9-The Queen Of Pranking~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 9- Alexandra Evans

During Herbology I was so out of focus due to the thoughts on the prank, the prank that was definitely going to win me the bet. I was extremely close to having my first trip to the Hospital Wing, if Neville hadn't grabbed my hand then it would probably would have been seriously injured. Throughout the class I knew that Hermione, Harry and Ron were watching me carefully. I ignore them though, I had much more important things on my mind. 

After class finished I practically ran out of the greenhouses and up to the school. I went to where the painting of fruit was, just like Sirius had said, and tickled the pear. It laughed and the painting swung open, I smirked at how easy it was. Without a second thought I went straight in towards the house elves, Sirius had told me that they were odd creatures but also very helpful. Let's just say they were weird looking creatures, it was the first time I'd ever seen one too. They creeped me out at first but I got use to their appearance after a minute. 

Once they had stopped trying to give me food, I gave them the instructions for the food for the teachers table. They listened to me without hesitation, that was house elves for you. After they I had made sure that the teachers food was set up correctly I decided to head back to the martial arts room again. I was in major need of something to get my energy out on, fighting seemed to help me with that a lot more then anything else. 

I made my way through the crowded halls until I found the same area that the doorway had appeared by before. I started to pace while I tried to remember how the room appeared before. After pacing by three times it showed up. With a small smile on my face, I went in again. As I did so I made a mental note on how to get in. 

This time it wasn't a training studio though, it was an Olympic sized swimming pool. I thought about heading out, but then I saw that there were change rooms, towels and new one piece bathing suits. I grabbed a black bathing suit and went straight into the girls change room. I was happy that no one else knew about the room, my body was covered in scars I would rather people didn't see. They were all ugly and there was a lot of them. 

Once I had changed I put on a swim cap and a pair or goggles. I dove straight in and started doing lengths. When I was younger I use to do swim competitions with my school, when I still went to school. I had been the best swimmer in years and years. No one could figure out how I was so fast when I only practiced with the school. It was a complete mystery to me too. All I knew was that the water acted as if if wanted me to be faster. 

I swam for about two hours before I was practically dying from hunger, not to mention I'd done close to 200 lengths. Probably more. I hopped out of the pool and was drying my face off at the same time a door slammed. I whipped my head to the door to find Hermione looking at me, the look of shock on her face was more then obvious in the light of the pool deck. I looked down at myself and realized all of my scars were showing. With a scowl on my face, I went back into the change room. I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid to think that no one else knew about the room. 

Once I finished drying off and getting changed I headed back out into the pool area. I grabbed an apple off the table by the food before I went to sit down beside Hermione. She was sitting in one of the chairs facing the pool with a focused look taped over her face. I had a slightly irritated look in my eyes that she was actually there. 

"Why did you come here?" I asked her as I pulled a chair so it was facing hers. My hair was up in a messy bun again since I didn't feel like putting it up any other way. I bit into my apple and started to chew while I waited for a response. 

"What were the scars from?" Hermione asked me, ignoring my question. I sat back in my chair and took another bite of my apple. As I chewed it I thought about what my answer would be. By the time I had finished chewing I knew what to say. I swallowed and went on to tell her. The answer I was going to tell her would leave no doubt behind. 

Changing Into A New Life (Fan Fiction Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें