A Normal Life

By hyperactivegigglefit

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Dean Winchester is a high school senior who never pays attention in class and is on the football team. He fee... More

A Normal Life
The Winchester Family
School Life
Tutoring Sessions
Dean's Thoughts
New Friends Are Hard to Make
Unknown Feelings
A Place to Belong
Anger, Love and Confusion
Dreams Into a New World
The Truth Comes Out
Having Someone to Care About
Dreams Finally Come True
On the Road
Confronting the Parents
Accepting of the Truth
A Plan of Action
No More Goodbyes
Going Home
All is Calm, All is Safe

Don't Get Bitten

117 10 2
By hyperactivegigglefit

Hey guys! Sorry updates will be less frequent thanks to something called school. Lovely I know. Thank you for you patience!! 


Dean’s POV

He listened to Castiel’s story, his arm squeezing tighter the longer he listened. When Cas began the story of when he first started cutting Dean flinched. He wrapped his other arm around the boy’s shoulders and dug his face into the curve of his neck and shoulder blade.

Cas’ voice cracked as he continued and soon he couldn’t speak anymore. The story seemed to be over anyway. Cas broke down and leaned heavily onto Dean, letting sobs rack his whole body.

Dean let out a soft gust of breath and pulled Cas closer “Shh, it’s okay Cas. You’re safe now; you don’t need to hurt anymore.”  Dean felt his eyes tearing up as well. He couldn’t help it. He’d never had someone so close to him, hurt so much. Sure his brother got weepy sometimes and Dean comforted him but it was never to the same extent. Never because of such extreme reasons either.

To be honest he wasn’t sure how to deal with this. He was worried about Cas but didn’t know what to say. How do you make something like this better? What do you say to make it alright? All he could do was sit here, pretending he was helping.

“How do you know Dean?” Cas asked, his voice muffled by Dean’s shirt.

Dean looked down at the boy, a small smile on his face “Because I won’t let you. I’m going to protect you now Cas, you don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

Cas turned his face upward, his blue eyes so full of tears Dean thought he was looking into the sea. Cas tried for a smile, watery as it was it made Dean’s heart melt. “You’re my big hero in shining armour aren’t you Dean?”

He laughed and shrugged “I can very well try.”

“Well I feel safer already.”

“Good.” Dean whispered, he leant down and kissed Cas softly.

The hotel room door opened and Dean heard a giant groan come from it, “Could you guys put a sock or something on the door when you want to make out?” Sam’s voice carried toward them “That way I won’t have to walk in on this.” He placed something heavy on the table “Come on Dean, this is no different from when you had your girlfriends!”

Dean pulled away from Cas, a mischievous smile now dancing on his lips. Still staring at his boyfriend he said “Sorry Sammy, I guess it just slipped our minds.” He winked at Cas and then turned toward his brother. “What’s in the bag?”

“Supplies. Dad got me to pick some up while you two were... Whatever the hell you two were doing.” Sam replied with a small eye roll.

Much to Dean’s dismay, Cas moved away from Dean and stood up, “What kind of supplies?”

Sam opened the bag and offered it to Cas. The boy took it and a sharp intake of breath escaped him as he looked in. “Knives?!?!” He whispered casting a nervous glance around. “What are you doing with these?”

“The only way to kill a vampire is to cut off their heads.” Dean replied with a shrug, “Don’t worry you won’t have to worry about that. We’ll take care of it.”

Cas rolled his eye and placed the bag back on the table. “What, don’t you think I can handle a knife?”

Dean stared at him and then said seriously “I know you can, but you shouldn’t have to anymore.”

He stared at him and then turned his gaze downward with a shy smile. Sam cleared his throat loudly, moving to the centre of the room “If you two are done, Dad said to meet them in the lobby in a half hour. We have a lot to get prepare too.”

“Yeah? Like what Sammy?” Dean asked moving his eyes to his brother.

Sam was standing beside his bag, emptying a bag. He then carried it over to where the knives were and carefully put them inside it. The knives were long and incredibly sharp. Dean could only assume that they were machetes. As he’d heard Dad say many times, nothing quite cut through skin and bone like it!

The thought was a little sickening, but Dean had gotten used to it. His dad tended not to sensor himself around the boys. Much to his mother’s horror; she tried to keep them as shielded from this life as much as she could. Right now however, it wasn’t working out so well. Dean couldn’t help but frown a little thinking about it. All her hard work was pointless now. They were a part of it now.

“Why can’t we just use the plastic bag?” Dean asked sitting down on the bed and leaning back, stretching his arms out behind him.

Sam shrugged “Less suspicious, plus they can’t be seen through the bag. It looks like I’m just carrying a duffle bag with laundry or something like that.”

Dean gave Sam a wide eyed expression “Sam? Did Dad tell you to do that?”

His brother hesitated and then looked up at Dean with a grin “Yes, he said this how mom and he pass for normal.”

Dean didn’t believe his brother for a second. He could tell that Sam was hiding something; however he had more pressing issues to worry about. They were about to attack a vampire nest. They all needed to be sharp and alert. Cast out any thoughts of doubt or petty worries. They could be dealt with after they succeeded.

He took the bag from Sam once it was all packed. It was heavy, and so Dean huffed in surprise as he shouldered it. Sam gave him a raised eyebrow look but shrugged and then beckoned them to follow him.

They left the room and entered the lobby where John, Mary and Don were already waiting for them. He saw his mom grimace as the three of them walked down the hall. Probably because they looked like hunters; or what a hunter that was undercover looked like.

John however looked proud. Scared and angry, but proud.

It made Dean wonder why he had to go to these lengths to see that look. To see and know that his dad wasn’t disappointed in him; that he actually meant something to him. Shaking those thoughts off he stood up tall and waited for further instructions.

With a nod, John led them out of the motel and to the cars. “Dean, take your brother and Castiel in the Impala. Trail close behind us. We’ll lead you to where you need to go.”

Dean nodded and motioned for everyone to get in. He sat in the front seat and waited for his dad to pull out first. As they left the parking lot, he revved the engine and followed suit. They drove down the road, out of the main part of town. They came to the residential district and soon left the nicely painted and well maintained houses behind. Soon there was nothing but fields on each side, lining the roads and making Dean wonder if the nest was even in the same town. Eventually a rundown house appeared on the right side of the road.

It had a haunted house look and the yard was full of weeds. A small pathway led up to the front wooden porch where the door was crooked in its framing. All the windows were boarded up and parts of the roof had caved in.

For a vampire nest, Dean figured it got just a little too much sunlight.

“This can’t be the place.” Dean commented turning off the engine and seating back in his seat. He stared up at the house and shook his head “No way would the vamps would live in this dump.”

Sam nodded, his hair falling into his eyes “This is definitely the place. I remember it from my dream.”

Dean raised an eyebrow, shrugged and got out of the car. The adults were already unloading the trunk of their own car.

Sam and Cas hurried over to help, but Dean hung back. Sure he was excited to finally see his family in action; he was ready to kill some vampires. There was something wrong though, something wasn’t right. This was too easy. They’d found the nest and the plan, if it worked, was too simple. Mom and Dad had always made the job seem hard. So why were they not stressing, not worried about losing anyone? From what he could see they were the most relaxed out of all of them.

What were they planning?

“Okay everyone, you know the plan. Let’s get this thing over with. The sun is just starting to set; they will be sleepy and groggy but still quite sharp. Be on the alert.” John started the run down. He stared at each of them critically. “Once they start charging out of here, there will be no time for fear. Swing your knife and cut right through their necks. Do not hesitate. No matter what.”

They all nodded and Dean looked up at the house and then at Sam. He really didn’t want his little brother going in there. He could get hurt, or worse. There was too many “ifs”. Dean knew that Sam would never sit around though. By the look on his face, he was determined to help. No matter the cost.

That scared him a little. The last thing he wanted was to lose his little brother.

“Everyone to your posts!” John said and then walked to the front door, Mary at his side.

Dean wasn’t ready for what happened next. John opened the door and was pushed to the floor. Mary slashed the head off the vampire that had rushed out but was thrown to the other side of the deck in the process.

He rushed forward to help with Don at his side. Don was an expert beside him, while Dean struggled to cut through the bone. Cas was holding his own and keeping Sam behind him. Sam looked terrified and Dean had to force himself to stay focused and let Cas take care of his brother. He had bigger issues, they included staying alive and helping his parents.

Running up the front steps, following close behind Don he slashed and cut through the necks of the vampires. After awhile it wasn’t so hard to get through the bone, he was strong enough. The blood that spattered all over him was disgusting though. When he got back to the motel the first thing he was going to do was take a shower.

His parents entered the house, yelling and chopping. Dean couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the vampires. They didn’t stand a chance.

Don rushed in after them and Dean saw John shut the door behind him. He left Dean standing on the porch, holding his knife up in defense. Nothing came out.

Lowering his arm he stepped back to where Cas and Sam were. Bodies were scattered all around them and Dean had to watch where he stepped. The last thing he wanted was to trip.

Sam looked up at the house in confusion and then back at Dean “Where’d Mom and Dad go?”

“Inside,” He replied shrugging “Dad locked me out. I guess he never really had any intention of letting us help in the first place.”

His brother turned his gaze back to the house “But... But he promised and he has to.” He slumped against the car behind him and continued to stare at the house.

Dean put an arm around Cas’ shoulders and gave him a smile “How’re you feeling Cas?”

Cas shrugged “I don’t know. There is a lot of adrenaline coursing through me and I think I’m going to pass out.” As if to emphasize his point he swayed a little on his feet. Dean steadied him, moving his arm to under his shoulders and letting him sit down on the hood of the car. Sam glanced over briefly before returning his glaring at the house.

Cas’ eyes started to droop, that’s when Dean noticed the blood.

He gasped and moved so that he was kneeling in front of the boy. He pulled down the collar of Cas’ shirt and saw the two distinct bite marks. They had torn a little at the skin and there was a hole there instead of two clean bite marks. He was losing blood, and fast.

“Cas!” He cried lifting his chin as it started to droop. “Cas, hey look at me! Look at me man!” He said desperately, shaking his shoulder lightly. Making sure he didn’t brush against the wound. “Stay with me, you need to stay awake. Please Cas stay awake!”

He opened his eyes and gave a weak smile “I’ll try.” He slumped forward and Dean picked him up and carried him to the backdoor of the Impala.

“I’m taking Cas to the hospital, Sammy I need you to come with me.” Dean said hurriedly, getting Cas in and making sure he was comfortable. He stared at Cas’ rapidly paling face, a knot of worry burrowing deep inside his stomach. Softly he leaned down and whispered “You gotta stay with me. Please stay with me.”

Sam was already in the passenger seat when he got in. “What about Mom and Dad? What if something happens to them?”

“They can take care of themselves. Cas probably doesn’t have long. We have to save him Sam.” Dean put the car in gear and pulled out back to the main road. “We brought him on this stupid trip and he’s my responsibility.” He sped down the road hoping they wouldn’t be too late. 

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