Three Words

By Bender12345

104K 3.5K 1.5K

Three words can change everything. Who knew that three words in the right combination could bring such joy... More

Chapter 1 - Tris
Chapter 2 - Tris
Chapter 3 - Four
Chapter 4 - Four
Chapter 5 - Tris
Chapter 6 - Four
Chapter 7 - Tris
Chapter 8 - Four
Chapter 9 - Tris
Chapter 10 - Four
Chapter 11 - Tris
Chapter 12 - Four
Chapter 13 - Tris
Chapter 14 - Tobias
Chapter 15 - Tris
Chapter 16 - Tobias
Chapter 17 - Tris
Chapter 18 - Tobias
Chapter 19 - Tris
Chapter 20 - Tobias
Chapter 21 - Tris
Chapter 22 - Tobias
Chapter 23 - Tris
Chapter 24 - Tobias
Chapter 25 - Tris
Chapter 26 - Tobias
Chapter 27 - Tris
Chapter 28 - Tobias
Chapter 29 - Tris
Chapter 30 - Tobias
Chapter 31 - Tris
Chapter 32 - Tobias
Chapter 34 - Tobias
Chapter 35 - Tris
Epilogue - Chapter 36 - Tobias

Chapter 33 - Tris

2.7K 89 78
By Bender12345

I still can't believe that one incident could turn my life completely upside down.  Even though Marcus was in jail, his shadow of misery still managed to stretch to us in Atlanta.  Constantly coming at us from different angles, till I didn't think I could take much more.

When Tobias and I changed our numbers, it greatly cut down on the number of calls we received.  Even giving Tobias and I a few days to sit down, be with each other, and let him begin to divulge some of the horrors of his childhood.  It was hard to listen to him give details of his first beating.  The way he began to shake as he spoke, almost curling in on himself, broke my heart.  But I did the only thing I knew to do, and stayed by him, listening without comment, as my fingers seemed to trace over the scars along his back.  Trying to take the pain that each scar contained.  Willing my love into each mark.

However, what neither one of us anticipated were the videos that surfaced of not only Tobias hitting his father, but also of me taking Marcus down.  This did not help the media shit storm that we had already been a part of.  My main fear when I watched the first video was that it would reveal me exposing myself to the entire world.  But thankfully, the knee length dress kept my privates, well, private. 

With video evidence of Marcus' outburst, Tobias punching him, and me subduing him, the news outlets had a field day with the information.  Often showing the video repeatedly, having guest phycologists come on, talking about whether it was a ruse or asking if Marcus was truly deranged.  The reporters were truly relentless after that, coming after not only Tobias, but me as well.  Zoe and I ended up having to stay at Caleb and Cara's, or my parent's house, trying to change it up so they wouldn't have any idea where we were.  At one point, Zoe was going to stay with Helen for a few days, while Tobias and I found a hotel an hour outside of town just so we weren't constantly having to change locations.  To give us a minute to breath in the middle of the chaos and to give Zoe a bit of normalcy. 

It helped immensely for Tobias and I, but when Zoe called in tears after the first day, upset with everything that had been going on, I knew we had to put aside our desires for peace.  I came back that night, and comforted her, giving the best explanation I could to her as to why reporters were so insistent on talking to us, and why it was a problem for Tobias and I. 

Tobias and I did speak with each other every night during that time, with him giving pieces of his childhood.  He mostly spoke of the small parts of his past that were actually happy memories.  Some were of his mother, but most of them were when he was in high school.  How his friendship with Zeke grew, and how their mother took care of him like a third son on the nights when he didn't want to go back to Marcus. 

He told me he wanted to wait to tell me about the more horrendous aspects of his childhood for when we were together.  He didn't want to have talk about something like that over the phone.  He said he craved my contact and comfort during those times.  It made it easier when I was there with him. 

When the police report finally came out to the public four weeks after the incident, the reporters tried one more push to get an interview, but gave up when they realized we weren't going to give in.  We found out that Marcus was removed from his job as a city council member due to everything that had happened at the restaurant and the story coming out about his abuse.  We would eventually have to go back to Chicago when Marcus' trial started, but the lawyer that contacted Tobias stated that it wouldn't be for a several weeks.  While I hated every minute of being harassed by reporters, I knew it needed to happen to not only give Tobias some closure, but to also get that lying asshole out of any current or future public position.


