Life with Tunechi: Third book

By StarCrossed81

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This is the third book, Loving Tunechi, Living with Tunechi and now this one!!I still sometimes feel like I'm... More

Life with Tunechi
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

919 43 21
By StarCrossed81

Wayne and I spent two weeks kid free in St. Barts, I wont lie I missed my baby girls, but Wayne kept me distracted. It was nice to not have to worry about him having to run to the studio or take a million calls. His cell was turned off, the only reason my cell stayed on was for Jacidia, in case she needs us for the girls. Wayne was completely relaxed, I don't think I had ever seen him so carefree with no worries. In fact I had to about strangle him to get him to quit singing "no worries." He knew that song aggravated the hell out of me and he thought it was hilarious to get me worked up.

In a way I was sad to leave, Wayne and I never got true alone time anymore and I had enjoyed it. Glancing in the mirror as I stepped out the shower I rubbed my stomach, in the two weeks since Wayne and I said our vows, I felt like I had doubled in size, my stomach had a clear bump in it now. At fourteen weeks my morning sickness had ebbed some, only coming back at full force at the smell of certain foods. As if I didn't love Chinese enough that's all I seemed to crave, that and orange soda. Wayne thought the orange soda was hilarious, I normally hated orange anything, he told me that was the black craving coming from the babies. Sighing I wrapped a towel around my stomach running a comb through my hair.

Walking into the bedroom I saw Wayne had turned his phone on and was going through his missed text at the moment. I arched my brow at him, "problems?" Wayne shrugged, "nothing they can't handle, I told you I'm taking a couple months off, Baby can run my part of things for now." I shrug dropping my towel causing him to put his phone down. "Look how big I've gotten." Wayne bit his lip, "ain't nobody looking at your belly right now." I rolled my eyes grabbing a pair of panties and a bra slipping them on. "Umm no you've got enough and we have a flight to catch." Wayne shrugged, "Your supposed to love, honor, and obey." I laughed, "umm that wasn't part of our vows, but good try." Wayne groaned, "I knew I forgot something." I walked to him and he put his hands on my waist leaning his head against my stomach. "You ready to see the girls." I nodded, "yeah I miss my baby girls, I'm sure they are driving your mom fucking insane." Wayne laughed, "prolly."

The jet ride home was peaceful even though  Wayne and I spent half the time arguing over baby names, whether they should rhyme, if they should start with the same letter, we argued over if we should come up with girls names, boys names, or both. I hated not knowing what I was having that was always the hardest part, the wait. I still had at least 6 weeks to wait before I would be able to find out. Wayne had his own theory about what the babies would be, he was positive we were having twin boys, I didn't have a clue what we were having. With Maliyah I had kinda had a feeling I was having a girl but with this baby I had no feelings one way or the other.

It was already dark when we had landed, I insisted Wayne stop and get me a cherry vanilla dr pepper which he did without too much complaint. He was hungry so we ordered burgers and fries to go. As we pulled up at the house Wayne and I grabbed our food and drinks deciding our bags could wait until later and headed into the house. Walking past the kitchen we walked to the living room flipping the lights on. Wayne sat down grabbing the remote and turned on espn. "Ugh Wayne nooooo." I whined. He glanced over at me, "after all the shit you had me watching when we were laid up in bed at the hotel." I arched my brow ginning, "Umm I dond't remember watching no tv when we were in bed." Wayne smirked at me, "eat lil momma before I drag your ass up stairs." I shrugged grabbing my burger and fries out of the bag.

We had both finished eating and I was snuggled up to Wayne complaining about my drink being gone when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Wayne was completely lost in the tv, I frowned surely I was seeing shit. I looked back out the glass door leading outside and jerked Wayne's arm. He looked down at me frowning but I pointed at the door and even with the glare from the light we could see someone was in Fallon's swing swinging. Wayne jumped up going to the bookshelf by the fireplace and pulling a gun out of God knows where turning around, "Maci, go upstairs." I shook my head, "you come with me, we can call 911." Wayne shot me a look, walking toward the glass door unlocking it and throwing it open. "Fuck, its Dhea." I had started walking up the stairs but quickly turned back around. "Defiantly call the cops, Wayne last time she was here she tried to fucking kill me." I saw him hit the silent alarm button on the security panel.

Wayne waked out side and I ran behind him like an idiot, I knew he would be pissed but I wasn't about to let him go outside and meet crazy bitch by himself. Dhea looked horrible, she had lost so much weight she looked almost sunken in, her hair was a stringy mess. She was dressed in a long white bohemian dress, but what stuck out the most was the bloody bandages on both of her writs. "Dhea what the fuck are you doing here, you know you can't be here." Dhea jerked her head up as if she just realized he was there. Wayne positioned himself so that his body shielded mine. In spite of the situation I rolled my eyes, Wayne wasn't big as shit, if he thought he was blocking me from her view he would be sadly mistaken.

