Overprotective | Wattys2017

By leslymm

49.7K 1.2K 246

Carolina's life has taken a 360 degree turn when she makes one mistake that she regrets for the rest of her h... More

Chapter 1 | Brothers
Chapter 2 | Andrew Parker
Chapter 3 | A Day With Parker
Chapter 4 | Facing Parker
Chapter 5 | The Almost Kiss With Parker
Chapter 6 | Sneaking Out With Parker
Chapter 7 | Saving Parker
Chapter 8 | An Angry Parker
Chapter 9 | A Sorry Parker
Chapter 10 | Math Class With Parker
Chapter 11 | The Real Parker
Chapter 12 | Waking Up to Parker
Chapter 13 | Oblivious Parker
Chapter 15 | Problems with Alice Because of Parker
Chapter 16 | Bonfire with Parker
Chapter 17 | Football with Parker - Part 1

Chapter 14 | Embarrassing Myself in Front of Parker

1.5K 48 8
By leslymm

The one in the picture is Shane.


Shout out to tarynpriest, _void_stilinski_, and zbaby1816. Thank you for commenting on the previous chapter.


"Coach Wilson!" I frantically yell, waving my hand at him to get his a attention.


Well, that was the only way to get his attention if he was almost at his office whilst I was battling my way through the mob of students going the opposite way.

He turns around and notices me.


I try to push my way through the crowd, getting thrown insults and a couple of pushing.

"Please move, move. Thank yo- ow! Out of my way!"

"Yes Carolina?" Coach Wilson asked, once I reached him.

I was trying to catch my breath before speaking to him. Who knew going through a large crowd would be a workout?

"I need to speak with you about the new guy's try-out," I tell him, walking with him to his office.

"There is nothing to speak about. I've made my decision," he replies, taking out his keys and opening his office door.

"You have to be fair," I told him, standing behind his desk while he sat on his chair. "You can't kick one out for the other."


"No, please listen," I practically demanded. "Hunter has worked so hard trying to be good for the team. Just because someone slightly better comes, doesn't mean you have to choose him over Hunter."

"Car-" he tried once again.

I ignored him and continued. "Hunter plays with his heart because football is his passion. Are you really going to take away his passion? Are you really that unfair? I know that maybe Pa-Andrew is better since he's been the star quarterback-"

At this point, I was basically rambling.

"-to every school he's been to. He may throw, catch, and tell the plays better, doesn't mean-"

"Carolina. Stop taking," Coach Wilson ordered.

I shut my mouth instantly.

"My decision's been made. There's nothing you can do to change it. I thought about it many times before I came to my conclusion which is my final decision."

"You did?" I croak out, my chest tightening.

"Yes," he nods. "It was nice of you to come and try to persuade me, but I've already made my choice. Good day, Miss James."


"Good day, Miss James."

I walked out his office with the feeling of disappointment. I went to talk to him with the belief that he would change his mind. Maybe I couldn't persuade him at all.

Like he said, his decision was made and it couldn't be persuaded.

A sigh left my lips.

Hunter is never going to get passed this. Football is his life line.


I was about to turn to go to my classroom, when I bumped into Parker.

"Hey Park-"

"So, you'd purposely try to sabotage my try-out, just to keep Hunter on the team," he told me, disbelief laced in his voice.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't have any words to try to defend myself.

"Right. I thought that even though you'd keep your distance, you'd at least continue to be an honest and fair person."

I looked down, guilt seeping into me.

He was right. What was I doing? Helping my brother. But would I really go far as to sabotaging somebody else's chance to be on the team?

Oh wait...I already did.

I felt like an awful person once I was pointed out, especially since it was Parker.

"Whatever. I never knew you could stoop this low."

Those were his last words before he walked off, not giving me a chance to explain myself.


For the rest of the day, my usual constant mood was gone and replaced with guilt and regret. So, to sum that up, I was depressed the entire day.

"Enough," Liz firmly told me, whilst laying on the locker beside mine. "What is the matter, Carolina?"

She used my full name. That meant she was serious.

I rolled my eyes, whilst trying to open up my locker. "It's nothing."


The lock clicked, allowing me to but my books away.

Liz scoffed. "Yeah, and my dog is dead."

I furrowed my eyes brows. "You don't have a dog."

"Exactly!" She exclaimed. "If I had a quarter for every time you told me 'nothing'," she used her fingers to emphasize 'nothing', "I'd be a millionaire."

"Yeah, yeah," I told her in a bored tone.

I was about to put my book away, when the locker was shut.

I turned to face Liz. "I'm fine. Nothing is bothering me."

"Stop lying! Is it about Andrew? I now know that anything dealing with him causes you to be depressed," she had guessed, narrowing her eyes.

I was silent, not daring to look at her or say a word.

She sighed. "What happened?"

"I tried to sway Coach Wilson's mind to let Hunter stay as QB. Parker was walking by and heard everything. He confronted me and made me feel like a..."

I couldn't find a word to describe how he made me feel like.

"Degrading person?"

I turned my head once again and gave Liz a look.

She raised her hands in mock surrender. "What? A person that is degrading means that they've lost their self respect."

I sighed, looking down in shame. "Yeah, you're right. He told me that he thought that I'd still be the honest and fair person I was. I guess I did lose my self respect."

Liz patted me shoulder. "You'll be fine. You no longer have to associate with him so therefore he won't make you feel bad."

I rolled my eyes. Grabbing my books, I opened my locker and shoved them inside.

I turned to look at her.

"I see someone's been reading their dictionary," I smirked, changing the topic. "Degrading? That's such a big word."

"Haha, very funny," Liz scoffed, whilst rolling her eyes. "I do not read the dictionary."

I put on a serious face and nodded. "You're right. You've been reading your thesaurus."

Liz gave me shove, making me burst out laughing.

Last Christmas, I had given her a mock present. Since she was a straight A student, like me, I wanted to joke around with her and see her reaction.

So, when it was her turn to open her gift from me, imagine her surprise when she saw a dictionary. Liz instantly threw the dictionary at me and demanded to give me her real gift.

Her face was priceless when I had given her another gift, but that contained a thesaurus.

Let's just say, that was the best Christmas with Liz.


As I walked to the football field, thoughts started popping up in my head about the quarterback position. I picked up my pace, not wanting to be the last one to hear the final decision. My nerves were out of control and I had gotten to the point where my worry was limitless.

I could see the football field getting closer and closer. But as I was moving closer, my eyes instantly see a mop of black hair. The person lifts their head up and I get a clear view of who it is.


I bumped into a trash can, causing some noise.

Unfortunately, he notices me, glares at me, then leaves toward the rest of the football players.

My mouth opens to call him, but no words come out. Guilt and shame wash over me. I continue to walk towards the huddled up athletes, not speeding up my pace.

A black truck catches my attention, the vehicle parking near the football field and me. I instantly recognize that it's Shane's car. Cara's conversation about the bonfire and him hosting it instantly cloud my thoughts.

Shane exits his car and takes out his phone. His phone entertains him and captures his attention as he walks towards where I'm standing.

"Shane," I shout, catching his attention.

Shane looks up at me and smiles. "What's up?"

Once he has gotten close to me, which only took about ten seconds, I answer him.

"What's this I hear about a bonfire party?" I tell him, whilst crossing my arms. "Where was my invitation, host."

Shane instantly freezes.

He takes a few seconds to recover and tries to defend himself.

"I'm sorry, Carolina. You would've been he first one I would've told."

"Then why didn't you?" I demanded, my anger slowly rising.

Shane sighed, then looked to the side.

I narrowed my eyes. "Shane..."

What is he trying to hide? He's my best friend and I thought friends told each other every-

No. I'm such a horrible friend.

He opened his mouth, then closed it, no words coming out.

"Well? Spit it out already."

"It was your brother, Carolina," he finally confessed, scratching the back of his head, a sign that represented nervousness.


What does he have to do with all of this?

Before he could respond, realization came. Of course it would be him. He always has to ruin everything for me.

I groaned, passing my hand through my hair.

"He didn't want you to go to the party because he knew there were going to people from other schools," Shane explained, a bit of sympathy flashed through his eyes.

Anger coursed through my veins at the thought of Hunter controlling my life again. For the billionth time, he needs to stop.

"Carolina-" He started.

I cut him off. "Just...stop. I don't want to talk to you right now."

I started to walk away from him towards the football field.

"Carolina-" he protested once again.

I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"No. You lied to me," I said, pointing my finger at him. "I thought you told me that you weren't going to help Hunter control my life."

"I did, but-"

I shook my head. "No, just...leave me alone."

How could he? Ever since junior year, he told Hunter to back off. That he wasn't going to help him anymore.

A hand stopped me before I could leave.

"Can you blame me?" He responds, his eyes narrowing. "You haven't talked to me in weeks since school started. Only in class."

I averted my eyes to look elsewhere but him.

"I've been busy," I told him through gritted teeth.

Shane chuckles, a look of disbelief takes over. "Sure. Like I'd believe that."

