The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot H...

By Bluefeelingz

28.4K 1.5K 1K

DISCONTINUED/ABANDONED Lapis better stay true to herself, forget the past and move on. But all of that become... More

«Dinner Plate»
«Not completely crystaled»
«School's website»
«The Light in the dark»
«Greg's car wash» 1
«Lapis has a crush»
«Gas and Motorcycles»
«Leftover smoke»1
«Leftover smoke»2
«Such a good boy»
«Sports, quotes & the mama bird»
«Unfinished spell»
«The babysitters»
\\teaser//«Into you»\\teaser//
«The diamond lady»
«Totally spies»
«Two pieces»
«Story time with Dash»
«Lapis' Imagination»
«Sports, Quotes & Emeralds»
((Sloppy update))
«Love on the brain»
«Mysteries unsolved»
«Jelousy alert!»
«Story time with Garnet»
«Cupid's up to something»
《Faded Flower》1
《Faded Flower》2
《Sports, quotes, and dates》
《Play date》
《Stars don't shine as bright》
《Desperate body》
《Get to work!》
《The thief and the magician》
《Target: New enemy》
《The meaning of a kiss》
《What a short night》
《Can't help falling In love with you》
《Sports, quotes, Fathers and Ballerinas》
《Friendly fire》
《Lapis' and Peridot's discussion》
《To the enemy show mercy》
《Greg's car wash》2
《The truth》
《New generation》
《The biggest lie》
《Give your heart a break》

«Eyes wide open»

467 25 14
By Bluefeelingz

A new character has arrived! Aquamarine's point of view:

I'd rather stay in home a billion times...but I just can't stay in my house like a useless bag either. Might as well distract myself from my very annoying sister. Sigh.

"Everybody sit your asses down." The Mathematics teacher; Miss Sugilite shouted as she put a stack of papers over her desk. She was one very expressive teacher. Too expressive if you ask me.

Miss Sugilite sat on her office chair and chewed her gum loudly, going through the papers that I suppose were our test results. She growled, "Dash Matthews." she called one of the students that was about to sit next to me.

The red haired boy strolled happily over to her and took the paper off her hand in a swift motion. "Ahh!," He breathed satisfied, "A perfect score yet again." He said proudly placing the paper over his chest, then walking to his previous chosen seat.

This is like the third perfect score he's gotten, he really is a genius. But a perfect jerk just like all boys in this school...

Dash brought his feet up the table and Sugilite glared, "Take your dirty shoes off the table, Dash." She growled to him before pinning her eyes to the papers. She raised one up and I saw my silly face doodles on the back, so it was obviously mine.

"Aquamarine Beryl." She said aloud, I stood up and walked over to her. It felt like all eyes were on me for a second, I could even hear some laughs at the back of my head. I am the laughing stock for everybody in this school, even the teachers somehow.

I took the paper and spoted a 90% on the bottom right corner, I was relieved. I always study and score higher than 95 but that week I was way too busy.

"Good job, Miss Beryl." Sugilite said shooing me away with her hand. I go to my previous seat.

On the last test I got a 98%, so if I can get atleast a 95% for the next one I'll be able to replace Jasper on the elite list.

"Look, I got a perfect score. HA!" Dash said proudly, putting his paper in front of my face.

"That's great."

"I know. These things are just way too easy." He chuckled, taking his shoes off the desk and folding his arms instead. "I see blue hair is trending now." He said.

Blue hair? Oh yes, he must be talking about mine. I dyed it blue recently and I really like it this way, it complements my emerald eyes.

"Huh? Oh...w-why?" I stuttered.

He raised three fingers "There's three bluenettes in this school already."

That must be cool.

I shrug in response, his eyes flicker with amusement. "A careless girl I see..." he elbowed me and like I said... this was getting annoying, so I scoot my chair a bit to the side and just glare at my graded test. The front page was mostly wrong answers, but looking through the other ones it looked like I picked myself up a bit. Just need to try harder to come into the elite list, I'm so close I can just feel it.

"Amethyst Quartz." Miss Sugilite called and the girl with lavender hair stood up, she took her paper and from what I could catch she got a 99%.

How come the cool kids have such good grades... I mean all the elite students are practically the Crystal Gems, and they're just reckless teenagers that get followed by some weird guys. I can't wrap it around my head, so I must figure out what is it that is keeping me out of the list.

Amethyst passed by Dash highfiving him and rubbing her paper on his face, "Told ya'." I heard her say before sitting next to a sleeping girl.


After the teacher handed the rest of the students their graded tests, she stood up sighing and picking up her bag from the floor. "Students, I'll be leaving to my man so please don't fuck around while I go," she walked over to the door.

Amethyst and Dash stood up in a flash, they cuddled up together and headed to the opened door.

They might have answers...

Standing up I push my nerdy glasses up my nose and swing my bag on my back. Carefully following Amethyst and Dash through the halls. They never left each other's side, they just kept talking and laughing and it seemed like they never ran out of things say.

Feeling a tug on my school sweater I look back. A big hunk of rock standing besides me, her white mane barely standing up in a pony tail, she glared at me with eyelined eyes. "Where da'ya think you're going?" She chuckled, literally picking me up from my backpack to her eye level.

I must say... her eyeliner is on fleek, ok?

"Let me go!" I kicked the air with some force but she kept me up in it effortlessly.

"Why should I? I'm gettin' bored n' I need a toy to play with." She pouted.

This girl has been bullying me since last year and I don't even know her name. Well lots of people bully me and I just let it go too far.

"P-please!" I stuttered and shielded my face.

Noooo! I lost sight of Dash and Amethyst!

"Jasper! What are you doing? Let's go!" I heard someone call from the distance, from what I could see was Dash peeking his head from the end of the hallway.

So her name is Jasper. This is the girl that is occupying my spot?

"Huh? Well... I'll save you puny thing for later." She crackled to my face. Slamming me inside a locker and smashing it close.

"Nononono! Let me out of here!" I slammed my small fist on the door, but all of response were some dark brown eyes glaring at me from the cracks on the top.


5 minutes passed...


20 minutes...


Eventually I was locked in there for hours, and by hours I mean until the last bell rang at 3:00. The flooded hallways couldn't hear my yelling for help. It was useless... I was useless...I'll never get to figure out what's up with those "Crystal gems".

When the school was empty, probably a few teachers walking around with their roll bags I knocked shyly.

"H-help? Mr. Topaz?" I stuttered at the teacher passing by, but he was speaking to his phone.

That's it... I'm going to be here until tomorrow when the owner of this locker opens it up. But what if they don't come tomorrow? AUHG!

I was interrupted by the scare of a tall boy opening the locker.

"Oh, may I ask why are you in here?" He raised a brow, his features were mysterious. I've never seen him around here, for some reason his eyes were unevenly enchanting.

"Umm. I got locked in here by Jasper."

"Jasper you say? Well just tell me when she bothers you again." He thrusted his hand out to give me some help out. I hesitantly took it and walked out of the shrunken place, I stretched my arms widely, it's really frustrating being in there for hours.

"T-thanks I guess." I shrugged.

"No. Thank you."


"Me? For what?"

"For suddenly crossing through my path, I think you're really pretty."


"OK...I have to go!" I attempted to leave but the boy grabbed my upper arm.

"Wait! I'm pretty sure you want to get Jasper back for what she did to you."

"Uh. Mfhh. Maybe."

"Well I can help you, I've known the crystal gems since forever and I know each one of their weak spots. Specially Jasper's. You see... she has frenemies."

"Frenemies? What do you mean by that?"

"Their new member Lapis Lazuli isn't really fond with her. So you just have to get close to her, I'm sure you'll figure out the rest. You look pretty and smart." He pushed my glasses up my nose some more.

Evil and flirty I see. Those two don't go together really.

"Well...maybe she can help me figure out why the elite list is just the Crystal gems..." I rubbed my chin thinking a bit. This might actually be a good idea.

"Smells fishy, right?" He placed his hands on his hips, "I'll be around. Just remember me."

And with those last words, he placed two fingers on his forhead and salutes me in a vague way before he turned around and left.


Lapis Lazuli. I'm coming for you.


I'm happy to introduce Aquamarine Beryl, the newest character in the book. I drew a little bit of her but right now I'm at the dentist and I'll add the photo later xD

Thanks to @peridorko for creating such an interesting and cool character. Check out her book that Aquamarine is actually the main character!


The OC spots are still open, so add yours if you'd like. A couple of chapters before I put the rules and all that jazz. Thanks for being patient!


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