Top Dawgs (Big Eight)

By MagicGoldenFlower

49.7K 1.7K 659

Jack, Kristoff, Eugene, and Rapunzel have always been the top dogs at their school. But when a new group arri... More

Characters (skip if you want)
I'm in your grade
You're terrible
That's cute
One crazy girl
I would take you in a heartbeat
Let's get started on this project
Don't brag
Honest answer or sweet lie
So you have a hand fetish
It's a surprise
Best! Dare! Ever!
You are expelled
Cobalt and carbon
You look afraid to me
I'm out of shape
I'm like the grinch
It's a blessing and a curse
You and the nicknames
Man, gossip spreads fast
Young love
Consider it my birthday present
Kiss the chef
I hate them both with a passion
Wee lamb
Tanner's a killjoy
Go! Fight! Win!
Okay Jelsa
I know you couldn't
What happened
How dare you
An inch shorter
You don't think
Break up
Shut up, Jack
5 years later

F for Fantastic

926 30 15
By MagicGoldenFlower

*Rapunzel's POV*
The weekend fun came to an end Sunday morning. Everyone went home, dreading to go to school the next day. Everyone except me. I was excited for Monday. It was the day I tried out for winter cheerleading. I slammed my locker shut and ran to Eugene's locker. Just as I arrived, he shut his locker. He turned and looked at me and smiled. "Hey Blondie!" Eugene grinned.

"Hey!" I cheered as I walked to his side.

"Ready to try out for cheerleading?" Eugene asked as we walked towards the gym.

"Sorta." I mumbled.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, you probably have the most spirit out of anyone in this school." Eugene replied.

"That's true. I always have a smile on my face." I giggled as I pulled my lips into a smile, making Eugene laugh. Suddenly, someone pushed right in between us.

"Come on, Marco! We don't want to be late!" A blonde yelled as she pulled a boy by the arm.

"Star! You can't just run through people! Especially when they're juniors." He protested. He pulled her back, making them stop in front of us. When they turned to look at us, their faces went pale white.

"Ooooo my gosh! I'm so sorry, Rapunzel and Eugene. I didn't know it was you guys!" The girl cried.

"It's fine." Eugene chuckled.

"Yeah. What are your names?" I asked. They reminded me of younger version of Eugene and me.

"I'm Star Butterfly! And this is my best friend, Marco Díaz!" The girl cheered as she hugged onto the boy's arm.

"What grade are you in?" Eugene asked.

"We are freshmen. And guess what? I got an F for Fantastic on my last math test!" Star cheered. Eugene and I tried to keep from laughing.

"Star! For the last time, F doesn't stand for Fantastic. It stands for Fail. A is the best grade you can get." Marco groaned.

"Oooo. I guess I need to work on my grades then." Star giggled.

"Did you really think that F stood for Fantastic?" I giggled.

"She's a foreign exchange student from Sweden." Marco explained.

"Yup! And I'm living in Marco's house." Star smiled.

"Well, it been great seeing you guys, but Eugene and I need to get to practice." I smiled.

"Okay! See you later!" Star grinned as she pulled Marco down some more halls.

"They were cool kids." I said.

"Yeah, the blonde is a little too bubbly for me." Eugene replied.

"Bubbly? Never thought you would ever say that word." I chuckled, receiving a glare from Eugene.

"Well, see you after practice." Eugene said.

"Goodbye!" I replied as I kissed his cheek. I finished my journey by walking into the locker room. I changed into my practice uniform while all around me, everyone else changed into theirs. Some into basketball clothes and others into gymnastic leotards.

"Ready to go?" Anna asked as she finished braiding Elsa's hair.

"Definitely." I smiled. We walked in it the lobby, ready for our coach to arrive. "Soo, how are you and Hans getting along?" I asked.

"Really good. I just feel so happy. I mean, he's so cute and funny. And guess what? He loves sandwiches just like me!" Anna squealed. I felt a pang of hurt in my heart. I knew that Kristoff liked Anna and this had to be killing him.

"What does Kristoff think about this?" I asked.

"He seems.....understanding. I know he hates Hans but it's my decision." Anna replied.

"What does Elsa think?" I continued. Everyone in the whole school knows that Elsa doesn't approve of this relationship.

"She chooses not to talk about the subject." Anna awkwardly giggled as she rubbed her arm. Suddenly, the coach walked though the doors.