Dhe stopped swinging, "you married her." Wayne put a hand behind his back grabbing mine pushing me back. "Dhea, how long have you been here." She kicked off with her feet beginning to swing again, "you gave me a ring once," she stopped again frowning, "but then you left me. You lied to me, you told me you loved me." I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, she was crazy, I didn't want to be out here trying to reason with her, I wanted Wayne to get his ass in the house so we could call the police. Wayne shook his head, "that was a long time ago, you need to leave, you know there is a restraining order against you." Dhea stood up, "she wants to keep you away from me Wayne, I know you still want me you came back to me once before you will do it again,  why are you letting her come between us." Wayne sighed, "there is no us Dhea. This is the last time I'm going to ask you to leave." Dhea started walking toward us and Wayne lifted his gun at her backing up toward the house making me back up with him. "Dhea stop."

She stopped looking up, "If she was gone you would be with me, you would have came back to me, you was supposed to marry me." Dhea collapsed on teh ground sobbing, "why did you ever get her pregnant, why couldnt you have gotten me pregnant. That's the only reason your with her isn't it, you still want me, I know you do, we just have to get rid of her." I pulled at Wayne, causing him to turn his head back to look at me. "Get in the house, go upstairs Maci please." I shook my head, "not without you." He turned his attention back to Dhea who was still sobbing in a heap on the ground. "Maci please think of the babies." He shook his head looking back at me, "fuck that Maci get your ass upstairs right now, no please, just do what I say." I sighed backing up untill I hit glass door. Walking in I went and sat on the stairs where I could still see Wayne. He leaned down and was talking to her, I wished I could hear, but then again it was probably better I didn't.

It didn't take long for police to surround the house, I let out a sigh of relief when Wayne came walking up to me pulling me into his arms. I let out all the frustration I had felt and began to cry in his arms. He smoothed my hair, "its OK Maci she is gone, I'm sorry I yelled at you but you don't fucking listen." I shook my head, "how the fuck did she get out to begin with." Wayne shook his head, "I don't know baby, but its OK now." An officer came in the house and wanted to ask Wayne what all Dhea had said to him. I went upstairs changing into some pjs laying down, I didn't care what they had talked about any more.  I felt overwhelmed, I wanted to pull the covers over my head and never come back out.

Wayne walked in the room sitting on the edgge of the bed rubbing my back. "Maci baby are you OK." I shook my head no turning to him. "Why wont she leave us alone." Wayne sighed, "she needs help Maci, that girl out there wasn't the Dhea I know." I frowned looking up at him, "well its the Dhea I know." Wayne sighed, "Baby don't let her bring you down." I made a face at him, "you do realize she was in our fucking backyard when we got home, what if we had the babies with us." Wayne put his head in his hands, "Maci please don't stress me on this, I feel like this is somehow my fault. I mean maybe I lead her on or some shit." I bite my lip, running my hand up his back. "Come here." Wayne sat up looking down at me before laying beside me laying his head on my chest. "I love you Wayne." He nodded, "I know baby, I love you too. I'm sorry you had to come home to all of this." I shook my head playing with his dreads, "not just me, both of us and its not your fault." Wayne leaned up kissing me and I felt his whole body relax. Together we would start this new chapter of our lives.

That night we just held each other and talked all night. We talked about our future choosing to ignore the past. Together we could make it past anything and we would not let any person bring us down or pull us apart. I knew going in loving Wayne wouldn't be easy. I was living a fairy tale. Girls like me didn't end up married to a guy like him. Meeting Wayne had been a chance encounter, maybe it was fate that brought him in the store that day, I just know I thank God each and every morning that he did bring him into my life.

Five Months later February 20th

I glanced up at Wayne praying that things went smoothly. I had convinced my doctor to let me try and push the twins out. She had not been happy, but they were both positioned head down, and she had agreed to let me try. Having a c section was not an option I even wanted to think about, it scared the shit out of me. Wayne and I still had no clue what the babies were, they would not cooperate in any of the many sonograms, so Wayne's children.  He was by my side encouraging me as the doctor told me to start pushing. I closed my eyes ready to see my babies, I could do this.

The past five months had brought so many new changes, Chris and Adrianna had welcomed Tristan Maurice Brown into the world October 9. Becoming a father changed Chris he started actually acting like a grownup, sure he still got on my damn nerves and played to much but he had settled down so much. Wayne and I had decided to build a house in New Orleans to be our permanent residence. We we still living in the Florida house but I was so ready for our new start. Dhea ended up being committed in a mental asylum, she had a psychotic break, I could have told them that long ago. Ryan had actually been decent and not causing a scene, he had broken up with Trina and met a new girl who he was crazy about and I actually approved of. Maliyah had just turned one and was walking and talking driving Fallon insane. It was kinda funny Maliyah had turned into Fallon's shadow.

Reality clicked back in as I pushed the first baby out and chaos pursued. "Its a boy." I bit my lip looking up and rolling my eyes at Wayne who gave me that I told you so look. Turning my head I watched them take the baby to weight and take his vitals and I was instructed to push again before I was ready. Good Lord I was fucking tired and I still had another baby to push out. Two pushed later the baby had crowned but the doctor had stopped me, I could see some worry on Wayne's face and I was about to panic but before I could react I was told to push again and I felt the relief of the second baby freeing itself. "Another boy." Great I would never live this down with Wayne, we had a bet, he had said two boys, I had said a boy and a girl.

A nurse brought me the first boy and laid him on my chest as they took the vitals. "How much did he weigh, "Wayne looked up 5 pounds 8 ounces, not to bad for being a month early." I nodded staring down at the beautiful little boy in my arms, he was trying to pull my finger to his mouth and I couldn't help but grin down at him. I handed him to Wayne as the next baby was brought back to us. "He is a little smaller 5 pounds 2 ounces." I nodded at the nurse looking down at the bundle I now had. I wanted to hold them forever, but I was having my tubes tied and they had scheduled the surgery right after delivery. The babies would have to wait to nurse, as they wheeled me out I shot Wayne a glance and he nodded his head letting me know he would be there waiting for me. I was a little jelous he was still bonding with the babies, but I was not about to have any more kids, he could forget that shit.

When I woke back up I was in my room, "where are the babies." Wayne got up looking at me, "they said buzz when you woke and they would bring them in so you can try to nurse." I nodded at him. "So I guess you won the bet, please don't name them anything too crazy." Wayne grinned at me, "none of my kids have crays ass names, thank you." I rolled my eyes at him, "yeah well some of the ones you told me the other night sucked." Wayne acted shocked standing up to sit beside me on the bed, "you feel OK." I shrugged, "this little cut hurts like a bitch." Wayne cut his eyes at me, "girl you just pushed out two kids, that little cut ain't shit." He had no idea.

Wayne pushed the button telling the nurse that I was up and we were ready for the babies. "what happened with the second baby?" Wayne glanced down at me frowning, "he had his umbilical cord around his neck, it was lose but still." I nodded saying a silent thank you to God for watching over my babies. I grinned as I saw them being rolled in, "Ok momma you ready." I nodded as a nurse handed one of the babies to me, I was half afraid he wouldn't latch on but after a couple of tries he found a good suction and went to town eating. I had propped up and had my pillow so he could rest on it. As if sensing his brother was eating the one in the crib started fussing. "Somebody isn't' happy." Wayne laughed as the nurse handed him over to Wayne. "Greedy little boy you aren't' goign to let your momma do this the easy way are you. Wayne helped me adjust the second baby so I could breast feed both at the same time, I was kinda grateful that I had ended up taking Dr Chans advice and going to classes on how to breastfeed two babies at the same time. We would have to work on a schedule for these two or I would have to pump cause this shit was for the birds.

When the nurse was satisfied we had things in order she left telling us if we needed her to call. The first baby was finished first and I motioned for Wayne to get him. "I think this one is Nicolas." I shot my eyes up at Wayne, "I thought you said no," Wayne shrugged, "It kinda grew on me, Nick and Alex." I arched my brow, "you hate Alexander?" He shrugged, "I don't know who Alexander is, Alex over there is OK." I rolled my eyes. "OK SO Nicholas Blake, and Alexander Reid." Wayne came and sat beside me on the bed. "OK so how are we going to tell them apart." I asked frowning. Wayne looked up, "didn't I tell you Carlos is on his way we are going to tattoo their names on there wrist." I shoved Wayne, "shut up." Wayne laughed, "no I bought the bracelets like you wanted." He pulled out of his pocket the tiny red bracelet and tied it to Nicholas's ankle loosely then tied a black one to Alex's. "There, just like your momma said." I tried to lean up but had to sit back, Wayne shook his head hitting the button, "time for more pills momma." I nodded.

My life was complete now, I was Mrs. Carter and along with his four, and my one, we now had a daughter and two sons, eight kids in all. We had made the decision early on to have my tubes tied. I was damn sure I didn't want anymore, and Wayne had only agreed to let me have another baby because I wanted a boy, he just lucked out and had twins. I was happier than I had been in a long time, I knew life would be freaking insane married to Wayne but he was more than worth it. I would walk through fire for him. Glancing down into the eyes of my newborn boys I felt at peace. This was my life.

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