Changing Into A New Life (Fan...

By WriteReadDanceLove

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"What do you think of Alexandra?" Dumbledore asked me. I thought about the question for a few seconds, what d... More

1-The Letter~ Alexandra Evans
2-Hogwarts~ Alexandra Evans
3-New Questions~ Harry Potter
4-The Truth Hurts~ Alexandra Evans
5-New Spins~ Harry Potter
6-A Sliver Of The Past~ Alexandra Evans
7-A Bit Revealed~ Severus Snape
8-Stories Are Shared~ Alexandra Evans
9-The Queen Of Pranking~ Alexandra Evans
10-Never To Be Trusted~ Remus Lupin
11-Shopping!~ Alexandra Evans
13-A Mission~ Sirius Black
14-Lies~ Hermione Granger
15-The Game~ Alexandra Evans
16-The Night~ Alexandra Evans
17-Realizations~ Albus Dumbledore
18-Replay~ Alexandra Evans
19-Out With The Old, In With The New~ Alexandra Evans
20-The Niece~ Sally Jackson
21-The Argo II~ Alexandra Evans
22-The Letters~ Alexandra Evans
23-The New Prophecy~ Percy Jackson
24-Bumpy Landings~ Alexandra Evans
25-Training Troubles~ Percy Jackson
26-The True Gryffindor~ Alexandra Evans
27-Trusting~ Alexandra Evans
28-A Baboon?~ Annabeth Chase
29-Collision~ Alexandra Evans
30-Epilouge~ Alexandra Evans

12-Christmas Time!~ Alexandra Evans

307 15 2
By WriteReadDanceLove

Chapter 12- Alexandra Evans

"Come on, Hermione! You wake her up, she'll kill us if we do it!" I heard one voice complain. After a minute it registered as Ron's voice. I couldn't believe that I'd actually fallen asleep in the common room after I finished. Now they seemed to be arguing over who had to wake me up. I didn't blame them though, I wasn't a very happy morning person.

"She won't kill you! I have about as much chance of being killed as you do!" I heard Hermione's voice respond in a harsh tone. I mentally rolled my eyes, they should have already realized that their talking would wake me up. I mean seriously, if you're arguing right beside a person then the odds are pretty high that they're going to wake up.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not going to kill anyone. Unless my hair is pink, in which case everyone near me will die," I told them with a small smirk on my face. I heard three people jump before I opened my eyes fully. I was sleeping on the floor, Hermione, Ron and Harry had backed up a bit due to my joking threat about pink hair. "You know I was just kidding, well I really do hate pink. But still, just kidding!" I told them while I sat up. 

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?" Hermione asked me. I rubbed my sore head, it hurt to sleep on hard wood floor without a pillow. I really needed to remember that couches didn't like me sleeping on them, I always fell off.

"I was sleeping on the couch but I think I must have rolled off in the middle of the night," I explained as I thought of the possibilities. That was the only one I could think of though. That or the couch decided to throw me off in the middle of the night.

"Well now that she's awake, can we open the presents?" Ron begged. Hermione rolled her eyes before nodding a yes. Ron grinned and ran towards a the tree with presents underneath it. I pushed myself up onto the couch so I could watch. I knew I didn't get anything, I never did. Well except for Sirius that is.

"Aren't you going to open your presents, Alex?" Hermione asked me when she saw me sitting on the couch. I raised my eyebrows and she gestured to a small pile of presents with my name on them. A huge grin grew across my face as I sat down on the floor. They weren't much but I didn't care, they were probably the best presents I ever got.

I got a book on potions from Hermione. . .a box of sweets from Ron. . .a green and black Weasley jumper from Mrs. Weasley. . .A FIREBOLT FROM SIRIUS! I looked at it in amazement, I had never actually ridden a broom before but Sirius said that my mother had played on the Quidditch team when she was at Hogwarts. Then I opened my last present, from Harry. IT WAS AN IPOD TOUCH! It already had a hundred dollars on the ITunes account so I could pick out what songs and apps I could buy. Talk about amazing!

"Thank you so much! I can't believe you got me this stuff!" I told them happily. I knew that my eyes would be a bright green at the moment, reflecting how happy I was. There had only been a handful of times that I'd been so happy.

