1-The Letter~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 1- Alexandra Evans

As no one reading this book for the first time knows, my name is Alexandra, Alexandra Evans. I'm a tough kid, I've been living on the streets since I was eight. Before then though I took all the martial arts classes I could. If you cross me you usually end up being hurt pretty badly. I'm a fairly troubled kid, at least for a 13 year old I am. So yes, I've been living on my own, in the streets for five years. I live in New York, one of the worst cities ever for their streets.

Every one of my belongings fit into an old backpack I stole 2 years ago. My clothes definitely weren't very nice, I didn't come from a nice family though. My dad was an ass hole that left my mom when he learned she was pregnant. My mom was an okay person, but had died when I was eight. I refused to go to an orphanage, so I ran away.

I had a few old knives in my backpack and a pocket knife in my hand. I never let anyone on the streets see them though, they were meant only for those that threatened me. Gangs that crossed me usually avoided me after one fight. One day in the streets though it had been the worst. Someone had done something to me that made me pass out. When I woke up I had a sprained and bloody wrist.

Right, onto how horrible I look. I have really dark hair, like darker then black. My eyes were an odd colour, they switched from green, blue and black. It all depended on my mood. Black if I was really pissed off. Green if I was calm or happy. Blue if I was none of the above. I was fully scarred, I usually wore clothes that covered most of my body to hide them. The one on my face I wasn't able to hide though. It was an old scar that was on my right cheek, it was one that made most people do a double take on me.

I had actually found an abandoned house on the edge of town that I slept in. That was all I did there, anything else I did on the streets. I couldn't afford to spend all day in the abandoned house that no one went to. There were always things that I needed, from food and water to clean clothes. Not that I always got everything that I needed.

My life was changing though, I had fought different things, things that looked like giant dogs. More than that actually. My story starts on the morning of my thirteenth birthday. I was sleeping on the cold cement floor in the house, the date was August 28th. As I slept, I dreamed of getting to go to a loving and caring family. My dream was interrupted by an odd knocking sound.

The sound wasn't coming from the door though, it was coming from the window. On the window sill sat a beautiful, pure black owl with a letter in it's beak. I walked over to the window and opened it ever so carefully. The owl hopped down and held it's head out for me to take the letter. I took it out of the owls beak but the animal stayed there. I ignored it as I read over the letter. I first looked at the front with curiosity.

Ms. A Evans

The Floor

An Abandoned House

New York City

Before I knew it, I was tearing the letter open, I wanted to know who knew me. Better yet, how they knew everything about me. I mean, who in the world would know that I slept on the floor of an abandoned house in New York city? I started to read the letter.


Head Master: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc.,Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all necessary books and equipment. There is also a letter to explain this, considering the situation.

Changing Into A New Life (Fan Fiction Crossover)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя