guess // edward nygma //

By missnygma

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We've got that love, the crazy kind More

part two
Announcement Page: Spotify Playlist


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By missnygma

Kylie felt like she was on top of the world. Ed had actually said yes, and even pushed aside the paperwork he had to do in order to spend time with her. She didn't want him to be reprimanded for shirking his duties but the almost flippant way he spoke and regarded the documents eased her mind, even if that was something he would never normally do. Her conscience chalked it up to Ed just being a little stressed and in need of a break, so when her friend had looped his arm through hers, she didn't think much about how he wouldn't normally do that either. He walked her through the lobby and out the doors of the precinct, smiling all the way. The two travelled down the sidewalk a bit before he stopped and opened the passenger side door of an old light blue car, gesturing with the arm that was previously entwined with hers.

"M'lady," he said with a crooked smile.

She slid into the plush seat with a laugh, "Thank you, Eddie."

The smile stayed on his face as he made his way to the other side of the vehicle and slipped into the driver's seat. Ed may not be fond of the nickname but Edward sure was.

After twisting the key and starting the car he turned to her," So, how has your day been?"

The blonde girl shrugged again and Edward watched how the dark purple scarf she had slid against the pale skin of her throat from the corner of his eye.

"It's been alright. I mean, I missed you and all but I did get to sleep an extra two hours."

Edward blinked as he brought the car to a halt at an intersection," You missed me?"

The corner of his mouth uplifted slightly at the thought.

Kylie looked at him dumbfounded, "Are you crazy? Of course, I missed you. You're my best friend."

He struggled to hold back a grimace at the remark. That bumbling idiot had dug himself quite a hole and now Edward was the one who had to climb out of it. He didn't plan on being her best friend for long.

"And you are mine," he said cheerfully as he pulled into a parking space.

The two exited the car and made it to the diner, where they were greeted with warm air and the smell of cooking food. They were seated almost immediately and their drinks were brought out right away. Kylie thought that the diner's name, Quick Tyme, was very appropriate.

She noticed Ed eyeing her drink and she raised an eyebrow," What?"

"I........just didn't expect you to order fruit punch of all things."

She shrugged again," I like fruit punch, and you don't have much room to talk. You didn't even get a soda, you got water."

"I like water."

"So leave my beverage choices be, Edward," she said feigning seriousness.

She had taken her scarf and jacket off, leaving them on the seat next to her. A silver chain hung around her neck with two star charms dangling from it. He had asked her about the necklace a few days ago. He being Edward of course. One charm had belonged to her sister and was slightly misshapen, like it had been melted. He had also asked what happened to her sister to cause the star to look that way but the assistant quickly changed the subject. He deduced that whatever happened to her was not good.

Kylie snorted as the waitress, a tall and skinny woman in her early 70's, sat Ed's food in front of him.

"So Mister Sophistication ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and fries after mocking my choice in drinks?"

"So it seems," he said as he sipped his water.

The rest of the lunch break more or less just the two of them giving each other a hard time, until their server came back with their receipt and placed two chocolate malts in front of them.

The old woman smiled kindly, "On the house, old Louis here has quite the soft spot for lovebirds," she said jerking a thumb back towards a large man working the grill.

Edward internally grinned and gave control back to Ed, it was going to be amusing to watch him worm his way out of this one.

Kylie flushed pink and Ed began stammering after realizing that he was back, "Oh, uh, she's just, we aren't-"

"We're not lovebirds," the two finished together.

Ed swallowed hard and Kylie blushed a darker shade of pink as the waitress raised a plucked brow.

She shrugged," Coulda fooled me."

After the woman had left Ed slapped down his part of the bill and got up from the table, mumbling something about going out and warming up the car. The pretty blonde girl watched him scurry away with a sigh, things had been going so well. She had never seen Ed open up like he did today. He seemed more relaxed, and a hell of a lot more talkative and confident around her. Like maybe he was finally getting used to having a friend. That act had fallen apart when the waitress had said something about them being together, it was like someone had flipped a switch and Eddie was his normal self again. She found herself missing the carefree way he laughed, even if she had just heard it today for the very first time. She counted out the other half of the bill and left the waitress a seven dollar tip. She had done well, aside from making Ed act like a middle schooler. Kylie shrugged on her jacket and tied her favorite purple scarf around her neck before picking up the malts and her wallet.

