6-A Sliver Of The Past~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 6- Alexandra Evans

I couldn't believe what I did to Harry. Once it happened, I knew I couldn't let it happen again, ever. Even if it meant saying goodbye to the only real friends I ever had. Letting the years slip was my worst mistake, I never talked to anyone about that first year. It was probably the worst year of my entire life. Nothing would ever let me forget that year, the second half more so then the first. The first I wasn't alone, the second I was. With him.

When I walked into the Potions class I roll my eyes at Snape, I had skipped class yesterday, but I heard that he was a jerk. Hermione had brought me the homework so that I wouldn't be behind on the work. I sat down in one of the empty tables left, it was near the front of the class so I could pay attention. Let's just say that I'm a little ADHD, not very good for sitting in class rooms. It was absolutely horrible actually.

Snape went to glare at me, but instead did a double take and sneered. I rolled my eyes again and opened up my Potions textbook. I crossed my arms and waited for class to start. Harry, Ron and Hermione came in with only a minute to spare. Harry and Ron sat together, but Hermione sat down beside me. I rolled my eyes again, but at least it wasn't Harry. I couldn't bare to face him after what I did down by the lake.

"Now that everyone is here, I would like to welcome our new student who thought it would be so pleasant to skip class yesterday. Welcome Alexandra Evans," he said with a sneer. I decided to play it off good. I knew it would be better to make a fun impression on him for my first day. Better that than a scared student like the rest.

"Thanks, Professor Snape! That is such a nice welcoming to such an unwelcoming class room," I told him with a smirk. My previous blue eyes turned to green, it was fun to annoy Snape. That was probably the last time my eyes would be green for a long time. I knew my future wasn't going to be very happy.

"Today we will be brewing the Wolfsbane potion. I expect it done by the end of the hour," he announced. With that the hour started. Hermione and I worked together silently. As Snape walked around he stopped at our station. "What is that?" he demanded loudly. My eyes widened and I flinched at his tone. That tone was the one thing in the world that scared me, the one thing in the world that made me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I hated that tone. When I turned to look at Snape he wasn't there any more.

It was him instead.

I sat down for a second as the memories flew through my head. A single tear escaped me before I was done. I was done with people like him, even people that sounded like him. I was just done with every little piece of his essence. I felt Hermione's hand rest gently on my shoulder. It was flung off as I stood up suddenly.

"Get. The. Bloody. Hell. Away. From. Me." I told Snape through gritted teeth. Anyone somewhat close to me, except for Snape, backed up until they were out of my hitting range. Snape stood there as still as stone. He appeared to be agitated with me, he didn't notice that my eyes had tuned to bottomless black pits of pure rage. He didn't notice how scared everyone else in the room was when they saw me.

"That is not how you speak to teachers, ten points from Gryffindor. Now continue with your potion before more points are deducted," he warned me. My anger was blazing. I was surprised that I didn't scream at him. The reason being that he scared me, he was too much like him not to scare me. The memories tried to swallow me but I pushed them back down.

"Professor Snape, back up slowly. She is extremely pissed," Harry warned him. Snape ignored him. I slammed the tools I was holding onto the desk and pushed my way past Snape towards the open door. Through all of this, Snape still hadn't noticed the pure rage that my eyes held, he didn't notice any of the anger I held in. Anger that I was fighting the urge to release onto him, anger that would have hurt him badly. It was anger that I had to learn to control, I couldn't let it gain control over me.

Changing Into A New Life (Fan Fiction Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora