Not A Visitor [StudxStud] COM...

By yovacane_

128K 5.6K 1.2K

We all blindly stumble upon challenges and situations in our lives that make no sense whatsoever and that's b... More

1▻ Too Young. Too Old.
2▻ Lemme teach you..
3▻ Am i over her?
5▻ Maybe it was..?
6- Confrontation
7- But She'll Never Know.
8- As a matter of Fact.
9- Spin Off
10- Speechless.
Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four
New Season, different fall.
12- No explainations, right?
13- Nope, not at all.
14- We're in, You're out.
15- Blood for Decor.
16- Right Move.
17- Will.
18. -Triplets Of The Soul. Family Secrets.
19.-If We Had A Will,We'd Have A Way. . Right?
20.- Too Late.
21.-Stand With Me.
22. Come with Me.. LAST CHAPTER!!

4▻ Marley.

5.7K 294 57
By yovacane_


Two days later...



Zone six...." FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT! "

I got money that I saved now I'm back on road..

Get ma jewelry out da' safe, cus I'm back on road...

I'll still do these hoes the same, when I'm back on road...

If you wasn't there for me when I was all alone...

Then bitch don't expect no lovee when I'm back--I'm just a east Atlanta nigga wit a body on his belt!

I done had a million beefs but I ain't Neva call for help...

I'll take a nigga bricks, and I done took a nigga rep

Put that pistol on ya Patna' made him piss all on his self

Gotcha' bitch so pissy drunk that she done threw up on ha' self

'Fore I send ha' back to you she gon' have guwop on ha breath

I'm the last real nigga left I'm on an island by myself

I'm my only competition so I'm battling wit myself

Got some crazy drug addictions like I'm battling wit myself

I done shook off all my demons now I'm back to myself

You didn't keep it real nigga, so just keep it to ya'self

Waitin' on Gucci Mane to call ya, nigga bet not hold ya breath!

I got money that I saved, now I'm back on road....

Get ma jewelry out da' safe, cus I'm back on road....

I still do these hoes the same when I'm back on road...

If you wasn't there for me when I was all alone...

Then bitch don't expect no lovee when I'm back--!

We repeated this over and over again until my ankles felt like they were gonna roll from underneath me. Now I dont know about everyone else but I knew I was sore as hell.

But then again... I loved it.. this is a good pain.

The frustration and stress built up inside me just generates out of my being when I'm locking, moving and flowing with every beat the music plays..

We finished the last go around before we had to be in picked groups to individually show our skills.

I did my group then went 4 others and then class ended. Me, Bracey, and Nillan were gonna go get some lunch before I drop them off at their job's which are in the same area and then Ima just...take my ass home.

"Ight ight ight, are y'all sureeee you wanna go to burger king?" I asked as I lastly sat in the driver's seat closing my door.

"Yesss bihh" said Bracey.

"Yeah, nigga now let's go." answered Nillan slumping back into the seat as he pulled out his phone, wildly chewing on his gum. "Was that a attitude I heard boy?" I asked him playfully.

"Might've been, and if it was whatchu' gon' do?!" He said back.

"Kick yo horse mouf havin' ass out ma car!" I remarked bluntly.

I put the keys in the ignition as I looked at him through the mirror while laughing afterwards.

So was Bracey as he gave me a finger. "Fuck you muafucka" he smiled.

"Aye, you know I'm playing witchu baby boy we good." I said as we took off on our way to BK.

(10 minutes later)

We were in the drive thru waiting on our food and then decided to just park in the burger king parking lot and eat here instead of just getting out.

Eating my whopper Bracey and Nillan called themselves stirring up a conversation based on me being out here and what happened and blah blah blah so i swallowed and started talking.

They knew about my history but i wouldnt call them my "best" of friends, because truth is. I never had one. Ive always been on my own and thats how the fuck its gonna stay from where i see it.

You cant trust anybody. Even family slithers like its expected of them to be curious of my well being but that dont mean that theyre entitled to know everything.

"I mean i know you and your sister dont get along but she kicked you out for good this time? Na' c'mon you know thats some bullshit." Said Nillan. "So tell me like what really went down?" He asked.

"Make a long story short she used me to get her way and i didnt appreciate that shit so i lashed out at her and then within a period of time things got worse... things escalated and now im here... Talking to yo big head ass." I replied.

", i mean i get that but...what happened?"

"Yeah, i wanna know too, Duffy.." added Lacey.

I pressed my lips together before taking another sip of my Dr. Pepper.

"Alright, ill tell you.. but keep this pad locked between us. Okay? Cus im still new in town and i dont fuck with the people you fuck with that you guys might call yourselves "close to" so id appreciate my business to be kept private..." i turned to face them both as their eyes were in me. "Okay?"

"Of Course, yeah you know we got you."

"Yeah, fasho. You should know you can trust us."

I bit the inside of my lip and proceeded.

