29-Collision~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 29- Alexandra Evans 

I ran across the deck as fast as I could to hug my long-lost step-father, completely forgetting that I had a sword in my right hand and not really caring about anyone else. A blue light was sent my way, but I used the air to send it off the ship and into the middle of no-where, not giving any thought on who'd sent the spell my way. Only a second before I hugged Amos, I dropped my sword onto the deck so I wouldn't stab him when I hugged him. I hugged him tightly, worried that he'd disappear if I hugged him any lighter.  

"Lexi, I'm not going to disappear. However, I may not be alive any more if you hold on for much longer," Amos told me, slightly out of breath. I blushed a bit before backing away. I'd just spent the last week in my room, for reasons I'd rather not share, to come out and find my step-father come back from who knows where. You couldn't blame me for being excited.  

"What are you doing here? Who are these people? Where the Hades have you been?" I demanded on a rant of questions that I couldn't contain. As an arrow was sent towards the group, I quickly used the air to stop it in it's tracks. I didn't even turn to glare at Frank while I waited for Amos' response, it just wasn't worth it. 

"I think introductions can wait a minute, but we're here to help. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you sooner then now, but I've been a bit busy. . ." I shook my head and waved everyone over to the front of the ship. Percy was talking with guy that with brown hair, I think he said his name was Carter. Honestly though, I was completely lost on the whole situation. I was just happy to have my step-father back with me again. 

"This is Carter Kane, he and his friends are Magicians and follow the Egyptian Gods," Percy announced, causing a bit of pandemonium. After he said that little bit, Carter went on with introductions and an explanation for the Egyptian Gods while calming down the major ruckus. The main thing that I learned from it was that they weren't the Magicians that pulled rabbits out of hats. It may not seem overly important, but I definitely would have asked Amos to do so if it hadn't been clarified. That may have been a bit embarrassing. 

"Wait, so now there are people with boomerang-shaped wands here to help us defeat the crazy Earth Goddess that we'll probably end up meeting in a few minutes?" I asked in a slightly confused tone, all of my former grief put behind me. Everyone looked at me and nodded as one, which actually look extremely creepy. "Well then, this just got way more interesting. I'm not overly happy to throw this in at the moment, but does anyone else know that Amos is my step-dad?" I asked everyone. They all had that spit-take expression on their faces, so it was a good thing that they didn't have any water when I said that. Well, Amos was just kind of standing there, no spit-take pose for him.  

"That. . .makes sense now. You did say that was his name," Jason said, not really knowing what else to say about it. At least he was actually talking. 

"How come we never knew about this?" Sadie, Carter's sister asked. I shrugged. How was it my problem that they never knew? 

"I don't know. How come I never knew-wait, I did know about you two. So when he left to-this makes so much more sense now!" I exclaimed as I put all the pieces together. Amos left to look after the two of them when their mother died and was too busy to come and see me again. Trust me, it made so much more sense then him just ditching me. I was only just able to put all the pieces together once they were all standing on a ship sailing towards their death. Me included. 

"Really? 'Cause I'm still lost," Carter stated, which made me smile a bit.  

"When Amos left my mom and I, he said that he was going out to look after his niece and nephew. That means that he left about the time that your mom would have died. That also explains why he wouldn't have come back, even when I needed help as badly as I did," I explained. To the demigods, this made perfect sense, but most of the Magicians looked confused. Honestly though, I didn't care, confusion was funny. 

"I'm sorry that I never came back Lexi. Your mom assured me that she'd be able to take care of you on your own. I did even hear about what happened until a few months ago from your father," Amos admitted. I nodded my head, accepting his short apology. Suddenly I noticed that the ship had stopped.  

"We're here," Leo announced, a sentence that made my heart almost drop and I had a feeling that it was safe to assume I wasn't the only one. Everyone grabbed up their weapons and headed over to the edge of the ship. I could sense everyone's nervousness, even Amos seemed more on edge. No one felt safe with what was coming. 

It was time.


I would have updated this yesterday, but I had a soccer tournament. It's continuing later today, but I had some free time before I left. The next chapter is the epilogue and there is going to be a sequel. It's going to be called 'Lost Time'. I will also be skipping over most of the fight with Gaea, cause you probably won't want to read about that. Once the last book comes out, I'd have to come in here and edit so it was correct. This is just easier.

Question of the chapter. . .

What are all the Harry Potter books in order?





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