Heaven's Letters

By Mark777Brislin

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An extraordinary collection of letters written directly from inside the realms of Heaven itself!!! The end of... More

Chapter One: Child writing to mummy
Chapter Two: 17 year old boy
Chapter Three: A soldier: End of tour of Duty
Chapter Four: An Academic in Heaven.
Chapter Five: A Vicar's Vision in Heaven.
Chapter 6: The 'Good' Christian before, then Heaven.
Chapter 6: Part Two The 'Good' Christian before, then Heaven.
Chapter 7: The Thief.
Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part One.
Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Two.
Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Three.
Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Four. Meeting with a cluster of rainbows.
Chapter 9: The devil's prey: Part One.
Chapter 9: The mother's pray: Part Two.
Chapter 9: The son and his sin: Part Three.
Chapter 9: The Presence is missing: Part Four.
Chapter 9: A complete makeover: Part Five.
Chapter 9: Refined in the Fire: Part Six.
Chapter 9: Redemption: Part Seven.
Chapter 9: Commissioning: Part Eight.
Chapter 9: The Return: Part Nine.
Chapter 10: The Final Heavenly Letter.
Addendum: The Book of Secrets
The Book of Secrets: Part Two - Spiritually opened eyes:
The Book of Secrets: My first word of knowledge
The Book of Secrets: My first translation

The Book of Secrets: The Event - A true story

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By Mark777Brislin

                             The Book of Secrets

           The Event – A true story

       As am I learning more and more from "The Book of Secrets" I firstly realise that there is so much that I cannot tell you. I am just not permitted to, on the one hand; whilst on the other hand, I doubt even if true Christians would believe me; non-Christians are probably having trouble with what I've already shared.... People just don't believe and therein lies their problem – they don't believe. Many people 'call' themselves a Christian, however when I was living on planet earth I told these same people about raising the dead or seeing Gold flecks on a woman's face for example and they thought I was crazy. So, goodness knows what non-Christians think...

       I remember why I'm here in Heaven, I mean here and now and not arriving here a lot earlier. What I really mean to convey is I should have died on numerous occasions – the devil even tried to take me out before I was born. You see I was a 'back street sprog', born illegitimate, yet thankfully enough my mother did not have me 'terminated' or a more accurate way of putting it – murdered! Some people still falsely call it – abortion. So I lived.... God the Father had a good plan for my life as it says in Jeremiah 29:11 to give me a future.

       In the following are just a few examples of how the devil "tried to take me out of the ballgame":

When I was about 16 - 17 I fell off a derelict building in a disused quarry and somehow just caught one hand on a wooden beam and managed to pull myself up to safety. When I was a young boy of about 9 - 10 years old I hung off a cliff edge on the highest peak of Mount Snowden, Wales in the British Isles, whilst reading a small wooden plaque that had been placed there commemorating the death of a few climbers. My parents were beside themselves with horror as I had quite some hundreds of feet clear drop below me. One slight slip and I would have fallen to my death...

       Another time the aeroplane I was travelling in undercarriage didn't drop down just as we were 30 seconds from landing and we had to circle the airport for half an hour before the pilot finally said these unforgettable words,

 "We think we've fixed the problem and we're going to try and land..."

Think and try.... I think that particular pilot needs very much to attend a communication course! I will never fly with that Irish airline again! What am I talking about – I'm in heaven I don't need such Bryan's Air as them!!!! (That's code by the way...but not too well hidden – I think I added one too many letters somewhere?).

Oh, I could go on and on about such things, so many 'close shaves'.  Speaking of 'close shaves' that reminds me once when I was about 17 -19 years old I was on my little Yamaha 100cc RS motorbike (it was blue) and a curious thing happened. As I was starting to go up a long hill just outside Kessingland, Suffolk, England an open-backed truck carrying some quite long thin cut pieces of wood was approaching me from the opposite direction. The wood had been loosely stacked ending up leaning on the back of the cab on the truck. To my utter horror, the wood started to slide off the back of the cab onto the road. As I almost drew level with the truck the long thin cut pieces of wood were half in the truck and half hanging out over the sides. The pieces hanging out were precisely at my head height. I was just about to be decapitated... I stared in disbelief at the pieces of wood, yet in my stupidity, I kept on riding, I really had next to no time to react. However, in the very last second the wood bowed down to the road's surface before me and I was able to ride right over the wood without hardly even feeling much of a bump! It was if an unseen hand (or feet) pushed (stepped on) the planks of wood just at the right time for me to pass safely over them. Truly, I would have definitely been decapitated – wow what a horrible (as well as a really stupid) way to die!

I do not know what to believe in regarding this case, was it just a coincidence or were a couple of Angles looking after me? I not only believe in so-called, "Guardian Angels" as I've actually seen mine, as well as other people's.

Sorry I'm rambling on, just to say that here in the above paragraphs I've recorded a few of those examples of the enemy trying t kill me (By the way, I am not paranoid, the enemy tries to kill off many people and there are a lot of Bible accounts of this, as well as testimonies of other Christians he has 'attacked'. Unfortunately, he is sometimes more than successful!).