"Well.. me living with my sister under her house and shit she gets all my mail. Me not ever being home and my dumbass not paying attention she checks it and i never really did unless i knew something was gonna come specifically for me, that i didnt want her touching. Our family as you kind of already figured ain't that damn wealthy or most of us not even in between , so me , doing the shit that I do and dancing at events and stuff I get paid, endorsed, etc. Me and her have different dad's and mine happened to pass away or whatever and supposedly he had a will that I was apart of because he never got to actually be in my life so....I guess that was a way to make up for it. We both have the last same name--our mom's maiden name so to make that long story short the bitch acted like she was me. She got the 50,000 dollars. I don't know how she did it but she got it. Knowing I'm still struggling as it is n shit to pay for college and...god.. And this went on for like... I would say a good year and a half. Until I finally found out about it. I mean, she has a job and shit so that's why I was kinda not...impressed of all the stuff she was buying out of nowhere I just was thinking she might've gotten a raise or something but she was spending my goddamn money and making me sign papers n shit that I ain't even know what the fuck they was for... she was like.."oh this is just some type of health insurance for mom" or some shit..."

I then looked out the window shaking my head as I let my hands fall onto my lap, sighing. I was still shocked that she could even do that shit to me.

To this day. I mean I didn't get it, I went hungry with that bitch before. Hell I've even stole for her before and she gone do me like that?

" Damn yo...that's fucking grimy!" said Nillan.

"Exactly.." I stated.

"So why she kick you out, because you got mad?" asked lacey.

"That.. And because well..let's just say I know a professionally skilled nigga from the slums who hacked in her shit and put it in my account." I smirked.

"Ahhh, thas ma nigga!" screamed Nillan.

"Yeah but..she do got a 4 year old son she gotta take care of so I put most the shit back because if not her I still love his lil ass. Then for that kicked me out."

"That's some fucking bullshit.." they both said in unison.

"Real sad part is mom never told anyone in our family or her friends that we don't have the same father because she ain't wanna look like no hoe so when I tried to go to any of them or my eldest cousin that lives up north none of them believed me. To them I'm just a reckless ass confused ass, mistake of a family member. So the only one who knows how my mom really is is my aunty Alicia that live out here.. cause she used to lie for her ass."

"U-ah..." stuttered Lacey looking dumbfounded.

I nodded. "For real though."

Lacey started to speak but she was interrupted by a phone call.

I wiped my hands dry with a napkin from my meal bag and lifted myself up to pull it out my back pocket.

"Unsaved number...?" I said out loud.

"What if that's her?" assumed Lacey with her eyes wide. "Nah, this not her number and I know for a fact that she would nev-

"Just answer it!" Demanded Nillan.

"Yall talk too much." he mumbled. Lacey hit him in his arm. "Good looking, baby girl." I said saluting her.

I then quickly answered the phone as I got out the car.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Me, Nikki."

I squinted my eyes. "Um, how the fuck did you get my number?"

"Umm, I got it from your fucking Aunt." she remarked in the same tone of voice. "Shit, stop being so damn offensive."

"Why'd she give you my contact?"

"Emergencies." she said plainly.


"Yeah, so.."

"Well is there one or did you just wanna call and fuck with me?"

"No, unlike you I'm not rude and annoying. But she just wanted me to tell you you need to be home before she is cus you got a curfew young blood."

"Young blood?! Girl you betta back up-- and what curfew?? She ain't tell me nothing about a curfew when she was picking my ass up from the airport!'


"Lyin' ass."

"Look, I'm telling you that's what she said! Get wit it or getcho' ass beat when you get here."

"By wh- *click*

I took the phone away from my ear. "Youu muthafucka..."

Rolling my eyes I walked back over to the car to curious friends as they asked who it was.

"Nobody, let me drop y'all off." I told them as I started up the car.


Good, so I'm guessing in the next half or she'll be here.. I hope my plan works.

It's only 8:12 so Alicia should be at her friends house for book club no later until 9. I feel like it'd be less stress if we attempted to get along our damn selves instead of her having to schedule us "lunches" and "play dates" all the time.

I'm a big girl fuck that shit, I'll do it my damn self.

Plus, i still feel guilty about not telling her that destiny lived out here in the first place but to be real i kinda forgot. I mean she's not mad anymore but she has been acting a little different.

So I'm trying this out to make her feel less indignant.

We haven't even said a word about what happened at the restaurant since then. She's just been acting stand offish and avoiding it, but i think me trying to make things works with Reggy will prove my good intent.

Now the next step is getting her ass to cooperate..

I had made some shrimp and steak sith some sprite for us to eat but this little girl was like..27 minutes late..and some seconds.

Something told me not to worry but then again she might've gotten lost or something so i called back by the number on the piece of paper Alicia gave me and she didn't answer.

I called back again.

No answer.


I took a short cut--at least i thought i did and it took me on another side of the country that has more houses on each side and horse stables n shit.

I knew we didn't have any animals and i never saw any around our neighborhood so therefore that's how i knew i was completely fucking lost. Aunty keeps nagging me about wearing glasses but truth is i think id look ugly as hell with glasses but then again i never settled for contacts either.

