing Here? (Walker/Jones/Murdock x reader)
Why Do You Care? (Stark x reader)
I'm Not Gonna Say Goodbye (Ward/Campbell x reader)
Nothing Feels Right Anymore (Stark/Rogers)
I Can Hear You (Deadpool x reader)
Are You Trying to Make Me Hate You? (Loki x reader)
Untouchable (Pietro/Wanda Maximoff x reader)
Your World is Crazy (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
Language (Steve Rogers x reader)
Did You Hear That? (Barnes x reader)
Dad, Stop (Stark x reader)
We're Never Good Enough (Stark/Wanda Maximoff x reader)
You Had Better Run (Pietro Maximoff/Lance Hunter x reader)
Is This Yours? (Thor x reader)
That Can't Be Good (Tony Stark x reader)
Close Your Eyes (Barnes x reader)
Super Angsty (Deadpool x reader)
I Can't (Barton x reader)
From the Top (Stark x reader)
Captain America (Rogers x reader)
Captain Sweden (Rogers x reader)
That Guy? (Rogers/Wilson x reader)
Family Ties (Civil War References)
Blind Luck (Stark x blind!reader)
I Look Good (Avengers- no reader)
Rude (Rogers x reader)
Making Amends (Avengers x reader)
The Tangled Webs We Weave (Peter Parker x reader)
Ouch, Baby (Barnes x reader)
Scarred (Barnes/Stark x reader)
My Way or the Highway (Rogers x reader)
At Ease, Soldier (Barnes x reader)
Daughter of Odin (Thor/Barnes x reader)
No One Won Today (Barton/Rogers x reader) (Civil War Spoilers)
What Did I Miss? (Rogers x reader)
You're Late (Rogers/Wilson x reader)
It's a Gold Titanium Alloy (Stark x reader)
Plums (Barnes x reader)
Hail Hydra (Rogers x reader)
Hulk Not Fluffy (Banner/Hulk x reader)
Causality (Stark x reader/Civil War references)
Hey, Neighbor (Rogers/Barnes x reader)
I Don't Wanna Play (Barnes x reader)
You Must Be Mistaken (Rogers x reader)
Not Dead Yet (Romanoff x reader)
Interrupted (Rogers x reader)
Awkward & Accidental (Matt Murdock x deaf!reader)
Not My Specialty (Pietro Maximoff x reader)
The Sass is Real (Barton x reader)
Insomnia (Barnes x reader)
The Asgardian's New Clothes (Thor/Rogers x reader)
Deadpool and Juliet (Deadpool x reader)
Get a Room (Rogers/Avengers x reader)
Trust (Rogers/Barnes/Wilson)
Love is for Children (Romanoff x reader)
Drill Sergeant (Dad!Bucky x reader)
Is That New? (Agents of Shield x reader)
I'll Take It (Rogers x reader)
Friends (Barnes/Avengers x reader)
This Isn't a Good Idea (Barnes x reader)
Close Your Eyes (Part 2: Tony Stark x reader)
Can't Be Controlled (Avengers x reader)
Deja Vu (Frank Castle x reader)
You're Not the Boss of Me (Barton x reader)
Dancing Steve (Rogers x reader)
Chimichangas and Doritos (Deadpool/Rogers x reader)
Close Your Eyes (Part 4: Natasha Romanoff)
Salt and Pepper (Stark x reader)
When I Want Your Opinion, I'll Give it to You (Avengers x reader)
Close Your Eyes (Part 5: Bruce Banner)
Close Your Eyes (Part 6: Steve Rogers)
Another Tiny Tumblr Drabble
Choices Must Be Made (Thor/Loki x reader)
Close Your Eyes Part 7: Clint Barton
I Think I Need a Break for a Few Minutes
Close Your Eyes (Part 8: Scott Lang)
Never Say Never (Wanda/Dad!Tony x reader)
Learning to Fly (Deadpool/Barton x reader)
Once Upon a Space-Time Continuum (Rogers x reader)
Aftershock (Avengers-no reader)
You've Been Busy (Parker x reader)
It Felt Like That (Pietro x reader)
Silver Springs (Stark x reader)
I'm the Boss (Lang x reader)
Call and Answer (Silver Springs Part 2) (Stark x reader)
Son, You've Got a Condition (Banner x reader)
Open Your Eyes (Rogers/Barnes x reader)
Birthday Boy (Barnes x reader)
Lola (Deadpool/Coulson x reader)
Friends (Part 2) (Barnes x reader)
I Told You So (Stark x reader)
Can't Keep Meeting Like This (Matt Murdock x reader)
But He's My Friend (dad!Tony/Rogers x reader)
Don't Remember...Don't Forget (Steve Rogers x reader)
Follow Me (Maximoffs/Avengers x reader)
Invisibility (Barnes x reader)
The Price of Freedom is High (Peter Parker x reader)
Mandatory Education (AOS/X-Men/Deadpool x reader)
Panic Party (Barnes x reader)
Off the Deep End (Rogers x reader)
The Village Idiot (Avengers x reader)
Robin Hood (Barton x reader)
I Became Distracted (Rogers x reader)
They Haven't Let Me Down (Rogers/Stark/Barnes x reader)
My Girl (dad!Tony x reader)
Not Even Close (Romanoff/Maximoff x reader)
You're My Drug (Barnes x reader)
History Lessons (Rogers x reader)
December 16, 1991 (Stark x reader)
Earth Girls Are Easy (Thor/Loki x reader)
Taken (Rogers/Banner x reader)
I'm Not Sorry (Logan/Rogers x reader)
Under False Pretenses (Pietro x reader)
Life's a Bitch...And So Are You (Stark x reader)
It Always Ends in a Fight (Barnes x reader)
Marry Me (Sam Wilson x reader)
Thermonuclear Astrophysics (Pietro Maximoff x reader)
Fire and Ice (Barnes x reader)
Christmas Can't Wait (Parker x reader)
Entitlement (dad!Tony x reader)
Not Your Type (dad!Tony/dad!Steve x reader)
This Is Why You Woke Me (Peter Quill x reader)
Level Up (Thor/Avengers x reader)
I Didn't Understand That Reference (Rogers/Wilson x reader)
Tweet, Tweet (Rogers/Wilson x reader)
Who Are You Calling Tiny? (Mack-AOS x reader)
National Anthem (Barnes x reader)
I'm Not Yours to Save (Rogers x reader)
Who's a Pretty Boy? (Sam Wilson x reader)
It's Just Business (Rogers/Stark x reader)
Water Under the Bridge (Stark x reader)
You Chose the Wrong Side (Parker x reader)
If You Die, I'm Going to Kill You (Deadpool x reader)
Roses are Red, Broken Hearts are Blue (Pietro Maximoff x reader)
I'm Here to Pick Up a Fossil (Rogers/Barnes x reader)
That Was Close (Sam Wilson x reader)
So, You Like Cats? (T'challa x reader)
Happy Birthday, Buck (Barnes/Rogers x reader)
Not My Specialty (dad!Tony x reader)
You're Dumber Than I Thought (Barnes/Rogers x reader)
Anti-Social (Rogers/Evans x reader)
Triggered (Barnes x reader)
Apples and Donuts (Rogers/Barton x reader)
Unstable (Parker/Maximoff x reader)
I'm Standing Right Here (dad!Tony x reader)
Hired Help (Deadpool x reader)
From My Tumblr Asks
Hung-up and Hungover (Barnes x reader)
How Is This Now About Me? (Stark x reader)
Don't Let Me Get In The Way (Rogers x reader)
Cruel Summer (Loki x reader)
Hey, Bartender (Rogers/Barnes x reader)
My Biggest Mistake (Barnes/Romanoff/Rogers x reader)
Unmasked (Part 2) (dad!Tony/Rogers/Wilson x reader)
I'm Not That Kind of Doctor (Barton x reader)
The Tears Are Real (Avengers/Parker x reader)
I Have a Very Specific Skill Set (Murdock x reader)
Who Said Life Was Fair? (Part 4-7) (Barnes/Rogers/Stark x reader)
I Know That Look (Rogers x reader)
Mother's Day (Stark x reader)
Fuzzbutt (Sam Wilson x reader)
You Do It (Rogers/Wilson/Barton/Stark x reader)
Just a Little Further (Stark x reader)
Don't Turn Around (Rogers x reader)
Shall We Test That? (Loki/Thor x reader)
Frozen In Time (Stark & Stark/Rogers x reader)
Dragon Lady (Romanoff x reader)
I Wouldn't Call That Art (Deadpool x Agender!reader)
You're My Mission (Avengers x reader)
Accidents Will Happen (Stark/Avengers x reader)
Father's Day (Stark x reader)
Close Your Eyes (Peter Parker)
I'm Not a Mind Reader (Jessica Jones/Trish Walker x reader)
Captain Creeper (Rogers x reader)
They Can't Take That Away From Me (Rogers x reader)
Another Tumblr Drabble (Barnes x reader)
Happy Birthday, Steve (Rogers/Avengers x reader)
Die For You (Rogers x reader)
The Right Mind On The Wrong Side (Stark x reader)
Just Like We Practiced (Rogers x reader)

