Overprotective | Wattys2017

By leslymm

49.7K 1.2K 246

Carolina's life has taken a 360 degree turn when she makes one mistake that she regrets for the rest of her h... More

Chapter 1 | Brothers
Chapter 2 | Andrew Parker
Chapter 3 | A Day With Parker
Chapter 4 | Facing Parker
Chapter 5 | The Almost Kiss With Parker
Chapter 6 | Sneaking Out With Parker
Chapter 7 | Saving Parker
Chapter 8 | An Angry Parker
Chapter 9 | A Sorry Parker
Chapter 10 | Math Class With Parker
Chapter 11 | The Real Parker
Chapter 12 | Waking Up to Parker
Chapter 14 | Embarrassing Myself in Front of Parker
Chapter 15 | Problems with Alice Because of Parker
Chapter 16 | Bonfire with Parker
Chapter 17 | Football with Parker - Part 1

Chapter 13 | Oblivious Parker

1.7K 49 12
By leslymm

The one in the picture is Jake.


Please read my authors note at the end of the chapter. It holds important information I want my readers to hear.

Posted this chapter earlier than the set date. Hope you enjoy!


"I am very pleased by how Mr. Parker's grades improved because of you," Mrs. Jane complimented, looking at Parker's test scores and overall grade.

I rolled my eyes. "How much longer do I have to tutor him?"

She basically forced me to tutor him. I barely had a choice. The only thing I want is to be done with him.

Mrs. Jane put down her grade book and looked at me. "Tutoring Parker will really help you when colleges read your letter. They will see that you were involved in extra curricular activities."

"I persuaded the principal to reject Hunter's offer in allowing you to attend every class he had. It was a way for you to spread your wings without having Hunter cut them off for you because you were trying to flying towards a different direction."

"Thank you?" I told her, uncertain on if I should.

Mrs. Jane smiled. "You'll understand when the time is right."

"Sure," I replied, giving her a look that told her I doubted that. Tightening my hold on my backpack, I told her 'goodbye' before leaving the classroom.

It's not that I'm not grateful for what she's done, it's just...the fact that she paired me up with Parker after she saw us argue in class.

Anyways, I was given strict orders by Hunter to meet him after school because he wanted to directly take me to Liz's house after practice. Supposedly it was a mandatory practice for all the players on the team.

As I got near the football field, I noticed that the guys were huddled up together while the coach was talking to them. Hunter was in the middle as was Jake. They all listened to Coach Wilson with an understanding face. The only one that was uncomfortable or annoyed, was Hunter.

The guys dispersed once their coach had finished talking. They starting warming up, meaning they would start to throw the football around, run, do simple warm ups, and more. As I walked even closer to the bleachers, I kept watching them warm up.

Then I saw something familiar. Or should I say someone. The person was crouched down doing something.

As I got near the person I realized that it was Parker and that he was tying his shoe lace's.

"Parker, what are you doing here?" I asked, watching Parker tie his shoe on.

Parker stood up and looked at me. "Doesn't it seem obvious? I'm trying out for the football team."

"You can't do that," I told him, fearing that he'll finally get Hunter and Jake attention.

Parker has been trying to stay out of my brothers path. His status has been slowly rising because of the cheerleaders, his physique, his football skills, and his player ways.

But now, since he's trying out for the football team, his status will skyrocket and will become part of the popular crowd. I know he will become part of the team because he is a good quarterback, from what I've been told by Liz.

"And why not? School has been going for a few weeks and since I moved and got enrolled in this school, I have a chance to tryout," he smirked. "Nothing wrong with trying out for quarterback."

My eyes widened.

Quarterback! Hunter's the quarterback.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"You can't!" I finally blurt out. "Hunter is already the quarterback and a good one. The team is fine. They don't need a new quarterback."

Parker walks over to me with dark eyes.

"Is that the only thing you're worried about?" He told me, backing me up into the bleachers. "Cause honestly, I'm not convinced that's the only reason."

I was trapped, literally. My back was to the bleachers and both his hands were on the bleachers too, caging me.

"Um...y-yeah...it is," I stuttered, averting my eyes and looking elsewhere.

I couldn't tell him that if we did choose to be friends again, that maybe Hunter wouldn't know that much about him and prohibit me from leaving the house.

And plus, Hunter has been wanting a football scholarship since he started high school.
He's been working his butt off, trying to become better and better for the scouts. And now, Parker has become a threat to him and I don't think Hunter will like it one bit.

Parker takes a strand of my brown hair and tucks if behind my ear, looking at my face intensively. Parker leans forward, his breath fanning my ear.

"You're lying," he whispers.

"PARKER! STOP FLIRTING WITH THAT GIRL AND GET OVER HERE!" Coach Wilson yelled, once he realized that Parker had finally appeared on the field.

I let out a sigh of relief once Parker slowly started to back away.

Thank you Coach Wilson!

"Watch me dominate the field," he smirks. "You're going to be looking at the new quarterback, sweetheart."

"This can't be happening," I mumbled to myself, running a hand through my brown hair. "He's like...oblivious to what will come if he takes Hunter's spot."

It was weird to hear the teachers call Parker, Parker. I now know that that's his middle name, which is why I call him Parker, and that his actual last name is Hemingway.

Andrew is the name that everyone, meaning the sluts and whores and also the other students, call him. I wanted to call him something no one would, except the teachers. But I had to deal with that.

Anyways, Parker is sure to dominate the field, like he just stated, and there is no way to stop him. I know that Hunter is good, but actually haven't seen him play in a game before. So, I don't know how this will play out.

When I was little, the house had been turned into a place where football was life. Everyone loved football, played football, and watched football. Me and my mother, not really interested. But we did support the guys and watched a bit of football when it was aired on the TV.

We also did see them pass the ball, back and forth, in the back yard. So, pretty much, I've seen their skills and their performance. But never on the field.

I did go to one game with my mom. It was the start of football season freshmen year and we were going to their first game. I got really confused as to who was who and couldn't really tell where was Hunter, Jake, and Xavier, even with the numbers. So, after that, and after my moms death, I hadn't gone to another one of their football games.

"Carolina!" My name was called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I saw Hunter jogging towards me with a grim expression.

"Yes," I replied, wondering what he was going to tell me.

Wait. Did he see Parker and me together? Is that what he's going to tell me?

I got really nervous once he got here.

"Coach doesn't want anyone to see that Andrew guys try-out. He wants everyone that isn't a football player to leave. The piece of paper determining whether he takes my spot or not will be posted tomorrow on the cafeteria doors."

Hunger talked to me with seriousness and with a stoic face. I could tell from that facade that he was worried about his spot on the team and nervous.

"So you just want me to leave?" I asked him, frowning since he was my ride and sighing in relief since he didn't see me and Parker together.

"I called Cara to come pick you up. She says she wants to spend some time with you at the mall and do other girl stuff," he tells me, a smile on his face once he mentions Cara.


Hunter scowled and his grim expression returned.

"Hey," I told Hunter, putting my hand on his shoulder for comfort. "You're going to do great. Don't feel nervous or worried about anything. You've worked so hard to be the quarterback, Hunter. You deserve it. Play as if it's a real game and not just a tryout out for the new guy."

Hunter sighed.

I pulled him into a hug. "You'll be fine Hunter. Coach adores you. So whatever his decision will be, it will be fair and wise."

Pulling back from the hug, I gave him a comforting smile.

"I know. I'm just worried that I won't do as good or I will mess up with the ball as I play. I've heard of Andrew Parker," Hunter stopped to make a face at Parker's name, "He's the star quarterback to every school he's been to. It's just so overwhelming to be competing against that."

"You'll be fine. I assure you," I told him once again.

The sound of a car horn caught our attention. I turned to look at Cara in her red car.

"Well, that's my cue," I pointed out. "You'll do fine Hunter, I believe you will."

Hunter gave me one last hug before letting me go to Cara's car.

Cara quickly got out of her car and ran passed me to Hunter, her brown locks swinging from side to side.

"What are you-" I started, surprised at why she was getting out of her car.

Facing them, I saw Cara kissing Hunter, her arms around him and vice versa. Probably a way of her reassuring that he'll be fine. They stopped and laid their forehead's on each other's, panting and collecting air.

They spoke to one another and once they were finished, she hugged him and gave him one last kiss. She ran back and stopped to where I was.

"What?" She asked me, her cheeks flushed from their mini make-out session. "I was just encouraging him and assuring him that he'll be fine."

Walking with her towards her car, I smiled at her before letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, I did the same."

She looked at me with wide eyes.

My eyes widened too, in realization of what I had said.

"Minus the kissing," I quickly told her.

She let out a laugh. "I'm just messing with you."


"I'm scared for Hunter," Cara told me, sipping on her iced tea while walking into the fifth store of the day.