The assistant was met with a bitingly cold gust of wind as she pushed open the doors of the diner. She immediately wished she was back inside, seated comfortably in the booth and laughing with Ed. The sharp honk of a car horn drew her attention to her friend's car. He had pulled up to the curb so she wouldn't have to freeze to death as she walked to his car. She ran as well as she could in her low heels, something she rarely wore but cursed herself for putting on this morning. Upon climbing into the car she was met with silence.

"So, I, uh, I got your malt," Kylie said uneasily as she slid the two cups into their holders.

It was silent for a moment before Ed mumbled a thanks like an afterthought. He seemed to be thinking something over. The incident at the diner maybe? She mulled over the possibility for a time before throwing it out. He was most likely going over the work he had to catch up on when they made it back to the precinct. The remaining duration of the car ride was silent, except for the sound of Kylie taking the occasional drink of her malt. When they arrived back to work Ed cut the engine and the two exited the car. She had grabbed his malt, thinking that maybe he had forgotten it but when they had walked back to her office he simply said that he was grateful to her for taking him out to lunch and that she should keep the other dessert. He claimed that it could spill on the papers he had to fill out.

She knew that was a valid excuse but couldn't help but ache slightly at how formal he was acting, the man had even addressed her as 'Miss Wood' for Christ's sake! It was as if all the progress she had made was for not, like their friendship was some snow globe that had been shaken slightly but had fake snowflakes swirling around nonetheless. But instead of voicing her concern she smiled happily and told the handsome scientist that it was no problem and that she'd love to do it again sometime. She entered her office, completely forgetting that today was her day off. She hung her coat and scarf off of the light blue coat rack she brought from home before flopping into her office chair with a huff. She might as well try to get something done while she was here. Kylie checked her email, realizing with astonishment that Harvey Bullock had actually typed up his own reports. Not only that, but he also delivered them to the Annex already!

She was tempted to run to the nearest window to check for any airborne swine.

Instead, she decided to visit Kristen. Maybe she would want the extra treat. She logged off of her computer and compiled her things, choosing to leave her coat behind. After all, she was only walking a short distance down the hall. The short woman opened her office door, a malt in each hand, stepped one foot onto the dingy carpet and was nearly mo mowed down. She let out a small cry but it was ignored by the figure stalking the opposite direction. All she managed to catch a glimpse of was a lab coat. For a split second she thought it was Ed, but what would be have to be angry about? Perplexed, she continued to the Annex and pushed open the door.

"Excuse me, Kristen? I brought you a- hey, what's wrong?" she said looking wide eyed at the pretty girl in front of her.

The redhead's green eyes were watery and slightly red rimmed.

"It's nothing, really, I swear," Kristen told her earnestly, although it more so sounded as if she was telling herself that.

Kylie entered the room slowly, sitting the malts on the edge of her friend's desk before resting her hands gently and looking her in the eyes with concern.

"Kris, I haven't known you for very long, but I know you've got thick skin. You're tough and you wouldn't let 'nothing' get under it. You can tell me what's wrong, you know that, right?"

The archivist's eyes down casted and she shook her head quickly," I'm fine, really, I am."

Kylie looked at her hard, blue eyes disbelieving but she didn't push it. It wasn't like she could make Kristen tell her.

"Alright," she said hesitantly," But you know that you can always come and talk to me right? About anything. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" she squeezed Kristen's arm reassuringly.

The green eyed girl gasped suddenly and pulled away, clutching her arm.

Kylie's eyes widened," Kris.....Kris, what aren't you telling me?"

She darted forward like a snake, taking hold of her friend's wrist and yanking up the sleeve of her shirt in one fluid motion. The blonde paled at what she saw. A large bruise circled Kristen's forearm, purple and shaped suspiciously like a hand. She let her arm drop and brought a hand to her mouth.

"Oh, Kristen..........."

The girl's eyes were pleading, "He didn't mean it! It was an accident, I swear. We got into a little spat and he didn't mean to. It won't happen again."

Her assistant's head snapped up," He? He.............Tom. It was Tom wasn't it?"

Kristen's already wide eyes widened further at the venom in which the sweet girl spoke," Kylie, listen, it was an accident, okay," He didn't mean-"

Kylie cut the Head Archivist off," I don't give a damn if it was an accident, Kristen! He put his hands on you and that-that is wrong! Beyond wrong and I won't stand for it, godammit."