"You don't get to be angry with me, Shane," I snap. "You are my best friend. You're supposed to tell me everything."

"I agree," he nods. "So when are you going to be honest with me?"

"W-What?" I practically stutter, by his accusation. "What are you talking about?"

I'm such a liar. He probably knows about me and Parker. But, there isn't no me and Parker. At least, not anymore.

"Where have you been going these past few days?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"I've been at Liz's house. Studying and doing high school work," I lie.

"Best friends don't lie to each other," he responds uncrossing his arms, hurt flashes through his eyes.

"I bumped into Liz's mom at her house. She told me that Liz wasn't there. The thing is, I wasn't looking for Liz. So when I asked her if you were here, she replied asking me why would you be there. After that, I came to realize that you lied to me."

I looked at him in the eye and told him," You're just going to have to trust me."

"Why would I trust you if you have to lie to me?" He questions with a raised eyebrow. "When was the last time you lied to me? Never. So why do it now?"

I stay silent.

"Why?" He pressed further. "Tell me."

I don't answer him back.


I yell in frustration. "Ugh! Why? Because you'd probably run your stupid mouth and tell Hunter!"

My confession makes Shane look at me in disbelief. I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand.

Did I really just say that?

"Is that what you think of me? That I'm secretly with you to tell Hunter everything that happens in your life? Are you really that low and desperate?" He incredulously asks while I stand in silence.

I can't believe you'd stoop so low.

Parker's words instantly contaminate my thoughts.

Low and desperate.

That's two people that think that I'm low. That I'm a...degrading person.

Had I really lost my self respect?

I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever," he responds, leaving me to stand alone.

I just wanted to bawl my eyes out right now. Shane was right. His case was justified because although he kept something from me, I lied to him.

Lies are something that friendships shouldn't have. Honesty was needed. Me and Shane, we were lacking that since the beginning of senior year.

I have to make this right. Everything is slowly being teared apart because I involved myself with some guy and is keeping him from certain people.

"Hey, what's going on?" Someone asks.

I turn to find myself in front of Hunter.

"Nothing," I reply through gritted teeth, walking past him.

His arm stops me.

"Leave me alone, Hunter," I snap, taking his arm off of me.

Cant he just leave me alone? I absolutely hate it when he's hovering over me as if I'm fragile.

He frowns. "What's wrong?"

"I said, nothing."

"Obviously something is," he tells me, chuckling.

I glare at him. "Why do you care?"

"Cause you're me sister," he replies, looking at me as if I'd lost it.

To be honest, I am losing it. I've lost my "self respect" already. What's to stop me from going crazy?

"If you really care, then stop controlling my life," I demand, finally confessing to him.

Hunter lets out a sigh. "Is that really what's wrong?"

"Yes! The fact that you told Shane to not tell me about the bonfire, kind of brings the topic of you controlling my life up again."

"Who told you about the bonfire?" He asks, narrowing his eyes on me.

"Does it matter?" I tell him, my anger increasing.

"Of course it does."

I pass a hand through my hair, showing my frustration.

"You know what I did this morning?"  I ask, giving him a tight smile.

"What does this-"

"I went to talk to Coach Wilson about not kicking you off the team."

Hunter looks at me, surprise evident on his face.

"The thing is, I literally tried to sabotage someone else's chance of being quarterback just to have you stay on the team."

Hunter stays silent, hearing me out.

I let out a laugh. "And to think, me doing something nice to you, means nothing in return from you. You'd just stay as the overprotective, controlling brother."

"So, thank you for nothing. I hope you appreciate being my brother from afar."

I stomp away, this time, no one stopping me.



One word. Three letters.

I don't know why or how, but that's all it took for a door to be slammed in front of my face.

Parker's house door to be exact.

I bang on the door loudly. "Parker open up."

He doesn't respond. I'm only greeted by silence, once again.

I sigh. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. I was just trying to ensure my brothers place on the team."

I'm met by silence once again.

"It won't happen again. Trust me, it won't."

I mumble the last sentence.

The door opens.

"That was a crap apology," Parker says, leaning on the wooden door.

He's back.

I rolled my eyes. "Well that's all you'll get. Can I come on?"

"Why?" He answers, a smile threatening to come on his lips.

"Well," I straighten up my posture and respond with a British accent. "As your tutor, I highly request to be let in."

"That's a crap accent and humor." Is all he replies.

I release myself from the straightened posture and give him a look. "Thanks."

"Well, at least it'll be welcomed by your other crappy qualities," he comments, raising his eyebrows.

I sigh.