I kept rolling down a long street that turned into a dead end so i decided to stop. I didn't wanna run out all my gas fucking around in this area. "Fuck it." i huffed turning off my engine.

I sat there for a while debating on whether i should knock on someone's door.

My phone was only on 18% when i dropped off the homies so i knew my shit was long passed dead now..

I laid my head back on the head rest of my seat and closed my eyes playing the jazz station.

They had on the instrumental of smooth operator by sade.

I loved that song and i loved her.. It always put my mind at ease when i listened to it for some reason.

Then i began to realize that i wasn't worried or scared at all really about me being basically fucking stranded.

Or the fact that my dumbass forgot to bring my car charger with me.

Then no longer than 3 minutes passed and i spotted a black porsche rolling into the driveway next to me. I wondered why they stopped in front of me for a while as their lights turned off, and then i realized that my dumbass was in front of their property.

"Oh...damn." i said turning my car back on.

They got out their car as i did so and i saw a bomb ass stud--at least i think so, with bright red ass locs and caramel skin tone.

"Damm.." i whispered under my breath as i watched her lick her lips spinning on her heels after she shut her door. Shorty had some deep ass dimples..

She started approaching my car and i started freaking thinking about an excuse that'd be believable enough as to why i was right in front of her house like i was stopping by n shit.

She came up to my side as i slowly let down the window. She bent down gripping her hands on her thighs for balance looking in at me.

"So what's good? Are you visiting?" she asked me.

I stayed silent. Her voice literally just made my pussy throb...

I blinked a couple times before i came out of my lustful state. "Uh, what?" i responded embarrassed.

She chuckled softly at my expression and bit her bottom lip. "I said are you visiting? You don't look familiar and...don't nobody live here but me so.. I mean..and it's like 9:20."

"Yeah uhh, yeah ma bad. I kinda got lost on my way from town and I was trying to find my way back there but.. I kinda gave up so i was resting." i explained.

"Hm.." she nodded.

"And...just now..well when you pulled up i realized that i was... basically in your yard." i chuckled. "No biggy baby girl but where you live at?"

"I think out there in Covennn..Or something.." i said trying to think of the correct name.

"You think that's where you live..? Damn you must be new." she laughed.

"I am." i smirked looking off.

"But mean Covert??" she asked.

"Yeah! Yeahh covert.."

knew it was something like that

"Well damn that's like...three miles up that way shorty. You up here in Fairlawn.."

"For real?? ...damn how did i get that lost..." i said more to myself than to her.

"Mmmhm. But... I mean i could drive you.."


"In the morning."

"Errr.." i replied thinking about it.

In the morning?

"Well...i mean i don't know i don't need a ride my car is fine but-

"What's yo tank , G?" she asked me cutting me off.


"Turn this on let me see if you got a good amount of juice for the ride then." she instructed tapping the side of my hummer.

She better be glad she sexy cus i hate when people do that. "Aight.." i turned on my car and then she stuck her head in a little over my face to see it.

Her dreads tickled my shoulders as i felt her energy buzz across my face. She was very potent in her aura and personality i could tell already.

"See...yo shit 5 inches from E." she said as she pulled out and stood, rubbing her hand across her stomach under her shirt. "Now are you sure you don't wanna spend the night?" she asked me while shifting her weight from her left leg to the right one.

"Im good.."

She raised her eyebrow looking to her side then back at me. "Alright na...we got some coyotes up in these fuckin' woods.. So If yo car stop and you ain't got no me there to protect you dont say i never warned ya." she then started walking off back to her car passing it as she headed up to her walk way. "Goodnight." she saluted.

I huffed as i sat there debating on what i should do.

I knew i wasn't gonna be able to make it home safely, especially it being this dark out here and me not knowing exactly which way to go.

But i also just met this chick...what if she's a rapist? She could be a murderer. What if she's the person that lures in the bait, hell i don't know....

But i honestly didn't have a reason not to trust her yet.... so I'd rather be at least safe for now than sorry and stranded somewhere starving.

"Wait!" i yelled as i opened the car door.

She stopped looking back at me. "Good choice."

I jogged up to her and we started walking side by side. "Now, you not no killer is you.." i asked her straight up. "Nah, man." she smiles.

"Come on now, don't think like that. I'm just trying to help you." she said as we approached her door.

I looked inside...this house was nice as fuck. It seems like all the houses around here have a unique touch to it.

I brought my attention back to her as she took off her jacket. "And by the way what's your name?" i asked her. "Mine is Regina.."

She looked over at me. "Hm..Regina...confident." she stated.

"Well my name's Marley... Nice to meet you." she grinned.

I then followed her into the back.


Thank Youuuuu for Voting and commenting, y'all lit as fuhhh 😭😔✊💕.

I promise this is the last cliffhanger 😂 i just wanted to update at least once this week, Trying my best ❤

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