The Big Bad Wolf

By DancingDiva21

4.6M 52.3K 5.6K

Aimee Donald is a bad girl. She doesn't listen to her teachers or anyone in that matter. All she wants is for... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Important Author's Note! *UPDATED*

Chapter Eighteen

130K 1.5K 314
By DancingDiva21

-This is the edited version of chapter 18. I had it out and i just had to change it up some so here you go! :) -

The feeling of the atmosphere changed dramatically. The once warm room was now gloomy, quiet, and cold. My heart danced around in my chest. The hope I had for Keegan’s mother, gone. She was now dead, just like the rest of his family. I thought when she wanted to go outside, she wanted closure, so she could move on and be happy again, but I was totally wrong.

The look on Keegan’s face was a mixture between sadness, and grief. He made no eye contact with neither of us and it was starting to scare me. He never went down without a fight, but now he looks like he has given up completely. He had strong hopes for his depressed mother, but now just like me; he has given up his hope for her too.  

 Minutes had passed and finally Keegan snapped out of his zone and took a deep breath. He looked at me for a moment, brushing his thumb over my cheek and lips. He ran his large hand over my shoulder and down my arm to my hand. He grasped it firmly in his and helped me down off his desk.

We walked out of the room holding each other’s hand. No words were spoken the whole way to wherever we were going. Every turn we took, the sad atmosphere became thicker. I guess we were getting closer to where his mother rest.

There were many people crowding the hallways of all ages. They were all trying to see the lifeless body of Mrs. Rawson. They all seemed to depart when we got closer and it gave us enough room to go into the room.

The lights were dimmed and there were very few people actually in there. The only person I knew in here was Vivienne. I wasn’t about to get anywhere near her. I let go of Keegan’s hand and he finished walking the rest of the way to his mother’s body.

From what I could see, she was lying on the woodened floor. A knife was embedded right in the middle of her heart. Vivienne was brushing her hair out of the way and kept making lustful glances toward Keegan. I’m sure if I was a wolf, I would be growling at her by now.

Deep growls coming from Keegan’s throat made me jump a little. “Everyone leave, now!” He growled using his Alpha’s tone. Everyone besides Vivienne was gone in seconds. I started backing up ready to leave when Keegan’s voice stopped me.

Not you Fay. He whispered in my mind.

“Vivienne, why are you still here?” He asked. She dropped her mouth wide open and started to open and close it. She looked like a fish out of water.

“Why is the human still here?” She snarled back glaring at me.

“She has a name Vivienne, and she’s my mate!” Keegan yelled. Vivienne gritted her teeth back and forth.

“Out of all the people in the world, she is your mate? Look at her Keegan. She’s a human, that’s all she ever will be because she’s too chicken of us. She is weak and helpless and pathetic!” She screeched rising to her feet. She stared at me hard and the familiar pain made its way into my head.

I clutched my head and started feeling dizzy. I couldn’t breathe and I started grasping for air. I fell to the floor, but Keegan hands caught me before I hit the ground. He laid me down gently and was back at Vivienne.

He pinned her against the wall and I could hear her gasping for air. “Let her go Vivienne.”

“No…” She choked out and the pain in my head got worse. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The pain was becoming unbearable.

“Vivienne stop it now! You’re killing her!” Keegan growled.

“Good.” She coughed. Tears started falling down my face as the pain in my head worsened. I kept screaming my voice becoming horse. Footfalls met my ears and soon entered the room. Vivienne screamed and started shouting curse words as she was being dragged out of the room. My head still throbbed with pain and I thought any second it would explode from the pressure.

Keegan came by my side and wrapped his arms around me. He whispered things to me that sounded like it was in a different language that I didn’t understand and soon enough the pain began to let up. I took deep even breaths trying to gather myself together. I don’t see why Vivienne hates me so much. I know she loves Keegan, but honestly she will never have him.

“Are you alright now?” Keegan asked in my hair and I nodded. I got myself up off the floor with a little of Keegan’s help and I walked over to his dead mother.

“I knew this was going to happen one day.” He mumbled beside me. “I just wish she would have a long time left. I thought she was doing better. She seemed so happy when she saw you. She spoke for the first time in a while, and it was all because of you.” My heart swelled in my chest and I smiled a little. A small tear leaked down my face.

“She was always worried I wasn’t going to find my mate, but when you came along, her wish was fulfilled.” He took a deep breath and blew it out. He bent down low and ran his fingers over his mother’s lifeless face. The sad atmosphere returned and I frowned. Keegan was so upset, I can feel it.

Keegan stood up straight and looked down at his mother. He took his fist and gently tapped it against his heart. He raised his hand to his mouth kissing it lightly and raising it into the air. I looked at him confusedly.

