5-New Spins~ Harry Potter

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Chapter 5- Harry Potter

The next day when I went down to the common room, everyone was at the edges of the room. It didn't take me long to figure out why. Alexandra was pacing the length of the room, her eyes were black and she looked pissed off. Ron, Hermione and I started to clear everyone out of the room. We knew that she would be dangerous if she was that pissed off. Once everyone was out it was time to try to calm her down. That was probably the most dangerous task ever assigned to three people, ever. Even more dangerous then Dementors.

"Alexandra, we need you to calm down before you hurt some one," Hermione told her bravely before we could stop her. Alexandra whirled on her with her black eyes blazing in anger. She looked like she was about to strangle Hermione, Hermione had fear in her eyes, but then Alexandra stopped. She slowed down her breathing before she spoke. She seemed calmer when she spoke again though, less angered then she was before.

"You're right, I can't let this affect my studies. I'm calm now," she said. She opened her closed eyes to reveal they were green. Hermione and Ron yelped were as I just looked in wonder. "What's wrong?" she asked. She didn't even realize that something had happened to her eyes. I knew that I hadn't been imagining things!

"Your eyes changed colours!" Hermione said. Alexandra nodded as though she thought there was more to it than that. When she realized that there wasn't, she rolled her eyes and launched into an explanation on the eyes.

"Of course they change colour. They go between green, blue and black. Green is when I'm happy or calm, black is when I'm pissed off, and blue is like neutral. Most people avoid me when my eyes are black, those that don't are either a) capable of handling my anger, b) really stupid, or c) too brave for their own good, which is about the same as b. Now let's go get some breakfast," she said in a lighter tone. I made a mental note to pay attention to her eye colour when approaching her. It could mean life or death if I timed it wrong; black eyes equal bad.

Alexandra lead the way down to the Great Hall. When she sat down everyone in the area cleared out, she didn't seem to notice. It happened like that everyday, we had noticed that ever since she started eating at the table. Alexandra would eat like she never ate, but she would only eat a plate full. No more, no less. We ate together before going down to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures. When we got there, Alexandra freaked out; however, her eyes were green. She was happy about something, her eyes seemed to sparkle with interest.

"Hagrid? What are they?" she asked Hagrid. I looked around but couldn't find what she was talking about. Hagrid seemed a bit taken aback. I looked around but I couldn't find what she was talking about. If she was talking about us, I was highly offended.

"Those ther' 're Thestrals," he said. She walked up to thin air and seemed to be. . .petting it? I was extremely confused.

"Where are they than?" Ron asked Hagrid.

"Ye can only see 'em if you've seen death," Hagrid explained. Alexandra looked startled at this and backed away from the area that the creature seemed to inhabit. Her eyes were hollow orbs, like she was suddenly frightened of the invisible creatures.

"Who did you see die?" Hermione asked Alexandra. Alexandra looked up at her with blue eyes, they were filled with sadness. I could tell that it was something that she didn't talk about it much. Well considering her life before, she probably never talked about it. I didn't blame her, I didn't like talking about the two deaths that happened in my life.

"My mom, she had told me to run away out of the house. I'd stayed, I watched through one of the windows," she said sadly. We all turned away, everyone else was just coming into the clearing at the time. The real reason being that we didn't want to see her broken down face, not when she was always so strong.

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