Bullied By Magcon Boys|| H.B...

By rowlandsxjenzie

52.9K 1.2K 173


Chap. 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 30
Chap 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 39
Chap 40
Chap 41
Chap 42
Last Chapter

Chap 17

1.1K 36 3
By rowlandsxjenzie

( hunters phone vibrates , he checks it .. Its a message from you. Hunters face expression changes , all the boys notice so does britt. )

Cam : what's wrong?
Blake : are you okay?
Brandon : what's wrong bro?

* back to you *

( you put your phone down and still starring at yourself in the mirror. Lots of thoughts run through your mind. )

Y/n : I don't even recognize myself , I look pretty. What's the point of going to semi? When I dressed up for a dance when I'm going to dance with no one while I see everybody dance with someone. Its not worth it ..

( you slide your heels off and head downstairs to the kitchen and grab some ice cream and a spoon. You head into the living room and put on some Netflix. )

Y/n : looks like I'm spending a night watching Netflix

* back to hunter *

Hunter : no I'm not okay. I'm ashamed of the fact that I had to secretly hang out with a girl who so sweet , kind , smart and beautiful so that my friends wouldn't find out. She is the kindest soul ever and now she isn't going to semi. I act like a cowardly chicken because I care what you guys think of me ..
Jacob : who?
Brandon : sorry we made you feel that way
Blake : sorry bro , who's the girl?
Hunter : this girl who we bullied and hurt her physically and mentally and made her insecure and unconfident. She never deserved to be treated that way and to get bullied. And I feel so bad I had done that to her ..
Brandon : oh ..
Cam : who is she?
Blake : ....
Hunter : this girl is y/n. The girl that Blake thinks broke him and mae up. She didn't break them up and blake you need to see the bigger picture bro , in why Mae broke up with you. Y/n has changed me in a good way. And a girl like her deserves a great night at semi. And I'm going to take her , and I could careless what you guys think about me.

( hunter gets up and slams the door behind him and leaves. )

Brandon : wow .. What a jerk am I ..
Cam : so am I ..
Jacob : me too ..
Blake : I'm the biggest jerk ever , how could I not see this after all this time ..

( Blake gets up and heads out the door chasing after hunter. )

( you're taking your time eating your ice cream while you're watching pretty little liars. Then there is a knock at the door. You open it. Its mae she comes in and closes the door . )

Mae : you thought I was gonna let you be alone all night and skip semi by yourself? Hahaha you thought
Y/n : Mae?
Mae : yeah?
Y/n : I love you!
Mae : duh I'm cool! Sikee! Anyways what are you doing?
Y/n : eating ice cream and watching PLL!
Mae : I'm gonna grab a spoon!

( Mae heads to the kitchen then there's another knock at the door , you open it and there stands hunter and Blake is right behind him. )

Y/n : hunter ..
( hunter looks up and down at you and his jaw drops. )
Hunter : girl you weren't kidding about how different you look! You're gorgeous! Daaaam!
* you blush *
( hunter then grabs your hand with one hand and the other behind his back. )
Hunter : you thought I was gonna let you not go to semi?
* you smile *
Y/n : maybe ..
Hunter : girl ever since we started hanging out , you have changed me and made me view things differently and I am very thankful for that. And to have a gorgeous girl like you make me smile! I couldn't keep it a secret no more because you make me smile and I wanted to let everyone know and that I was ashamed I his this from my friends because I cared what they thought about me. Thanks to you I don't care what they think about me anymore. All I care about is what you think about me!

( you have tears running down your face. Hunter wipes them away. )

Y/n : * your voice begins to crack * hhhunteerr tthat is thhe sw..sweetest thing anyone has said to me!

( hunter gets down on his knees and looks up at you holding your hands. )

Hunter : y/n , would you go to semi with me?
Y/n : yes hunter I would love to go to semi with you!

( you hug hunter tight. Blake taps your shoulder and you look up at him. )

Blake : y/n I wanted to say I'm so sorry for mistreating you and bullying you. You truly didn't deserve that .. And I am sorry for accusing you for the reason Mae and I broke up. I know why she did .. It wasn't because of people , it was because the way I treated people .. But there's no excuse for what I did to you. And I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me!
Y/n : I forgive you!
( Blake hugs you )
Blake : but I realized this too late.

Chap 18 coming soooooon ;))

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