Two Destinies- (Book 1)

By Scarlett_xxoo

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WILL NOT BE CONTINUING THIS STORY. If you want to read this unfinished story, be my guest. I also give permis... More

Chapter 1- New Neighbour
Chapter 2- Evil Nathan
Chapter 3- Shouting is not Good!
Chapter 4- Megan is very Annoyed
Chapter 5- The Dinner
Chapter 6- The Party and Mr. Nice Guy
Chapter 7- Starting to Get Feelings...
Chapter 8- Shocking Revelations
Chapter 9- Enjoying Every Moment with You ♥
Chapter 10- The Drama Unfolds... ^.^
Chapter 11- Things Start to Go Wrong :(
Chapter 12- Tension...and Some Fun
Chapter 13- Ever Wear a Bridesmaid Dress?
Chapter 14- Getting Close, Much?
Chapter 15- The Weird Night
Chapter 16- Pranksters on the Move...
Chapter 17- Stalking Like a Ninja
Chapter 18- Held as Hostage
Chapter 19- Getting Complicated :0
Chapter 20- Knight in Shining Armour
Chapter 21- Special Moments ♥
Chapter 22- My Messed-Up Conscience
Chapter 23- Denial and Shocks
Chapter 24- LOL Wedding! :D
Chapter 25- Some Shattering News
Chapter 26- Crash!
Chapter 27- "Small" Confession
Chapter 28- Rejected
Chapter 29- Heartbroken /♥\
Chapter 30- *Gasps* Did She Say That??

Chapter 31- Prom and One Shocking Surprising

46 1 0
By Scarlett_xxoo

This book has only 2 more chapters left...It was actually supposed to be one more...but I decided to twist things up a bit! :) I'm also sorry for the loonng wait!

Dedicated to CrazyGirl56 for making the trailer (check it out on chap.1) oh and this is my longest chapter! Yay me! :)

Pic of what Megan wore to the prom---->

~Chapter 31~

Megan's P.O.V

Yes, I said them. Those words that I had longed to say was finally out of my mouth. And to tell the truth, it felt good for all that pressure to come out of me. I wanted to tell Nathan straight out what I thought about him, and now I just told him I was in love with him.

Lizzy was gaping literally. I guess she hadn't expected me to finally confess. And Nathan? His expression was confusing. He was frozen and unable to speak a word.

"Your...what?" Nathan finally spoke. Did I seriously need to repeat myself?

"I have been in love with you Nathan, since the beginning!" I exclaimed. He looked utterly shocked.

"Really?" He said, still not believing it.

"Yes, I am!" I cried exasperated. He went quiet for a moment, trying to process everything.

"Is that why you rejected me? Cause you were moving away?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said quietly. I heard Lizzy give a sigh from behind.

"Finally you both confess! The whole world was waiting for that, you two love-struck birds!" Lizzy exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Be quiet." I said.

"Andrew has gotta know this. He's been waiting eons for this!" She cried. Nathan and I shook our heads together.

"No, don't!" We said in unison. Lizzy smirked. She looked at the side table beside the couch, and dashed forward to grab my phone which was lying there. I tried getting my phone from her, but she ran away upstairs to make the call to Andrew. I groaned in frustration.

That only left Nathan and me together, alone in the living room. There was awkward silence between us, as neither of us didn't know what to say.

" admit to me huh?" Nathan forced a half smile.

"Yeah...I guess I did." I said.

"And you really mean it?" He asked.

"Of course I do! Why would I lie about love?" I said. He chuckled.

"I don't know...Miss Sour Puss does tend to do things wrong sometimes." Nathan smirked. I gasped.

"You didn't dare use that dreaded nickname!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yes I did." Nathan replied.

"Your not getting away with this!" I cried and lunged forward chasing him around my house. We went around the couches and in and out of rooms and sometimes got cornered, but managed to escape. I didn't look where I was going, and neither did Nathan. We both ended up bumping into each other, and fall to the floor. With me on top of him.

For a moment, I just stared into his eyes. I wondered what life would be like without him. Now that I think of it, Nathan and I need each other. Someone to laugh with, talk with and It was heartbreaking to know that all my dreams in the future would be without Nathan. They were completely shattered. He was like the final touch to my life, and if he wasn't there then what would my life really be like? I was clueless about that.

