Overprotective | Wattys2017

De leslymm

49.7K 1.2K 246

Carolina's life has taken a 360 degree turn when she makes one mistake that she regrets for the rest of her h... Mais

Chapter 1 | Brothers
Chapter 2 | Andrew Parker
Chapter 3 | A Day With Parker
Chapter 4 | Facing Parker
Chapter 5 | The Almost Kiss With Parker
Chapter 6 | Sneaking Out With Parker
Chapter 7 | Saving Parker
Chapter 8 | An Angry Parker
Chapter 9 | A Sorry Parker
Chapter 10 | Math Class With Parker
Chapter 11 | The Real Parker
Chapter 13 | Oblivious Parker
Chapter 14 | Embarrassing Myself in Front of Parker
Chapter 15 | Problems with Alice Because of Parker
Chapter 16 | Bonfire with Parker
Chapter 17 | Football with Parker - Part 1

Chapter 12 | Waking Up to Parker

1.6K 53 15
De leslymm

Sorry if you tried to load this chapter and it didn't want to. I accidentally published and then unpublished it because I was still doing some finishing touches to it.

Anyways, just a heads up, if I upload a new chapter before the set date, I either did it because of a holiday or because I accidentally published it.

Other than that, enjoy!


"Twenty questions is over," Parker said with dark eyes.

I got angry really quickly. How dare he?

"Oh I get," I said, giving him a tight lipped smiled. "So you get to overrule the rules, right? If the question gets too personal for me, you just continue to pressure me into spilling. But when the questions gets too personal for you, you get to avoid it all costs and do whatever the hell you want. I get it."

"You should leave," he sneered at me, getting up and picking up my stuff. He then continued to shove it into my arms.

"Gladly," I retorted, grabbing my phone and keys.

Standing up, I then walked passed him and left his room. The rest of the house was dark, meaning Mrs. Hemingway was asleep.

I stopped at the top of the stairway and checked the time on my phone. But, instead of lighting up when you press the home button, the screen stayed black.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, frustrated. The battery must have died when I kept using my phone as a calculator.

My hand reached to feel the walls for a light switch, but I couldn't.

"Where is that stupid light switch," I muttered once again. The lights suddenly came on.

I turned to see Parker standing outside his door. He must've turned them on.

"Thank you," I mumbled, before going down the stairs as quickly and as quietly as I could.

As I got to the bottom, I looked for a clock. I luckily found one on the wall near the black sofas. How could I have not noticed that?

11:43 AM

My eyes widened. I've been here for like seven hours! It's Parker's fault since he was the one who spent like two hours taking Alice back to her house. Thunder snapped me out of my thoughts.

Just my luck.

I walked towards the front door and opened it. It was raining cats and dogs out there. And of course the thunder and lighting, wasn't helping.

"Watch out!" I screamed as glass flew everywhere.

The sound of lighting brought me out what seemed a very blurry memory.

I used the side of the door to hold me in place as I frowned at what just happened. I haven't received a memory like that since Ryder came into my life. I guess it was because I kind of used him as a distraction.

What I meant, was that I had received these type of memories after my mom had died. They were only a couple every other month when it thundered but that's all. But once Ryder came, all that disappeared and I felt as if I was normal again.

Maybe the anger and other swirl of emotions that passed within me whenever I hung out with Parker made me remember. All I needed was the thunder and rain to help boost my memories.

I have to get out of here, I thought.

Taking out my keys, I opened my car. I hugged my stuff and ran to it. Once I had made it inside, I inhaled a deep breath.

"No! Wake up! Wake up, wake up!" I screamed,  trying to wiggle myself out of-

I lay my head on the steering wheel. What do these memories mean? I had small blurry ones before that's why I couldn't recall what was happening. It was as if I forgotten a time in my life.

I wiggled myself out of this state of being. Then I took out my keys and put it in the ignition.

Have you ever heard that sound a car makes when it doesn't want to turn on? Well, that's exactly what happened.

"No! Turn on, turn on!"

What is happening? It worked fine when I had came to Parker's house. I tried to turn it on many times, but I failed. It just didn't want to come alive.

I hit the steering wheel, letting out my anger of what had happened today. I stopped, realizing that I had no choice but to go back inside.

Taking my keys out, I grabbed only my phone and left the car. I ran to the front door, my Pink top and shorts soaked, just like my hair. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door and waited.

The door opened and I came face to face with Parker once again.

"My...um...car doesn't...work," I told him, pointing at my car, shivering from the cold. Not once had I glanced at him as I spoke.

He sighed. "Come in. I'll bring you some clothes so you can change into."

"No, it's fine. I'll just-" I started, but was rudely interrupted by him.

"You are not going to sleep in wet clothes Carolina," he remarked. "Come on."

I walked passed him into the house and began shivering once again. I turned to see that Parker was already gone and the front door was closed. I kept shivering until I was hugged by a towel.

"Thanks," I whispered to Parker.

Parker handed me some clothes and said,"There's a guest room two doors to the right beside mine. You can find the bathroom easily since it is inside the room."

He muttered a quick 'goodnight' and left upstairs to his room.

I gave him a weak smile before he had left. I guess I couldn't say 'thank you' or 'goodnight'.

I clutched the clothes to my chest and walked upstairs quietly. Once I had gotten to the guest room, I directly went to the bathroom. I locked the door and instantly stripped myself of my clothes.

Parker had given me one of his t-shirts, a sports bra and panty that amazingly fit me, and one of his shorts. After, I pulled my wet hair into ponytail then continued to find a spare tooth brush and brush my teeth.

I used the bathroom before going to the bed and pulling the covers on top of me.

I began to think about what had happened to me and Parker today. I finally figured out how our relationship worked. We would somehow get into a fight, make it awkward between us, then make up.

I guess today proved it. Except, we haven't made up yet.

Lighting and thunder clashed together, making me jump. The rain pouring became louder than ever, making me uncomfortable. I closed my eyes, hoping to shut out the noise. But, instead, I revived a distant and blurry memory.

I screamed, watching blood pour out of my arms and legs from the shattered glass. I cried as I felt the shards of glass in my hair.

I instantly opened my eyes and sat up. My chest was rapidly rising up and down, my heart palpating at a very different speed. I quickly got out of the bed and walked towards Parker's room.

I softly knocked on the door, hoping for a response. Once I received none, I opened the door as quietly as I could. I found Parker resting in his bed, not making a sound.

"Can I sleep in here?" I whispered, hoping that Parker was awake. "The guest room is too dark for my liking. The thunder, lighting, and rain doesn't let me sleep either."

I withheld some personal information, but, he didn't have to know the actual reason.

Silence was all I heard after I had asked.

I sighed. "I'm sorry for prying Parker. I just was intrigued by who he was and it just came out after you were prying into a question I too did not want to answer."

"It's fine if you don't want me to sleep with you. I get it, I wouldn't want to either, but, I truly am sorry."

I finished talking and turned to walk out the door. But before I could, a faint voice stopped me. I almost didn't hear it, but with the silence, it wasn't that hard to hear.

"Sure, but just so you know, I sleep naked," he replied.

Me eyes widened. "I...um..I think...I'll just leave."

Parker chuckled, sitting up to let me look at him. "I'm kidding. Well, not really if you think that me only wearing boxers is called naked."

I blushed. Good think that the room was dark enough for him to not see me.

"Are you going to get on the bed?" Parker asked, patting the other side of his bed.

I walked to the other side of the bed and laid down, close to the edge.

"You do know that I don't bite," Parker whispered.

The bed moved a bit. I came to conclude that Parker was just fixing himself so that he could sleep. But boy was I wrong.

I stopped breathing once I felt a softy breeze near my ear.

"Hard," Parker finished whispering.

I closed my eyes, hoping this could be a dream. I opened them to see that an arm was draped on my waist, caging me in.

"W-What are you doing?"

"I like to sleep comfortably," he replied, nuzzling his head in my neck.

Yeah, for him. I was very uncomfortable with this position.

"Okay, I can't do this position," I told him, taking his arm off my waist.

He chuckled. Letting go and moving a way a bit. I turned my body so that I could face him.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

I rolled my eyes. "How did you figure out my size?"

"What size?"

I blushed. "You know...um...my undergarments."

Parker let out a chuckle. "You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"Thanks?" I frowned, not knowing if it was a compliment.

"My mom donates girl clothes to orphanages, homeless shelters, and those in need. I found one of her boxes for teenagers and guessed what your size might be. I chose correctly, didn't I," he told me, whispering the last part.

I blushed once again. "Mhm."

Parker scooted closer towards me.

"You know," I started, scooting closer to him too. "You're not that bad."

"What do you mean?"

I laughed softly. "You just quoted a Justin Bieber song."

I started to him the song for a bit.

"Trust me, I'm not trying to be him," he said, moving even closer to me. "Do you find him attractive?"

"I like his songs a lot," I stopped to yawn. "He's hot too."

"I disagree. I define the word hot."

"No you don't. You define the word cocky."

He let out a soft laugh. "You surprise me, sweetheart."

My heart fluttered at him saying that to me.


He hadn't said it at all after our little fight. I kind of missed it.

"What did you mean that I'm not that bad?"

I yawned once again, feeling even more tired. "I mean, that I was wrong about you."

I moved a bit closer, snuggling into his naked chest. "You aren't dangerous, you're misunderstood."


"Sweetheart," a voice whispered.

I moved a little, snuggling into something comfortable.

"Sweetheart," the same voice whispered again.

I groaned. "Five more minutes."

I snuggled even more and felt something with my hands that was bumpy. I frowned and felt it again, realizing then what it was.

I had been snuggling into Parker's naked chest.

My eyes widened. I took the time I was wide awake to push him off the bed with a loud thud.

"Ow!" Parker exclaimed from the floor. "What was that for?"

"Um...I have to go...take a shower," I told him, quickly running out the door.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart!" He yelled from his room.

Yeah right. I was literally cuddling with you, I nearly yelled back at him.

I froze right in my steps once I realized I had nothing to wear, my phone was dead, my car didn't work, and I had stayed over at Parker's house without informing anyone I was.

Oh jeez. Hopefully Liz covered for me or something.

"Parker," I yelled from the guest room. "What do I wear? I can't just wear the same wet clothes or your clothes."

"I really don't mind if you do wear my clothes," he remarked, from his room.

I rolled my eyes. "I am not wearing you clothes Parker."

"Ask my mother. She'll lead you to the girl clothes she has stored in boxes," he shouted back.

"Do you-" I started but stopped myself. Yelling is going to make me lose my voice. He's just a couple of rooms away I can just walk instead of screaming my lungs out.

I walked towards Parker's room and saw him without a shirt.

"Hey...um...do you have a charger," I told him, looking everywhere but him.

But when I did look at him, he was smirking at me.

"Yeah sure," he replied, taking his time in finding it.

"Can you speed it up?" I said, annoyed. "I have to take a shower and then call Liz. Oh? I forgot to mention that I need you to take me to Liz's cause I...um...left my stuff at her house."

"What stuff?" He asked curiously, stopping to look at me and put his hands behind his back.

"You know...stuff," I said, looking at the ceiling

I can't lie to save my life. I get really nervous and look anywhere but that person, hence me looking at the ceiling.

"Like...," he trailed off, obviously trying to annoy me.

"Stuff you don't need to know. Now can you please hurry up," I snapped, crossing my arms, showing him that he achieved his goal in annoying me.

Parker grinned, taking his hands away from behind his back, showing me the charger.

"You had it the whole time!" I exclaimed. "You know what, I'm just going to take it and leave."

I walked towards him, took the charger, and left, hearing Parker's laughter from his room.

"Ugh! He so annoying!"

Quickly, I went to the guest bathroom and stripped myself of my clothes. I took my shower then after, I reached outside for the towel that was hanging on a hook attached to the wall.

I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the shower. Looking around, I then realized that I forgot to get the clothes from Mrs. Hemingway.

Dang it!

What am I going to do? Parker is outside and I don't want to walk in a towel around him. This is so embarrassing.

I walked around the guest bathroom for a while and finally concluded that I was going to approach him without fear.

I opened the door and was about to yell to Parker, when I saw him right in front of me in mid knock, his hand curled up in a fist in the air.

I looked at him, flabbergasted, my mouth opened in shock. I snapped out of it once I saw him rake his eyes up and down, slowly. Blushing, I hugged my towel tighter to myself.

"I was-I was...um...I...forgot...to get my clothes," I stuttered, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm glad you didn't," Parker commented, still looking at my towel-covered body.

That made snappy Carolina to come out.

"Hey, hey! Eyes up here," I snapped, grabbing his chin to look at me in the eyes.

"Feisty," he commented once again with a smirk. "I like it."

I blushed furiously. "Just-Just...get me some clothes!"

Parker chuckled while walking out of my room. "Sure, sweetheart."

I let out the breath of air I didn't know I was holding. I used the wall to hold me in case I fainted or something.

That...was so embarrassing.


"I'm ready!" I exclaimed, fully dressed in some black pants, a light gray long sleeve shirt with black lips that covered the whole front side, and some gray Vans. "Let's go before we're late to Liz's meaning late to school."

"Aw man," Parker pouted. "I wish you were still in your wet towel."

I blushed and averted my eyes from him. "Let's go!"

We got into Parker's car and drove to Liz's, me guiding him whilst eating an apple.

"You make a left there and then turn to the right," I pointed. "And then you're finally there."

Once he had drove into Liz's driveway, I quickly got out.

"Thanks Parker!"

I grabbed my bag and stuff and went into her house.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you later...from a distance," I heard him say to himself before driving off.

I swallowed the bile that was in my throat.

Thanks Parker, but this is how it's supposed to be.

Like what else am I supposed to say? I want to be friends again? That can't happen. I know what I said at his house last night, I do believe it, but he has to trust me in some way to get me to believe that we can be friends.

I got near Liz's door and knocked, waiting for her.

"Carrie! What happened?" Liz exclaimed, once she had opened the door. "I've been trying to call you all night, Hunter's been trying to call you-"

"Wait, Hunter?" I asked, needing some clarification. "The only reason I couldn't answer was because my phone was dead and I was just leaving Parker's house, but then I got caught in the rain, and my car didn't want to work, so I had to stay over in Parker's house, but then you know those memories that I've had since I was a freshmen and sophomore had come so I asked Parker if I could sleep with him, like sleep sleep, not the other kind," I chuckled," and then I asked him to take me here and-"

"Carolina, breathe. Stop rambling and breathe," Liz told me, showing me the breathing technique with her hands.

I stopped to do the technique satisfying both me and her.

I gave her a nervous smile. "Sorry, I am just...so screwed. Hunter is going to kill me."

"I kind of covered for you, since I, secretly, hoped you two were making babies," she laughed.

"Liz," I gasped with a smile.

"So," she said while ushering me inside her house."I kind of did cover for you. When Hunter called, I told him you were in the shower, then, forty-five minutes later, I...kind of told him you were still in the shower."

My eyes widened.

Me and Liz were never good liars. She, however, is worse than me. Her cover up lie, is an example.

"But, I just ended both our misery by telling him you were sleeping over," she finished proudly.

I beamed at her.

"And then he told me he was coming over to pick you up for school," she quickly said.


"I'm so glad you came before he did. He said he was dropping by, like in ten minutes," she finished.

"Liz, you're a life saver," I complimented her.

She smiled and beamed like I had.

"But, you should have stalled better than that," I told her, disappointment laced in my voice.

Her face dropped. "I...um..."

"I'm just kidding Liz," I told her, bringing her in to hug me. "You are my life saver twenty-four seven. You basically keep me alive and breathing. I owe it to you."

"Yeah," she responded, hugging me back. "You do."

I playfully glared at her, making us both laugh.

"Well, I'm hungry. I hurried Parker out of his own house to get here and couldn't eat anything except an apple," I informed her, letting go of her.

"Sure," she replied. She began walking to the kitchen, but then suddenly stopped.

"You have to tell me everything that happened once you got to Andrew's house. Including the part about the memories," she said, looking at me and pointing her finger.

With a tight smile I replied,"Sure. I'll tell you everything."


Hope you liked the chapter! Please message me privet my if you need anything or comment your thoughts in the comment section. I love reading the comments and responding back. So, please do. And vote too!

And just a reminder, the recommended book is uploaded every other chapter. That is the reason why I didn't upload one for this chapter.

Read, vote, comment.



Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter:

"Parker, what are you doing here?" I asked, watching Parker tie his shoe on.

Parker stood up and looked at me. "Doesn't it seem obvious? I'm trying out for the football team."

"You can't do that," I told him, fearing that he'll finally get notice by Hunter and Jake.

Parker has only been keeping a low profile. That meant he stayed under the radar only being noticed by Alice and some cheerleaders, and other non-popular students.

But now, since he's trying out for the football team, he'll probably become part of the popular crowd. I know he will become part of the team because he is a good quarterback, from what I've been told by Liz.

"And why not? School has been going for a few weeks and since I moved and got enrolled in this school, I have a chance to tryout," he smirked. "Nothing wrong with trying out for quarterback."

My eyes widened.

Quarterback! Hunter's the quarterback.


Here is the Date for the Next Update:

                         August 1, 2016

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