People sometimes think that since I live in a house where the guys adore football, that I would turn out like a tomboy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not as girly as Alice and her cheerleaders. I don't cake my face with make-up and talk about shopping, nails, make-up, etc.

It's just that some people forget that I am a girl and girls are girls. They talk about boys, shop, and worry about their looks. But just if you're wondering, that's not me twenty-four seven. I have my hobbies such as swimming, reading, and listening too music.

Just wait for swimming season. I'll be sure to know your socks off. Nobody in my house really talks about swimming because I know that when its football season, the main language that is spoken is football.

I snapped out of my thoughts once Cara spoke.

"That Andrew guy is surely going to make him nervous during the entire try-out."

"I agree," I say with a nervous smile. "With his reputation and all, the new guy will rattle his cage."

Cara gave me a knowing look. "You don't have to talk about him as if you don't know him."

"What are you talking about?" I tell her, averting my eyes and taking a nice blouse from the rack.

Cara took the hanger out of my hands and made me looked at her in the eyes.

"Why are you trying to hide him from me? I know all about you two. Liz isn't good a keeping secrets from me."

My eyes widened.

"I've been helping you since Junior year Carolina. Hunter has been a pain in the neck for you and I decided to help a friend out. Do you not trust me?" Cara asked me, hurt laced in her voice.

"It's just...we're not friends anymore...or not. I don't know. I don't even think we ever were," I told her, confusing myself a bit.

These first weeks of school have been stressful with dealing with Alice, Blake, Hunter, and Parker. I just couldn't handle all this.

"Then what made you interact with him in the first place?" Cara asked. "If I would've had this hot guy coming up to me and wanting to hang out with me, I would've said yes."

I smiled.

"I thought the same. I just can't believe that he was brave enough to even speak to me when he knew the threat that Hunter made to all the guys at school. But now, Mrs. Jane made me tutor him."

"Hence you telling Hunter that you were going to Liz's house every day to finish your homework and study," she pointed out, connecting the dots. "Then what changed your opinion about him? What made you stop hanging out with him?"

"He's not what he seemed, Cara. He's got a lot of baggage, he gets mad at petty things that I'm sure mean a lot for him in a way, and he just proved himself a couple of weeks ago that he's a major player," I explained to her, sighing.

I told her about how we first met and about the day we spent together during the day and night. I also told her about those bad guys and me rescuing Parker. About the party and how he hit me. The first tutoring session and me spending the night.

"Wow, you're life is really interesting," Cara told me with raised eyebrows.

"Liz said the same thing," I replied, holding up a different blouse that was yellow. "Does this look nice?"

"You'll look like a lemon. Try the blue one," she commented. "I can't believe he accidentally hit you though. And how did I not notice?"

"I used a lot of foundation. And after that I had to use many make-up wipes to clean it off," I informed her, taking the blue blouse off the rack.

"Such a waste of beauty products," Cara chastised, wagging her finger at me.

I shrugged. "A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do."

"Change of topic. You going to the bonfire this Saturday? They say it's going to be lit," she squealed.

I frowned. "There's a bonfire?"

"Of course there is. That's why I brought you shopping," she told me, looking at me as if I've grown two heads. "I know Liz already has her outfit ready."

"What are we even celebrating?"

"We're finally seniors, Carolina. Shouldn't we celebrate that?" Cara pointed out, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the dress section. "Shane's throwing the party and everyone is invited."

Shane's throwing the party? He's my best friend. Why didn't he tell me? I couldn't feel any other emotion except for hurt.

"And we have to try out all these dresses?" I asked, eyeing the pile of clothes the store guy was holding.

The poor guy was struggling, trying to carry the amount of clothes Cara gave him.

"Of course. We must look hot for the party," Cara smiled. "We are trying to hook you up with some sexy guys from the other schools."

"Other schools?"

"Word travels fast in high school and this town. You just got to keep up," she grinned, grabbing my arm once again and shoving me into the dressing room with a pile of dresses.

"Don't disappoint me Carolina!"




"Are you joking?"

"Most defiantly not."

"My eyes!"

"Someone bring me a shredder."

Yeah. That's been going on for the past hour.

"Why am I even in this store," Cara sighed, running a hand through her brown locks.

I rolled my eyes. Looking at the strapless, purple dress that reached mid thigh, I didn't understand what was wrong.

I frowned and looked down at the dress. "It looks fine to me."

"I'm not looking for fine, Carolina. I'm looking for a dress that says 'take me to bed with this dress'," she argued.

My cheeks turned red.

"This is hopeless," she mumbled under her breath. She put her hands on her face and sighed.

I went back inside the dressing room and started putting the purple dress on its hanger. Once I did, I noticed one dress that was still hanging on the door.

It was a black dress that reached mid thigh. At the top of the dress, there was a black floral design. There was also a thick, black belt that surrounded the part where my waist would be.

Taking the dress off the hanger, I put on the dress. Once I did, I looked at the mirror.

The dress outlined all of my curves. The thick, black belt showed off my thin waist. At the top, you could see some of my boobs from the black floral design. Since I was wearing a strapless bra, I didn't have to worry about the straps of my bra showing.

By looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that this dress was the one. I stepped out of the dressing room to see Cara looking through her phone, trying to find a dress.

"Does this look good?" I ask her, already knowing the answer.

"No, Carolina. All those dresses are-" she began telling me, not even looking up. But when she did, she continued by saying,"-holy mother of cheese. It's perfect!"

"You think?" I ask her, feeling a bit nervous.

"Have you seen yourself?" She retorted, looking at me in disbelief.

I did. And I agree with her. This dress was perfect for the bonfire.

"We'll take it!" she told the store guy that had been holding her clothes, who was sleeping in the chair beside her but was now awake because of her sudden outburst.


"Guys! I'm home!" I shouted into the house once I had gotten in with the help of my keys.

I walked towards the living room to find out that no one was there. I continued to walk into the kitchen to find out that both Jake and Hunter were there discussing something.

"Hey. How did the try-out go?" I asked, grabbing an apple from the fruit filled basket near the refrigerator.

Hunter's jaw tightened and Jake sighed.

The next thing I know, Hunter storms out the kitchen.

I gave Jake my 'tell me' look. "What happened."

"The try-out for the new guy didn't go as we thought it would," Jake sullenly told me as I ate my apple. "He threw perfectly, caught perfectly, and told the plays perfectly so it was easy to understand him."

"How does Hunter feel?" I asked, worry laced in my voice.

I knew it. Parker was going to outshine Hunter.

"What do you think?" Jake snapped. Jake ran his hand over his face. A sign that showed that he was frustrated. "I'm sorry. Hunter feels like Coach is going to choose the new guy and kick him off the team."

I can't believe this. Parker shattered Hunter's confidence. Hunter isn't going to get a football scholarship from a scout if Parker is playing instead of him and if he is kicked off the team.

"Well, I'm going to bed," Jake told me. "See you in the morning."

Jake leaves the kitchen, leaving me alone and to ponder.

What will Coach choose? Will Parker be the new quarterback? Or will Hunter stay on the team?

I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated by the situation.

I care about Hunter. Even though he is an overprotective jerk, that doesn't mean I don't support him or hope for the best. I have to do something to help Hunter.

But...what should I do?


Hey guys! I wanted to say that I'm very sorry for taking a long time to update. I was busy with other things that took my time away from Wattpad.

I also wanted to say that I start school very early. Earlier than any other school. That means that it might take a long time for me to update like I did for this chapter.

I just wanted to tell you guys to please be patient with me. I already have the next chapter planned out, so the next chapter will be updated faster than the chapters after chapter fourteen.

Another thing, I am also having shout-outs every chapter for the first 3-5 people that comment about something in the chapters. Something about how you feel about a character, what you liked, or what you think will happen later. Something like that.

Please ask questions too!

I will happily answer them.

Anyways...please read, share, comment, and vote this chapter/book.

You guys are the best for reading and being patient with me. I appreciate it.



Read these books on Wattpad:

+Because I took too long to update, I decided to reference not just one book, but a series that contained three books that I think you guys will enjoy.

+The books are in order.

+The summary of each book was super long, that's why I didn't post it here. So if you're interested, you can search the book and read the summary.

+I loved each of them. Hope you do too!


Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter:

I barged inside Parker's room, not bothering to knock on his door.

"Hey Park-" I started then stopped.

My cheeks instantly became red.

There, in front of me, was Parker in a white towel, water glistening on his chest from the drops that fell off his wet hair.

I stood in front of him, my mouth open with wide eyes.

"Like what you see?" Parker smirked.

I tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to drop my towel right in front of you if you don't let me change alone," he told me, grinning, trying to see what I would do.

Just as he opened his hand to release his towel, I squealed and quickly turned around.

"Parker!" I yelled in embarrassment.


Here is the Date of the Next Chapter:

                      August 26, 2016

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