Life with Tunechi: Third book

By StarCrossed81

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This is the third book, Loving Tunechi, Living with Tunechi and now this one!!I still sometimes feel like I'm... More

Life with Tunechi
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

1K 30 7
By StarCrossed81

When Wayne called that night I had to fight the urge to spill my secret to him, this wasn't something I wanted to tell him over the phone. I wasn't upset that I was pregnant but it wasn't something we had planned either, of course we didnt't do anything to prevent it either. After we talked I went upstairs giving Maliyah her bath and changing her into her pj's before feeding her and rocking her to sleep. I was tired myself so I decided to go ahead and lay down. As tired as I was the moment my head hit the pillow I was wide awake.

Grabbing my cell phone I sent Wayne a text telling him I missed him and couldn't sleep. It took a few minutes but Wayne text me back saying "somebody missing daddy." I grinned to myself, daddy if he only knew. We talked for a while before I finally got tired enough to lay down. Rolling over I pulled the covers up around me, I hated sleeping by myself but I was so tired I eventually drifted off.

Waking the next morning I called Dr Chan's office and left a message for her before heading downstairs and starting some coffee. Maliyah woke up around 9 and I brought her downstairs and fed her some applesauce then gave her some milk. Dr Chan called me back as I was cleaning her up and I explained to her what was going on. She promised me as before things would be kept quiet and made me an appointment for later in the week. I thanked her and hung up calling Ms. Rosa to let her know that I needed her to watch Maliyah that day. Wayne had called but was in a rush so I only got to talk to him for about 15 minutes which he spent most of his time apologizing for not being able to talk. I had told him he was fine and I would talk to him later tonight.

The rest of the day I tried to think about things that would have to change now that I was pregnant. I had even considered postponing the wedding but that was only a momentary thought. Calculating from my last period I would only be about 5 weeks pregnant so that meant I wouldn't be that far along but still being pregnant had not been part of the plan. I had decided to tell Wayne about the baby on my birthday, make it a little surprise for him. I wanted to call Adrianna and tell her but I had to tell Wayne first, well I wanted to cause if Adrianna spilled and let Chris know I knew he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

That night Maliyah ended up sleeping with me cause she had a stuffed up nose and every time she laid down in her crib she would wake up crying cause she couldn't' breath. We ended up sleeping with me propped up on some pillows and her asleep on my chest. The first think I did that morning was call her pediatrician and make her a doctors appointment, I guess this week would just be full of dr appointments. Her doctor was able to see her that morning so I dressed her in a black onsie that had a hot pink star on it that said Daddy's RockStar adding a hot pink head band. I dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a red sleeveless button up shirt.

Maliyah fussed the entire way to the doctors office, she was not in the mood, as soon as I pulled her out of her seat she laid her head on my chest and I knew she didn't feel good. Signing us in the receptionist commented on how big Maliyah was getting. I nodded at her smiling, the waiting room was packed and I just wanted to get this over with. I sat down by a young girl who was feeding her baby a bottle. I smiled at her as I pulled my phone out texting Wayne telling him that Maliyah was sick and I had her at the doctor. The girl beside me kept looking at me sideways. I sighed looking over at her and she grinned at me, "I hate to bother you, I recognize you from the article." I looked confused until she pointed down at the open magazine in her lap and it was turned to picture of Wayne and I.

I shook my head, "I forgot all about that." She laughed, "I can't believe I'm sitting by Lil Wayne's fiance. Your daughter is beautiful. Maliyah started babbling as if she heard her and I looked down at her grinning. "Thank you, we think so." The girl laughed, "I'm Laura, I really don't mean to bother you, but I just had to say hi." I smiled at her and was thankful when I heard the nurse call Maliyah's name. Walking in the back they weighed her before taking her measurements and temperature. After all was said and done Maliyah was prescribed some antibiotic, and some cold medicine. She had been running a low grade fever so they had given her a little bit of childrens Tylenol and told me to watch her.

Wayne had wanted me to call him when we left so I text him telling him I was leaving the office to call me when he had a chance. I had just buckled Maliyah in her car seat when the phone started ringing, I answered it grinning, "hey sexy." Wayne laughed, "that how you always answer the phone, I'mma have to start watching you." I grinned, "boy chill out I knew it was you." Wayne said mhmm causing me to roll my eyes. "So how is little momma." I sighed as I started the car, "a cold, I'm on my way now to pick up her prescription." Wayne and I talked until I made it to CVS. Maliyah and I ran in and I was grateful that they had her order waiting on me. Paying for the prescription I thanked the tech and headed out.