Nathan's hand moved up to my hair and was about to touch it...

A cough interrupted my thoughts and Nathan and I twisted our heads to the side, seeing Lizzy standing there smirking with her arms crossed.

"Well, I didn't expect to see this. Desperate much huh?" Lizzy said with a sly smile. I blushed completely and gathered myself up from the floor, and so did Nathan. I didn't dare look at him, for I was embarrassed that Lizzy had seen us like that.

"I called Andrew. Boy, was he surprised!" Lizzy said.

"You didn't tell him about me...moving, did you?" I asked.

"I did. Sorry Megan, but I had to. We can't keep this secret for long, right?" She replied. I cursed myself.

"He's coming over right now! Surprise!" Lizzy exclaimed. My head shot up to look at her directly.

"What? Now??" I asked. She nodded. Oh great, my house didn't even look clean.


"Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me before?" Andrew exclaimed, shaking me by my shoulders. He arrived in less than 15 minutes, and before that time I managed to make my living room clean. Well, at least cleaner than my room I guess.

"I'm sorry. But I just couldn't spill the news yet..." I started.

"I can't believe your moving in 1 week! Megan, did you even realize that? I could have thrown an awesome party for you or something. Or like a..." Andrew said, but I cut him off.

"No, it's ok! No parties nothing! The prom and grad are enough for me!" I exclaimed.

"Oh shoot, the prom." I heard Nathan mutter beside me.

"Megan, why...why are you moving?" Andrew asked, still shocked.

"My mom's job is being relocated in New York. I have to go there with her..." I said. Andrew shook his head, disbelieving everything.

"I still can't believe your moving!" He said. I sighed, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know Andrew, I know." I said softly.

"I'll seriously miss you." He said in a low voice.

Me too. I'll miss everyone.

Especially you Nathan. Especially you.

I slipped my hand in Nathan's hand and squeezed it tight. He did the same and gave me a sad, forced smile.


-5 days later-

The days went by fast. Real fast. Mom and I started packing up a lot of belongings as our departure day was coming closer and closer by each day.

And today was a very special moment for me. It was prom night, a very memorable event for me to never forget my friends. I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. I didn't want to forget any second or minute. I'll never be able to see my friends. Hopefully I might. But I didn't know the chances of that.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. In it, I saw an 18 year old girl dressed in a lavish pink long dress with diamonds and ruffles embodied on it. There was an open cut exposing her leg below her thighs. A beautiful small pearl necklace was hung around her neck,and her hair was straightened out with a pale pink flower clipped on it. Small amounts of powder was applied on her face and she wore faint pink eye shadow. Her expression was supposed to look happy, but instead all I saw was a forced smile where sadness is hidden under that beautiful charming smile. Sadness because she was going to leave her beloved friends. Leave the city she was born and brought up in. And the boy who she loved the most, with all her heart.

Sadly, but true that girl was me. The one and only me. I examined myself, trying to see if I looked good or not. I wanted to impress Nathan so much, that he will never forget this night. Lizzy's date was apparently a guy called Aiden, Andrew's partner was Brittany, a cheerleader who surprisingly wasn't really that mean or stupid like the other ones. She was in fact, nice a little but can be rude or very sarcastic sometimes. My date...well, it was Nathan. Of course, who else did you expect? Nobody else, I wanted to only have Nathan with me tonight. And my friends of course.

Andrew had hired a limousine to take me, Nathan, him, Brittany, Lizzy and Aiden to the elegant banquet hall where our prom would be held. It would arrive in very soon to pick me and Nathan up. And luckily, it was good he lived next door.

My mom was ecstatic and was getting emotional for some reason. She said I was growing up so fast and she wanted me to stay very young forever. Of course, I didn't want to that much. I had so much exciting plans for the future.

I told her about how I had feelings for Nathan. She was pretty shocked at first but felt sad for me that I was leaving him. She said, she wished could have changed time and fixed things just for me. But it was too late now.

