18-Replay~ Alexandra Evans

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Chapter 18- Alexandra Evans

"Harry, it's a time turner. It turns back time," I explained to him while I looked out the crack in the closet door. Hermione had been failing to explain it to him so I put it as simply as I could. She continued to try explaining after my explanation, thinking that it was more complicated than what it was. When the hallways were finally empty I knew it was time to go and get on with the plan. "Come on, there's no one out there. It's now or never" 

The three of us went into the hall and made our way down to Hagrid's hut, the place were other us's were at the moment. Hermione and Harry hadn't known what Dumbledore meant when he said 'more than one innocent life,' but I did. He meant that we could use Buckbeak as a get away point for Sirius when we saved him. They were both innocent and going to lose their lives.  

"Harry, you know you fly just like your dad. Sirius said that when you were on my Firebolt at on Christmas," I told him once we'd stopped, my mind had been thinking about the things that Sirius and I had talked about. He gave me a look that said a million words, a million different ways to say thank you for what I said.  

"Here's our chance!" Hermione told us. I looked up as she went to go get Buckbeak, I knew the danger would be extreme. I stood back but soon realized they needed my help, the ferrets weren't working as well as they should have. Trust me, they should have worked well considering how much that hippogriff loved them. 

"Come on, Buckbeak," I said as I walked over to the forest from a point in front of him. His head lifted and he followed me without hesitation, take that you stupid ferrets! Seconds after we were hidden, the people that came to dispose of Buckbeak came out of Hagrid's hut, they were pissed off at what they saw. Once we were safe from their eyes, we started over to the Whooping Willow. Hermione had thought it would be a good idea to keep an eye on what we were doing, we meaning the other us's from the past. 

"What's he like?" Harry asked me after a few minutes of silence. Knowing exactly who he was talking about I had a rush of memories. I smiled at the thought of spending time with Sirius in the Forbidden Forest for so long.  

"He's fun, but caring when you need him. From the way he acts you wouldn't guess he was in Azkaban for so long," I told him as I remembered the hours I spent out in the forest with him and how happy he seemed to be there. All that would be gone though, he would be going into hiding and after I left I would see him in at least a full year. Then there was me, I had another life somewhere. I was going find that life, even if it took me time. 

"I wish we would have believed you before," Hermione said with a sigh. At the moment the other us's were in the Shrieking Shack. I could hear my screaming. "Was the memory you showed them really that bad compared to the one you showed me?" My face darkened. The memory may have shown one of the best days since my mom died, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. 

"I didn't have control over which memory I showed. Something took over. First it showed them the day that I ran away, the best day of my life. Then it showed the day when the curses were used on me in the alley," I said bravely. I was doing my best to mask the pain that came to me then I said the words I had to. Well actually Harry did, my throat seemed to close up at the simple thought of saying the words out loud. 

"The killing curse and the torturing curse," Harry cleared up for Hermione. Her face was a look of horror, mine was probably something of the same nature though. "I guess I'm not the only one who lived through the curse." 

"Nope," I told him with a smile, a smile that hid every loss I'd ever felt. I held out my right wrist to show them the boldest scar, the others were all faint white lines. They looked at it curiously but we were soon jerked out of looking at the scar by me screaming at Lupin. I knew the time was coming right about then. 

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