In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈...

بواسطة MeiSanniang

345K 12.3K 9.4K

[Complete] Spurred by your philanthropic childhood dream, you joined Overwatch to put your medical knowledge... المزيد

Chapter One: The Help
Chapter Two: Diving In
Chapter Three: Attraction
Chapter Five: Healing Touch
Chapter Six: Breach
Chapter Seven: Confrontation
Chapter Eight: Try Me
Chapter Nine: Awkward Moments
Chapter Ten: Potent Touch
Chapter Eleven: Rivalry
Chapter Twelve: Promoted
Chapter Thirteen: Ulterior
Chapter Fourteen: Confession
Chapter Fifteen: Heartbreak
Chapter Sixteen: Chemistry
Chapter Seventeen: Ambiguity
Chapter Eighteen: Desire
Chapter Nineteen: Drawback
Chapter Twenty: Resentment
Chapter Twenty-One: Pivotal
Chapter Twenty-Two: Hanamura [Hanzo]
Chapter Twenty-Three: Nepal [Genji]
Finale: Of the South Wind [Hanzo]
Finale: Of the North Wind [Genji]

Chapter Four: Late Night

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بواسطة MeiSanniang

When you signed up for this job, you weren't expecting to become a disciple (of sorts) to multiple Overwatch agents. What you did expect was being trained enough to understand the basics of combat and self-defense. There had not been any discussion about taking on a primary healing role on missions. Despite the promise of being only assigned to easier missions, you still couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

Genji's presence hadn't eased the tension you were feeling when Mercy broke the news. Luckily, your mentor-to-be left earlier to assist Mercy and the others prepare for their scavenging mission.

The digital clock perched high on the wall read 1:30 AM. It was only day one and you were already covered in blood. This was, no doubt, going to be one of the busiest careers you'd ever build.

Mercy had tasked you with the responsibility of caring for Hanzo while he was recovering. When you'd asked her why her Valkyrie suit couldn't be used, she'd asserted that the suit's healing technology was too advanced to use on Hanzo's stable condition. "The suit's advanced biotic technology is for life-threatening emergencies only. We must manage our resources effectively!" To your disappointment, she was right. She assured you that Hanzo would heal quickly with the treatment he'd receive here.

The Overwatch Recall protocol was activated not too long ago. The rebuilding of the organization was still in its early stages. Overwatch as a whole was vulnerable to opposition from governments, terrorist organizations, including Talon, and your everyday bad guys.

This job had come with a big warning label. Still, it didn't deter you because expanding your knowledge and helping people in areas where evil wreaked havoc were part of your ultimate dream. Not only that, but Overwatch promised you many traveling opportunities to these remote areas of the world, and you were determined to take advantage. Even if you'd have to learn how to fight or wield weaponry while simultaneously tending to injuries.

Idly, you sat at your desk, watching a monotonous cardiac monitor while fighting to stay awake. Hanzo's heart rhythm was normal and steady. He was a healthy, thirty something year old male with a strong physique and lack of health problems; a non-fatal gunshot wound shouldn't deter his recovery or throw his heart into odd rhythms. But the heart monitor was a precaution, especially after his massive blood loss. Overwatch couldn't afford to lose any of its agents.

You pondered quietly to yourself, thinking about how amazing the biotic technology was. The lab courier who'd brought the units of blood earlier had told you about how all blood products, medications, et cetera were enhanced with the technology Mercy pioneered. This meant Hanzo would recover at a much faster rate than you originally anticipated. For you, it would be one of the most amazing things to ever behold.

You anticipated hearing a bothersome beeping to signal the blood transfusion's completion. Sure enough, as you rose from your chair and made your way to Hanzo's room, the IV pump began to alarm. Hastily you made your way to the machine and silenced it, glancing at Hanzo occasionally to see if his slumber was disturbed by the noise.

You breathed in relief when you saw he was still in repose, his face relaxed and body still. Slowly you reached to Hanzo's right arm where the IV was, intending to disconnect the tubing now that his treatment was finished.

Your composure flew out the window when your wrist was caught in a strong grip. A gasp of surprise escaped your lips and your eyes met Hanzo's fierce ones.

It took him a moment to release his tension before he recognized you. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you." Letting go of your wrist, he apologized and sat slowly up.

"Wait," Gathering your scattered wits, you placed a firm hand on his arm, willing him to remain in bed. "I can't let you leave until your final blood test comes back."

"I feel fine," He grunted, wincing a little when he tried to make more pronounced movements.

"Please, Hanzo," You urged him, giving him a light smile. "You know Mercy won't forgive me if I let you leave without enough hemoglobin."

He looked at you with an eyebrow raised, as if you'd just spoken in gibberish.

You pressed your lips firmly, just realizing that he probably didn't understand your medical jargon.

"You lost a lot of blood." You patiently explained. "We needed to replace what you've lost and check to make sure your blood levels are normal before I can discharge you."

