To Have Rosaline

By BelieveNUnbelievable

71.1K 3.4K 306

She was meant for a simple life. A family involving parent's unconditionally in love and who dearly love the... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
Alternate Ending/Rose and Abellon

{Chapter 14}

1.8K 103 14
By BelieveNUnbelievable

Chapter 14

She felt warm.

Warm and.... cozy.

Snuggling deeper into the object giving off the warmth she let out a sigh of content. Moving her leg slightly she heard a growl. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion she moved it again only to receive another. She froze as warm air was felt on the back of her neck.

"I would watch where you put your leg, pet. We wouldn't want anything to happen now would we?"

Rosaline's eye's snapped open and she whirled her head around to come face to face with Rhyvos who wore a smirk. Gasping she looked down to see she was laying on top of him with her leg over his manhood. She quickly jumped up and with her clumsiness landed on the floor banging her head. Rubbing it and getting up she cursed her stupidity.

Believe it or not but she's one of the worst cuddlers you could find. Anything she sleep's with would be by morning in her clutches. How she had forgotten that really big detail is beyond her.

Looking up when the sound of laughter filled the room Rosaline was shocked to see the king laughing his butt off on the bed holding his stomach. Her mouth dropped open as she stared and she couldn't help noticing how attractive he looked when he smiled and laughed. He looked like a whole new person compared to his usual ice cold eye's and a seemingly permanent frown. He got up and went to get ready while she stood wandering what she's to do. Coming back out he wore casual clothes. It was the first time she has seen him in anything but a suit. He went to the closet and grabbed some clothes and tossed them to her. Looking down at them Rosaline could see clearly that they were women's and knew that they had to be Antoinette's. Squinting her eye's at the blouse and pants she wondered if Antoinette's clothes have been here the whole time then why did Rhyvos make her wear his T-shirt and boxer's? Looking up and over at him she watched him get ready until he told her to get a move on.

The whole day was spent with her following the king wherever he went as he made plan's on getting rid of the rogue's and then speaking to the recruitment who've arrived about what they're to do before they were once again left alone in the bedroom. He was left in only boxer's and she was wearing his clothes, even when she insisted repeatedly that she wore some of Antoinette's he would have none of it. At least she isn't wearing red anymore. It might be her favorite color but you get tired of wearing it 24/7.

Standing on the side of the bed she nervously fidgeted with her shirt while Rhyvos laid comfortably with his hand's behind his head. Looking behind her Rosaline's eyes caught the couch and a blanket in the corner upon a chair. Looking back to Rhyvos she figured he probably wouldn't mind and so she turned and grabbed the blanket before going to lay on the couch. Before she could even touch it the king interrupted her.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Jumping slightly from his voice that sounded closer than it should be she turned her head to see him standing directly behind her. Turning back she sat the blanket down before she turned around fully while biting her lip.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch."

He raised his eyebrows.
"I don't recall ever giving you permission to do so. Do you have a reason for not sleeping in the bed?"

She looked to the ground thinking of what she should say.
'Oh, it's just that I'm a cuddler and if I sleep with you again then we will end up in the same position as this morning and btw you make me really uncomfortable. Plus, let word get out to Antoinette and my head will be on a stick in front of your castle scaring off the crows.'

Sighing she ran her hand through her hair. Nothing like the truth. "I don't feel comfortable in the bed for some reason so I was going to see if it would feel better on the couch." Okay, half the truth.

He tilted his head and eyed her skeptically before turning to go back to the bed. She let out a breath of relief and was about to turn back to the couch before his voice stopped her.

"Get in the bed, pet."

With a pursed mouth she begrudgingly did as she was told not wanting to make the werewolf king mad. Slipping into the cover's with him next to her she turned onto her side and tried to pretend he wasn't there like the other night only she could feel his stare burning into the back of her head. She had the urge to turn and glare at him but couldn't find it in herself to do so. She closed her eye's and tried to fall asleep only to get agitated when she could still feel his on her. Clenching her fist's in the blanket she got enough nerve to turn her head to glance at him just to see that he was laying on his side facing her with a blank face and eye's solely focused on her. She had a strong urge to get up and run from the look he was giving her. It was similar to how a wolf would watch it's prey and it made her nervous. He didn't say a word as she made eye contact with him but she could have sworn she saw his lips quirk up.

Squeezing her eye's shut she turned onto her back bringing the cover's up to her chin.

"Sing to me."

Her eye's snapped open to look at Rhyvos who continued to gaze at her.

"What?" She thought she heard him wrong.

"Sing to me."

Rosaline stared at him as if he's went bat-shit crazy and began shaking her head. He narrowed his eye's.

"Sing to me!"

The edge to his voice caused her to flinch away. She looked him over carefully before hesitantly asking him why.

"Because, it seems that you've sung to everyone but me. And plus, I said so. You do as I say for you are mine. Sing to me."

Rosaline stared at him. The only people she's sung to were Antoinette and Abellon. That hardly count's as everyone.
Rhyvos growled causing her to flinch again and she turned her head to look up at the ceiling.

"What would you like me to sing to you, Master." There was slight venom to her voice when saying the word 'Master' and she could tell that the king noticed as he gave out a warning growl before turning onto his back as well but kept his eye's on her.

"I feel in need of an lullaby." She heard him whisper.

'A lullaby?' She thought. 'The king of wolf's want's me to sing him a lullaby? Nobody would ever believe this.'

Letting out a sigh she turned her head to the window. She could see the night sky and could barely make out the star's. Maybe she could sing to him the lullaby that her mum used to sing to her when she was but a small child. She took a breath in before letting it out slowly.

"Lullaby, and good night, in the skies star's are bright.
May the Moon's silvery beam's bring you sweet dream's.
Close your eye's now and rest, may these hour's be blessed.
'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby, and goodnight, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arm's.

Sleepyhead, close your eye's, for I'm right beside you.
Guardian Angel's are near, so sleep without fear.
Lullaby, and goodnight, with Rose's bedight.
Lillie's o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arm's.

Lullaby, and sleep tight, my darling sleeping.
On sheet's white as cream, with a head full of dream's.
Sleepyhead, close your eye's, I'm right beside you.
Lay thee down now and rest, may your slumber be blessed.

Go to sleep, little one, think of puppies and kitten's.
Go to sleep, little one, think of butterflies in spring.
Go to sleep, little one, think of sunny bright morning's.
Hush, darling one, sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night."

All was quiet. She waited a minute before turning her head to Rhyvos who was looking at her with now glazed eye's similar to how Abellon's were and a dopey smile.
"Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly.

He didn't even blink as he answered. "Yes, my love."

Her eye's widened at that and she leaned away from him.

He hummed and followed her movement.
"Stop." He stopped moving towards her and seemed to have taken on a pout at her command.

'What the hell?' She thought and got out of the bed with his eye's following her. She moved away but stopped when she heard what sounded like a whimper come from him.

"My king?"

"My love?"

Her heart felt as if it stopped as he repeated those two word's. 'What is going on? Is he playing with me?' She thought looking him over. She walked back to the bed and looked down at him with furrowed eyebrows as he stared up at her adoringly but also as if he was looking through her.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" She looked to the side and back only to see his eye's now glued to the ceiling and she tilted her head curiously. Is he doing as she request's? Biting her lips she thought of what to do next. "Uh, can you please...sit up?"
She watched in astonishment as the king of werewolf's sat straight up with his eye's now trained on the wall. She shook her head bringing her hand's up to her head and squeezed her eye's shut. 'I must be dreaming.' She thought and fell face down onto the bed.

"Wake up!" She told herself moving her face into the pillow.

"My father was correct. You do have a beautiful voice."

She jumped with a yelp and whirled her head around to look directly at Rhyvos who was laying on his side and staring at her as before she started singing.

With shock clearly across her face she asked, "Are you okay?"

The king furrowed his eyebrows.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

She shook her head and let out a sigh. She must have fallen asleep during her lullaby and imagined it all. She let out a soft snort. What a dream. To have the king doing as she wanted instead of the opposite. Reaching down she grabbed the hem of the blanket's and brought them over her head and turned away from the king.

"No reason." She replied and closed her eye's feeling exhaustion hit her out of nowhere and easily found herself falling into a dreamless sleep.


"Today we will proceed in our strategy. I've already sent someone out to see how many there are and so it should be simple. You know your formation's to make this go quick and easy. They are rogue's. They most likely have no plan of action but we will not take the risk. Now, assemble!"

Rosaline watched as troop's did as the king said and formed what looked like an arrow from where he stood. Rhyvos nodded walking around making sure nothing was out of line before coming back to the front. He turned to where she stood next to Leono and raised his hand to her shoulder.

"You will stay here and not leave. Do you understand?" She nodded silently. "Leono will be beside you at all time's."

She looked over to the older man and he gave her a smile. Turning back she jumped as Rhyvos kissed her lips. She raised her hand to her face and looked up at him with surprise causing him to laugh.

"My word girl. I was only going to give you a kiss on the cheek. Did you really want me to kiss you that bad?"

She could only stare up at him as he smirked and then turned to his soldier's. "Let's move out!"

Once they were out of sight Leono took her back into the mansion and gave her some food then sat and watched her. Rosaline awkwardly ate with his eye's on her the whole time. Her hand would raise to her lips every once and a while and she would wonder if Rhyvos actually kissed her or if it was just an hallucination. She begged god for it to have just been an hallucination. No way in hell would she willingly let the king lay his lips upon her.
After eating she found herself reading a book of romance with Leono hovering over her shoulder. He must take watch dog very seriously. It make's her wonder if the king told him to jump if he would ask how high? Glancing next to her she watched him tap his knee's while looking around the room. They sat in the library where it was quietest. It wasn't a magnificently large library like back at the castle but it was a good size.

Leono turned his head towards her giving her a small smile.

"So, young lady, how long have you been king Rhyvos's pet?"

"Around a month."

He tilted his head. "You two seem far to close for you to have only been with him a month."

"We're not close."

"If I'm not mistaken, you two did share a kiss before he left."

She squinted her eye's at him.
"It was an accident."

He looked at her skeptically.
"'An accident'?"

"Yes. I would never willingly let the king set his lips upon mine. I wouldn't even let him touch me in any type of sexual way. I'd be damned the day I ever did."

Leono shook his head. "Forgive me miss, you are but a slave to the king. You would have no choice but to do as he says."

She snapped her head to him so fast that she felt a crick in her neck but ignored it as she gave him a fierce glare. "So what? Do you think I should just let him go on and take me making it rápe? Because it surely will not be in my consent. Do you think your king has the right to do with me as he wants when he feel's like it? Use my body and toss it away until next time? Take-"

"No girl, that is not what I meant. I am truly sorry for upsetting you."

Rosaline breathed in an out to calm her temper. The thought's that twirled in her head of Rhyvos doing such thing's to her made her cringe and rage to soar in her vein's. She might be scared of death but she would rather die than to have a man, a beast, take advantage of her.
All was silent and awkward for a while before Leono cleared his throat.

"If I may ask, miss, why is it that you disapprove of my king?"

Raising her eye's up to the older man she could see the admiration clearly in his eye's that he held for his king and wondered if it would be right to snap it in half. There's so much thing's that she could say about Rhyvos that could crack his precious heart. Instead she sighed and looked down at her book.

"We just don't see eye to eye."

After spending a while in the library, not paying as much attention to her book as she wanted, she decided to go and look around until she felt uncomfortable with Leono's close presence and then decided to go in search of a musical instrument. Namely a piano. Turning around she almost ran into the older man who has been following every step she took. With her lips in a thin line she looked up to see him giving her a sheepish look.

"Is there a piano here?"

He tilted his head thinking. "I'm sure there is. I do not play but I think that I've seen one." He turned his back to her leading the way.

He led her to a white room, an all white room except for some tan here and there, and sitting in the middle was a black piano. How Leono didn't say immediately that they had one she has no idea. Off to the side were several other instrument's but she paid no mind as she walked over to the main one while the older man stayed by the door. Sitting down on the stool she let her finger's run over the Key's. The watchful eye's of Leono didn't bother her anymore as she admired the beauty sat in front of her. She began to play a random song that came to her and let the music flow through her and throughout the room. The piano always helped to calm and relax her. When she was little she would watch her father play and listen to him sing to her. He started off showing her what key's to push while he played and then how to play simple song's, like the 'Happy Birthday' song, before gradually going on to harder one's. At first she just wanted to play to spend more time with her father but then she began to love it. They would play together laughing when one of them would try to mess the other one up.

