A Normal Life

By hyperactivegigglefit

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Dean Winchester is a high school senior who never pays attention in class and is on the football team. He fee... More

A Normal Life
The Winchester Family
School Life
Tutoring Sessions
Dean's Thoughts
New Friends Are Hard to Make
Unknown Feelings
A Place to Belong
Anger, Love and Confusion
Dreams Into a New World
The Truth Comes Out
Having Someone to Care About
Dreams Finally Come True
On the Road
Confronting the Parents
Accepting of the Truth
A Plan of Action
Don't Get Bitten
No More Goodbyes
Going Home

All is Calm, All is Safe

98 10 4
By hyperactivegigglefit

This is the last chapter of this story. I will hopefully be doing new stories soon. Thank you so much for reading! Please read my other ones, it would mean a lot! *Do not own the characters only the story line* thank you so much!!! 


Cas’ POV

Cas didn’t know he could ever feel at home with someone before. He didn’t know he could ever be a part or important to someone. With Dean he felt all of this and more. With Dean he didn’t have to worry about not being good enough, to Dean he was perfect. He wasn’t sure how. Then again he assumed he would know since Dean was perfect and other perfect people could make point out other perfect people.

After each of his classes Dean would be standing there waiting for him. With that full grin that made Cas’ heart skip a beat every time. He was so happy to know this boy. So happy to have him in his life.

He would greet Cas every time with that smile, a kiss hello and a whisper of “Hey there”. So soft he was sure he was the only one who heard it. Cas would avoid the eyes of anyone who looked at them. Most had eyes full of confusion, others judgement and then there were the fair few glares of what Cas thought was jealousy.

They would walk down the hallway with Dean’s arm draped over Castiel’s shoulders. He would lean close to Dean, not wanting to separate when they arrived at his class. Lunch was his favourite time of the day. It was the one class they had together besides the morning.

Dean met him at his class and then led him outside. They found a shaded spot on the field, sitting under one of the trees. Cas leaned against the trunk, happy to be with Dean but wishing he’d thought to bring a lunch.

“Guess what I got from the cafeteria!” Dean cooed pulling out a tray of food from behind the tree. “I got out of class early and brought it out here before coming to get you.” He blushed a little and Cas grinned reaching over and giving him a kiss.

“I love it.”

Dean shrugged and passed him a bottle of Pepsi max. Cas raised an eyebrow at him but unscrewed the cap and took a sip. Dean laughed and said “Sam is always going on about how great they are. Thought I might as well give them a chance.”

Cas smiled “Well they aren’t too bad.  You’re brother has good taste.”

“He has his moments.”

Cas giggled and took another sip. He picked up a chicken Caesar wrap and bit into it hungrily. He noticed Dean watching him and hate a slower. Dean just grinned and then bit into his own wrap “Hungry eh?”

“A little.” Cas admitted leaning back against the trunk and looking at Dean. Observing him with eyes that were full of love and adoration. Dean was looking over at the few people by the parking lot. They were watching them and talking. Cas could only imagine what they were saying. He didn’t really want to know though.

Dean noticed him eyeing them wearily and rolled his eye “Ignore them Cas. They’re just trying to stir things up at the school. We need to ignore it and live our lives. Okay? Nothing will break us up, I won’t let it.”

“You say that now.” Cas said unsurely “But what happens when people keep talking, what if you get kicked off the football team because of this?”

Dean broke down into laughter “You’ve been watching too many movies Cas.”

Cas glared at him defensively. He continued to eat his wrap silently until Dean sighed and said “I’m sorry Cas, come on though. I won’t get kicked off the team. They have no grounds to do so.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am sure.” Dean whispered, kissing the tip of his nose “Now be a good boy and eat your wrap.”

Cas obeyed and ate silently with a wide grin on his face. Life was good now. He had no reason to worry that he would be lost and alone forever. He had a family now, he had somewhere to be long. He was happy for the first time in a long time.

“I guess I should go home tonight.” Cas mused thinking. “Dad will probably start to get worried now. I won’t be telling him anything about my near death experience of course. I’ll just say I was helping you study so you’d pass your test.” He shrugged “It’s close to the truth.”

Dean stared at him and then shook his head “Don’t lie to your dad after today. It gets messy and complicated. Have a good relationship with your family. Sometimes they’re all you have.” Dean warned him looking sad.

Looking up at his boyfriend Cas smiled softly “Dean...  You’re my family now.”

His cheeks became red again and he turned his gaze to his lap “You’re mine too Castiel.”

Lunch ended shortly after that. Dean walked Cas to his second to last class of the day and then to his last one. They met Sam at the Impala. Sam was hiding his face from them as he came towards them. He got into the backseat without a word.

Dean looked at his brother and said “Sam? Sammy what happened?”

Sam shook his head “No biggy. Just... Let’s go okay?” He kept his face hidden, staring down at his backpack on his lap. Cas watched him and knew what had happened. He also knew that if Dean found out while they were still at the school, more blood would be spilled.

He tugged on Dean’s jacket “Come on, we should go.”

“Do you know something Cas?” Dean accused angrily.

He was always scary whenever Sam was involved. He cared so much for his brother. He protected the boy with everything that he was. Cas shook his head “No, I don’t know something; but Sam wants to go and so we should respect his wishes.”