I sighed, and stood in front of my mirror patting and fixing my dress and adding final touches. I heard my bedroom door creak open and I spun around instantly. I found myself face-to-face with my wonderful date. I gave a big smile.

There he stood, looking so handsome and well dressed with his black hair gel ed out a bit, which was normally all ruffled out and messy. He wore a white shirt with a black coat on top and black dress pants. He had a small black tie and a small white flower clipped on to his left side below his shoulders. I couldn't believe that my arrogant, annoying, cocky and next door neighbour who annoyed me before is now standing here in front of me as my prom date. Could I have foretold that in the past? Nope, not at all.

"Hello beautiful." Nathan said.

"Why hello to you too, handsome." I said, giving a soft laugh. He walked towards me and looked at me from head to toe continuously.

" look...amazing." He commented.

"Thanks. You do too." I said, blushing at his remark.

Nathan put his hands out around my waist and pulled me in, hugging me a little tight. "I don't know why you have to leave." He said softly.

"I know. But I have no choice." I answered.

"Do you really gotta go?" He asked looking down at me.

I nodded. "Yes of course. I can't leave mom all alone!"

"But I don't want you to go. Never." Nathan said. I sighed.

"I wish I could rule my own life and have whatever I wanted." I mumbled. He chuckled.

"That would be great. Then you can be all mine." I laughed a little. He leaned in a little, brushing my tendrils back. I got all jittery as the space between us almost closed in when---

"Nathan! Megan! The limo is here to pick you up!" Mom's voice broke us apart and the silence. Nathan scratched his neck and gave me a smile.

"Shall we?" he asked. I nodded laughing. Our sweet moments always seemed to get ruined somehow, but I didn't mind. Nathan looked so cute whenever he got annoyed. I held his hand as he dragged me downstairs, where my mom was standing.

"Ok, have fun Megan and make the most of the night alright?" She said. I nodded. Then she turned to Nathan, her tone turned stern.

"And you young man, take care of my baby. If you hurt or do anything to her then..." She warned him.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Nathan assured her. Mom smiled and wished me a perfect prom night.

"Oh wait! I need a picture of you too!" She exclaimed before we headed out. Nathan and I hugged each other in front of mom and she took several snaps of us.

"You both make the perfect couple!" Mom said. She took her camera with her, accompanying us outside. I slipped on my white flats and looped my arm underneath Nathan's. We saw the magnificent limousine parked in front of my house. I had seen one before, at Lisa's wedding. But I was still in awe when I looked at it.

Lizzy jumped when she saw me. She looked amazing, and I've never seen her before like this. Lizzy wore a knee length white dress with lots of elaborated designs on it. She wore white high heels, which I thought were uncomfortable to wear and she had her hair in a chignon bun. Her date Aiden was right beside her, and he looked dashing as well.

"Oh my god Megan, you look hot!" She said in a high pitched voice. I waved my hands in front of her, trying to calm her down.

"Nah, not as much as you!" I said. Lizzy smirked at Nathan who was behind me.

"Someone's looking dashing tonight. Aww." She cooed. Nathan rolled his eyes smiling still. "Looking good bro!" He yelled to Aiden. He gave a thumbs up.

"Well come on! We don't want to be late tads tonight! We are graduating in 3 days!! Woo hoo!!" Lizzy screamed. I laughed, she was being really hyper today in a very excited mood.

"Gosh Liz, why so hyper tonight?" I asked.

"No, I'm supposed to be sad." Lizzy said faking her voice. Then her expression changed. "No duh Meg, of course I'm hyper! We're going to our senior prom finally! Who wouldn't be as excited as me?"

"You have a point." I said nodding to her. A small cough came from behind.

"As much as you ladies want to talk, we have to go." Nathan said, looking amused. I agreed with him.

"Yeah, we have to pick up Andrew and Brittany too!" I exclaimed almost forgetting. The four of us rushed into the limo where our driver was waiting patiently. He looked very formal. I looked at the interior of the super cool vehicle. It was similar to the one I rode to Lisa's wedding, but it had different designs and colours. Well this should be great! I clapped my hands together in glee.

Aiden gave the driver Andrew's address and he set off on a peaceful ride. It was so exciting for me. I jumped up and down with anticipation.

"What's the food like?" Aiden asked who was siting very close to Lizzy.

"Dunno. But it has to be something very delicious right? I mean, why would they serve disgusting food at a prom?" I said. He nodded.

"Who's Brittany by the way?" Lizzy asked.

"A cheerleader." Aiden told her.

"Really? Wait...does that mean she's all slu-" She stated, but I cut her off.

"Nope, apparently what Andrew told me was she's nice in the inside. But a little mean." I said to her. Lizzy gave an "oh" her mouth forming an "O".

"Why did Andrew have to pick her? Dumb guy." I heard her mutter under he breath which was supposed to be I audible.

"Hey watch it. That's my friend your talking about." Nathan said fake glaring at her. Lizzy gave an innocent angel face.

"Aw, getting protective of him? Well who knew you had an attraction for the same gender." Lizzy said. We all gasped amused and looked at Nathan who shifted uncomfortably.

"Lizzy, I do not!" He debated what to say, but I came to his rescue.

"Liz stop messing with my boyfr---, I mean date!" I quickly said. Nathan almost looked like he couldn't believe I was about to say that. I bet he was wishing I did, and it was true in reality.

"Holy, you almost said boyfriend! Aw Megan that's sweet!" Lizzy exclaimed. She was being very hyper tonight, and her tongue was getting very sharp with her words.

"Lizzy, calm down. Anyways, we're here." Aiden announced, and all of our attention directed outside where Andrew's house stood. His house was a little bigger than mine and his garden was more beautiful.

All of us waited inside for the couple to come out, and eventually in 5 minutes they came inside as we saw the door of the limo opening up.

"Hey guys!" Andrew shouted to us gleefully. He was looking equally handsome like Nathan, but I would say my Nathan looked more better. That's right, mine!

From behind him, came Brittany who looked gorgeous. She didn't have blonde hair. She had light brown hair with red highlights. Brittany wore a lavish , short turquoise strapless dress that reached up to her knees. The colour was bright and very shiny. And she even wore pumps! I would never be able to wear those, not on your life! Brittany flashed a smile at us and giggling took a seat beside her date. We all looked at the couple who had just entered, taking them from head to toe.

"Hi guys." Brittany smiled. She was way different than the other cheerleaders I had seen who acted all rude and mean. But Brittany was a little and very sarcastic so I had to watch out.

"Hey Brittany. You look really nice!" I complimented. She smiled even more.

"And my sweet Andrew, you look wonderful!" I said to him. He laughed and moved his eyes looking at Nathan and back at me. I gave him a questioning look, and his eyes still nudged towards Nathan.

"Ooo, someone's going to be jealous!" Andrew sang out.


"Don't I get such a sweet comment from you?" Nathan asked playfully. I giggled and rested my head on his arm.

"Of course you do, handsome beast." I winked at him. Everyone laughed.

"So now I'm a beast? Is it beauty and the beast now?" He said. I nodded.

"Yep, I'm beauty and your my one and only beast." I said. He smiled and gave a light peck on my forehead. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"I feel like I'm in a fairy tale now." Andrew muttered playfully.

"Hey, quit interrupting their daydream!" Lizzy scolded him. He eyed her amused.

"And what if I do?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"Then I'll...Um.." Lizzy got tongue-tied.

"I'll tickle you first!" Andrew exclaimed and lunged forward at her, tickling her with all his strength. It made everyone jump at his sudden outburst.

For a moment, I thought I saw Andrew looking at Lizzy's eyes intently, but she didn't notice since she was laughing so hard. Well, that's weird. I didn't give much of a thought about it. So I ignored the feeling.

We chatted a lot the rest of way. I couldn't wait to see the banquet hall where our prom would be held. It was a great time, talking and laughing with my friends. Especially being with Nathan.


The banquet hall was exceptionally amazing! They had a grand entrance and inside were lots of round tables with elegant white clothes covering them. They could seat 8 people per table and there were plates, forks and knives laid beside them. Up at the front, there was a small stage with a microphone stand pushed away at the side. The centre of the enormous room was empty, which was going to be where everyone was supposed to dance.

"Beautiful right?" Nathan asked, as I jumped in delight. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I said. He chuckled, and I looped my arm under his just like the others. More dates were supposed to arrive and we were supposingly a little early. I didn't mind. There was enough time to chatter with everyone.

"Hey Megan! Your looking great!" I heard a voice say to me. I spun around and came face to face with Jeanine, my classmate. I smiled.

"Thanks. You do too." I said. Her eyes moved towards Nathan and she raised an eyebrow smirking.

"'re with Nathan now huh?" She asked me. I nodded. Then she leaned forward, whispering into my ear.

"I must say, your really lucky." Jeanine whispered.

"I heard that." Nathan called amused. I slapped Jeanine away from me lightly.

"Jeanine! You have a date here, keep those comments to yourself!" I warned her. She giggled.

"Joking. Catch ya later then." She said and disappeared into the small crowd of teens. I rolled my eyes. Some people.

"Hey guys! Over here!" Nathan and I heard Lizzy's voice from somewhere. We spotted her waving her arms up wildly. She was standing with Andrew, Brittany and Aiden. Nathan and I went over to the little group and joined in their conversation.

"Do you know where Mike is? We haven't heard from him for such a long time." Lizzy said. That was true. I hadn't seen or spoken to Mike for quite a while. It was only at the wedding was that I spoke to him. Where was he? And who was his date? Or did he even have one?

"Not sure." I mumbled.

"Who's his date?" asked Lizzy.

"Am I his sister? How should I know?" I said.

"I might." We heard Aiden say.

"Who is it?" Lizzy kept persisting. Aiden gave her a weird look.

"Jeez why do you keep asking so much questions? Or do you rather prefer him as your date or...?" Aiden asked. Lizzy immediately shook her hands in front of him and ran to his side giving him a light reassuring hug.

"No, your mine tonight! I just wanna know, that's all. He's our friend, and we haven't spoke in eons." She explained. I agreed with her. Aiden chuckled.

"Well, I heard that he was going with a girl called Natasha." He said. We all went quiet for a second, thinking about who Natasha must be.

"I don't know about her." Brittany mumbled.

"I think I know her." Nathan said beside me.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know there's someone called Natasha in my english class. She's pretty quiet...she could be the one." He said to everyone. We all gave some murmurs and shrugs.

"We'll soon see. Look, there's more people arriving!" Andrew pointed out. We all turned around to see a bunch of couples gathered at the entrance. I saw quite a lot of the cheerleaders wearing those dresses that exposed more skin then they should have. I hated those kind. They are just too stupid. Majority of the jocks had some cheerleaders and popular girls as their dates. Of course, what else will you expect?

A popular girl Reina walked up to me looking at my dress and back up at me. She wore a snobbish look. "Wow, just look at your dress. I mean, it's not even backless! I would never wear clothes like that ever!" She exclaimed. I frowned.

"That's because only slutty girls like you would." I said. She gasped.

"God, b----!" She cursed and walked up her heels clacking. I sighed. Nathan nudged me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Forget her. Just relax and have fun." He said. I nodded. Our little group chattered more happily, talking about our plans for college and I couldn't help but feel sad some of them were going to be together. All except me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around coming face to face with Mike. I gave a surprised smile and gave him a light hug.

"Mikey, where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed. He chuckled.

"Same goes to you. Your looking awesome Megan." He complimented. I blushed.

"Thanks. So..." I said looking at the girl beside him. "Hey, I'm Megan, Mike's friend." I introduced myself to her. She looked really pretty. She had soft black hair and wore a simple yellow gown dress.

"Hey, I'm Natasha." She said a little quietly. Must be a shy girl.

"Nice to meet you. When did you meet her Mike?" I asked turning it him.

"Math class. Got together, chatted, hung out and here we are." He smiled.

"Does that mean you guys are official?" I gasped still smiling. I could see Natasha blushing.

"Well...not yet. But we are considering it." Mike said. I awwwed at them.

"That's so cute! You guys make a lovely pair!" I exclaimed.

"Hey Mike." Nathan's voice broke in. He shook hands with him, who just gave a curt smile.