Rosaline quickly raised her hand and wiped the lone tear away hoping Leono hasn't seen and continued to play.

She missed him. Her daddy. She missed what they used to do together and will probably never get to do ever again. She missed his laugh and smile and how he would give her piggy back ride's. How he would read to her at night and check under the bed and in the closet for the boogeyman when she was small and was scared of what was in the dark.

A sob left her and she quickly brought her hand up to cover her mouth hoping that Leono hadn't heard before continuing to play but missing a few key's.

She missed the way her dad would pick her up and hug her if she hurt herself in any way. The way he would make her laugh. He'd always have something for her causing her to be a spoiled child with a room full of toy's and more than an annual visit to the dentist because of all of the candy he'd give her. He would wake her up in the morning's and tickle her out of the bed.

A small chuckle left her from the memory before it turned into full blown sobs with tears running down her cheeks. She covered her face hoping the older man didn't notice but the hand's rubbing and patting her back told her he did. All of it.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded not being able to speak.

Leono sighed looking down at the girl crying into her hand's. He had no idea why. She was fine a minute ago. If the king seen her like this he would most likely become a brute towards him.
Setting his hand's on her upper arm's he lifted her up.
"Come girl. Maybe you should rest. Your master will be here later on."
He led her to his King's room and sat her upon the bed before walking out just to stand outside the door.

Rosaline looked around and got up heading over to the dresser that Rhyvos has been giving her Pajama's out of and reached in grabbing a random pair before slipping it on and jumping into bed. With the cover's up to her chin she tried to get comfy finding it a little difficult when the bed felt a little cold. Rhyvos's warmth would fill the bed where it felt as if she was laying beside a heater. She will not declare that she misses it. Never. Just stating how he brought warmth to the bed. 'Wow, that doesn't sound any better' she thought as she turned onto her stomach bringing her arm's under her pillow and let out a sigh.

She wonderd if she was suppose to worry about the king an his team like a good little pet since they did go to wipe out a group of rogue's and some could end up really bad hurt or killed. But, she couldn't seem to care at the moment. Call her a horrible person but she would be to tired to listen. Closing her eye's she fell asleep just to be shaken awake what felt like minute's later but could probably be hour's. Groaning she peeked open one of her eye's to see Rhyvos standing over her with a grin.

"What the hell?!" She muttered.

He flopped down on the bed like a child and ended up bouncing her. She held her head and groaned when she felt a headache coming making him laugh. She peeked her eye back open to look at him curious about his strange behavior. If she wasn't so tired she would probably be looking at him with eye's big as saucer's.
He noticed her curiosity and his grin turned into a wolfish smile.

"We've wiped them out. There should be no problem's with Lindared from here on for any rogue will know from the other's that we've left behind for them that this place is more protected then they knew."

"That's good."

The King's smile dropped and he narrowed his eye's at her. "You do not sound very proud. Do you even know how many rogue's we had to fight against?"

"Forgive me, my king, but I am quite tired. It's"
She lifted her head and tried to look around for a clock to see the time and when she couldn't find one she looked to the window that had it's shade's still drawn to see that it was still dark. "night out so I'm going to guess that it's really late." She laid back down and closed her eye's not sparing him a glance.

"I don't like your attitude girl."

"Sorry." She muttered as she felt herself falling back into peaceful sleep.

Waking up Rosaline stretched like a cat upon the bed with her arm's stretched out to the side of her. Feeling space where her right hand landed she looked to the side to see that Rhyvos wasn't in the bed. He wasn't even in the room. Sitting up she looked to the window where light was shining in and stood up to walk over to it. Stretching her arm's above her head to try and crack her back she looked outside through the bright sun and waited for her vision to adjust before seeing the beautiful clear blue sky and fresh green grass with flowers throughout the field. Looking down she could see the gravel to the front of the mansion where there sat the same vehicle that Rhyvos and her arrived in. She tilted her head at it and turned around towards the closet to rummage through Antoinette's clothes for something to wear. Finding a white dress she slipped it on with a pair of silver flat's and put her hair up in a ponytail before leaving the room.

