8-Stories Are Shared~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 8- Alexandra Evans

After my run in with Snape the night before, I was more nervous then ever to see him in Potions the next day. At least I didn't have him that day, talk about a new kind of torture. Only History of Magic and Herbology. Total sorns fest but what ever. I expected to fall asleep in History of Magic, I was told it was a whole new level of boring. 

Once again everyone cleared the area that I sat at, the old trick was actually getting old. I sighed, I was actually getting bored of having no one to talk to. Of course all I had wanted to do at Hogwarts was learn, but it was boring being in a room full of people that don't talk to you. All I had to do though was suck it up, I couldn't allow people to get close to me and get hurt from it. I couldn't live with myself if I let some one I cared about get hurt. 

I jumped a bit when two red heads sat down beside me. They were probably both Weasley's, like Ron was. They both seemed like they were half asleep, I mean they were actually sitting next to me on purpose. No one was that crazy when they were fully awake, not when they heard about what I did in Potions. 

"You two are actually sitting here?" I asked them in a bit of a shocked voice. They both looked up and seemed to realize who they were sitting next to. They went to get up and move but I spoke to them again, I actually wouldn't have minded the company. "You can sit there if you want, no ever sits down here anyways. Least not while I'm here," I ended on a sad note. 

They both sat back down, but ate silently. I jumped again a few minutes later when Hermione popped up next to me. I knew that people were really just trying to scare me to death that day, who else would continue popping up near me while I was eating? That's only what you do when you want some one to choke on their food. 

"Is everyone just going to start sitting next to me today?" I asked her as Ron, Harry, Neville and a red headed girl sat down. I had met Neville in DADA and I knew that the girl was another of the Weaselys. I was really starting to wonder how many of them actually went to Hogwarts. From what I knew there were definitely 4, possibly 5 considering I saw an older red head on the first day I went into the common room. 

"You seemed lonely and we didn't see you in Astronomy last night," Hermione said. I nodded as I munched on my cereal. As much as I wanted to send them away, I just didn't have the heart to. Even with my hair up in a messy bun and the scar sticking out on my face, people still were brave enough to sit next to me. I guess that was just Gryffindor bravery for you, I couldn't just shoot that down for their confidence. 

Through out breakfast the two Weasley twins, who's names were Fred and George, kept the conversation up and active. When the talk went to music I perked up a bit. Even if I couldn't afford to buy music didn't mean that I didn't love it. I was in love with it actually, they were talking about bands I hadn't even heard of though. 

"You know, I was a dancer back in New York," I told them proudly. It had been a great way to get a bit of extra supplies when I needed them. At one point I was actually in a group, that was one of the few times I actually had the chance to listen to real music. When we practiced I forgot about all my problems and just gave into the music. It was the best thing I ever did in my years that I spent in New York. 

"That's so cool! What kind of dancing did you do?" asked the red headed girl, Ginny. I had learned that she was a year younger then us and the youngest Weasely. Not to mention the only girl. I did feel bad for her, a house of all boys. At least she had a house though. 

"Pretty much anything you could name, Jazz, Hiphop, Break, Ballet, Tap, Lyrical," I went on naming a few more. For the rest of breakfast we went on talking about dance and music. I was surprised by their lack of Muggle music. Once we finished eating I walked off to History of Magic with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Oh, the joys of getting to go to the most boring class in the entire school. That was sarcasm if you didn't catch it. 

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