“What does that mean?” I whispered.

“It’s a tradition in our pack. When someone dies you do what I just did. It’s like a farewell.” I nod. That’s something new. I looked around the room and my eyes caught on a piece of paper. It was folded neatly on a table that I could easily reach. I picked it up and unfolded it gently and ran my eyes over the rushed looking hand writing.

It read,

my dearest son.

I am so sory you had to find me this way. I was sick nd tired of bein lonly. I now I had you and my derest daughter, but I couldnt handle it anymore. I needed my mate. Just lik som others need you. Im not saying who of course… I hop you’d understand and I loves you and your sister a lot.

Love your mother

I stared at the white sheet of paper I was holding in confusion. Keegan’s mother looked like the kind of person to write neatly and elegantly. This was sloppy and full of bad grammar and misspelling. Keegan took the paper from my hands and studied the paper.

“This isn’t my mother’s handwriting.” He mumbled barely enough for me to hear. I looked at the note with curiosity. If Keegan’s mother didn’t write this note, then who did?

“Whose handwriting is it?” I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t recognize the scent.”  

Some people in white coats came in with a gurney. They picked Keegan’s mother up gently and placed her on the bed. They pulled a white blanket over her and rolled her out of the room. Keegan folded the note tucking it in his back pocket. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

Keegan led me back to his room and didn’t bother turning the lights on. I walked to the bed and lay down. Keegan crawled over to me and laid his head on my stomach. Tingles shot up all through my body. I brought my hands into his hair and ran my fingers through them.

“Why would someone write this note claiming to be my mother?” Keegan asked. Through the dark, I could see the pained expression written clearly on his face.  

The door suddenly flew open and closed just as fast. The next thing I know Kyra is standing beside me with tears in her eyes. Her lips are pouting and she sounds like she’s hyperventilating. Keegan sits up to make room for his sister. Kyra climbs on the bed and cuddles up to me and starts to wail.  

She cries in my shoulder for another half an hour and I know my shirt is completely soaked. Keegan hasn’t said a word the whole time and I wonder if he is going to be okay or not. He is really upset about his mother and whoever wrote the note.

A couple of minutes later someone knocks on the door and Keegan invites them in. A man in his late twenties opens the door and clears his throat.

“Dinner is ready.” He says and leaves the room closing the door behind him. Kyra had fallen asleep on me and I don’t think she is planning on letting go anytime soon. Keegan easily pulls her off of me and lays her on the bed pulling the blankets over her little body.

He grabs my hand in his and starts walking towards the door, but I stop him. He turns to me a little and I pull his face down to mine. His warm breath blows in my face and I close my eyes. My heartbeat begins to race and I lean my head against his, breathing his scent. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer and my stomach does flips.

Can I have that kiss now? Keegan asks in my mind and I nod my head. Our lips connect and my stomach burst with butterflies. I never noticed this before, but our lips fit so perfectly together, and they’re so warm.

Our lips move together in perfect sync and I’m glad Keegan had his arms around me or I’m pretty sure I would fall. He finally leaned away and I was glad. I was beginning to get dizzy.

“We’re wanted for dinner.” He whispered. I nod not trusting my voice just yet.

When we got downstairs to the kitchen, there were a lot of people gathered around a huge table and chatting amongst themselves. Keegan lead me to two empty chairs at the end of the table and we sat down. In front of me was an elderly man. He had a bald spot right in the middle of his white hair and huge glasses that made his eyes look ten times bigger than they were supposed to.

“Well, well, well who is this beautiful young lady who is sitting in front of me?” He asked. I smiled and let out a giggle.

“I’m Fay, Keegan’s mate.” I smiled and gave Keegan a little glance. He had small smile on his face.

“Whoa,” the elderly man said turning to Keegan and leaning in close to him. “Is this true?” He asked shocked.

“Yes, Grand pop.” Grand pop put his hand to his heart with a shocked expression and leaned back in his chair.

“I remember in the olden days, when I was in the war, I would hold my big guns proud and showed no mercy. It always made the nurses, in the little white dresses, swoon.”  

“You didn’t even fight in the war, Grand pop.”

“Yes, I did! I was… let’s see I was… in my teens! I was the hot stuffs back then and made every man on the battlefield jealous. I always thought that I would meet a pretty woman and get married to one of them little nurses.” The elderly woman next to him slapped him on the arm and he gave her the stink eye. I’m guessing that she was his wife.

My family is kind of crazy. Keegan said in my head. I smiled and laughed. I can’t believe at how well everyone was acting. They were all happy and laughing and talking to each other like no one died.

“Why does everyone seem so… happy?” I whispered to Keegan.

“Debbi, my aunt, has the ability to make everyone happy. She does this when bad things happen. She doesn’t like when people are sad.”

“Why didn’t she help your mom be happy then?” He thought about for a second and turned to me.

“My mother had an incurable pain in her heart. Aunt Debbi can only make people have when she’s in the room and for small amounts at a time. She would have come here, but mom did want to be happy, and Debbi has a family to take care of.”  

The dinner was served and it looked delicious. There was so much food. Keegan didn’t touch his food at all and I looked at him with a confused look.

“Why aren’t you eating anything?” I asked him.

“I’m going… hunting later.” I scrunched my nose up in disgust. I did not need to know that.

The dinner went on with more of Grand pop’s silly stories and just small chit chat. After dinner Keegan told everyone that the meeting was canceled to a later date and introduced me to his family. They adored me completely. I didn’t expect a family of werewolves to be nice.

After everyone left, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I needed to relieve some stress and a hot shower was something I needed. I was about to take my clothes off when Vivienne stepped from the shadows. I jumped a little.

“What are you doing here?” I screeched.

“Sh! Werewolves have enhanced hearing. Anyone could hear you.” She yelled in a hushed voice.

“Why are you here?”

“I am here to give you a little warning.” She smiled evilly and I gave her an evil look.

“A warning?” I asked. She took a few steps towards me and smiled again.

“Yes, back away from Keegan. I had him before you came along. Keegan would have been all mine if you weren’t alive.” She growled. I sighed heavily with frustration.

“Let me tell you this one time, Vivienne. Keegan is mine. So you back up!” I yelled furiously. She took a step back, her face forming in confusion and changing quickly with anger.

“Oh, kitty likes to scratch back now. You just better watch yourself. This time, I won’t hesitate from killing you.” She whispered.

I took a few steps towards her.  “I’d like to see you try.” I whispered. She let out a frustrated ‘humph’ and ran out of the bathroom slamming the door closed behind her. I walked over to it and secured the lock. I didn’t want her coming back while I was in the shower.

I let the shower water run on hot. I was so super stressed about all this. Why does Vivienne want to kill me over my mate? Won’t that be killing him too? Then there is the note. It was short and simple and full of mistakes and bad penmanship.

The shower made me feel tons better. When I got out though, I realized I had a problem. I didn’t have any clothes with me. I wrapped the biggest towel that I could find and wrapped it around my body. I made sure to hold tight to it so it wouldn’t slip and opened the door. I peeked out looking to see if anyone was around. The coast was clear so I stepped out of the bathroom and started making my way down the hallway.

My hair started dripping down my shoulders and back and I noticed how really cold this place was. I was shivering just a few minutes after walking out of the bathroom.

“Fay?” I closed my eyes clutching the towel and turned around. Keegan stood there with a goofy grin on his face.

“Oh, wipe the grin off your face.” I laughed.

“What are you doing walking around in a towel?” I could feel my cheeks burning red and the cold water droplets running down my back and shoulders were not helping a bit. I shivered a little and answered.  

“Uh, I forgot to get clothes before I took a shower.” He nods once still with a smile, which made me roll my eyes.

“Is there something you need?” I asked. He walked closer to me and bent down kissing me on the lips. My heart started pounding in my chest. He took a little step back and smiled.

“We’re going out of town for a while.” He says. I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion.

“Who’s we?” I questioned.

“We as in, you and I. I need to get out of town for awhile. I want you to come with me, for one because I said so, two, you’re not staying here without me, three, I want to take you somewhere special, and four and most importantly I want to go and get to know you better.”

“Well, what about my little brother, and Kyra? Who is going to watch and take care of them? And if I’m wanted, how are we going on a road trip? Isn’t that a little dangerous?” I asked. I couldn’t just leave my brother like that. I don’t want anything to happen to him.

“I have everything all planned out. They are all taken care of. Kyra will be staying with my grandparents and I have my pack watching his house. There will be a few of my pack coming with us. They will be everywhere and I promise everything will be okay.”

“The note?” I ask.

“I haven’t told anyone about it yet. I will figure it out when we get back. I just need to relieve stress and what better way than I road trip with you?” He says with a smile and I blush a little.

“Okay, I will come with you on one condition.”

“Anything.” He says shortly. I think about it for a moment trying to get the right words together.

“I want you to change me into a werewolf, and I want to kill Vivienne.”  


Okay, so i remade this chapter and wala!:) I like it much better than the last. :) I didn't really edit what i added.. so i'm sorry for the mistakes and i will try and fix them later:)

If you have a question, PLEASE leave it in my inbox. I try not to comment on my stories because it won't be fair to others if i commented back on just yours. Sorry:) So just leave me an email and i will try and answer your question to my best ability. I don't want to ruin what i have in store for you:) 

I hope you like this chapter!

Thanks for reading! 

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