"Hello girls. I'm your coach, Abigail Nelson. But you will call me Mrs. Nelson. Now, I want each of you to check mark three sports you want to cheer for. When you are done, put them in this basket." She instructed. Cindy and Aurora passed out pencils and the little pieces of paper. I looked down at my sheet and check marked wrestling, basketball, and weight lifting.

"Oooo, it would be pretty cool to cheer on the swim team!" Anna laughed. I watched her check mark weight lifting, gymnastics, and swim team.

"What sport does Hans play?" I asked.

"He's in weight lifting." Anna smiled. Soon, everyone handed in their papers and Mrs. Nelson explained what our season would be like. Then she explained what we needed to prove to meet the standards for each sport. Then, she assigned us into groups. Anna, Cindy, and I were in a group. We worked on a couple cheers before we had to try out.

"Rapunzel!" Mrs. Nelson yelled. I ran into the gym and placed myself in front of Mrs. Nelson and two unfamiliar faces. "Whenever you're ready." Mrs. Nelson replied. I took a deep breath and started my cheer.

"Bulldogs! You can do it! And you got to do is move it! Move it! Move it!" I cheered with my happiest smile. Soon, I completed all the cheers and waited for her response.

"What sports do you want to cheer for?" She asked.

"I really want wrestling, then I'll take basketball or weight lifting." I smiled. She seemed to think something over then smiled.

"Well, you'll find out your answer tomorrow. Thanks for trying out." She smiled. I thanked her and walked back out into the lobby. I found Anna and told her how I did. Anna said that I definitely made it into wrestling, but she wasn't sure about the others. Hopefully, I make all the sports I want.

*Elsa's POV*
Merida and I sat on the gymnastics floor talking about school. There are no cuts for gymnastics since almost no one participates in it. I was sitting in my light blue leotard complete with snowflakes. Anna braided my hair so it wouldn't get in my face. "Merida, do you think we'll be on varsity again?" I asked.

"Totally. You know I have the best vaults while no one could ever bet your beam routine." Merida grinned. Merida had a lot of body strength, especially in her arms. There's two types of gymnasts. The ones who always point their toes and make sure everything is perfect, while others chose not to look pretty. That was the difference between Merida and me.

"Yeah, I love beam." I smiled. I always make sure to point my toes and watch the end of the beam. My only down fall is that I don't believe in myself. I have the worst mental game ever. If I even doubt myself for one minute, there's now way I'll make the landing.

"Hello girls and welcome to this year's gymnastics season! We're going to work extra hard this year. We have the strength and determination to get us that state title. So let's get started!" Mrs. Trevetts cheered. Merida quickly ran over to the stereo and turned on the music. We started by warming up. We jogged around the floor then did our stretches. Soon, we warmed up our skills. We did handstand forward rolls, cartwheels, front walk overs, back walk overs, round offs, front tucks, front handsprings, round off back handsprings, round off back tucks, and back extensions. Soon, we were warmed up and ready to practice. First, we split up by upper class and lower class. Upper class went to bars while lower class went to floor. "Alright, you girls are a huge influence on the freshmen and sophomores. The way you act in practice is how they'll act in practice." Mrs. Trevetts explained.

"So if I don't point my toes, they won't point their toes?" Merida asked.

"That's correct."

"Dang it." Merida mumbled. She hated pointing her toes.

"Anyways, if you want to make varsity for bars, you'll have to be able to preform a high bar or low bar kip." Mrs. Trevetts informed. Most of us looked around shocked. There was only a few of us who could preform a kip. "Not today, but eventually. I know most of you aren't in any shape to do it today."

"Can I do mine right now?" Merida asked.

"Go for it!" Mrs. Trevetts smiled. Merida gripped up and walked to the good set of bars. She took a deep breath and completes her low bar kip. "Very good!"

"Do ya want ta see my routine?" Merida asked. Merida has been training all year round. It was something to keep her busy. Mrs. Trevetts quickly shook her head yes. Merida smiled and started her routine. She did a low bar kip into a back hip circle. From there, she did a cast a squat. She jumped to the high bar and did two kips. Then she did a fly away for a dismount and stuck the landing. Everyone clapped, surprised that she could do everything on the first day. Eventually, we moved onto the other events and soon we did conditioning and went home.

*Jack's POV*
"Come on boys! I don't want to see you miss your shots! Those free throws mean everything!" Mr. Peck yelled at us. I am on the varsity basketball team. We spent the first five minutes dribbling the ball up and down the court. Now we're practicing our shots and he isn't very impressed. It's like he thought we would be perfect at this on the first day. "Okay, you can take a water break. You have two minutes." Mr. Peck shouted. He didn't like using his inside voice. I quickly ran to Charming and Naveen.

"Okay, is it just me or did Mr. Peck set too high of a standard for the first day?" I asked.

"Dude, I think I might die!" Naveen panted.

"I think he wants us to win state and everyone knows our basketball team sucks." Charming said as rolled his eyes.

"I guess, but just because we won football doesn't mean we'll win basketball. I think he's insane." I chuckled. Soon, we all ran back to the court and practiced more shooting and defense. Apparently, that's where we're weak.

"Find a partner! You're going to practice this defensive skill." Mr. Peck explained. I quickly picked Naveen and we went through the skill. It was pretty simple for the both of us. Eventually, practice ended and we were sweating. We went to the locker room to grab our stuff and we met the wrestling kids. They were soaking wet.

"Did you guys take a shower?" Charming teased.

"I wish. We still have to condition but Mr. Desmond wants us to wipe up most of our sweat first." Philip chuckled.

"Dude, that's disgusting!" I laughed.

"And it sucks that he turned the heat up to seventy five!" Eugene complained.

"I think he's trying to make us lose weight by sweating it off." Philip replied.

"Yeah, Eugene needs to lose some weight." Charming teased.

"Har har, you guys are hilarious." Eugene replied as he rolled his eyes.

"It's not your fault that you two pounds over 145." Philip laughed.

"Boys! If you don't get out here in ten seconds, we'll do core twice as long!" Mr. Desmond shouted in it the locker room.

"Got to go!" Eugene and Philip yelled as they ran out of the room. I chuckled at how much more work they had to put into wrestling.

*Eugene's POV*
"Come on boys! You need to stay in shape! How do you think we'll bet the other teams? Definitely not by sitting on our butts. No, we're going to work you everyday! We're going to make sure you have the strength you need to defeat the other teams and win a state title. Do you understand?" Mr. Desmond shouted as did our conditioning. There wasn't very many boys on the wrestling teams for a reason. Most couldn't take the wrath of Mr. Desmond and his obsession of winning.

"Roll over for planks!" The assistant coach yelled. Everyone followed suit, rolling onto their stomach and getting into plank position. After a minute, it was time for us to go home. I quickly grabbed my things and walked out the door.

"Eugene! Hold up!" Philip called from behind me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Do you think we'll make varsity this year?" Philip asked.

"Yeah, I mean, there isn't a lot of us. We should be fine." I answered.

"But, there's a lot of good freshmen. They been training since they were three. Three!" Philip reasoned.

"I doubt they'll take their only senior off the varsity team." I chuckled.

"Okay, makes sense. Well, catch ya later." Philip smiled as he walked away. I quickly hopped in my truck and drove to Rapunzel's house. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Oh hey Eugene! I see you had wrestling practice today." Regina greeted.

"Yeah, they're going harder on us this year." I chuckled.

"Well, you can go take a shower upstairs if you like. Rapunzel's in her room doing homework." Regina replied.

"Okay, thanks." I smiled as I skipped up the stairs. I took a nice, hot shower and then got dressed. I combed my hair and got out of the bathroom.

"Mmmmh you smell nice. Did you happen to use my flower shampoo again?" Rapunzel teased.

"Har, har." I replied.

"Well, ready to go?" Rapunzel asked.

"Yeah. If we don't leave soon I think Maddy will have a heart attack." I chuckled. We drove to the orphanage and when we walked in through the door, all the kids piled onto us.

"Hi Susie! Did Kimberly braid your hair?" Rapunzel asked.

"Awesome! That sounds like a lot of fun." I smiled at John who was telling me about his field trip.

*Kristoff's POV*
We were warming up our muscles when I saw him. Hans. I've always found that guy a creep and a jerk, but now he's dating Anna. Great. For Anna's sake, I have to be nice to him. I know I can do it, but I think I might pull out all my hair in the process. "Hello Kristoff." Hans greeted.

"Hans." I replied.

"You're friends with Anna, right?" Hans asked.

"Yeah. She's a friend of Rapunzel and I'm a friend of Rapunzel so I guess we're friends." I replied. Way to go into detail.

"Makes sense. Hey, do you happen to know her favorite food?" Hans asked. Seriously?! Does this guy know absolutely nothing about Anna.

"Sandwiches. Oh and chocolate." I answered.

"Thanks. I'll remember that for our date tomorrow." Hans smirked as he walked away. Someday, they guy is going to get what's coming for him.

Hello everybody! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been trying to finish this chapter for the past week. Thanks for reading!

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