Dean relented, cast a worried glance at Sam and then stomped toward the driver’s seat. Cas got in the passenger side and looked back at Sam. The boy looked up at him and mouthed ‘Thank you.’ Cas nodded his understanding and cringed at the black eye he glimpsed under Sam’s bangs. When Dean saw it... Oh there would be hell to pay for the people who had done it. He actually felt bad for them; they had no idea what they had just brought upon themselves.

They drove to Castiel’s house first. Cas said goodbye to the Winchester brothers, leaning over and kissing Dean on the mouth. Dean clutched Cas to him for a few seconds longer than Cas intended. Not that he minded of course. Any extra lip time with Dean was wonderful.

He broke it off and then hurried up to the front door of his house. Opening the door he heard his dad come rushing down the stairs. He pulled Cas into a hug and said “I missed you Castiel. It wasn’t the same around here without you.”

Cas clung to his dad, realizing just how much he’d missed his dad as well. “I missed you too!” He said sincerely “I’m home now though. Thank you for letting me stay with Dean. He needed my help.” He cursed his cheeks for getting warm and for the redness he knew that was now there. Ducking his head he let the grin spread across his lips.

“Oh? Dean?” His dad said, leading Cas into the living room and sitting him down on the couch “Tell me all about it. I want to know everything.”

So Cas told him, almost everything. He told him about being Dean’s tutor, about his brother Sam and how his parents are a little strict but really nice people. He told him how amazing Dean was, how they were a couple now. He apologized for not telling him sooner. He explained that he’d been thinking about a lot. Cas let a dreamy grin spread across his face as he described Dean. How perfect he was and how much he loved him.

His dad listened intently, looking genuinely interested in what his son had to say. When Cas finished speaking he smiled kindly at Cas “Sounds amazing Castiel. I’m happy you found someone, people who care.” His face then darkened “How are things at school? Anymore problems?”

“So far no.”

He nodded “Good.” His dad got up “Are you hungry? I could make us a snack?”

Cas nodded “Sure, I’d like that.”

While he was eating and his dad said he’d be home let and left for work, his phone rang. Cas glanced at the caller ID and smiled. Dean.

“Hey Dean.” He answered biting into an apple slice.

He was breathing heavily and Cas could tell he was angry, “Did you know?”

Cas blinked and answered “Know what? Dean are you okay?”

“Sam’s eye Cas! Do you know who did it? Do you know why?” Dean roared angrily into the phone. Cas held the phone a ways from his ear. Dean’s voice travelling loudly through.

“No! I don’t know, I was with you the whole day! Or did you forget about your insistence that I be with you so that I didn’t get hurt?” Cas replied, his own voice getting angry. How dare Dean think he wouldn’t tell him if he knew something. He understood that he was concerned, but there was no reason to take it out on him.

Dean heaved and sigh “Sorry, I just don’t understand why Sammy won’t let me help him. The stubborn boy is determined to figure this out himself. He won’t even tell what it’s all about.”

Emotion swelled through Cas. He had an idea, he had an idea about why people’s anger had been taken out on Sam. “Do you think... Do you think it was us?”

There was silence on the other line and then Dean finally stated “No. Even if it is we can’t let them win.”

Cas admired Dean’s determination, but he didn’t know if this was such a good idea anymore. People were getting hurt. Sam didn’t deserve to be the target for something they were doing. It wasn’t fair! He shouldn’t have to. Then again, it wasn’t fair that Cas had to give up his happiness because sometimes people are assholes who don’t understand anything that isn’t in their line of thinking.

“Cas, I know you’re thinking.” Dean said on the other line “Don’t even think about it. Everything is going to be fine. Don’t even think about doing what I think you’re going to do.”

With a soft laugh Cas nodded “Okay Dean I promise not to break up with you to protect your younger brother.”

“I’m coming over there.” Dean stated and then hung up.

Cas put the phone down and stared at it. Then he put it down and started to giggle.

Dean was coming over.

The doorbell rang an hour later and Cas opened it excitedly to see Dean standing there. He stood there with a stormy expression. His jaw clenched. “We need to talk.”

Happiness drained from Castiel and he nodded, stepping aside and letting Dean in. He took off his boots at the door and then came in, sitting down on the couch. Cas came over and sat beside him. He stared at his hands for a long time, not sure what to say.

“Cas, we are fine... Aren’t we?” Dean asked, mistaking his silence.

He looked up in horror “Of course we are. I was worried you were coming over here to break up with me!”

Dean shook his head “Never, never ever ever.” He shrugged and leaned forward “I guess I didn’t really come over to talk then. I missed you and I didn’t want to be in the same house with a moody Sammy anymore. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s excellent.” Cas said happily. He leaned forward and kissed him softly. Pushing Dean back and straddling his hips with his palms. Dean put his head back and let out a soft moan. He lay there breathing rapidly as Cas ran his hands over Dean’s chest and then lay on top of him, kissing him and letting his eyes droop.

“Tired my angel?” Dean asked softly.

“A little.” Cas whispered. “What about you?”

Dean shrugged under him “I could sleep.”

“I’ll be watching over you.” Cas said. Dean grinned and drifted off to sleep. Cas watched him, suddenly not tired anymore. He was just happy to watch him sleep and admire his perfect face. “I’ll always be watching over you.” He whispered before laying his head on Dean’s chest.

After everything they’d been through, Cas knew everything was going to be okay. He knew he would never have to worry about not belonging again. He had a home now, he had a family. Haters were going to hate. He didn’t care.

For the first time in... Well forever, Cas was in love and he wasn’t ashamed about it. Cas was home and he was safe. 

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