As soon as we made it home I fed Maliyah some baby food and a bottle before giving her some of her medicine. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Taking her to her room I laid her down making sure to prop her up a little. Melonie called with some wedding details and we scheduled a sit down for the next week. I called and talked to Fallon and was relieved when Ryan answered the phone actually acting like a grown up and handing over the phone without a fight. Fallon was excited to tell me about everything she had been doing and I know she talked my ear off for an hour before she handed Ryan back the phone. Hanging up I went to check on Maliyah and saw her still asleep. My poor little girl didn't feel good. I decided to stay upstairs in my room and play on the computer until she woke up.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by, Maliyah was feeling better, I guess the medicine was doing its job. I dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black ruffled shirt kissing Maliyah bye before I headed out. The drive to the doctors office was crazy, the traffic was horrible. I had never been so glad to get to a place in my life. I parked my car in the parking garage heading to the elevator. Exiting I signed in and took my mountain of paperwork to my seat with me.

The visit didn't take too long, I wasn't far enough along that she wanted to do a sonogram, she just wanted to go ahead and get the lab work done. According to my last period I was 5 weeks pregnant, she was surprised that a pregnancy test picked it up but she did say the over the counter test were getting better. We made my next appointment for a little over a month later, I would be 10 weeks by then. Dr Chan gave me a hard time about getting pregnant so soon after Maliyah. I laughed at her knowing she was just kidding with me. Leaving the office I was excited to know Wayne would be home for my birthday the next day and I could surprise him with the news.

That night after Wayne called I had almost talked myself into not telling him until I was further along but I already knew I wouldn't be able to hide the news when the morning sickness started. Besides I was horrible at keeping secrets from him he always knew when I was hiding something. I didn't really want to do anything big for my birthday so we had planned on going out to eat with a couple of friends. I could have done without going out I wasn't really in the mood to be around a bunch of people but Wayne always insisted we do something. I wasn't the party person he was but he always seemed to drag me into his shit.

Waking up the next morning I jumped in the shower before Maliyah got up. I took the extra time and straightened my hair that way I wouldn't have to worry about it tonight. When Maliyah did wake up we went downstairs and I feed her and put her in the swing as I made myself some cheese toast. I hadn't heard from Wayne yet and I was kinda bummed out that he hand't texted me happy birthday. My phone was blowing up with people wishing me a happy birthday but the one person I wanted to hear from nothing. Hell even Ryan had text me happy birthday. I had no clue when Wayne would be home, he had always gotten out of telling me what time his flight out was leaving.

By lunch I was frustrated that I hadn't heard from him. I had dressed Maliyah in ruffled dress and some black tights and she was fussing at me from her walker. I knew she was getting sleepy so I went and fixed her a bottle. I heard my phone chime as I was in the middle of feeding her and I had hoped it would be Wayne but it was from Brooklyne asking me what I was going to wear tonight. I sighed telling her I didn't know yet. I had finally had enough so I sent Wayne a text saying "hey." I sat my phone down staring at it waiting on it to chime but it never did. I ended up taking Maliyah to her room to sleep and when I came back down he had still not replied. I shook my head refusing to cry. I sent Brooklyne a text back letting my aggravation out about Wayne. "My phone has been going crazy with people telling me happy birthday, you know the one person who hasn't said a word to me all day. Wayne, that's who." She sent me a frowny face back. "Maybe he is on his way home, what time was he flying in." I sighed, "no idea, am I wrong to be mad." I kicked my feet up on the recliner, "no I would be too, I mean he could have at least sent you a text." I made a face, "yeah well I text him and he never replied, ugh that ass in in trouble."

I heard the garage door open and threw my phone on the coffee table jumping up running to the door. Wayne looked up at me with a look on his face that told me he already knew I was mad. "Come here baby." I shook my head watching him take his bags out the back of the car. I turned walking back in the house. Wayne dropped his bags by the door catching up with me in the kitchen pulling me rather roughly to his chest turning me around and grabbing my face. "You heard me." I made a face at him and he grinned at me. "I'm sorry I didn't text you earlier but I wanted to tell you happy birthday in person, so happy birthday baby." I sighed looking down at him. "Why didn't you reply back to my text." Wayne shrugged, "I been busy, I had a meeting on the jet on the way home and I didn't get your text till I landed and now I'm here." I rolled my eyes, "I guess." Wayne reached down kissing my neck, "you mad, I'll make it up." I shoved him, "same shit different day."

Wayne made a face at me before leaning down kissing me. "How's Maiyah doing." I shrugged, "she is better, the medicine is doing its job." He nodded pushing his glasses back up his nose. I grinned at him. "Have I ever told you how fucking sexy you are when you wear your glasses." He smirked, "thought you was mad, you know you can't stay mad at daddy." I rolled my eyes, "that what you think." He laughed pulling me back in his arms. "I told you I'd be here for you baby." I laid my head on his chest. "I know, I know, I'm just over emotional right now." Wayne gave me a look, "your always over emotional." I shrugged, "I'm sorry that's just me, what you can't handle me." Wayne laughed leaning down picking me up. "Let me show you what I can do to you."

Wayne took me upstairs to our room and laid me on the bed, his kisses were driving me crazy when we heard Maliyah start crying. I groaned as Wayne rolled off me getting up heading to go get Maliyah, "you need to wait till tonight anyways, can't be giving you your birthday present early." I sat up leaning against the headboard and rolled my eyes as he came in talking to Maliyah. "Your mommy is mad at you." I leaned down kissing her checks, "mommy could never be made at you baby girl." Wayne played with her for a while before I took her downstairs so he could rest before we had to go to the restaurant.

That night I had decided to dress in a black off the shoulder dress that fit like a glove, might as well wear it when I can. It was originally bought to wear on our honeymoon but I doubted I'd be wearing it now. Wayne actually dressed up in his own way and wore some faded creased down jeans and a black button up shirt with his white Jordans. As I slipped on my heels I arched my eyebrow at Wayne who was deep into his phone. "Whats wrong." He shook his head but I knew it had to be something with work. He looked up at me giving me giving me a half smile. "Ready." I nodded my head, I was nervous about tonight, the last time I told Wayne I was pregnant I had thrown the test at him, this time I wanted it to be special. Before we walked downstairs Wayne pulled me up to him leaning down to kiss me letting his hands roam. "You making me want to stay home tonight." I playfully shoved at him. "You can wait."

The dinner with a few friends ended up being a party with more people than I could even care to count. As soon as we walked in and people started yelling happy birthday I know I shot Wayne a evil look and he just grinned at me kissing my cheek. "Happy Birthday baby." I felt like I had said hello to a million people when I spotted Brooklynne and Malachi. She walked up to me hugging me whispering in my ear. "So have you." I shook my had no, "tonight." Wayne was too busy talking to Malachi to even notice us speaking in code. When we finally made our way to our table and sat down. I frowned as a server put a glass of wine in front of me, Wayne was sipping on a cup of God could only imagine talking to Baby. I felt out of place for some reason, I would have been happy just having dinner at home with Wayne and Maliyah.

Wayne noticed something was wrong and he leaned in, "Maci what's wrong." I shook my head, "nothing, I'm fine." I would never tell him I didn't like the party, I would be too afraid that I would hurt his feelings. I put on a fake grin and tried to make the most of the party. In the end I did end up having a pretty good time. The food had been amazing and the cake was a piece of art. I loved all the gifts I received, it still amazed me the amount of money celebrities spent on each other. Wayne had waited till last to give me my birthday presents from him and I have to admit his had been my favorite, because I had made him promise no cars and no houses I eneded up with a whole lot of jewelry but I loved all of it. I shook my head, he probably spent more on one piece of jewelry than he did the whole car last year.

It was late after 2:30 when we made it back home, Maliyah was passed out and Ms. Rosa was already in her room that we kept ready for her. Entering our room I kicked my shoes off turning to look at Wayne who was sat on the edge of the bed unbuttoning his shirt. When he saw me looking at him he nodded at me. "Come here." I shook my head no biting my lip causing him to arch his eyebrow. "What is it? You didn't like the party." I shook my head, "no it's was good, I just have something for you." He looked confused, "for me, its your birthday why you giving me something." I shrugged walked in my closet pulling a box down, inside was a black onsie that said my daddy rocks. My hands were shaking as I walked out shutting the door behind me. Wayne frowned at me, "Maci what the fuck is wrong with you, you bout to shoot me or some shit." I rolled my eyes at him, "where did you get that from." He laughed as I sat beside him, "you go in the closet come out with a box, I can see you shaking, I'm just saying."

I let out a deep breath, "I fucked this up last time and I want to do it right this time." I handed over the  box to Wayne and he leaned forward kissing my forehead. "Should I be worried." I shrugged "I don't know you can tell me after you see what's inside." Wayne shook his head but opened the box slowly. When he first saw what was inside he frowned picking up the onsie , it didn't take long for recognition to appear on his face, he broke out in a grin. "Told you I was going to knock that ass back up." I shoved him laughing, "You was supposed wait till after the wedding you ass." Wayne shrugged giving me a cocky smile, "didn't hear you complaining, not one single time." I moved so I was straddling his lap as he sat the box beside him before placing his hands on my hips. "So should you be worried?" Wayne shook his head at me, "not me maybe Maliyah." I laughed leaning down to whisper in his ear, "I got one more thing to give you." Wayne licked his lips, "I think I'm the one that is supposed to be doing the giving tonight." I bit my lip arching my neck as his lips made contact with it. "I think you gave me enough." Wayne started laughing at me and looked up. "I'm just glad this time I didn't get the damn test thrown at my head." I looked down embarrassed that I had ever done that, "so your ok with this?" Wayne tilted my chin up so that we were looking eye to eye. "The only thing that makes me happier is this time when you give birth to our child you'll be carrying our name too." I felt a tear escape my eyes and Wayne wiped it away. "No crying tonight."

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