"Wow! I got a Firebolt!" Harry exclaimed. I smiled at the gift Sirius had chosen to get him, it would be perfect for him. Not to mention perfectly safe since I'd helped Sirius cast some safety spells on it that didn't let hex's or jinx's affect it.

"That's so awesome! You have to try it out later," I told him happily. He nodded with a wide grin covering his face. I had decided to let myself have Christmas. It would be the one day that I got to have fun with people I cared about.

"We should all go down to the Quidditch field after breakfast," he offered to everyone. Hermione looked skeptical at the broom but Ron seemed happy enough as long as he got a turn. I was happy to watch since I could try my own at a later time. 

"I'll join you down there later, I have a friend to visit before I do anything else. I'm going after breakfast though so let's go get some food!" I explained quickly. They all gave me odd looks when I said the word 'friend' but followed me down to the hall none the less. I was happy to finally get to have a bit of fun, just one day of it.

I sat with them during breakfast, but I finished early so I could get down there quicker. I piled up a paper plate with all the food I could fit before I left. Dumbledore looked happy up at the staff table with his new socks. Lupin however I was going to give the gift to later. I wanted to be right there when he got scared by a calendar. How it was suppose to scare him, I didn't know. I just knew that Sirius knew something I didn't.

As I walked through the snow I couldn't help but smile at the beauty of the outdoors. It was absolutely wonderful in the snow. Once I got down to the Forbidden forest I found Sirius waiting near the edge of the trees. He had a small smile on his face that reflected mine.

"Merry Christmas!" I told him happy as I passed him the watch. It was in a medium sized, gold box. I watched as Sirius's eyes lit up when he saw it. "It doubles as a walkie-talkie." He pulled me into a hug before putting the watch on.

"Thank you so much Lex," he told me. That was what he usually called me, Lex. It was an awesome nickname. Before I could respond I heard shouting coming towards us. Sirius changed into Snuffles a minute before the trio came into the same area.

"I thought you were going to go try out the Firebolt?" I asked them while I set the plate of food down for Snuffles. He barked happily before eating it. I knew that Sirius would eat it no matter what, he was hungry. That's it.

"We were before some one got it taken away!" Ron said angrily while glaring at Hermione. She returned the glare. I should have known that Hermione would have gotten taken! I should have convinced her it was safe before I left them alone.

"It was probably jinxed but Sirius Black! Since we know that no other person would get you something that expensive!" Hermione exclaimed. Snuffles barked at his name before continuing with the food. Everyone's attention was turned to the black dog. His head was still down in the food though, oblivious to the people watching him.

"Who's dog?" Harry asked. Snuffles' head shot up and he ran over to Harry where he started barking happily. Harry seemed a bit frightened by the large dog, who looked quite similar to the Grim that Harry seems to be seeing. In truth they were the same thing though. Sirius had said something about wanting to see Harry.

"He's a friend of mine, Snuffles. I had to bring him some food and give him his new collar that I bought for him," I explained. Snuffles turned and rushed over to me. I pulled the collar out and put it on him. Once I finished he went off to enjoy his breakfast again. "Come on, you can use my Firebolt."

"You have a Firebolt!?" Harry asked in a flabbergasted voice. I smiled and nodded. They must have been too busy to notice it. Lucky me considering what Hermione would have thought about it. She would have gotten it taken away like Harry's.

"I got it for Christmas from some one I learned to be my godfather. He's actually a really nice guy to talk to," I told them happily. The four of us walked back up to the school to get my Firebolt while Snuffles ate the rest of the food. The two boys walked in front of me, Hermione had fell behind to walk with me.

"Thanks for the book," she said with a sheepish smile. I shot her a full smile. Of course it would have been her that figured out who it was from. She was a pretty smart person.

"No problem, I knew that the class wasn't your best subject. How did you know it was me though?" I asked her curiously. 

"Who else would have known that?" she asked me. I shook my head sadly, even though there was a large smile on my face. I guess that probably did give it away, but whatever. She deserved to have the book.

"The broom was perfectly safe you know. I checked it myself," I told her. She gave me a flabbergasted look. "It wasn't me that bought the broom, but I made sure that the person hadn't jinxed it before he sent it," I promised her. Sirius had been fine with me checking it since he knew that I didn't trust that no one had jinxed it when it was sold. I had checked it before Sirius and I made it safer.

"Who sent it then?" she asked me curiously. I shook my head at her attempt to make me spill the beans on who it was.

