19-Out With The Old, In With The New~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 19- Alexandra Evans

Turns out I had to spend the next week in the hospital wing, something about a werewolf being dangerous to me. I got out the night of the feast though, which was good considering how my ADHD was acting. Me spending so long in a hospital bed did not end up well, ever. At one point I almost jumped out the window, until Madam Pomfrey decided to pull me back in. I had been sad, but then she reminded me that I would have had to stay there longer.

I definitely wasn't alone though, the twins, the trio, Ginny, Neville and Luna were all constant visitors. They tried to keep me entertained, but in truth I just wanted Sirius back to come back and talk to me. He was the best friend I ever had. I just wanted him back so I had some one to talk to, it just wasn't the same with anyone else.

"Can I go now?" I asked Madam Pomfrey for the hundredth time that day. She sighed and turned to me with a strict look on her face. I had a feeling that she actually was going to let me go, I had been there more than long enough.

"You can go right now if you promise me no more jumping out of the windows," she told me. I rolled my eyes but quickly agreed to her stupid demand, not that I actually meant it. Before anything else could be said though, I actually ran the whole way to the Great Hall. I felt fine though, perfectly healthy.

It was already packed with hungry students and annoying teachers waiting for food. I plopped down between Harry and the twins. They were all talking happily about their summer plans. Except for Harry who was still stuck at his aunt and uncle's. But at least he was getting a nice break with the Weasley's taking him to the Quidditch world cup. They had offered to bring me, but I had turned them down since I was busy.

"I think I would have died if I had to spend another day in the stupid hospital wing," I told them with a horrible image of it in my head. They all turned and smiled at me while a few others move further away from where we sat. Of course some people were still scared of me, but I didn't care. Some people actually liked to hang with me.

"Nice to see you out of there," Hermione told me happily. I sent her a smile and was about to respond when Dumbledore's speech interrupted my train of thought. Of course that was what would happen just when I wanted to say something.

Once he had finished the short and boring speech, the food always appears so we started to dig in for the fun feast. Gryffindor had won the house cup! Yet the hall seemed quiet, too quiet actually, way too quiet. I smirked and did a small spell, a minute later my iPod touch came flying into my hand. It was finally time to pick up the sad feeling of the feast. People just didn't know how to have a good time at a feast.

"I think this feast deserves a bit of extra music to pick up the mood, what do you think?" I asked my friends. They all smiled at the suggestion, it was good to know that some one was actually agreeing with me on this topic. I clicked on Roar by Katy Perry and did a small amplifying spell on the IPod.

The hall was suddenly filled with music, everyone was quite shocked. After a second of their shock finished, the students seemed happy about it. A few of the teachers appeared annoyed by it, others were enjoying it though. I was happy that I had gotten to have one super awesome and amazing day more at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As the feast went on without a single teacher coming up to me. Everyone was happy that we had a bit of a pick up for the feast. I left my iPod playing through the halls until we got to the common room where I decided to turn it off.

"I can't believe we're all leaving tomorrow," Hermione sighed. The trio and I were the only ones left in the common room at the time. I couldn't help but sigh at Hermione's words though. My plans equaled not getting to see my friends and cousin for over a year. It would suck, but it was something that I really had to do.

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