The Good Life

By MzTexas95

27.1K 201 47

Kelly has everything in life she could ever ask for, but one night her life all changes when she comes across... More

The Good Life
The Family
The Alley
Kyle (Picture of Red & Kelly transformation)
Urges to Boundaries
Studio (picture of nose ring)
Leah (Kyle's Sister
Field Day & Gay Support
Long Ass Day
Three Days Later
The Apology
Charity Visit
The Return of Red
Meet the Parents
The Mees Kratige in Action
A Whole Lotta Work
The Fight
Meeting the New Talent
The Actual Song
The Wedding

Power and Red's Mate

797 6 4
By MzTexas95

This expresses Christian ideals, not that big of a deal, but I thought people should know

Third POV:

                Every creature in the room heard how Kelly’s heart exploded and shattered, and everyone but Red knew the truth.

“Kelly,”                 Tigger whispered walking over to her and nudging her face with his nose. “Someone help her!”

“Back up,” Red said calmly as everyone stared at him in astonishment at how calm and collected his voice is.  

“Man are you crazy, we just lost her Kelly. We lost Kelly, what’s wrong with you man,” Tigger yelled at him becoming infuriated. Little did they know that Kelly was only going to leave them for a short amount of time to go on her first meeting with the one and all powerful of them all, God. Her soul traveled through the clouds and through each layer of the atmosphere she was unaware of her surroundings until she fell to the wet ocean below her falling all the way down to where not even the scariest of fishes wouldn’t swim toward. Finally after the never ending travel in a big circle Kelly’s body plopped down on the ocean floor breathing in the water like a fish taking whatever she needed from it. She felt weirdly at peace and at home, weird because she never knew how to swim.  Suddenly a large ball of light approached her allowing her to see all of the nature around her.  She felt memorized by the ball of light, but then again constant questions arose into her mind.

“Kelly all your questions will be answered,” the ball of light said reading her thoughts.

“Okay, but who or what are you?” Kelly asked immediately putting on her defensive stance.

“I’m God, I refuse to put myself into a body of any kind, because as my descendent, I only thought it’d be fair that I showed you my true self,” God said.

“Well, um, why’d you call me here?” Kelly asked standing up feeling the need to being in front of her God. She wasn’t super religious, and she wasn’t trying to force her ideas down other people’s throats; she just knew that she believed in God, and that was her way of being happy.

“Ah is that the right question?” God asked swaying shacking the ocean waters with each letter that escaped his mouth.

“Yeah, I mean why else would I be here?” Kelly asked perplexed with this higher being and his ways of talking in rhymes.

“The question that you should be asking is why you are the mes kratige?” God asked floating down to the sea ocean with Kelly.

“Well then why am I the mes kratige?” Kelly asked sitting down a few feet away from God.

“Because you are the savior of man- kind who will save them from their sins. You will be the one to wash away their sins, and allow them a chance at heaven, but you will die a painful and harsh death, for the sake of the beings that live in the world that I created,” God said to her. Kelly sat taking in all of the information as best as she could, well that didn’t sound any different from what she does now.

“So, I’m like a female Jesus?” Kelly inquired trying to get as much information on God’s motive behind his actions.

“Exactly, but is that what you really want to know?” God asked once again making Kelly think over her whole questionnaire’ that she had planned out.

“Well why me?” Kelly asked.

“Because it’s how I wanted it to be,” God said morphing his ball shape into the shape of a human body. He was now ball of light in the shape of a human bean bag.

“What do you mean, because it’s how I wanted it to be?” Kelly asked.

“I don’t have to have a reason for doing something; it’s just how I am. I do things a certain way,” God explained standing up.

“You’re right, thanks God. So how do I get back to my body?” Kelly asked standing up after realizing that God was standing up looking down on her.

“That’s simple,” God stated walking over toward Kelly as she stared at him with intrigue because such a simple yet a powerful creature could hold so much power to destroy and create her life. She noticed that his stance was becoming more aggressive as he hunched over toward her. “Sorry, but this is going to hurt.”

Kelly stared at him perplexed before she felt God’s warm fist thrust into her stomach and her spirit thrusted forward, the spot where God had hit her started to feel as though it were on fire, but the feeling of fire spread over her entire body until she was completely on fire. The feeling was foreign to her but her body just felt as though she were being stuck with needles. Her body began to soar out of the water and back into the atmosphere. Her body remained there so that she could take a glance at everything that was around her, she looked for her body on the earth, and saw that it was being covered by her Tigger, and Red waiting for her to return. She sent them a message reassuring them that she would be there, and once their heads shot up from getting the message, she zoomed down and shot into her body making the entire room to light on fire, but nothing was burned surprisingly. When everyone saw the fire they panicked over Kelly’s body, but little did they know that it was her new body getting being formed as the new rider of Red and the mes kratige.

