16-The Night~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 16- Alexandra Evans

Finals were there. We had been studying non-stop for them. Well at least Hermione and I did. It was hard work but I had done every exam I had to do. I was just about to asked the psychopathic teacher, Professor Trelawney, about the tea leafs. Well I was waiting for Harry to be done so I could ask her. I was about to go in when the sight stopped me. Not very many sights have enough power to stop me, this one did. 

Harry was standing in front of her with his exam paper. I was about to step in when something seemed to possess her. I felt it's power radiating strongly, it was almost like it was drawing me closer to it. But I held the door frame tightly as I watched. I couldn't interrupt it, no matter how much I wanted to. 

"The servant will break free and set out to rejoin his Master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than before," she told Harry in a harsh voice. I saw slight fear in Harry's eyes, but I didn't stay to find out. The second she finished talking I was out of there like a bullet. 

I wandered the halls for a while, I was going to go down to Hagrid's with the trio but I knew that Harry would be more suspicious after the prophecy. After about an half an hour of wandering, I was about to go back to the common room before bed. I had seen Sirius earlier so I wasn't planning on going down there again. Before I could started heading back a voice spoke in my head. I had never heard the voice though, it left me more than puzzled. 

Go to Remus Lupin, ask to look at the map, a powerful voice instructed me. I looked around in alarm but saw no one around. With nothing better to do, I started out at a quick pace to Lupin's office. My thoughts were astray though. I wasn't focusing on who's voice it was, but rather why I had to go visit Lupin. 

I knocked on the door quickly before I just barged open.  

"I need to look at the map. I think it can prove that Padfoot's innocent," I told him with pleading eyes. It hadn't been what the voice said, but I knew that it would prove it. He seemed hesitant but I knew what to say to convince him. "Please, Moony." He nodded and pulled out a large piece of blank parchment, setting it down on the desk. 

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," he said clearly. I was about to question him when the map seemed to gain it's ink. So cool! "Now, where do we need to look?" he asked me. I shook my shock off before going over to him and looking over the map. 

"Look for Sirius Black," I told him. We both started looking over the map when I spotted the Whooping Willow. There was Ron Weasley, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. I smiled at the proof that I needed. Then I noticed it was almost like Sirius was dragging him into the willow. I knew that it was the spot leading to the Shrieking Shack. 

"You were telling the truth. Peter is alive," Lupin whispered quietly in himself. I nodded in a way that said duh! Of course I was telling the truth! 

"Well no shit! Now take my hand before they get too far," I told him. There had been certain things about my powers that I'd taken the chance to use. One of them included using the air to blast me from one place to another at high speeds. I had only ever tried it in short distances before though, it was time for a new experiment. 

"Why?" he asked my simply. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. 

"This might not be the best feeling!" I warned him. Before he could respond there was air rushed past us, threatening to peal our skin off. In seconds we were outside the willow. Lupin fell to his knees with heavy breathing. I knew that Hermione and Harry would already be inside. I couldn't waste time waiting for Lupin. 

"What-was-that?" Lupin asked through gasps in breaths. I let out a small smile as he climbed to his feet. 

"That was my using my powers for good. I really don't know though. Now get a hold of yourself and let's get in there!" I exclaimed. Before he could respond I was already dodging the branches to the knot hole. I pressed it and the tree slowed down. It was a good thing that Sirius had taught me the trick to it before. 

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