Below is probably, no in fact I know is his best attempt at "Taking me out". By the way, now I'm in Heaven, Satan can no longer try and have a go at me. The great thing is before I went / passed over / took my last breath on Earth and then my next breath in Heaven – some people say 'died' – I made sure that I left several 'carbon copies of me', so to speak, to continue doing the job after I left! So after all his attempts to kill me so as to stop me working out God's assignment for me, which I completed, as far as I know; I'll find out later; but I also set several youngsters off in all directions doing the same thing as me – so devil stick that in your pipe and smoke it! I know that you don't need a light!

Sorry – rambling again! The Event – as told by me...

I was driving in my car to go to a Friday appointment at my orthopaedic doctor for some further treatment on my back. I was travelling along "The Ridge", as I call it, because the road level is higher than the surrounding fields. I got stuck behind a slow-moving white van. After going through a small village and cresting the hill, I managed to overtake the vehicle.

Just as I was overtaking, the driver of the van speeded up. As we were on a downward slope, I suppose he could now go faster (the other possibility being he did not like to be overtaken...). This meant that I had to increase my speed from 80 Kilometres per Hour to 120.

I noticed a long line of vehicles coming up the steep hill; however, they were far enough away for me to safely continue to overtake. A lorry (truck, which also had a trailer) was at their head and so I knew he would be driving slowly up the steep hill. I noticed that he was also on a bend. At my speed of 120 kph I noticed a SECOND lorry (truck) was overtaking the first lorry ON the bend!

I was faced with two Lorries (trucks) coming up the hill at me and they were filling both sides of the road completely. My music was playing in my car (a group called, 'The Mission') as I looked and realised in horror that I had nowhere to go. I was now only a short distance to the oncoming two Lorries (trucks). A slight gap was beginning to open up as the lorry driver was desperately cutting the other lorry driver up (meaning to get his lorry onto the correct side of the road, but causing the other lorry to break hard). This gap, however, was just big enough for a cyclist to go through. I instinctively aimed for the gap with hope, as I was now right on top of the lorry with only a few metres to go before impact. The overtaking lorry was however still blocking most of my side of the road. In the very last second, I was convinced that I was going to crash into the rear wheels of the overtaking lorry. With this type of lorry, there is at least two metres of the lorry over-hanging its rear wheels. There was no escaping it I was going to crash!

I am a bit of a coward and so I closed my eyes just the last second before impact. I waited for the crash sound and for me to be propelled violently forward...

Nothing happened!

My music continued to play, and so I right away opened my eyes to see a clear road ahead and that I had made it around the bend... A tree was on my side of the road on the bend, which did not allow me the option of driving off the road into the field and crashing my car into it. This would have been bad, but not as bad as crashing headlong into a lorry at 120 kph! As I opened my eyes I immediately said, "Praise the Lord!" Then I had negative thoughts about the overtaking lorry driver and the man in the white van that had speeded up. I instantly suppressed them as I knew that these thoughts were not helpful. For example: I wanted to turn my car around and to chase after the lorry driver and to ask him:

 "What were you playing at overtaking another lorry on a hill and on a bend?"

Or I wanted to put on my breaks and force the man in the white van to stop so that I could smash his door window and drag him out of his van. As I said, these thoughts are not helpful, so I immediately said to myself that I should not entertain them and that I should forgive.

My next thought was that I was really dead and that I just did not know it yet! Films (movies) can really mess up your head sometimes. I'll explain:  I have watched films in the past which have shown someone in a war situation that is shot dead, but they keep carrying on running and shooting at the enemy, then they realise that other bullets are passing through them. They then look back to see their dead body lying on the ground, bloodied and they are quite obviously dead! With this thought in mind, I became quite desperate that someone could tell me that they could see me. I felt compelled to stop my car and to try and ask a pedestrian if they could see me, but unfortunately, my German is not quite good enough for this. Plus the fact that such a request to a stranger in the street would come over as being quite crazy.

I, therefore, continued on to my appointment, somewhat in shock, naturally. Also, in disbelief at what had happened. I could not believe it, well I could... However, I could not offer a rational explanation of what had happened. I knew full well that I could not have missed that on-coming lorry. I knew that there was nowhere for me to go on the road. I'd closed my eyes the second before impact and travelling at that speed there was no way that that lorry could have cleared enough space in that last second to provide me with enough room to pass safely. Oh yes, a bicycle or perhaps a motorbike, but not a car!

Once I had arrived in the Orthopaedic practice I went into my cubicle, undressed like an automaton and sat on the edge of the bed staring ahead of me. All these thoughts that I have just outlined in the above paragraphs ran and re-ran through my head as I sat there. My orthopaedic doctor came into the cubicle and saw the way that I looked and she asked me what was wrong, (she can speak English quite well). I explained and she said, "Wow!" then she began to work on my back. I was glad that she could see me and as she pummelled my back I was also glad of being able to feel. I have my own 'pet name' for my doctor's practice and I call it, "The House of Pain". My Orthopaedic doctor is a very nice person with a caring disposition. However, every time they have worked on my back it hurt and when I had to get up from the "bed - couch" after a session, it took me two to three minutes to recover. I would be stiff and in pain. Now after I had just nearly died, to feel the pain was wonderful. It meant that I was alive!

This day was incredible, as I had to drive past the exact spot of "the event" up and down 8 times (4 times there and back). On my return, the second time as it were, I felt a strange feeling in my stomach at passing the spot and I slowed down to assess the width of the road compared to the width of my car. It was impossible for me not to have hit that lorry as there were only a half a metre clearance (or less) either side of my car!  Times 3 and 4 were to go to a local city to teach. That feeling in my stomach returned, plus that feeling of

"I believe it, but I don't believe it. I cannot offer a logical explanation for this!"

Times 5 and 6 was to take my wife's car to the mechanic to have it looked at for some reason. I had to control myself on the way back home as my wife was sitting next to me in my car. What I mean is this: I had had many thoughts about my wife having to go to the city hospital to confirm (identify) that my dead body was me and then she would have to tell our two young children that Daddy wasn't coming home anymore and that I had gone to Heaven. The other scenario would be if I was alive after the crash, then I would be in intensive care with tubes sticking out of me everywhere and I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and she would have to tell the children that "Daddy has had a bad accident." You can imagine the ramifications of me being either dead or crippled in a wheelchair. These thoughts assaulted my mind.

Times 7 and 8 were not so bad, but I could still not offer a rational explanation for what had occurred. I think, in one sense, I still had not taken in what had transpired and I was probably still in shock?

My wife is not too happy with my driving and I do drive a little fast (at times), but not as fast and as dangerous as some maniacs that I have witnessed in Germany since I have been here.

I went to sleep that night much relieved that I was not dead or in intensive care. I still wondered why I had not hit the lorry and why God had so obviously saved me. The video of the day ran through my head again and again until eventually I fell asleep.

The next morning I had to go to Dresden to buy a guitar and my friend Kyle was going to accompany me to the music shop. As I drove out of my village up a hill I shouted for joy that I was alive and "Whooped" like a crazy American at a Rodeo show. I even shouted "I'm alive!" several times (and I did not feel a fool for doing it). The morning had come and I was clearly alive and not dead.

I told Kyle of my "event" and later I told his family. Since this time I have only told a few select people.

There is an overriding thought that comes to my mind, that is "My life has been spared, and so I think it must mean that I have some sort of great work to fulfil or some such thing. There must be some rational explanation why I did not die?" My only two offerings as to the question, "What could have happened?" are these:

1.)                      I do believe in 'Guardian Angels' that are assigned to you. Perhaps these two mighty angelic powers shoved the lorry very hard and quickly in the last possible second?

2.)                      I heard a testimony of Heidi Baker where her pick-up truck managed to drive between a wall (or fence) and a lamp post when she was in a particularly dangerous situation. She had a gun to her head at the time. She yelled "Jesus!" put her foot down on the accelerator (gas pedal) and headed for the 'gap'. She later went back and measured the 'gap' and the width of her pick-up truck and she found that it was impossible for her truck to go through the 'gap'! Her explanation was about "expanding molecules" (something to do with physics), which is the explanation for Jesus being able to walk through walls into locked rooms (i.e. the upper room mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible, see John 20:19). Therefore, perhaps God expanded the molecules of my car so that I could pass right through the lorry?

Both of these explanations are "a little far-fetched" for your average 'Non-believer' and also equally so for some 'Believers'. However, I did say at the beginning of my testimony that I could not offer a rational explanation for what had occurred.

I witness that the above event is a true and faithful rendition of what happened on that day in 2007 and I have included all the thoughts that went through my mind on that day and the day after and all the events. I offer it to you for a witness of the saving power of a loving God. I hope that you believe me, but if you do not, then I do not really care so much (or perhaps I should as a Christian witness...). I know that it happened to me! I was there. I am not on medication, or prescription drugs (or any kind of 'drug') and I have never been examined for any form of mental illness. I am not a "Space Cadet" Christian who is given to over zealous behaviour of any religious kind. I am just a loving father of two beautiful children and a loving wife, who is very grateful to God, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit for saving my life (again...).

       So, to conclude, for now, "The Book of Secrets" there is a great deal of 'stuff' that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and His Angels do that mystifies us, bewilders us and leaves us thinking / questioning,

"Why on Earth should God want to put Gold fillings in people's teeth!?"

Well, as I have mentioned previously above Psalm 135 verse 6 answers this, which states:

       "Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in Heaven and in Earth."

       So who are we to question Him? What sheer audacity, what presumption, what selfish pride we all exhibit when we question and do not believe that God is God and He can do anything; as well as the notion that God is God and I'm not bucking for the job! Do you or I know EVERYTHING!? The resounding answer is NO! Yet, He does!

       In Heaven, in this magnificent library I am learning so much; even "The Book of Secrets" is opening up new avenues of thought, experience and possibility that I could have never even in my wildest dreams imagined and now I find myself 'imaging'.

The End or only The Beginning for some that as know HIM!

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