He continued to stare at you, seeming like he has yet to change his mind.

"Do you remember blacking out earlier today?"

The hardened expression on his face slowly morphed. "Vaguely."

"You nearly crushed me when you lost consciousness." You continued to plead with him, hoping he would heed your advice to remain under observation. "All I'm asking is for you to stay until morning. Please."

After a few moments deep in thought, he sighed. "Very well." Defeated, Hanzo laid back, settling in his bed and grimacing with the movement. With hesitance, he touched his injured shoulder, measuring his discomfort silently.

"Can I get you some pain medicine?" Attentive to his need, you offered, observing his facial expression.

"No," He tersely replied. "I will endure this."

Somehow, you knew he wasn't going to budge on that either. "Just let me know if you change your mind. And if you need anything else, I'll be right outside." He acknowledged you with a small grunt.

While you were in the process of turning away to evacuate the room, Hanzo spoke up, "Thank you, [Y/N]."

The expression of gratitude was unexpected but pleasant. You couldn't help but flash a smile at him. "My pleasure." It was automatic, the gesture of kindness you gave away.

To your ignorance, Hanzo was arrested by it. Much to his surprise.

Each and every person in your care had always seen how patient and compassionate you were. It made you a desired nurse and an effective practitioner.

And it was certainly to Hanzo's liking. As you made your way out of the room, his calculating gaze never left your retreating figure, not missing the opportunity to appreciate your curves and lineaments until you disappeared from view. He may have lived a life of solitude, but that did not mean he couldn't enjoy beauty where he perceived it.

Left to himself, he sat up once again. The marksman pulled his legs inward, folding them to sit cross legged. With spine erect and palms grasping his knees, Hanzo began his quiet meditation.

In silence, he compelled his mind to clear, despite the day's less than fortunate events. The meditation's effect on his physique manifested swiftly, lowering his heart rate and lessening the number of breaths he took considerably.

Meanwhile, outside in your corner office space, Hanzo's cardiac monitor sounded its clamorous alarm.


The urgent robotic voice called you out of the makeshift bedroom with your own heart threatening to jump out of your ribcage.

"Shit!" You cursed under your breath upon hearing the blare.

Watching the monitor intently for several seconds, you studied the lines and squiggles on the screen. The normal rhythm you saw brought you some relief, but you still needed to check on Hanzo.

"Your heart rate shouldn't be in the thirty's!" You nearly skidded on the tiled surface and ran into the doorframe.

Hanzo's meditative state abruptly ended with your entrance. His dark eyes opened and fixated on your approaching figure. He looked perfectly healthy, save for the wound on his shoulder.

You stood at his bedside, donning your stethoscope and placing the diaphragm on his hard chest - neglecting to ask Hanzo for permission to touch him. As you listened intently to the slow beating of his heart, your eyes measured the depth of his breathing.

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

It certainly sounded normal. It was probably the most normal, the most beautiful sounding heart you'd ever heard.

You then examined Hanzo's face, noting each aesthetically-pleasing feature he possessed. His jawline was strong and defined, his nose with its prominent bridge was straight, and his lips were perfectly curved. His dark eyebrows drew low over his studious gaze.

In that moment, you noticed how rakish and dangerous he appeared.

As you examined him carefully, your hands traveled to his much larger ones, making sure his peripheries were still his normal coloring - bronzed. There was no pallor to his skin, no indication of inadequate perfusion.

Hanzo didn't look to be in distress whatsoever.

He did, however, look very amused.

"Shall I undress for you as well?" He had humored you, allowing you to touch him. And the tone of his voice reflected it.

His question flustered you, forcing the warmth of a blush on your cheeks. You let go of his strong hands, declining his offer, "No, you seem fine. Your very, very low heart rate worried me."

He said nothing, continuing to observe you and fighting the urge to smirk. As a huntsman, he was very good at concealing many things. His emotions and facial expressions were among them.

"What were you doing?" You asked softly, trying to get over yourself for being embarrassed over a question.

"Well, I was meditating." Hanzo replied, quite taken by how attentive you were.

"Okay," You paused briefly, "Does your heart rate usually go way down when you meditate?"

"I'm uncertain of that. I do not usually measure the beating of my own heart when I meditate."

Okay, now he was being smart with you.

You let out a small sigh and pouted at him, brows furrowing instantly. "Are you planning on meditating again?"

"Yes," He replied, this time, with a small smirk on his face.

"You can't." You deadpanned. "I'm advising against it."

"Oh?" He liked a challenge. "You'll stop me then?"

"Well, no... but you'll have to deal with me sitting in here and watching you." You asserted, hoping he'd change his mind.

"Be my guest, [Y/N]." He flashed a rare smile at you, displaying straight, pearly white teeth. And the effect was staggering. "You're welcome to sit in this bed with me if you like."

The blush on your cheeks became ten shades darker as you deemed Hanzo, officially, a 'difficult' patient.

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