14-Lies~ Hermione Granger

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Chapter 14- Hermione Granger

I watched closely as Alex talked to Black in the common room, I didn't dare interrupt them seeing as Black had a knife. She seemed disappointed in what he had done where as Black seemed upset that Alex hadn't told him something important. What had he done? All I could see was him holding a knife, he tried to murder Harry! There was no other explanation. Alex must have been disappointed that he didn't do it, and to think that I thought she was my friend. 

Alex pointed to the portrait hole and Black ran out of it without another second's hesitation. I watched her look around the room but she seemed relieved when she didn't see anyone. She didn't know that I'd been watching the whole thing. She didn't know that I knew she was working with him. She didn't know that I knew her secret. 

A minute later Ron and Harry came running down the boys stairs and Alex walked over there with a caring look in her blue eyes. That dirty little traitor. I hopped down off the last step and went over to see what happened with Black and why some Ron had screamed. I could care less about what happened to Ron after what had happened and what he accused me of doing. I knew that my cat didn't eat his stupid rat and the broom could have been jinxed! 

"So what exactly happened?" Alex asked them in a worried voice. Fake, it was all an act for her. She was with Black, he probably got her help to get into the school to kill Harry. I knew she had been faking the whole time. 

"I woke up and he was just standing there with a giant knife!" Ron exclaimed. Alex was shaking her head angrily at what he was saying. 

"I am going to kill that guy!" she exclaimed. Her black eyes said that she actually was mad about this stunt and that she actually wanted to kill him for what happened. Before I could confront her about Black Professor McGonagall came in. She started asking questions and gave Alex glares when ever she could. I knew that she didn't trust Alex. None of teachers did. Not that Alex seemed to care about it. 

In the end McGonagall sent us all down to the Great Hall, again. As much as I felt like hating Alex, I couldn't. Not after knowing what she went through back in New York. It was to horrible to think that she would go bad after what she had to go through. It was horrible but it was a possibility. 

I fell asleep that day with thoughts running through my head on the topic. 


"Come on Hermione! I want to get some breakfast before we have to go down to the dungeons," I heard Alex complain. After a minute I finally just got up and went over to the table to get some breakfast. It seemed unappetizing though so I didn't eat like I normally did. I ate about a third of my usual. 

Once we finished eating we went up to the room to get our books. I decided not to confront Alex on her meeting with Black in the common room. It could have ended up with me getting hurt with her touchy anger. So instead we walked down to Potions together in complete silence, neither of us dared to break it. When we got there was when the fun happened. Well then again, potions with Alex was always fun. 

"Ms. Evans, would you like to explain to the class how you are still unable to make this potion?" Snape sneered at Alex. I spotted her give out a small smirk. She always got into arguments with Mr. Snappy Snape. 

"Actually, if were to taste it then you would find it works perfectly. Would you like to explain to the class why you have decided on not getting a wooden desk?" she asked him a perfectly calm tone. Snape glared at her but nothing else, absolutely nothing. I had to wonder what was going on there, Snape never gave her detentions or deducted house points because of her. It wasn't because he was afraid of though, it seemed like it was something else. 

After Potions her and I went to Charms and Ancient Runes, using the time turner of course. Thanks to the fact the I used the book she gave me so much, I was second best in the whole class. Alex being the first with how fast she could transfer the runes. After lunch was Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin, much better then with Snape. Every once and a while I would notice Lupin give Alex a quick glance, it was almost like he was afraid of her. Well more afraid of her then everyone else in the school. 

When all of those classes were done I went to do my home work and work on Buckbeak's trail. Alex promised to help me after she visited Snuffles. At least she was helping me. Unlike the boys who had forgotten about it completely. She was at least taking a bit of the weight for everything off my shoulders. I was glad for it. 

Even if she was planning a murder.


I would have updated earlier today, but my computer was being a very bad word that I'm not going to write on here. So I'm really happy that my internet on this computer has started to like me again. Also sorry about how short this chapter is:( I'll update again later today or Sunday since I'm not going to be home tomorrow.

Question of the chapter is. . .

Do you want me to put up another Harry Potter fan fiction?

Vote cause I'm awesome.

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