"Ok.  Explain to me again what happened?" Christina has her head buried in her hands, trying not to laugh. 

I sigh, "Christina, I have told you this over and over.  I don't know what else I can possibly clarify." 

She looks up at me, smiling.  "Ok, fine.  I just can't get over the fact that you beat the shit out of a city council member.  And looked fabulous doing it." 

I shake my head, hoping for a subject change.  "How are you and Will?"

Christina's eyes brighten.  "Really well actually.  He asked me to move in with him last week."

I straighten up in my chair, leaning forward.  "Really?  That's great Chris!  I'm so happy for you.  You two really make an incredible couple."  I pause as I remember what she said months ago.  I try to keep a straight face, "I know you want me to be your maid of honor and all when you two get married someday.  But I think Tobias should have that honor.  He did set the two of you up."

Christina snorts with laughter, "Tris, I need someone who will look fabulous next to me, but won't draw all the attention away either.  I'm pretty sure everyone would be looking at him, taking away from my day.  We can't have that."  We both start laughing at the image of Tobias in a dress.  Just enjoying a moment where it can be the two of us goofing off is nice.  I've missed this with all the chaos that happened recently. 

Christina is first to recover, her tone slightly serious again.  "So when are you two going to get married and make more babies?" 

I smile, looking at my salad, "I don't know.  He's the one that has to ask, but I think we're heading in that direction pretty soon."  Looking back up to see a smiling Christina.

Christina steeples her fingers, "Would you marry him if he asked you now?"

I don't even have to think about my answer.  "Yes."

Christina's grin is huge.  "And the sex is still amazing I take it?"

My mouth pops open, as I slap her arm, looking around the restaurant we're in, praying no one heard her.  "My God Chris, do you have to talk so loud about something like that."  My face is turning red.  I can feel the heat coming from my cheeks. 

Chris' smile widens.  "Damn!  It must be amazing for you to be turning that color!" 

I bury my face in my hands.  I softly whisper, "Yes it's amazing.  New topic."  I know she wouldn't change the subject if I don't give her something.

Chris laughs, "Alright.  Alright.  How's work?"

I look up, all laughter gone.  My stomach clinches at the topic.  "We had a patient pass away Monday." Chris' face falls.  She knows it's hard sometimes for me not to get attached to some of my patients.  I need to clarify though.  "It wasn't one I cared for.  He was rude, mean, and the family gave me the creeps.  Especially the grandson."

Chris' eyebrows knitted together.  "Well, you don't have to deal with them anymore then.  That's a good thing right?"

"I hope I don't."  Still feeling the unease of the situation.  David looked ready to kill as he was getting the last of his grandfather's things when I was leaving yesterday. 

Christina seems to realize how uncomfortable I am and changes to a new topic, "Where is your man by the way?  I'm surprised he didn't come with us today."

I smile again, "Oh, him and Zoe went to go see a movie today, just the two of them.  He felt he needed to make up for having to stay away for the past month.  I'm pretty sure Zoe is going to convince him to get ice cream while they are out too."

Chris smiles, "Damn Tris!  Why haven't you two gotten married yet?  While he can be a total ass, he's obviously not like that around you or Zoe.  That man would take a bullet for the two of you."  She pauses, her hands rubbing together.  "Do I need to go have a talk with him?  Give him a little nudge?"  She winks.

"Chris...your nudge is more like kidnapping him and locking him in the jewelry store till he comes out with something."

She starts laughing, "Hey, I wouldn't do that!  I would have Will do the jewelry store part.  I want you to have the honor of seeing the ring first."

I smile at my best friend.  "Please just wait to kidnap the man.  Save it for like Christmas ok?"


My stomach clinches painfully, causing me to place my hand over my stomach, breathing in deep to ease the tension.  All morning long, I've had an uneasy feeling.  Something just feels off today.  It's probably nothing though.  At least, that's what I keep telling myself.   

Tori comes over as I'm putting the towels I just used in the laundry hamper.  "Are you ok?  You have looked worried all morning."

I nod, looking down, then shake my head looking her in the eyes.  "Have you ever had that feeling that something isn't right?  That something bad was going to happen?"  Tori nods her head, crossing her arms.  "I talked to Tobias this morning, and he's fine.  I know Zoe is too.  But I just don't know what it is.  I can't put my finger on it."

Tori sighs, placing a hand on my shoulder, "It's probably nothing."  She smiles suddenly, her face lighting up some.  "Maybe Tobias is going to propose or something."

I smile weakly, "I doubt it's that.  It's not excitement I'm feeling.  It feels like something terrible is going to happen." 

Her face hardens.  "Tris, I know trying to shake a feeling like that can be hard, but keep in mind our residents can feed off that worry, and we really don't want them upset.  You know how hard it is to work with them after they get worked up."

I take a deep breath in, trying to calm myself, "You're right."

She gives a small smile, "I know I am.  I'll talk to you at lunch ok?"


I walk down the hall, having just dropped off my last patient for the morning.  I step into the therapy gym, going to the office to call Tobias, closing the door behind me.  I just need to make sure he's ok.  I still haven't shaken my feeling of dreed.  Maybe if I talk to him for a few minutes, I'll feel better. 

I pull my phone out, dialing his office number.  He usually doesn't take his lunch till one, so if I call his desk phone he'll be able to talk to me for a little longer.

I just hit send when the screaming starts.  I drop my phone on the desk, opening the door.  I hear a distinctive 'pop pop' sound coming from down the hall.  I turn my head to Tori and see that her eyes are wide with fear.  Everyone else freezes, panic crossing their faces.  Fuck!  We have a shooter in the building.  Worse still, I think I know who it is. 

I need to stay calm and get everyone out of here that I can.  I'm the only one keeping my head by the looks of fear on everyone's face.  Thank God Max's class have been more intense lately, or I would be wearing the same look.  "Tori, turn off the lights and help me get the mat up to make a barricade." 

She nods her head, shaking off some of her shock, going to light switch and begins turning off all the lights.  I run to the mat, saying to the others in the room, "Everyone else, pull the screen out of the window and go out that way.  Run to the road and call 911.  Stay low just in case there's someone outside."

Tori comes over, helping me lift the mat to block anyone from seeing the therapists and patients crawling out the window.  Tori turns to me, "You need to get out too." 

I shake my head, trying to be brave.  "I'm the only one that stands a chance against this guy.  I need to stay to try and save as many people as I can.  I'll be ok Tori."  Tears start to form in her eyes.  She starts to reach toward me, "Get out of here Tori.  I'll be fine."  She needs to leave or I'm going to lose it.  I can't think about my family and friends right now.  I especially can't think of Tobias or Zoe. 

"But what about..." 

"They'll be fine.  Now go!"  I say more firmly. 


"Go!"  I roughly push her toward the window.  She climbs through, taking one last look at me when she reaches the other side.  She almost reaches her hand back through the window toward me, but then she turns, and runs toward the road leaving me alone.

I go over to the weight rack and pick up a four-pound weight, as the gunfire continues getting louder out in the hall.  One good hit to his hand should make him drop his weapon, at least that was a strategy Max had talked about.  I look around for a hiding place, and see the mirror in the corner.  I get behind it, knowing damn well he's going to shoot at the mat first.  'Please God.  Let the police get here soon.  Please!'

The doorknob turns slowly, and I hear footsteps walking deliberately across the linoleum.  My heart stops for a brief moment, before it begins hammering in my chest.  Surely the shooter can hear it.  They are still too far away judging by their steps. But then I hear them speak.  David's voice raises the hairs on the back of my neck, confirming my suspicions.  "Hmm...I wonder if I can find the bitch that killed my grandfather in here."  His footsteps sound like they are getting closer to the mat.  "Is Tris Prior behind that turned over bed?"  His voice is taunting, hoping that I'll react to his words.

My already pounding heart just seems to quicken to an unnatural speed at the mention of my name.  Why does he have a personal vendetta against me?  I treated his grandfather maybe a total of four times.  Then I remember what Tori said when his grandfather first got here.  He already hated women to begin with.  I evaluated the man, and for whatever reason, I am the one that he thinks pushed his grandfather into the grave.  It wouldn't have really matter if a man treated him.  I was the one who made the decision to treat him and educate the staff.  In his mind, I am the guilty culprit.  I am the one that needs to suffer. 

I've never heard a gun fired at close range before.  I knew it was coming, but the sound is deafening.  He unloads several shots into the mat, before it's silent.  My ears ring, and it takes me a moment to regain some of my hearing, but then I realize my mistake.  I don't know where he is right now, and my opportunity to surprise him has vanished.  I don't know if he has reloaded his gun or not. 

His breathing is all the warning I have that he's in front of the mirror.  'Oh shit!'  The gun fires again, and agonizing pain spreads throughout my left shoulder.  I barely hold back my scream, but manage to crouch down, protecting myself as bullets fire pierce through the wood where I was standing.  Pieces of the mirror shattering against the floor. 

As soon as I hear the gun click, indicating the cartridge is empty.  I leap from my crouched position, ignoring my useless left arm, and slam my weight into his arm as hard as I can.  David drops the gun with a clatter, crying out in pain. 

My victory is short lived, because with his other hand he pulls out a hunting knife from his belt.  I'm too slow in my adrenaline, pain filled daze to dodge his next attack before he plunges the knife deep into my right thigh, causing me to drop my only weapon. 

I scream in agony as he pulls out the knife with a twist, a blood thirsty look on his face. "That was for my grandfather you bitch!  You killed him!  I could have cured him if it wasn't for you!"

My brain seems to come to one conclusion with as much pain as I'm feeling right now.  'I refuse to die at this man's hands!  He will not be the death of me!'  My eyes narrow, and I see him falter slightly at the deranged look that has no doubt come across my face.  He makes another thrust toward me, but I'm ready this time.  I grab his wrist with my good arm, and twist away and then back, toward his body, making him drop the knife.  I force his arm up his back with as much strength as I can and hear a sickening crunching sound come from his shoulder.  But I don't stop, and continuing pushing.  He arches back, screaming in pain. 

I kick his legs out from under him with my injured leg even though the pain makes me nauseous, knowing it won't hold me up if I bear all my weight on it.  His body twists in midair as he tries to escape my firm grip.  His face hits the ground hard, blood begins pouring from his nose and mouth.  Before he has a chance to move, I slam my fist into his temple as hard as I can, making sure my knuckles hit first, knocking him unconscious.  I slam my fist into his temple again, fearful the hit wasn't hard enough.  But he doesn't move. 

I stand up straight, but the dizziness has already started.  I mumble, "Fuckin' bastard," but my lips don't seem to want to work.  I feel almost drunk.

I know I need to do something about my injuries, but I'm having a hard time remembering where the first aid kit is.  My vision is starting to go black around the edges.  Everything is becoming fuzzy and I'm getting really tired. 

The world tilts sideways suddenly, causing me to stumble, falling to my knees.  Pain shoots through my right leg, and I look down at my injured leg.  Most of my pant leg is red, covered in blood.  Not good.  How much damage did he do?  I touch my shoulder wandering if it's as bad as my leg.  My hand comes away slick with blood. Blood is such a strange color, especially when it's your own blood.

The world spins violently as I try to think what I need to do, and the floor suddenly comes up to meet me.  I close my eyes, hoping the spinning will stop soon. 

An image of Tobias, Zoe and I comes to me suddenly.  All three of us watching a movie on the couch.  It's not a particularly happy memory, but it was one of the first times where I felt like we were starting to become a family.  Where I felt whole again.  That everything in my life was perfect.  I had found the love of my life, and had a beautiful daughter that he seemed to adore.  I guess my life became too perfect. 

Blackness envelops me. 

A/N: This chapter was written several months ago, and unfortunately, the timing of it's release is poor. An individual took their hatred out on innocents this week. It shouldn't matter whether gay, straight, bi-sexual, black, white, or what ever drove their motives. It was still wrong. We need more love, peace, and compassion in this world. We need to embrace each other for our differences. Our world would be so boring if it weren't for those differences. Tell your neighbor you love them, that they are beautiful. Mean it. You can change the lives of others with words. Do so. Be that change. You are all beautiful. Whether I talk to you, meet you, or just know you looked at the chapter. You are all beautiful. And I mean it.

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