Teddy Bears And Owls : An H2O...

By KatyCreations

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Did things really end when Delirious "passed away?" Is reality even real? What if Marilyn struck again? Wh... More

Chapter One ~ Recovery
Chapter Two ~ Welcome Home Del
Chapter Four ~ Kitty.
Chapter Five ~ New Family Member
Chapter Six ~ Why Should We Listen To You
Chapter Seven ~ Hannah And Delilah
Chapter Nine ~ The Accident
Chapter Ten ~ Goodbye
Chapter Eleven ~ Nicole's Wrath
Chapter Twelve ~ Someone New
Chapter Thirteen ~ The Newcomer
Chapter Fourteen ~ We All Will
Everyone please read!
Chapter Fifteen ~ A Horrible Night
Chapter Sixteen ~ Payback Is A Bitch
Chapter Seventeen~ I'm Just A Sucker For Pain
Chapter Eighteen ~ The Hanging Tree
Chapter Nineteen ~ Nathan's Here?
Chapter Twenty ~ Everyone Has A Story
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Macie And Neko
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Glad I Did
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Preparations
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Traitor
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Exactly Who Are You
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ That Smile
well fuck
Chapter Twenty-seven ~ Hey There Delilah
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ He's Here
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Keegan Is Here
Chapter Thirty ~ Legacy
Chapter Thirty-One ~ Eve
New H2OVanoss book release!

Chapter Eight ~ Marilyn, You Uncultured Swine

68 3 4
By KatyCreations

Terroriser POV:

It was dark and chilly outside. It was getting closer and closer to the winter time.
The little bit of light silently ghosted over Marilyn's face, seeming to make her porcelain features more prominent.
She blinked and looked at the house we had now stood in front of.
The house that no longer contained Keegan.
She sighed and her hands ran to her pockets, touching something, but I didn't quite know what it was in there.
"Why are you staring at me?" she whispered.
I blinked and quickly looked away.
"I'm apologize, Marilyn." I told her.
She grinned and her eyes looked into mine, making me melt.
"It's okay."
It was only for a moment but it seemed an eternity until we finally walked through the door.
She observed the house.
"Nothing's changed."
I nodded.
We all smiled.
"Except the fact that Keegan is here, of course..." she whispered.
I walked over to the table.
"Hey, Marilyn." I said.
There was a vase on a table.
In it contained a single rose, starting to wilt.
She ran over.
"It's dying." she said, touching the petals.
"Here." I said, touching the soil and then her hand, making her feel the texture.
"Feel that?" I asked.
She was surprised that I'd touched her.
"Yeah, I do." she didn't move from my eyes.
"It's dry, right? You have to keep the soil pretty moist, but not too moist, and that's why you check for brown spots. They're really weak when it comes to fungus." I told her, looking at the dying rose.
She blinked and finally breathed again.
"Oh. Yeah. Hah. Let me get some water."

Marilyn POV:

Snap out of it!
What's wrong with you??
There's just something... Different.
Why didn't I hit him when he grabbed my hand.
Why didn't I even cringe or jump back or yell at him?!
Why did I feel...?
Am I sick?
That's it. I'm just emotional.
After Keegan left, I just feel lonely.
Yeah, that's it.
I knew this man had feelings for me.
I was just gonna play it off and in the end, if we got caught, say he kidnapped us!
But now... Now I feel so...
Stop, Marilyn. Stop.
Not again.
This isn't happening a second time.

