10-Never To Be Trusted~ Remus Lupin

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Chapter 10- Remus Lupin 

I stood there in the empty hallway as I tried to process the things that were coming into my brain at the time. Alexandra had spoken to Sirius in a forest. He had told her a story that revealed he was innocent. I didn't believe it though. Every time I thought about Sirius, I thought about how he lead to Lily and James's deads. That was the one thing that I would never forget about him, he had been the one that betrayed them. He practically killed them.

The memory had to tampered with, or he was lying to her. It couldn't have been the truth, I couldn't and I wouldn't believe it. Peter was killed years ago, by Sirius himself. Then there was the nagging at the back of my head, that horrible nagging. What if it was the truth? My friend could be innocent. There could be proof that he wasn't a murder. 

I shook the thoughts from my head and went on to help the teachers. We were trying to figure out where the Fat Lady got to after the canvas was torn. We had gotten the paintings to help but we were also running around in hope that we would see her in a picture. When one of the paintings alerted us on where she was we all headed up there. 

Once we did, she refused to go back to her old position. Instead they got a knight to do it, mostly because no one else wanted the job. Or would agree to it. The knight was actually really annoying, but we didn't have any other choice. 

After that was finally sorted out I decided to tell Dumbledore what Alexandra showed me. I didn't even know that she could share memories like that. I'd only ever seen Snape do that advanced type of Legilimency, and that was only once. Never would I had expected a child of her age to do something so advanced. It was scary, what if she had been practicing magic like that where she was before? She could know hundreds of curses by now. 

"Lemon drops," I told the gargoyle. It started to swirl upwards, I stepped on and waited for the staircase to reach the door to Dumbledores office. When it finally did I knocked quickly, being greeted by a soft 'come in'. I pushed the door open and walked right up so I was across from Dumbledore. For half a second I thought about backing out, but I pushed the words out before I could convince myself not to. 

"She's been talking to Black," I told him bluntly. For half a second I could have sworn I saw something cross his eyes. Fear. It was impossible though, he was the only one You-Know-Who ever feared. He wouldn't be scared of little Alexandra. He wouldn't be scared of a little girl that didn't know she was a witch until a week ago, would he? 

"Take the floo network and bring her up here," he ordered. I nodded and walked over to the fireplace. I dropped the powder and was suddenly in the hallway outside the Great Hall. As silently as I could, I walked into the Great Hall, I quickly spotted Alexandra. There was a space bubble around her that showed no one wanted to be near her. My heart sunk for a second in pity and regret before I remembered what she'd done. I avoided students until I was right in front of her. I shook her gently, her eyes fluttered open. 

"Come on," I whispered to her. She nodded and quickly stood up, following behind me out into the hallway. She took my arm and we traveled through the Floo system together, something about her eyes seemed both irritated and wondering. 

"Hello Ms. Evans," Dumbledore greeted her as we stepped through the fireplace. "Is what Professor Lupin told me true?" he asked bluntly. She raised her eyebrows in questioning before she continued to answer. 

"That would depend on what he said," Alexandra said smoothly, not a hint of a break in her voice. I had to admit, she was a pretty good talker. She could have a professional job as a lawyer in the Muggle world or the Wizard world. 

"Have you been speaking with Sirius Black?" he asked her. She nodded her head as though she didn't know what was wrong with it. After a second of shock he continued on to his next question. "And you are believing that he is innocent?" he asked. 

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