She stalked over to the door, malts and reports forgotten, her black heels clacking dangerously against the stained tile floor.

"Wait, where are you going?" Kristen yelped as Kylie's hand gripped the door knob.

She turned suddenly and a pair of cold blue eyes made the red head shrink back slightly," To make Tom Dougherty rue the motherfucking day he touched you."

The door slammed behind her and Kristen let out a low, shuddering sob. She wasn't sure what she was more scared of, what would happen to her when Tom found out that she had told both Mr. Nygma and Kylie, or what would happen to Tom when Kylie got a hold of him.


Heads jerked up from desks as the sound of Kylie's heels hit their ears, a few officers eyed the girl leeringly before averting their eyes once they noticed the normally cheery girl's cold gaze.

"Where's Dougherty?"

The precinct was silent.

Blue eyes narrowed dangerously," I said, where's Tom Dougherty?"

"You called, Sweetheart?"

The short girl whipped around and allowed a sneer to mar her features," You complete ass."

"Ah, I see," he said nonchalantly," Why don't you and I take a little stroll?"

Kylie tilted her head and regarded him for a moment," Yeah, let's."

She allowed the pig to guide her away from the prying eyes of the main lobby and inti the deserted hall of the lab wing, something she knew was dangerous to do. So many things could happen to her away from the safety of the pack, but then again, so many things could happen to him too.

"So, I assume you heard about how Krissy and I had a little misunderstanding."

A derisive laugh escaped between dark red lips," A misunderstanding doesn't involve assault, Dougherty."

He frowned," What happened to you calling me Tom?"

She looked up at him in rage," You lost that privilege when you decided that putting your grubby little hands on my friend was a good fucking idea."

Woah, whoa, whoa," he said putting his hands up defensively," Don't pin this all on me, Kristen's the one who-"

"Don't even finish that sentence."

"started it with that mouth of hers."

Her jaw clenched and muscle tightened, The next thing Tom knew he was being slammed into a wall by a short girl in heels.

"I warned you, you piece of shit."

The man laughed, sending a vibration through the arm she had pressed against his throat. He moved to push it away humorously before receiving a slight poke in the abdomen. A switch blade jabbed ever so slightly into the fabric of his uniform.

To her annoyance, he laughed once more, "What are you going to do? Stab me in a building full of police officers? That would go well, wouldn't it?"

She fought to keep her gaze level but Tom saw her resolve weaken slightly. His hand shot out and pinned the girl's arm behind her, causing the switchblade to clatter to the ground. The officer stooped down to pick it up, making Kylie twist uncomfortably in order to stay upright. He examined it closely, noting how one edge of its blade looked brown and singed slightly. The handle was marbled and once appeared to be a bright white swirled with black but seemed to have been greyed.

"Such a pretty thing, this knife is," he said slowly, " Nice and sharp, too."

He tapped it twice on her collar bone and she clenched her jaw," If you know what's good for you, sweetheart, you'll keep that mouth of yours shut."

The tip of the blade pressed gently onto her bottom lip, making her lipstick smudge as she stared back at him unwaveringly," Unless you want your tongue cut out."

He let out a chuckle before tossing the thing down the hall and shoving Kylie away from him, making her lose balance and fall.

"You're a lot like Kristen, y'know? I see why the two of you are such pals. I also see why that creep hangs around you too. A mouth like yours oughta be awful nice to have around. "

She glared up at him," You're the creep, Dougherty. A sick, perverted creep."

"Edward is ten times the man you'll ever be."

Tom let out a growl and took hold of a wad of blonde hair, making the girl cry out as he hauled her roughly to her feet.

She swung at him with one arm but he grabbed it by the wrist, squeezing until it cracked. Kylie held back tears.

"You two girls are so alike it makes me sick." he spat.

He released her and shoved her back once more, her head thunking against the wall behind her.

She watched him go with a glare of hatred, clutching the bruised and probably fractured wrist. After composing herself, she took the long way around to her office, unaware that someone was watching her go as well.


So how do you feel about this update?

And I'm also in the process of making a playlist for this story. Feel free to comment a song that you think relates to the book and I might add it.

Edited 10/8/16

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