27-Trusting~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 27-Alexandra Evans 

I'd lost track of time long ago. It could have been minutes, days, years, and I wouldn't have known the difference. Trial after trial in Tartarus had finally lead Percy, Annabeth and I to our needed destination, the Doors of Death. With Bob, the titan with no memory, we had fought every step of the way to get to where we were.  

Just to have it snatched away.  

Currently, I was supporting Annabeth while we were trying to figure out who would hold the button while the other two went up. Bob was fighting off any approaching monsters with the help of little Bob, the kitten. The argument needed to end soon, before the monsters started to get past Bob. Once Bob was down, there was no hope in anyone getting out safely. 

"Please, just don't make this any harder then it needs to be. We all know that I'm the one that has to stay. You two are needed in the prophecy, I'm not. So get in there now before something gets past Bob," I begged them. I passed Annabeth off to Percy and stood next to the elevator button, ready to hold it for the needed time. Both of their faces fell drastically at this, we had grown quite close over the time we spent together in Tartarus.  

"No, Alex! Just no. We aren't leaving you behind. We need you," Annabeth told me in a wavering voice. Small tears were now falling down my face, even though I was just shaking my head. I wouldn't let them stay in the dangerous place we had spent our time in. 

"This is my destiny, Annabeth. I dove head first into this hell after you, this time I just can't follow you," I told her with tears still falling. There was a sudden crash behind me. I turned on my heals to face something scarier then life itself. The simple sight of it sent shivers up my spine and made me weak in the knees. 


"None of you are leaving. It was very entertaining to watch you get so far, but this is where the journey ends for you. I'm afraid that your show is done. Now, you die," he told us. I suddenly had my sword out and was defending my new family from the new threat. The new enemy was actually draining my life force out of me, I knew that I wouldn't last long. I may had last longer if I hadn't spent so much time in the place before hand. 

With no warning, the fight was lifted from me. Damasen was there now, fighting off the god of the pit we stood in. Bob sent me a nod and I knew what to do. Percy, Annabeth and I climbed into the elevator while Bob moved to press the button. 

The doors closed and the elevator shuttered before it started to move upwards, back to the real world. I knew that both Annabeth and Percy were very weak from the pit, yet I was still in fighting state. It was nothing compared to a fresh soldier, but I knew that I would be able to fight anything that was on the other side of the doors. The only difference between them and me was the fact that I was use to the constant struggle while they weren't. 

"Alex. Just know that no matter what we face when we get out of here, you are my sister. And a brave friend," Percy told me. Annabeth was nodding in agreement. I let out the biggest smile that I ever had in my entire life. Not that there was much to compete with, considering my kind of past. I pulled the two of them into a hug, mostly supporting the two of them. Even back with Padfoot at Hogwarts, I couldn't remember being happier then I was. Being with Padfoot, I knew that I was safe and had a father figure to look up to like a friend. With Percy and Annabeth, I had a family that would always be there by my side, no matter how hard life got. 

"Thank you so much for that, it means so much coming from you two," I told them as I wiped away a few tears. After that, we stood there in pure silence. I was currently cleaning off the last of my sword when the doors dinged. We were finally back in the real world. 

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