Close Your Eyes (Part 3: Sam Wilson x reader)

7.8K 323 70
By imagine-avengers

Warning: Oh, god, the angst.  There are versions for Bucky and Tony in this book too.

Reader characterization from I'll Take It (also in this book)

He was freefalling. One wing was splintered in half, the other was completely gone, and he was out of control. Even if you sprinted, even if you could fly, there was nothing you could do to stop him. You heard Steve's voice yelling in your ear but you were frozen in place; your body felt numb and your mind was blank. He was falling and no one could catch him.

You were about to watch Sam Wilson, the man you loved, die right in front of you.

"(Y/N), move!"

"I can't," you whispered to no one, your voice too quiet to be heard over the yell of the team as they watched, each of them just as helpless as you were.

At the edge of your peripheral vision you saw Steve sprinting towards where Sam would hit, but it would be a miracle even if he did catch him; he was moving too fast, and the impact would still be too much for his body to survive. The sound of Tony flying over head broke your trance, giving you the first shred of hope in the seconds that had passed, feeling as if years had gone by.

"I'm not gonna make it!" Tony called out, pushing his suit to its limits. "Come on, FRIDAY, faster!" But even he knew that it wouldn't be enough.

Steve was only a few yards away when it happened, and saw everything in a scene that would be burned into his memory for the rest of his life, and would bring new nightmares for years to come. Tony would live with the failure to reach Sam in time, holding a piece of torn wing in his gauntlet where his teammate had slipped through his grip only a few feet from the ground. When you approached, Steve stood first, hurrying to stop you, but you pushed through him as if he were nothing.

"(Y/N), I don't think you should-"

"I didn't ask you," you snapped, "move."

He stepped to the side to expose the sight that was worse than what you had imagined in your mind as you ran to the scene, and it took every ounce of strength to push yourself forward. You dropped your supplies at Sam's side and knelt next to him, looking at the multitude of injuries and broken bones, surprising yourself that you weren't falling apart; your training was taking over your mind, protecting you from the reality in front of you.

"I don't know where to start," you mumbled quietly. "There's too much. I have to stabilize...something..."

"(Y/N), it's too late," Steve said quietly, his voice cracking as he knelt next to you. "No matter what you do, it's not going to change this."

"Shh, I need to think."

He looked up helplessly at Tony, but all he could offer was a shake of his head, no more the wiser about how to get through to you than Steve was. He tried to put a hand on your arm, but you shook it away and held up your hand to keep him back; Steve didn't want to leave you, knowing that your mind could break at any moment, and he would be there whether you wanted him to be or not.

"Airway...breathing...circulation..." you murmured to yourself repeatedly as your hands danced over Sam's unmoving body. "He's breathing," you announced with new relief, "pulse is weak...but it's there."

"Emergency medical is on the way," FRIDAY said quietly, though Tony knew that it wouldn't make any difference. The tone of the A.I.'s voice made him believe that even she knew it too.

Grabbing your bag, you began to dig through supplies and medications, reaching up every few seconds to mindlessly wipe tears from your eyes when your vision became clouded. You didn't consciously understand that you were crying; it wasn't obvious to you that realization was coming, but it was clear to everyone around you.

"Tony, take the team out," Steve commanded quietly with a nod. "I'll stay."

When you turned back to Sam with hands full, you gasped and dropped it all, seeing his eyes opened lazily and looking back at you. "Sam? Sam, can you hear me? Don't try to move."

"(Y/N)..." he struggled. His breathing was wet from the blood building in his lungs, and his voice was tight under the pressure. "I'm...sorry..."

"No, Sam, don't talk, okay?"

Grabbing what you needed to remove the liquid from his chest, you tried to control the shaking in your hands, but it wouldn't abate. The sound of his breaths echoed in your head and it was all you could hear. Your tears were coming more relentlessly now, and your own breathing was beginning to struggle.

"I" he moaned quietly, and you nearly missed it. You nearly missed the final words that you would ever hear your boyfriend say to you because your own mind was denying it all. You leaned in next to him and took his face in your hands, kissing him one final time and whispering that you loved him too until the moment that you felt him leave you.

"Sam? Sam, please don't..."

Steve sucked in a pained breath and pulled his knees to his chest, dropping his head to rest on them as he listened to you begging Sam to wake up. He hadn't felt pain like this since he lost Bucky so many years ago, and he couldn't stop the reaction; he wanted to scream, he wanted to throw up, but over it all, he wanted to trade places with his friend. The friend that deserved a life with you when he himself had failed you so terribly, and now again.

Your body was ravaged with exhaustion from both the battle and the pain that only worsened each time you looked down. You weren't sure if you had enough will to say another word, but your voice managed barely a whimper as you collapsed to rest your head on Sam's chest, and it was enough to stab the dagger into Steve's heart one more time.

"Steve...please...wake me up now."

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