                The fire was beginning to dwindle and collect itself into Kelly’s body. It all gathered in a runnel like formation into her body, and everyone but Red was panicked. When the fire finally subsided into Kelly’s body, her back arched up from the ground and she pulled herself up into a sitting position. Everyone looked at her in shock as she looked around as if nothing strange happened.

“Kelly,” Red shrieks jumping up onto Kelly knocking her back down. “What happened to you, why’d you die?”

Kelly smiled and sat up hugging Tigger’s large frame closer to her and spread a feeling of calm over Tigger and everyone else in the room.

“It’s like the phoenix she was born again,” Red explained truthfully to everyone and running up to her cuddling his face into the pit of her neck.

“Well the next time that happens, you want to warn us about these types of things?” Demetri asked sitting next to her on the couch and putting a hand on her head to check and make sure that everything is okay with her.

“Alright, I’m sorry I worried ya’ll,” Kelly said in her country slang. Everyone chuckled easing the tense atmosphere around them.

“So where’d you go?” Kyle asked her sitting in front of her.

“I went-“ Kelly started, but stopped when her mind was attacked with a sudden electric feeling.

“She won’t be able to tell you, because every time that she remembers, she’ll be shocked,” Red explained sitting on his haunches next to her.

“Well then, let’s not waist time on trying to find out, Red, tell me about your mate,” Kelly said smiling and turning next to her.

“Let me introduce you to her,” Red said smiling and running toward the window and whistling a tune. Seconds later a large purple ball of air swooped into the room and pranced on Red giggling.

“Hello my love, is everything alright, I was waiting for quite some time I got worried,” Red’s mate said smiling and licking his face.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting but my rider had to go through her transition, so know she’s here with us so you can finally meet her,” Red said sitting up and bringing his mate to sit along with him.

“Hello there,” Kelly said taking in the dragoness’ features. She was beautiful and majestic, her breast plates were well pronounced on her figure, and her claws were long and manicured. He jawline was long, but feminine and her tail was whip-like and sashaying across the floor to exaggerate her femininity. She had a long streak of light purple hair going down her back and along her tail that was twirled with Red’s. Kelly just noticed that at the end of Red’s tail there was a heart. Here wings had a black outline along where the bones reached but were purple along where the actual wing was.

“You two look stunning, what’s your name?” Kelly asked approaching the dragoness.

“Fionna,” Fionna stated shyly turning her head into Red’s neck to hid her face from Kelly’s scrutinizing stare.

“Aww she’s so cute, tell me how’d you guys meet?” Kelly asked with earnest curiosity.

“Oh, can I tell it I love to tell it,” Fionna chanted happily.

“Go ahead darling,” Red said laying down and wrapping his tail around her while she began to prance around and tell the story.

“So Red was flying over the Appalachian mountains when he saw the smoke from the war between the ogres and dragons. I was the only one left, and everyone else was dead, but he didn’t know that so he flew down to see if anyone was there or not. I thought it would be safe to fly around, so I did, and that’s when I laid my eyes on him,” Fionna explained as her eyes began to sparkle with love. “He was there flying about, and I saw his tail, my mother told me that my mate would have a heart on his tail since I loved blowing fireball out like that so much. When I saw that tail, I knew I found the one I’d been looking for. But little did we both know that there were ogres still there, and they started to string him up, but I flew in and burned all of them saving him. I burned all the straps, but I left the one that was around his mouth on. I flew up to him in my full height, and touched his lip with my claws taking in his eyes and his beauty. Then I slide my finger around to his mouth and untagged the strap. As soon as he did, he kissed me with all his force and took all the power from me that I had. I passed out, and when I woke up he was right there in his new form, and ready to teach me how to go with my new body.”

“Aww that’s so romantic, I could just throw up,” Tigger said fake gagging.

“Man say what you want, but my man, is my savior, and I love him to pieces,” Fionna said defending Red and licking her face.

“Well Kelly, what do you think?” Red asked eying her cautiously, waiting for her approval.

“Please, Kelly, I know you don’t know me that well, but I love him so much and I don’t want to loose him,”Fionna begged.

“Who am I to judge,” Kelly said standing up. She walked over to them and hugged them feeling how tense both of them really were, still. “That’s a yes by the way.”

“Oh Kelly!” They sang in unison wrapping their tails around her. She broke the embrace taking a step back and looked around.

“Now I have a few more things to get done, before I can officially, start all this training,” Kelly said smiling.

“And what would that be?” Kyle asked curiously.

“Fionna has to meet the family!” Kelly exclaimed.

“WHAT!” Fionna shouts before fainting.

“Oh lord if her heart is this weak, then what are we going to do with her when we play fight?” Tigger said rolling his eyes.

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