"What's this?" he asked, pointing at a phone laying on the counter.
"That's... That's..." I was almost speechless as I grabbed it from him.
"That's Marzia's phone." I told him.
He looked at me, surprised.
"You took her phone?"
"No, I didn't do it. My brother and some other hitman, they did this. My orders. Just to scare them. I didn't know they'd have to come to killing her... She must've seen too much." I sighed.
"And Felix?" he asked.
My heart grew heavy.
"I was the one who threatened him."
He gasped.
"Marilyn! He's dead!"
"You don't think I know that?!" I asked.
"But you did this all on purpose. You knew this would happen!" he said.
I shook my head.
"I just wanted to scare you guys. I wouldn't kill you. Maybe them, but not me." I said.
"You're such a liar." he told me.
"Go ahead and say that! That's what everyone says!!" I yelled.
"BECAUSE IT'S TRUE." He yelled back.
They ran forward, tackling Terroriser, knife inches from his neck.
"No! Stop! DON'T HURT HIM!" I yelled
They all looked at me, confused.
I blinked.
"I mean, we could use him." I tried to cover.
They threw him down, leaving his breathless and astonished, overwhelmed that he was alive.
I sighed and walked outside, sitting on the porch, hands in my pockets because it was chilly.
I felt the doll Hannah had given me long ago, I've always carried it wherever I go, all these years.
Why did I miss the little girl when I hated her so much?!
I wanted to kill her but I missed her.
What the hell, Marilyn.
My name was in the newspaper, she'd know that it was.
I'd achieved my goal.
Too bad it was Delilah instead of Marilyn.
I should've legally changed it.
Too late now.
The door had opened and Brian had sat beside me.
I jumped up.
"Marilyn?" he said, confused.
"Brian." I said.
"What's your problem? What was that in there?" he asked.
"I'm not falling for you, Terroriser. Do you hear me? Stay away. I'm not doing this again. We're killing people soon." I told him.
He nodded.
"I know."
"Then what is what?" I asked.
"Marilyn, I know you're not crazy." he told me.
I blinked and opened my mouth.
I didn't say anything.
Marilyn, speak up!
"That statement... Is... False." I managed out.
Goddammit Marilyn, you uncultured swine.
What the hell.
"Marilyn, sit down." he told me.
I usually would've walked away.
He smiled nicely.
But for some dumbass reason, I obeyed him.
What am I thinking?
"Listen, you're not crazy. I did some research about you." he told me.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Why would you do research on me?"
"Marilyn, I'm done sugarcoating it.
Do you see the way you act around me? You're nervous. You're blushing."
He smirked.
I am?
I blinked and touched my cheeks.
"A crazy person has no sense of reality, but you clearly see your surroundings and you act abnormal, but you're actually just hurt from what you did to your mother."
He told me.
I almost started crying.
No Marilyn. You don't cry.
Stop. You stopped crying.
It's weakness.
"I lied for him, you know. I didn't kill my mother. I didn't even harm her at all. He killed her. Right in front of my brother and I. And I let him."
I poured out all at once rambling.
"You let him?" he asked.
"She was a horrible woman. And he talked me into it. It was like mind-control." I said, through gritted teeth.
"Marilyn. You let him. He did this to her? And you let him." He told me.
I noticed he had grabbed my hand.
"Brian!" I stood up, yanking my hand away, almost falling backwards.
Since when am I clumsy?
"Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. I don't know what kind of mind-controlling, stupid ass sorcery is in your brain, but it was in his, too, and I'm not falling for the same shit again!" I yelled, but still not loud enough for the group inside to hear me.
"Marilyn. We don't 'control your mind'. You do. You let us. You don't just let us brainwash you or whatever you think that we're doing." he stood up.
He became really close.
"You love us."
My blood was so warm.
"I-" I was speechless.
His warm breath was soon in my face as well, his arms wrapped around me, and I knew I should pull away.
But I brought us closer.
His lips were almost on mine at this point, and his hands ran up my shirt.
I then blinked and jumped, regaining my strength, again.
I pushed him away before our lips met.
He wasn't even mad.
That little fucker.
I should've shot him in the head.
I gritted my teeth and threw a look at him as he stepped back a small bit.

Terroriser POV:

Come on. Just a tad bit more.
Get under her skin.
That's what Nicole said she did.
That's what made that girl stop and think for a moment, it let her calm down; it made her hesitate.
That's the word.
She started at me now, still overwhelmed, confused, and angered.
Just a little more.
"I love you, Delilah," I said as she started to turn back to the door.
She froze.
You could hear a pin drop.
"And one day, you'll realize that you love me, too." I smiled.
"And I'll be waiting." I teased her.
She blinked and walked back through the door.

Marilyn POV:

No, no, no, no, no.
A psychotic criminal doesn't 'love' anyone.
Especially someone so innocent.
A psychotic criminal kills people.
But I failed at that, too.
I walked through the house now, almost stomping, and opened the door to my room.
I silently closed it behind me.
The group would sleep in the living room and some in the guest rooms, Brian in Keegan's room, and me in mine.
Come on.
He was a wall away.
Plenty of space.
But my heart still pounded in my ears, my blood stinging my cheeks, my lungs racing, trying to breathe.
It was like that day that I'd almost killed myself.
My heart now sunk, remembering Keegan and his betrayal.
And how I planned to kill him, but I missed him so much.
And Skylar, too.
And Hannah...
And everyone else.
It was as if I were suddenly regaining my feelings after losing them for the last years.
Maybe I was just sick.
I turned my light off and looked at the time.
Around 11:30 PM.
I took off my clothes and put on a nightgown.
It's been a while since I've been home.
I curled up in my blankets.
And like always, I couldn't sleep.
I was too busy thinking.
Thinking about many, many people.
But, there were two unusual people in my thoughts.
The first was Brian.
He didn't worry me so much.
But the second was...
Why Nicole...?
Why am I worried about her when I planned on killing her child?
The child... That's what made me even angrier.
How come Nicole could have a child?
But I can't?
I wanted one.
When I was younger, I did.
But then my thoughts refocused on Brian once more and I sighed, angry and disgusted with myself.
The way his warm breath made my heart beat, how his lip almost touching mine made me shiver, the way his fingertips were under my shirt, touching my skin...
My heart started racing again.
I've never had thoughts like these.

Terroriser POV:

She hesitated.
She's thinking.
She knows.
She has to.
I'll make sure of it.
This girl is going to be mine.
Why am I so attracted to her?!
She just reels me in.
I knew what she meant by "mind-control", only because I felt the same.
Everyone else was asleep as I looked at the time:
I couldn't sleep at all, I just kept thinking of her.
I stood up and opened my door, silently.
I walked down the hall.
Here it goes.

Marilyn POV:

"What are you thinking, Marilyn?" I silently whispered to myself.
He called me Delilah.
That name usually pisses me off the most, nevertheless, this time, it made me hesitate long enough for me to hear his voice say that he loved me.
Why am I so drawn in?
My door creaked open quietly.
I jumped up.
"Brian. I'm wearing pajamas. Don't look. Why are you in here?" I asked.
I was panicking.
He closed the door.
Triple damn, fuck, shit.
Here we were.
I was trapped in a room, wearing a tight, short ass night dress, under blankets, IN A BED, with a male that almost kissed me like a DAMN HOUR AGO.
My blood cold again.
"Why are you calling me Delilah?" I said, hopefully not stuttering.
"Because it makes you stop and think. Something you need to do." he told me.
I didn't say anything.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked me.
"Why??!?" I started sweating.
"Because. I had a nightmare." he said.
"Liar." I accused him.
"Yeah, you're right. I couldn't even sleep, too busy thinking about you." he said.
I sighed.
"Turn the lights on, damn. I can barely see you." I told him.
He flicked them on.
"I'm getting some pants on." I told him.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because. This dress is short. I don't want you to see me in it." I said.
"Well, want me to help you get dressed?" he smirked.
I felt my heart start pounding and I knew my cheeks were red at this point.
I tried to breathe, tried to say something, but I couldn't.
I just stood there.
"So is that a yes or no?" he chuckled.
"I hate you." I managed out.
"I doubt it." he said.
"Turn around." I told him.
"Why?" he asked.
Ugh. Dumbass.
"I'm getting dressed!" I said.
"I'm not turning around." he grinned.
"...Fine." I said.
But before I could get up, he turned the lights back out.
"Brian?" I asked.
He was quiet.
Suddenly, I was in his arms, and he was on top of me, pinning me to the bed, his lips on my neck.
My breath had whooshed out of me in surprise.
"Shh." he shushed me.
"Brian. Call me Delilah again." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because this is the kind of time that I need to stop and think." I said.
He chuckled and I felt the vibration on my own chest.
"That's funny."
He kissed my jaw.
"Brian. This isn't right." I said.
"Why not?" he whispered to me, sending a shiver up my spine.
"Are you happy?" he asked.
I was going to lie, but something about him made me truthful.
"Yes." I said back.
"Then what's wrong with it?" he asked.
Nothing. I said to myself.
Nothing's wrong with it.
But why do I feel like there is?
I'm a virgin.
I obviously wouldn't have sex.
I don't even kiss people.
Or date.
Because of that one damn time.
But now, there was just something that told me everything would be okay.
He made his way down to my lips and licked my bottom lip.
I opened my mouth and in entered his tongue.
What the hell, Marilyn.
Stop, stop, stop.
But I couldn't stop.
His hands ran up my shirt and I shivered.
"I won't tell." he promised, and I nodded.
"I love you." he whispered and pulled off my clothing.
"I love you, too." I said back.


I fuckin ship it. >+>

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