Stood at the bottom of the stair's was the king and Leono talking about something that Rosaline couldn't hear. As she grew close to them they turned their head's to her with the older man giving her a smile. She raised an eyebrow at them as Rhyvos looked her over and nodded his head in approval.

"Go have breakfast pet. We will be leaving shortly and be there close to dark."

"We're leaving?"

"Yes. Our business is done hear. Do you not remember what I said last night?"

Rosaline furrowed her eyebrows in confusion wondering what he was talking about before it hit her that Rhyvos woke her up last night telling her when she was half asleep that he and his men won whatever battle they had with the rogue's. She looked up and looked him over to see nothing out of the ordinary with him as if he never even went to fight.

"Did anybody on the team end up kílled?"

Rhyvos shook his head. "No but there are some who have been severely hurt but will hopefully be alright."

Rosaline nodded an okay and left them for in search of food. Afterwards she found herself in the vehicle driving away from the mansion. She looked back at it to see Leono standing in front waving with a big smile. She turned back around in her seat and glanced over at Rhyvos who sat straight looking forward. Looking out the window she watched as they passed through the passage and drove until they reached the place where the civilian's stayed. Once again they stood on the side's of the road cheering and Rosaline couldn't help but smile at them and wave back. Glancing back at Rhyvos to see him still looking forward she frowned.
Boldly she asked, "Why don't you smile or wave back to them. I'm pretty sure they are cheering for you. You could at least look to them."

He looked over at her to see her stern look and rolled his eye's before looking out the window to his people. He stared out at them and Rosaline could have sworn she seen a hint of a smile before it was gone and he looked back to her.


She smirked. "Delighted."

He sat back in his seat looking forward once again and she did the same. They sat the rest of the way in silence.

Stepping through the door and into the castle of the king Rosaline breathed out a sigh of relief. It might not be the exact place that she wants to be but it is what it is. She looked around to see what changed in the last couple of day's the king and her were gone as Rhyvos stood next to her talking to a worker. The sound of fast moving heel's headed their way and Rosaline watched as Antoinette rounded the corner with a smile on her face and headed straight for Rhyvos throwing her arm's around him taking the king by surprise as he caught her. Antoinette looked over to Rosaline and gave her a smile that turned more into a grimace before showing a scowl as she looked Rosaline up and down. Turning back to Rhyvos she kissed him before pulling back and staring at him.
"You smell of her and she is wearing my clothes."

Rosaline quickly turned away looking forward in time to see arm's come and wrap themselves around her. The scent of Abellon filled her nostril's and she inhaled deeply.

"It has only been a couple of day's and yet, I found myself missing you." He whispered into her ear.

Throwing her head back she giggled before grinning up at him. "Do not worry. I feel the same."

He leaned down to kiss her cheek and Rosaline turned her head slightly to give him better access only to make eye contact with Rhyvos. Antoinette was babbling about something to him yet he kept his eye's on her. She quickly turned her head back to Abellon who was smiling down at her.

"You must be hungry Rose. Come, I'll feed you." He slipped his arm around her waist leading her to the kitchen. Rosaline glanced back to see Rhyvos glaring.

Once inside Abellon led her to one of the table's and sitting her down before going and asking one of the women cooking to make something for them then came back to sit with her.

"So, tell me Rose. How was your first time out with Rhyvos to a new place? Has my son been overbearing as usual?"

Rosaline bit her lip thinking back to the last few day's with the king before looking back up to Abellon.

"It was..... Interesting. He was how he usually is." She lied.

He nodded with a smile and the food was brought to the table. Afterwards they went up to her room where Abellon laid down on her bed while she took a shower. Getting out she slipped on the red nightgown that went mid thigh and stepped out of the room to see Abellon laying on his back with his hand's behind his head just how Rhyvos would lay. She walked over to him and crawled onto the bed. He opened his eye's looking up at her and smiled checking over her outfit. His eye's turned a darker shade and he swallowed before closing his eye's again. Rosaline sidled up to him throwing her arm across his chest and lifting her face to the crook of his neck inhaling. He chuckled underneath her and began playing with her hair.

"You must have missed me." He stated. "I don't remember us being this close."
She felt her cheeks heat up and tried to pull away but his arm's that wounded around her tightened.
"I like it." He whispered in her ear causing her to shiver.
She laid her head against his chest and stared off thinking with a cheeky smile.





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