Top Dawgs (Big Eight)

By MagicGoldenFlower

49.4K 1.7K 656

Jack, Kristoff, Eugene, and Rapunzel have always been the top dogs at their school. But when a new group arri... More

Characters (skip if you want)
I'm in your grade
You're terrible
That's cute
One crazy girl
I would take you in a heartbeat
Let's get started on this project
Honest answer or sweet lie
So you have a hand fetish
It's a surprise
Best! Dare! Ever!
You are expelled
Cobalt and carbon
You look afraid to me
I'm out of shape
I'm like the grinch
It's a blessing and a curse
You and the nicknames
Man, gossip spreads fast
Young love
Consider it my birthday present
Kiss the chef
I hate them both with a passion
Wee lamb
F for Fantastic
Tanner's a killjoy
Go! Fight! Win!
Okay Jelsa
I know you couldn't
What happened
How dare you
An inch shorter
You don't think
Break up
Shut up, Jack
5 years later

Don't brag

1.3K 49 26
By MagicGoldenFlower

*Rapunzel's POV*
I quickly ran out of my last class. I had to make sure the boys would pick up the gifts. As I was running, I turned the corner and bumped into Jack. "Watch where you're going, Punzie!" Jack teased, softly chuckling.

"Sorry, I just need to make sure you remember to get Eugene's gifts." I panted, rushing my blonde hair from my face.

"I know, don't worry. You just get him to your house and we'll meet you there." Jack assured, giving me a gentle smile. God, I hope he's right.

"Okay, meet you there." I nodded, gently touching his shoulder as I left. I walked to my locker slightly relieved. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I turned around knowing it would be Eugene.

"Hey, Blondie. When do you want me to come over?" He asked, leaning his shoulder against Merida's locker, his face peeking out from behind my locker.

"Right now, you're riding with me." I explained as I slammed my locker shut. I couldn't risk him showing up late or having other plans. I had to make sure he was with us tonight.

"What about my pickup?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"We'll come back for it later." I replied, shooing the thought away. It would be fine in the school parking lot. No one would really think of stealing it anyways. It wasn't exactly new.

I unlocked my red car and plopped into the driver's seat. I quickly plugged my phone into the aux cord and picked my favorite song. Eugene slammed his door shut and went onto his phone. I was driving out of the parking and noticed he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. "Eugene."

"Yes, crazy?" He asked not looking up from his phone.

"Seatbelt. And I'm not crazy." I replied without taking my eyes off the road.

"I know." Eugene groaned as he rolled his brown eyes and buckled up. I giggled and turned up the volume. Before I knew it, I turned into a rockstar. I was blaring the music at full volume and singing at the top of my lungs. I looked at Eugene and saw him covering his ears.

"Come on, Eugene! I know you love this song!" I shouted over the music, a smile wide on my face.

"No, I don't." He denied, shaking his head at me. A grin played on his lips as he watched me dance in my seat.

"Liar!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes and sang along. We were singing as loud as we could and made up crazy dances. As we stopped at stop lights, people in the cars beside us stared at us like we were insane. Before we knew it, we pulled into my driveway. I turned down the volume and shut off the car. "Let's go!" I said as I grabbed my books from the back of my car.

We walked through the front door and found Pascal eagerly waiting for my arrival. "Hey, Pascal!" I greeted. He squealed happily in return.

"Hey, frog." Eugene smiled. Pascal stuck his tongue out at him, just like usual. We walked to the kitchen, looking for a snack.

"Let's see. We have cheese sticks, apple slices, oranges, pears, grapes, and yogurt." I listed as I opened the fridge. There was plenty of food in the fridge, thanks to Mom going to the store yesterday.

"Anything else?" Eugene questioned as he sat down at the counter. He wasn't a picky eater, except when it came to snacks. I ran over to the cupboards to see what else we might have.

"Granola bars, fruit snacks, and oatmeal." I answered, my green eyes scanning the boxes neatly stacked in the cupboard.

"I'll take a fruit snack, some grapes, and a cheese stick," he smiled. I tossed him a fruit snack packet and quickly grabbed out two cheese sticks, the grapes, and apples slices. "So, Punzie, how was school?" Eugene asked as he opened his packet. The fruit snacks flew everywhere. "Oops!" Eugene yelled as he dove to the floor. Pascal quickly ran over and ate the fruit snacks on the table. "Five second rule!" Eugene yelled sticking his head back up.

"That's gross!" I laughed as I washed the grapes.

"At least your floor is clean." He laughed as he popped one of the snacks into his mouth.

"Only because my mom is a neat freak." I softly chuckled and rolling my green eyes. I sat down beside him, tucking my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Regina Corona a neat freak? I don't think so," he teased, shaking his head at me. "Hey, where did the rest of my fruit snacks go?" Eugene suddenly asked twisting his chair in a circle as he looked at the floor.

I whistled and pointed at a red Pascal, who was nervously curling up. "Oh, so the frog is the culprit," Eugene grinned. Pascal suddenly shot his tongue into Eugene's ear, making him jump. Eugene rubbed his ear annoyed. "You know, you keep coming up with more reasons for me to hate you." He stated. Pascal smiled and curled up on his shoulder. I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of them finally getting along.

"That's a keeper." I giggled, waving my phone at them.

"Hey, where's my cheese stick?" Eugene pouted.

"Oops, forgot. Here you go," I smiled as I slid him a cheese stick. I peeled mine open and pulled it apart. I saw Eugene petting Pascal as he fell asleep on his shoulder. I opened my apple slices and laid a piece out for Pascal. He quickly woke up and ran towards it. "You can have a nap after your snack." I giggled.

He quickly ate it and turned red. I laid another slice on my hand and stuck it out for Pascal, but Eugene quickly grabbed it and shoved it into his mouth. Pascal squeaked, angry at Eugene for stealing his favorite snack.

"What? I just wanted a bite," Eugene shrugged with his mouth full of apple. I chuckled and gave Pascal another. I threw away the wrappers as Pascal climbed back up onto Eugene shoulder. "I though you were mad at me." Eugene laughed. Pascal shrugged his shoulders and curled up into a ball.

"We can sit in the living room." I stated as I wiped the counter clean from our crumbs. Mom would have a heart attack if she saw how messy we were.

"Alright." Eugene replied as he grabbed the grapes and brought them into the living room.

"You know my mom doesn't like food in the living room." I said, eyeing the grapes in his hands.

"She doesn't have to know." He fired back, lightly laughing. I rolled my green eyes and sat down him on the couch.

"Okay, I'll let it slide for today." I teased, smirking at him,

"You never answered my question. How was school?" Eugene asked as he popped a grape into his mouth.

"Now you sound like my mother." I groaned laying my head on his lap. Suddenly, I heard pounding on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. I saw Jack and Kristoff plow through the door.

"Hey guys!" They greeted.

"Hey!" We responded.

"Man I'm starving. What do you have to eat?" Kristoff asked.

"Well we have-" I started.

"Pre warning: they only have healthy foods!" Eugene yelled.

"Is that why Rapunzel is so skinny?" Jack teased.

"Har har." I said sarcastically.

"But seriously, what do you have? I'll eat anything!" Kristoff yelled.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge." I said laying my head back onto Eugene's lap.

"You have pears!" Kristoff said surprised. They quickly ran back into the living room with their arms full of food.

"You know how my mom is with food in the living room." I sighed.

"She won't know." Jack chuckled.

"Then don't drop any food on the white couch or the white carpet." I smirked. They glanced around in horror, knowing that if they even dropped a crumb, it would stick out like an elephant in a room full of hamsters.

"We'll just eat in the kitchen." Kristoff said gently getting up.

"Good idea." I chuckled. As they finished eating, I ran to my room and grabbed the dvd. It always brings back troubling memories, but it also brings back joyfully ones. It's funny how a couples minutes of sad songs and pictures of someone you love and miss can bring back happy memories. I hopped down the stairs, preparing my speech. I hopped in the middle of the living room in between the boys and the tv. I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Today is a very sad day in our lives. Not only did Eugene lose his mom, but we lost one of the best human beings on earth. She comforted us when we were sad. She helped us when we couldn't tell our parents a secret. I have had the privilege to be named after her. I like to think that I got my bubbly, positive attitude from her. We are going to watch Lynn Fitzherbert's slideshow to help us remember her happiness in times of sorrow, her comfort in times of fear." I smiled sympathetically. I quickly sat down next to Eugene and pressed play. We cried and laughed, remembering her. As it ended, the boys went and grabbed Eugene's gifts. He didn't even see them leave as he stared at the tv in awe, trying to remember his mother. At the end, she made a personal video for the adults and Eugene. All of our moms were best friends in high school. They all got married in the same year. Then they planned on having boys two years later. First Elisabeth had Jack, then Lynn had Eugene, later Ellie had Kristoff, and eventually my mom had me. I was the only girl in a group of boys.

"Hey everyone watching this, I want to talk to Eugene, Greg and Regina quick. So if you could please skip over this or leave the room, I would greatly appreciate it. Please don't tell anyone what I told you as this is a personalized video. Thanks!" Lynn said as she laid in her hospital bed, looking her worst. I got up to leave when Eugene pulled me back down.

"Stay. Please?" He asked with tears running down his face.

"Do you think she would mind?" I asked.

"No. I know how much she loved you." Eugene sniffed.

"Okay." I smiled. I cuddled up into Eugene's arms.

"Hey Regina. I know you're probably worrying about me right now as you are and always will be a worrier. I want you to help Greg take care of Eugene. No matter how much he'll argue. He'll plant his feet in the ground, refusing like a stubborn mule. But you're going to have to be the determined farmer. I also want you take it easier on Rapunzel. Let her have fun every once in a while. It stinks that she's the only girl, but I know she'll do just fine. I know that after the divorce you've sworn to protect her from everything evil. Bad boys planning on using her for her pretty and innocent self, drugs, and even alcohol. But you can't protect her from everything, and you'll have to accept that. I know how much you love her. After all, you named her after your best friend. Help Rapunzel Lynn to see the beauty in this world. And never give up on her, even when she's given up on herself. Goodbye Regina. Tell Rapunzel Lynn goodbye for me." Lynn cried. I never understood how much Lynn loved me. She treated me like I was her daughter. I looked and saw Eugene staring at me.

"I never knew how much she loved me." I sniffed.

"I told you she loved you." Eugene chuckled.

"Hey Greg. I don't know if you've gathered enough courage to watch this or even make it to the end. I know I wouldn't be able to if I had to watch your video. I want you take care of Eugene. I know you already take wonderful care of him, but I want you to keep him at the top of your list. He should always be your top priority. When you go to bed every night, I want you to make sure he's sleeping. Make sure he eats his meals and has fun. Don't let him love someone who would break his heart. You have always been the best judge of people. When I first meet you, you looked me in the eyes and told me that I was the one. I didn't believe you until a year later when you asked for my hand. Or that one time when we tried to find a babysitter for Eugene and we interviewed those babysitters. We got to a sweet, fun loving girl who I thought would be perfect for him. You on the other hand, thought there was something fishy about her. We debated and finally decided to let Regina watch Eugene. A month later, the girl stole a baby she was babysitting. They didn't find the baby until a week later. If that had been Eugene, I don't know if I could have lived with myself until he was found. Also remember that I will always love you. Goodbye Gregory. Be strong for Eugene, yourself and for me." Lynn cried as she pulled the camera in for a kiss. I could almost feel her kiss on my cheek.

"Hey Eugene. Oh, my sweet baby. I know you hate it when I call you a baby since you're a tough eighth grader, but you will always be my baby. I remember this one time when you were about three. I was dropping you off at Regina's and Rapunzel's house and as I pulled into the driveway and saw you asleep in your car seat. I told you to be nice to Rapunzel and listen to Regina. And you muttered, "Don't worry mommy, I always will." I didn't know if you were answering me or your dream. But I want you to listen to your father and Regina. Even though I will always be your mother, she's like your new mom. I want you to live life to its fullest. I want you to find a beautiful, adventure loving girl. I want someone who will love you as much, if not more than you love her. Don't pick a girl for money or just for her looks. Pick her from your heart. When you're sad or lonely, remember I'm also here. You may not see me, but know I'm there. When you're alone and hear a noise. Know that it's me. I love you Eugene Gregory and I always will." Lynn cried as she pulled the camera in for more kisses. I turned and saw Eugene's tears spilling out like he was a broken faucet.

"Let me help you." I smiled as I wiped his tears with my shirt. He just smiled and wiped mine back. I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into it.

"Hey, it's okay." Eugene said, trying to comfort me. He rubbed my back in circles. It made me feel like a baby. It wasn't even my mom and I was crying more than him.

"I know." I chuckled. I let go and looked into his brown eyes. I kissed him on the cheek and let myself out to the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked and saw a mess of mascara running down my cheeks. I never cried this bad before. I didn't even cry this bad at the funeral. I texted the boys to come in since they knew about the videos at the end. I heard them walk in and give Eugene his things. I cleaned myself up so I at least seemed normal. I looked at the clock in the bathroom. It read 4:45. I walked out and saw Jack giving Eugene a hug.

