Remember Me? (Percy Jackson...

By Jaguartiger191

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Kristen Black lost her best friend right after their 14th birthday; after she walked into the woods and disap... More

Chapter 1: My Bestie's New Brother!
Chapter 2: Showing Leo around. First and Last stop: Lake
Chapter 3: Unwanted Visit
Chapter 4: Part 1: Presents
Chapter 4: Part 2: One More Day Would Suffice...
Chapter 5: The Unforgettable Hangout at the Woods
Chapter 6: Three years later.... (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Three years later..... (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Camping
Chapter 8: Hectic (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Hectic (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Camp Half-What?
Not an Update, Sorry :(
Chapter 10: How?
Chapter 11: A Trace of A Past Long Forgotten
Chapter 12: Somethings coming... and she has something to do with it.
Chapter 13: Finally Broke
Chapter 14: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 16: Axéchastes
Chapter 17 (Part 1): Campfire Meeting
Chapter 17 (Part 2): Too Late
Chapter 18 (Part 1): The Game
Chapter 18 (Part 2): The Sign
Chapter 19: Time Is Running Out
Chapter 20: Claimed and Reunited
Chapter 21 (Part 1): Prophecy Unveiled
Chapter 21 (Part 2): Only Just Beginning
Not a Chapter ~ Feedback
Chapter 22: Journey Begins
AND I'M BACK: Story Recap
Chapter 24: Dolly's China Bears (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Dolly's China Bears (Part 2)

Chapter 15: What Happened?

17.8K 495 403
By Jaguartiger191

A/N: I only had 3 days to finish this chapter. and yeah about the 60% thing, for the whole time i didnt have a single minute to work on my fanfic, so I had to make up for it in the last 3 days of freedom. haha And since I made you guys wait so dang long, I made my chapter really long ^_^
So long that I actually split it into two parts..... two chapters I mean. haha so yeah I won't make any promises but I will publish the next chapter ASAP :)
Love you guys and thank you all for still sticking around I love you and you are AMAZING.
30,000 freaking reads???!!?!?! holy. shiz. haha
ok, so yeah read on :)


I jumped a little at the sudden noise, and since I also didn’t know anyone was beside me. I stayed silent for the moment while I continued to blink, and wiped the water from my eyes as I felt someone hug me from the side and when I looked at the person, I saw Piper looking at me with relief.

“Alive?” I asked, confused. “What do you mean? What, was I dead or something?”

 “Well for a moment we THOUGHT you were dead... You heart was beating really slowly...”

 I jumped again when I heard someone say that from the other side. I saw  Piper frowning at me.

 I looked from her, and turned my head forward, and saw Nico, Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Jason all crowded around me.

I groaned and started shivering, goosebumps appeared on my arms. I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm them, but I was still cold. I held my hand out and flicked my fingers, but my eyes widened when no flame appeared.

“No, no no no this can’t be happening, not here too!” I exclaimed.

“What can’t be happening?” Jason asked.

“My power’s aren’t working!!” I groaned as I repeatedly flicked my fingers.

Piper sighed from beside me and held out a small towel. “Here, try this.”

I frowned in confusion and she snorted, “Do I seriously have to do everything for you, Leo?”

And then she used it to dry off my hands.

“Now, try again.” she ordered.

I frowned but did as I was told. I flicked my fingers, and laughed in relief when I saw a little flame dancing above my fingers.

 “I’m good now.” I say. I smiled at Piper in thanks and she just shrugged and gave me another towel, but a big one.

 “Thanks.” I say, and quickly use it to dry off my hair and clothes.

 “Aren’t you going to dry yourself off?” Frank asked.

 I looked at him in confusion and said, “I am drying myself off.”

 “No I mean, your face and-- you know what? Nevermind.” He said.

 I shrugged and chuckled, “Oh ok that, neh thanks to my awesome powers, I’ll be dry soon enough.” I smirked, looking at each of them.

 “Very funny Leo.” Jason rolled his eyes.

“Ok... before I ask what just happened, can someone please tell me why I was soaked with ice water?” I said, looking at each one of them slowly and suspiciously.

 “We had to do something to wake you up.” Jason shrugged.

 I snorted and raised my eyebrows, “Right. So... you decided to have me freeze to death?”

 Jason shrugged again and said, “Not to death. I mean, what good would that do? That’s what we were trying to save you from. We were hoping that maybe freezing your body will shock you enough to bring you back...  BUT it failed... so we thought that you would like option two better.” Jason smiled, nodding his head towards the bucket of water that I woke up in.

I rolled my eyes and continued to rub the towel against my head to dry my hair, “Oh yeah, thanks. I totally LOVED having my head held down in ice cold water where not even my powers can help me because I’m literally having a ‘brain freeze’.” I said.

“Oh good, it was my idea.” Percy said, grinning widely. I glared at him from the side of my eye and threw the towel I had at him. Percy laughed and stepped back as he caught it easily. I turned my head just to see Percy reel his arm back to throw it back to me, and held in a laugh as I saw Annabeth take it from his hands just before he swung his arm.

Percy looked surprised when he saw no towel flying towards me, but he turned around when Annabeth sighed.

“Will you two quit fooling around? This is serious.” She said. I looked at Percy and he shrugged.

 “So Leo, care to explain what’s going on?” Annabeth asked.

 I sighed and said, “I guess I would, if someone would volunteer to please tell me what the heck just happened?”

I saw Annabeth glance at Nico who was leaning against the door, and Nico nodded.

“Whatever happened, was strange... but we need your help to figure out what it was.”

“As I told you, I don’t exactly know what happened I just remembered seeing Kristen and remembering when I met her and--”

 “Wait...” Nico interrupted me. “What?”

 I shrugged. “I just remember blacking out, and then I went through this weird thing... I can’t even explain it. But it was really weird... I saw Kristen... and.... me... a younger me...”

 I looked up and saw each of them looking at me as if I was crazy.

“Let's go step by step.” Annabeth said. “If we actually want to figure out what exactly happened, we need to get all the facts straight.”

“Yeah because I’m completely lost here.” Percy chuckled.

 Annabeth ignored him and looked at me, “First, lets tell you what we know, then it’s your turn.” she said.

I was about to reply until I heard Jason growl, “Hey! Why did you just shove me?”

 We all turned to his direction and we saw that he was glaring at Percy.

 “I didn’t shove you. I nudged you.” Percy argued.

“You almost knocked me over!” Jason exclaimed.

“Ok fine, maybe I DID shove you. Whatever, not the point. I was just going to say that you should probably start explaining to Leo what happened.” Percy shrugged.

“Why should I be the one to do it?” Jason asked.

“Because you’re the one who was there when it happened.” Piper piped in.

“Ok ok.” He says. He leans on his side agaisnt the wall next to him and starts to explain, “All I remember and know is that on our way to Chiron, I was talking and then I heard you scream.”

“Scream?” I asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Like a little girl.” Jason laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him and he held his hands up. “Just kidding. Anyway, so yeah you screamed, but once I turned around you were on the floor with your eyes open but you weren’t responding to anything I said or did.” His voice was getting softer.

“So then I quickly brought you here to the infirmary to get you checked on. But since after several minutes you still didn’t move, your unblinking eyes were really starting to creep me out.” He said.

“We thought for a moment that maybe.. you know...” Piper said softly.

“And then thats where the ice water comes in.” Percy says, “and the rest is history.”

I stared at them and waited, but no one continued.

“What?” Jason asked.

“That’s it?” I asked.

“That’s all I know.” he replied.

“This is why we need you to tell us everything you know Leo.” Annabeth said.

I frowned in confusion at her and asked, “Why is this so important? I probably must have just fainted and then had a wild dream.”

“Fainted?” she asked.

“Yeah.. that’s what you told me.” I said.

“With your eyes open?...” She added, unconvinced. I looked down to think once I realised that that part was pretty weird. “No Leo, this is weirder than any regular fainting. While you were down, we knew that you weren’t fuly unconscious because your lips were moving, and you were mumbling things.”

“Things like what?” I asked.

“What have I done...” Jason said softly, his eyes closed and apparently attempting to reenact the scene. “Moved on.... Get out... Kristen..”

Percy snorted and turned away, trying to hide his obvious urge to burst out laughing.

Annabeth glared at Percy, which just made him laugh even harder, “What? It’s funny!”

Annabeth rolled her eyes then turned to me. “Ok, now its your turn.”

 I took a deep breath and held it as I tried to remember as much as I could.

 “Wait how is he supposed to remember anything is he was unconscious?” Frank interrupted.

 “Weren’t you listening?” Annabeth sighed. “I said that he didn’t exactly pass out. From the state he was in, it was most likely that he was just paralyzed.”

“And also Leo already mentioned something about seeing Kristen.” Piper added, and Annabeth nodded.

Annabeth looked at me and nodded again, signalling for me to continue; and Frank did the smart thing and didn’t argue any further.

“Well, all I remember now, is that after I passed out,  I woke up in some house...”