"Guess I deserved that," I reply, giving him a lopsided smile.

"And more," he whispers.

I roll my eyes once again. "You're hilarious. Now let me in."

Parker motions for me to come in. I walk in as he closes the door.

"Do you really have to continue to tutor me? I'm doing well in Mrs. Jane's class," he says as he walks in front of me, leading me to his room.

"I guess. She hasn't told me stop yet, unfortunately," I tell him, mumbling the last word.

It's no use because he hears me.

"Funny," he replies.

Once we reach the top of the stairs, he turns to look at me.

"I have to take a shower. Coach worked us hard today at practice. Can I trust you to stay in the guest room for a bit?"


He was at practice? If he was, that means...that means that he was on the team.

"What was Coach's decision?" I ask, scared as to what he'll say.

"I'll tell you after I take a shower," he tells me, keeping me in suspense.

"Really?!" I nearly shout.

"Yes. You owe me that much, and more," Parker reasons.

He goes into his room and closes the door.

I sigh. Guess he's not over what I did.

I walk into the guest room and wait for him. Parker takes about ten minutes in the shower before he finally finishes.

The sound of his bathroom door opening tells me that he's done.

I barged inside Parker's room, not bothering to knock on his door.

"Hey Park-" I started then stopped.

My cheeks instantly became red.

There, in front of me, was Parker in a white towel, water glistening on his chest from the drops that fell off his wet hair.

I stood in front of him, my mouth open with wide eyes.

"Like what you see?" Parker smirked.

I tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to drop my towel right in front of you if you don't let me change alone," he told me, grinning, trying to see what I would do.

Just as he opened his hand to release his towel, I squealed and quickly turned around.

"Parker!" I yell in embarrassment.

"Relax," he chuckles. "Guess we're even now."

I blush once again, remembering when he saw me in a towel the last time I was at his house.

The sound of shuffling tells me that he's gathering his clothes.

"I'm done," Parker says, the sound of his belt was the last thing I heard.

Hesitantly, I turn but gladly see Parker in clothes.

"So..." I start, feeling awkward. I look everywhere but him. "Are you on the team now?"

"You weren't there?" He questions, walking over towards his bed and sitting down.

I walk over and do the same.

"No," I honestly tell him. "I left before the meeting started."

Parker frowns. "Can I ask why?"

I fidget with my fingers. "Just some complications, that's all."

"Was I a part of it?"

"I'd say a small part," I respond, giving him a tight lipped smile.

Parker smiles back. It was actually more of a grimace than a smile.

"Coach decided that," Parker pauses for a bit, then continues, "we'd be half quarterbacks."


Parker notices my confusion and clarifies. "It means that I'll be quarterback for half of a game and Hunter will be the quarterback for the other half. That's how's it going to be for every game we play."

"So, you're going to be benched for half of the game till it's your turn and vice versa," I say, trying to comprehend.

He nods.

"Is that even possible?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.


I let out a relieved sigh. "Well, at least it'a better than you being rejected or Hunter kicked off."

"Yeah, cause God forbid Hunter gets kicked off the team," Parker remarks.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," I defend myself, feeling guilty. "I also didn't mean to try to not give you a chance on the team. It wasn't fair."

Parker scoffs.

"I'm not lying, Parker. I'm not going to do something like that ever again," I promise, giving him a lopsided smile. "Besides, I don't ever want to help Hunter out again."

"Let me guess, he was also part of the complication."

I scowl forms on my face.

"I think that's enough talk for today," I reply, getting up from the bed.

Parker did the same.

"Let's start tutoring."

"Can't wait to get that over with," Parker mumbles.


Thank you for commenting if you did! I really appreciate it. If you can, questions are allowed too and I will so gladly answer them.

Also, thank you for being patient. It's been so rough for me to update with school work and other personal things. I'm really trying to update for you and I will gladly do so if you be patient.

Thank you once again.

Please comment and vote!



Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter:

I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Walking over to my drawers, I pull out my undergarments and lay them on my bed. I then go to my closet to retrieve my shoes and dress.

I walk in my closet to get my dress and the first thing that I notice, is that the black bag I put the dress in was unzipped half way.


I walk over and unzip the rest. I then come to know that my dress, is gone.

Anger over takes me as I realize who took it. Grabbing my phone, I call Liz.


"Liz. That slut Alice took my dress. I need your help in finding something to wear," I sneer into the phone.

"Stay right where you are. I'm coming!"

I roll my eyes.

"Where else will I go?" I respond sarcastically.


Here is the Date of the Next Chapter:

September 14, 2016

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