"I promised the person that I wouldn't say. Just be careful with the way you act around those two, they're both pretty disappointed that the broom was taken," I warned her. She was about to object but we were already in the common room so I decided to run up to my room. From there I grabbed my Firebolt and headed back downstairs.

The boys were amazed by the look of the broom so I let them take it down to the pitch. I would have a go on it later, better to let them have some fun. From the stands I watched them take turns flying it around. Hermione had stayed back up in the common room since the boys were so mad at her. She also said something about preparing Buckbeaks trial. I promised her that I'd help out later since the boys probably wouldn't.

"Hey Alex, why don't you take a try?" Harry asked me. 

"You two can have some fun with it, I'll just come out later," I told them. He nodded before zooming around the pitch again. I actually preferred the feeling of riding on a Hippogriff, much more controlled then a broom. Of at the edge of the forest I saw a shadow flickering. I looked around the stands to find that no one else was around. I lifted the watch up to my mouth and pressed a button. "What are you doing, Padfoot?" 

"I had to see how Harry flew. He's just like his father," Sirius said through the watch. I smiled at the compliment he had given to his godson. From what I heard about James Potter and how well he flew a broom, it was true. They were both amazing at flying.

"He is really good, but if you want to watch at least watch as Snuffles. I don't want some one to see you and freak out," I told him. I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Fine, but this will require extra food tonight!" he bargained. I let out a small laugh, that guy was all about food.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the normal spot with some Christmas dinner. Now change back to Snuffles!" I yelled at him. I heard him laugh before spotting the dog at the edge of the forest. I could have sworn that I heard some one running around in the stands, but I couldn't see anyone. I shook it off as Ron and Harry come into the stands.

"Come on Alex! You have to at least try your broom," Ron said. I rolled my eyes but took the broom from him. I mounted it with ease I did a quick lift off. Something inside of me was taking over, I had never ridden a broom before yet I was flying around the pitch like I had done it my whole life. The wind going through my hair felt amazing. After only a minute of flying I landed quickly. Something told me it was better not to spend too much time in the sky.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed happily. The boys laughed at me while we walked back to the common room. I left them there so I could give Lupin his present. I knocked three times on the door frame before I heard a soft 'come in.' I walked into the room with a wicked grin on my face. As much as it was mean, it was also payback for him not believing my story.

I gave him the present without a word said. He opened it quickly and his face paled when he saw the dates I circled. "Something wrong Professor?" I asked him innocently.

"How did you know?" he demanded. I was actually puzzled by this one. What the hell was he talking about?

"How did I know what?" I asked him in a puzzled voice. He thought that I was faking it though. Of course he would. He obviously didn't trust me so I should have known he wouldn't believe a word I said to him.

"That I was a werewolf! How did you know?" he demanded again. I thought about it for a second on whether or not I was going to scream in fear or confess. I decided confess, I could tell it was hard on him for some one else to know. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. He was scared of himself just like I was. I knew how horrible it felt to have to watch every step you took. One wrong step and some one would get hurt.

"I didn't know. I asked Padfoot for help on what to get you that would freak you out the most. I have to say though, I really wasn't expecting that. Oh well, see ya later," I told him before I started walking out of the office. Of course I felt bad for him but if he was anything like me then he didn't want the comfort. I was forced to stop right before the door because of him yelling towards me. I stopped.

"Wait!" he yelled after me. I turned to him with a kind smile on my face. Maybe he didn't believe what I said about Sirius, but he was still the person that was the most like me. We were both stuck living in our own shadow of fear. The least I could do was help him out.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone," I told him. He looked relieved and I was able to walk out without another interruption.

Well now I had another secret to keep.


So, I got another chapter up. Cool right? Just kidding, I thought it was Thursday today though so I'm happy I realized it was actually Friday. I loved this chapter, but the next one I hope will be even better. Stay tuned in case I update early. Don't expect it till Tuesday though, my mom's taking me up to my dad and brother's hunting camp till Monday night. I hate it since I'll be missing a day of school, but there isn't much I can do about it. Stay tuned though!

I think I'm going to start giving chapter questions now. Here we go.

Do you think that Alexandra will keep Remus's secret or will she spill it? Why or why not?

Vote if you like the chapter.

Comment your answers and thoughts.

Fan me cause you're an amazing blueberry like that.


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