 “A house?” Piper asked, frowning in confusion.

I nodded and replied, “Diana’s house.”

“Who’s Diana?” Percy asked.

“My sister.” I said, instantly remembering, and smiled as a wave of warmth ran through my body.

“Your sister?” Piper repeated.

“Yeah.... not by blood, but she still is my sister. But thats not the point. Will you please let me continue and ask questions later?” I said as I saw Percy open his mouth as to say something but shut it again.

 “Thank you.” I said. “Now where was I?”

 “You were in your sister's-- named Diana's house.” Piper said.

“Which neither I still know nothing about...” Percy said softly but I could still hear him.

 “Percy shut up.” Annabeth said.

 I watched Jason say something to Percy, and I caught his words.

 “Watch it man, she didn’t call you Seaweed Brain this time, she’s real serious now dude.” Jason joked and Percy snickered; both to be silence by Annabeth’s death glare.

“Ok, Diana’s house.” I continued. “Thats where all the weirdness started.”

All their eyes were glued on me as I spoke. “They were all there... and I was there too.”

“Good thing to know that you know that your own self was there, you really are a genius.” Jason joked.

 I glared at him and shook my head. “No, not like that. I mean, I actually saw another me there. But like, a younger version....It was all like I traveled back in time or something....”

Annabeth was frowning, narrowing her eyes as if she was thinking hard. “A younger version of you...” she repeated, and I nodded but only to realise she was repeating it to herself and not talking to me. She looked at me again and asked, “Who were the others there?”

“Kristen.. and Diana. But they seemed like they were younger as well. They were like twelve or something.” I said, and took a deep breath once I realised how ridiculous I sounded.

Nico finally spoke up and said, “Continue.”

I let out a deep breath and said. “The weird part was that it was like I wasn’t there. I tried to get their attention, but none of them noticed me.”

“Ok so... several girls didn’t notice you, how is that special news?” Jason joked, and even Piper cracked a smile.

 I rolled my eyes and glared at him, “Ha ha, very funny. No thats not what I meant. I mean, they LITERALLY didn’t see me.... it was like, I was a ghost... or something. They walked right through me!”

 I looked at them, but no one said a word. All just looking at me, emotionless. I couldn’t tell if they were taking me seriously or if they thought I just lost my mind. I sighed and continued.

 “The main thing is... Several of those scenes....  I remember them.” I breathed. “I remember those things actually happening. Like the memory just popped right back into my head.” I didn’t explain exactly what it felt like since it would make things more complicated that it already was.

“So what… did you time travel or something?” Percy asked.

“Time travelling is impossible Percy.” Piper said.

“So is the existence of gods.” he replied.

“That excuse is old...” she said.

“But, it still works.” Percy laughed and Piper rolled her eyes but she smiled.

“Maybe, seeing those things again, just reminded you?” Piper suggested.

I shook my head, “Well… it could be possible. But it didn’t feel like that. It felt as if…. as if my mind was a brick wall, and an ice cold hammer just smashed it down, letting cold air into my brain.”

“And besides. Not all of them I recognised. Like after I left, Every other thing I saw, was all new to me.”

 I swallowed and and my voice got shaky. “And I remember Kristen. I remember meeting her…. and now I know what I did to her.”

My voice was almost inaudible by the last few words.

“I told you you knew her.” Jason pointed out, but I didn’t bother responding.

“I know now why she is so angry at me.” I continued. I threw myself back and covered my face with my hands, “Oh gods what have I done?”

“Well it took you long enough.” A voice came from behind me.

 We all looked back and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.

 “You’re the guy I saw with Kristen.” I said.

“And you’re the guy she almost cries over whenever you are mentioned.” He said darkly, almost angrily, as he glared at me.

“So… you’re Alfire?” I asked, even if I already knew.

The brown haired boy didn’t lower his glare, but he gave me a slight nod.

“You must be Leo.” He stated, but not as a question.

We continued the glaring for a while, and I gulped as I could practically feel his anger burning straight into me. 

I looked at Annabeth, but she disappeared from in front of me. I looked around until I spotted her again standing by the window, looking out with a frown. “Annabeth?” I heard Percy say.

She turned around again and looked at me, “Leo… do you remember the cause of why you passed out?” she acted as if the whole thing between Alfire and I didn’t happen at all.

I shook my head. She frowned and then said, “Can you atleast try to remember?”

 I sighed and frowned, trying to take a step back into the past… again, to remember. I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling.

“If it helps, I was looking away when you fainted.” Jason said.

“How is that supposed to be helpful?” Piper asked.

“I dunno.” Jason shrugged.

 “Actually, that might help.” Annabeth said.

“Ha.” Jason smiled and Piper rolled her eyes.

“Can you use that info to remind you of what happened Leo?” Annabeth asked me. I nodded and thought about it.

‘I fainted…. before that, Kristen shouted at me. ’ I thought. I remembered the whole fight in detail. I bit my lip when I remembered how much pain was in her voice.

“She shouted at me… then she ran off.” I swallowed. “She threw her bracelet at me.”

 Then realization came and slapped me in the face when I remembered her bracelet.

“The bracelet.” I said.

“The bracelet.” Jason repeated. “I saw Kristen throw it at Leo when I got there, too.” Then his eyes widened and he stared at me. “You were holding the bracelet when you blacked out.”

 “How would a bracelet be important?” Frank asked.

“I bet that since their mentioning it, that it’s important.” I heard Percy joke, patting Frank on the back.

“How are you so calm as if nothing bad is happening?” Piper asked Percy.

I smiled a little when I saw Annabeth looking at him with interest, as she seems to also want to know his response.

Percy shrugged and dug his hands into his jean pockets. “I just honestly don’t think anything that bad is happening.” I noticed Annabeth frowning at him, and I could see that so did Percy. “I mean, I am not saying that you are just making a big deal over nothing; I am just saying that you are making too much of a big deal over something that doesn’t seem that bad. I mean, you remember her now right? Isn't that a good thing?” Recieving no response he lost his smile. "Or not."

I heard Percy let out a breath of relief when Annabeth stopped looking straight at him. Annabeth turned to me and asked, “Why do you think the bracelet is the cause, Leo?”

 I shook my head and sighed as I said, “There was something weird about it. It felt as if it was pulling me towards it. And when I touched it, the chain was ice cold, but the charms were warm.”

“Charms bracelet.” Annabeth immediately stated, as if she was thinking of something.

I nodded and continued, “I know its the bracelet. Or it has something to do with it. When I touched the heart charm, it sent a shock through me, and all I remember after that was everything turning black around me.”

 Annabeth looked at Nico, and Nico was looking at me, eyebrow raised. “Where is the bracelet?” he asked.

 I looked around me, and when I didn’t find anything I looked at Jason. “Jason?” I asked.

He frowned and said, “I think I left it by the hill. Once you passed out, the first thing I did was drag you here.”

 “Go get it.” Annabeth ordered before anyone could say anything.


Annabeth glared at Jason and he raised his hands in defeat and ran out the door and I watched as he jumped out window.

“Do you know anything about the bracelet?” Annabeth asked. I looked at her in confusion, until I realised she was directing the question at Alfire.

I looked at Alfire as he shook his head. “I know of a bracelet that she wears all the time; but it can’t be the bracelet you guys are talking about.”

“Why not?” Percy asked.

Alfire looked at him and said, “She never takes it off. She can’t.”

“What do you mean?” Piper asked.

“You mean.. she doesn’t want to take it off?” Percy asked.

Alfire shook his head. “From what she told me, she said she can’t. She has tried, and I have watched her try, but for some reason no matter what she does, the bracelet stays. Kristen tried snipping the chain. It was broken for a few minutes, but then before she realised it, it was back on her arm as good as new.”

Annabeth’s frown went deeper, if possible, and then we heard footsteps from outside and we saw Jason walk back in with her fists closed. He walked up to Annabeth and held his hand out, with the charm bracelet on his palm.

“Here.” He said. Annabeth took the bracelet from his hand and examined it.

The whole room was silent until Annabeth gasped.

“What is it?” Nico asked.


“What?” Percy asked, walking up to Annabeth.

“Ask ze hostess?” Alfire makes up his face as he repeats what Annabeth said.

I walked over to take a look at whatever they see on the heart charm.


“What does that mean?” I ask.

“Unforgettable.” Percy says, with a confused look on his face.

“Ok… What is that supposed to mean?” Alfire asked.

“Exactly what the word says.” Annabeth said. “Unforgettable.”

Nico’s eyes widened and he looked at her, “Let me see that.” he held his hand out, and Annabeth gave him the bracelet.

Nico stared at it and breathed, “No way….”

“Can one of you please tell us what is going on? Because obviously you two seem to know” Piper sighed.

“This is no ordinary charm bracelet.” Nico said.

“I think we got that part covered already.” Jason pointed out.

 “Hey, that’s the bracelet I was talking about.” Alfire said. “How did you get it off?”

We all stayed silent for a moment, then they all looked at me and Jason.

“Hey, don’t look at me! Before this morning, I didn’t even realise that she was even wearing a bracelet.” Jason said.

I shrugged and shook my head, “I didn’t know either, and Kristen was the one who took it off herself.”

Annabeth’s eyes widened. “Where is Kristen?” She asked hurriedly.

We all looked at each other and, but it was soon clear that no one knew.

“All I remember was that Hazel went after her.” Jason said, “So she’s probably with her.”

Annabeth tightened her grip on the bracelet and nearly screamed, “Find her. Now.”

“What’s wro--” Percy started but was once again interrupted by Annabeth’s glare,

“Just hurry.” She ordered.

Frank and Jason all ran to the door but as if it were planned, Hazel came in panting; dragging someone behind her.

“HELP!” she panted, and carefully continued to pull the body in. “There’s something wrong with her!”

We all gasped when we recognised Kristen’s still body.

“Kristen!” Alfire exclaimed, he tried to get out of bed but Piper held him down. When he looked at her, she shook her head. “You are not yet well enough to walk.”

He glared at her, but did not argue. I didn’t pause to let the chance go and I stood up, and only then did I realise how unstable my legs felt. I balanced myself as quickly as I could and stumbled my way towards Kristen.

I heard Alfire growl behind me but I ignored him. Percy was already by Kristen’s side.

I smiled when he nodded, “Well, she’s alive.”

“Oh course she is!” Hazel exclaimed, and we all looked at her in surprise. “I said there was something wrong with her, not that she was dead. If I thought she was dead I would have brought her here sooner.”

I was surprised at the state I saw Hazel in. It was as if she saw a ghost.

“Hazel, calm do--”

“Get Kristen to one of the beds now.”  Annabeth ordered, interrupting Frank’s attempt to comfort Hazel.

Percy and Jason worked together to carefully carry Kristen up to one of the beds quickly.

“Now what?” Jason asked.

Annabeth ignored him and turned to me, “Where is the bracelet?”

I stumbled with words, muttering out nonsense sounds when I didn’t know where it was.

“Here.” Nico came out, and gave Annabeth the bracelet.

Annabeth hurriedly ran to Kristen’s side and put the bracelet back on her. My mouth dropped and watched in awe as the clasp which Annabeth just closed…. disappeared, and the chain-ends became one.

“Why did you do that?” Alfire asked in confusion. “Why are you just standing there? What is wrong with her?!”

 Piper had to practically  give him the teddy bear hug to hold him down, and from the corner of my eye, I could see that Jason didn’t seem to happy about it.

But my mind was too focused on Kristen to care about Jason’s temporary jealousy.

“What’s wrong with her?” I repeated Alfire’s question softly to Annabeth.

When Annabeth didn’t answer, I looked at Nico, but he looked away. I turned to Alfire, and received an angry glare.

“What is wrong with her?” I asked more forcefully, and got surprised looks from Jason and Piper. I haven’t been this angry in a while. Not since I blamed myself for my mother’s death… for not being able to save Festus…. and for leaving Kristen years ago.

“Annabeth?” Percy asked softly, nudging her gently on the arm.

“I don’t know.” Annabeth said sternly, sitting back on a chair to the side. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

“But you have an idea don’t you.” I said stiffly. More of a statement than a question.

I looked down at Kristen’s still body and stared at the bracelet when I heard Annabeth sigh.

 “Yes. Yes I do. But it’s not possible.” Annabeth said.

“I can’t believe you still believe that.” I replied. I respected Annabeth, and feared her at times, but this time something drove me on, not letting me ignore it. “After EVERYTHING that we know about, went through and what we ARE, you still believe that something is not possible. Even bringing back people from the dead has been proven possible.” I growled, but immediately regretted what I said when I saw Hazel stiffen and Frank glared at me.

“I mean--”

“He’s right.” Hazel said, looking at me, showing that she forgave me.

Annabeth looked at us wistfully then sighed, giving in. “There is this myth.”

 “So that means it’s real. Right?” Alfire asked, “Since you know, you guys are supposed to be of myths also. Or at least, your parents should be.”

We all looked at Annabeth, but she shook her head.

“This is different.” She said. “This is a myth even to the Olympians.”

We all frowned, and I only got half of what she said. She obviously noticed our expressions as she said, “Let me explain, and you should get it.”

Then she looked at Nico, “You seem to know about it as well.”

He kept his face as emotionless as usual. And we all stayed silent as she continued.


A/N: Please comment, vote, and follow!! ^_^

~Mari <3

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