"Hey man. Hey Aiden. Sup Andrew?" He said nodding towards him, who raised his hand acknowledging him.

"Mike!!! Where have you gone?" Lizzy cut in jumping on his back from behind. Mike got surprised and almost choked.

"Oops, guess I overdid it." She giggled.

"H..h..hey L..Lizzy." Mike said in between breaths. We all laughed.

"Natasha, you take good care of him." Lizzy told her. She just simply nodded.

"Lizzy..." Mike warned. She laughed.

"Just joking Mikey! Come and have a drink with us!" Lizzy offered. The rest of the group nodded in agreement and so our big group of friends went over to the drinks counter and each of ordered one. We raised our glasses in the air together.

"Here's to graduating!" Andrew exclaimed.

"And to Megan's departure." Lizzy added in quietly. They all gave me solemn looks and I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously guys, let's not be down! It's a celebration tonight! Cheers!" I shouted. They all repeated the same thing. It felt good.

A lot more couples came in and soon everyone from our school was here. They all gathered in the centre of the room, talking with one another. Some drank and others laughed out loud for no simple reason. Probably because they were just too happy. Like me. Our principal Mr. Chartelow came up on the small low stage and spoke through a microphone. When I looked at him, the first instant thing that comes to my mind is the spider incident that happened with Nathan. I chuckled at the memory.

"Good evening students, I hope you all are having a splendid time. This time of the year is a very special moment for you seniors who are graduating and going to different colleges and universities. On behalf of me and all the staff members, we would like to wish you the best of luck to all of you moving on with your education onto higher levels." He spoke, saying each word and sentence slowly.

"He really does know how to make people fall asleep." I heard a popular girl mutter behind me. If Mr. Chartelow heard that, he would throw a fit.

"I don't want to take up much of your time, so please enjoy this lovely prom organized by some of our students and teachers. The food will be served in 15 minutes. Enjoy." He concluded and stepped off the stage. Immediately everyone raised their voice, talking, drinking and some doing some crazy dancing.

I felt a nudge on my arm and looked beside me to see Nathan. He was smirking.

"Remember your "interrogation" with him?" He asked. I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Uh huh. Which you caused!" I said.

"Aw, but you don't mind do you?" He asked playfully.

"Of course I do. Very much!" I said. He laughed.

"Sorry for interrupting you two lovebirds here, could I just borrow your girl Nate?" Andrew appeared out of nowhere, which made me jump a little in surprise.

"Sure...but no funny business man, or else your gonna be black and blue." Nathan threatened. At least he let me talk to him. He's his friend after all.

"Of course not, I have a date here in case you haven't noticed somehow." He said, rolling his eyes. Then gestured for me to follow him. I gave Nathan one last look telling him I'll be back in a minute. Then I followed Andrew. He led me to a corner of the room where it was a bit quiet.

"Ok, now what is it?" I asked. He sighed and looked left and right, then back at me.

"What if I told you I still like you?" He said in a serious tone. I gasped, looking rather taken back.

"Andrew! Are you seriously kidding me?" I exclaimed. Then suddenly, he gave a big laugh. I looked confused and stared at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You seriously fell for that huh? Oh my, your really gullible!" He cried still laughing from the incident. I groaned and smacked my forehead.

"You jerk! God, you made it sound real!" I said. He just gave an evil smirk.

"But what was the real reason you dragged me here?" I demanded. Then his expression changed almost immediately after I said that. Now he really was confusing me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He gave a sigh, and rubbed his hands repeatedly. By the looks of it, he looked a little nervous. But of what?

"Are you alright? Tell me what is it." I persisted.

"Ok, your gonna totally freak out when I say this. Please do not scream like those high-pitched girls. You have to promise me not to tell anyone, not even Nathan or your mom or anyone!" He said.

"But what is it? First tell me!" I said demanding even more. He groaned in frustration.

"I think...I think I, um..." He trailed off, nervous to say anything.

"You think you what Andrew?" I said.

"I think I MIGHT like...Lizzy a bit." He finished and then stared at me to see my reaction.

Now I can truly is idiotically complicated.

A/N. How did ya like it??????? I hope this is long enough....well what a shocking thing to know....give me your thoughts! :)

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