28-A Baboon?~ Annabeth Chase

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Chapter 28- Annabeth Chase 

"She's been sitting in her room for a week now, can't you convince her to come out?" Percy practically begged Piper. It was Alex that he ws worried about, she'd locked herself in her room for the past week and no one was able to convince her to come out. She had first claimed that she was tired and needed rest, but at another point I swear I heard her sobbing. It just wasn't healthy for her to spend so much time in there. 

Over the last week though, we'd been on our way to Mount Olympus, the original in Greece. We'd been interrupted on multiple accounts due to Greek and Roman monsters coming after us, thinking that we'd be good monster chow. Most of us had been too worried about the monsters to even think about Alex locking herself away, but now Percy was more worried then I'd seen him in a long time. He sat outside of her door for the past two days trying to get her out again. I had asked her to come out multiple times too, but she had either ignored me or said no. Now we needed her to get her out so she could prepare for Mount Olympus. 

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything. She's a very powerful demigod, I don't know if she'll fall for it or be able to resist it," Piper explained to us in a very unsure voice. Percy just nodded his head a small bit. I could tell that he cared for his half-sister a lot more then most others at Camp cared for their half-siblings. We were use to saying hi and bye to our siblings quickly, it must come with not having very many siblings around. 

Percy and I followed Piper down bellow the deck and to the door with Alex's name on it. Unlike the other doors to rooms on the ship, it was just a plain name, nothing very fancy compared to some of the doors. Most of the others had a few designs on them, like mine had a couple owls. Leo's was the coolest though, he had tricked it out with a ton of things. 

"Alex, come out here for a minute. We're almost at Mount Olympus and we need to get ready," Piper explained to her, the charm speak think in her voice. Even with her not talking to me, I had an urge to go and get ready with everyone else out on the top deck as soon as I possibly could. For a minute, there was no response to anything and I saw that Percy was getting more and more worried by the second. Right when Piper was about to try again, the door opened and Percy let out a breath of relief. Alex looked like she hadn't slept in days, even though she had claimed before that she was resting.  

She had dark bags under her eyes, but other then that she looked ready for anything that was going to be thrown at her. A bronze knife sat in a sheath on her left hip, her sword bobby pin was still in her hair with no real purpose in its current state. Her hair was in a tight braid that went halfway down her back, it had grown more over the past week while she was locked up. Her eyes were a colour I'd never seen them before. They were no longer the green, blue or black, but a plain gray colour. She was wearing plain black capris, one of our many orange Camp Half-Blood shirts, obviously not afraid of her scars any more and a pair of knee-high, brown leather boots. Piper had previously told me that she'd left them in her room before they met us at the Doors of Death.  

"Yes?" Alex asked in a voice that easily showed how tired she was. She sounded much more tired then she had ever sounded before, even when we'd been down in Tartarus and on the run. Even looking much heathier then she previously had, she had a somewhat haunted look on her face. This made me think that Percy wasn't alone in worrying about her any more. 

"You've locked yourself in your room for your past week, you've worried us," Percy told her in a concerned tone. She looked down a bit, almost like she was ashamed of what she'd done.  

"Sorry, I've just been feeling a bit homesick. It also took me a while to read through all of the letters that my friends from England sent me. I'm ready for the battle though," she said calmly as though she'd been preparing for her entire life. Something about her face said that she was lying through it all though, but I knew it was better not to push her. If she was going to spill, it would be because she chose to do so, not because she was tricked. 

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