"Hey Punzie." Jack greeted. I saw he had red, puffy eyes, just like the rest of us.

"Hey. My mom will be home in about fifteen minutes. In case you don't want to look like you were crying." I chuckled. Everyone lightly chuckled and checked themselves out in the hallway mirror. Eugene set his stuff on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen. I followed him, not wanting him to be alone. I saw Pascal looking up at him with loving eyes.

"It's okay Pascal. I'm alright." Eugene smiled. Pascal turned blue and still looked sad, as if he didn't believe him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Eugene jumped, not knowing I followed him in.


"Eugene. Don't lie." I said giving him a stern glance.

"You're giving me the same face your mom always gives me." Eugene chuckled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I see how you two are related." Eugene laughed. The boys came in and we laughed about the fun times we had with Lynn. Soon, mom came in and saw us laughing.

"Hello boys." Mom greeted as she carried in the groceries.

"Hey Regina." They chuckled.

"Rapunzel, will you grab the rest of the groceries from the car?" Mom asked. Well, more like told me.

"Sure." I said as I swung my feet to the floor. I ran into the garage and grabbed the three plastic bags full of fruits and vegetables. I walked in and heard her talking with the boys.

"So, how's football going?" Mom asked. The boys had week break, which happens to be this week.

"Pretty good." Jack laughed.

"I heard you're the starting quarterback." Mom said as she nudged Jack in the shoulder. "And you're the middle linebacker." Mom said messing up Kristoff's hair. "And you're the wide receiver!" Mom cheered as she hugged Eugene. Mom has always been a sports fanatic, while I never showed an interest in them. So, she put me in artistic clubs. Ballet, photography, piano, guitar, flute, violin, and of course, painting. I placed the food in their rightful spots and took my seat beside Jack. "Eugene, did you tell your father about our dinner plans?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, he said he would be here a little after 6:30." Eugene replied.

"Good. What should we have for dinner?" Mom asked as she put on her apron. I made eye contact with Eugene and smiled. We turned and yelled, "Tater-tot hot dish!"

"Okay! Rapunzel, I need you to go to the freezer and get out a bag of corn, a pound of hamburger, and the tater-tots. Eugene, will you please go to the pantry and grab me two cans of green beans?" Mom commanded. I quickly ran back out to the garage and grabbed her ingredients. I walked in and saw Jack trying to use a can opener. I set the corn and tater-tots on the table. I placed the hamburger meat in the microwave to un thaw. I put in the weight and waited till the timer beeped. I watch Jack struggle to open the beans. My mom quickly ran to the rescue and helped him. Kristoff sat in the background laughing. Mom quickly shut him up by telling him to preheat the oven. Kristoff slowly walked over and studied the buttons.

"What temperature?" He asked.

"360!" Mom yelled as she handed Jack the last can of beans. The timer beeped and I quickly traded out the meat for the corn. I punched in the weight and waited for it to un thaw. Kristoff pressed some buttons and jumped when Jack yelled in anger.

"Why is this can being so stubborn!?" Jack yelled.

"Maybe because you're doing it wrong." Eugene smirked.

"Like you could do it any better." Jack pouted. Eugene quickly grabbed the can opener and beans from Jack's hand. He swiftly opened the can in a record amount of time.

"Done." Eugene said as he wiped imaginary dust off his hands. Mom grabbed the can and poured it into her pan.

"Eugene, don't brag." Mom scolded. Jack silently laughed at Eugene as he fumed. The timer beeped, scaring Kristoff again. I handed my mom the hamburger meat and the corn.

"Thanks sunshine!" Mom said as she kissed my head. I walked back to my spot by the microwave.

"Hey, Rapuznel!" Kristoff whispered.


"Can you help me preheat the oven?"

"Sure." I chuckled. I pressed preheat, then typed in the temperature. I punched start and it lit up.

"Thanks!" Kristoff cheered.

"No problem." I said as I wiped imaginary dust off my hands.

"Rapunzel, don't brag." Mom scolded me. The boys all laughed at me as I fumed. We all talked with my mom about school. We told her about the teachers and she told us about her annoying clients. Soon, the boys left because my mom thought their mothers would be worried about them. Soon, it was just Eugene, mom, and me.

This is a really long chapter. Sorry! I still hope you enjoyed.

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