×All Bad× |Justin Bieber|

By Jerryismypizza

694K 14.7K 1.9K

"They try to get at me..." "But I ain't all bad" And she believed that. More

×All Bad×
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chaptet 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 29

10.3K 204 20
By Jerryismypizza

|Vanessa's P.O.V.|                 'Observe'

I sighed leaning against the kitchen island counter, folding my arms I glanced over at the clock on the wall.

Justin had been gone for almost 2 hours now, all he said was that he needed to pick something up and I imagined it was only a 10 minute thing, hell was I wrong.

We were supposed to be going to this party that Joel was holding on his own yacth, and it was already 8:30pm and were already late.

He said to be ready by the time he got back even when I told him I had absolutely nothing to wear, it stressed me out knowing I bad no idea what was going on, I hated being kept in the dark about things.

As I went to ring his phone, the door swung open. Justin walked in, now dressed in black dress pants, a black with white polka dot button up shirt along with a black suit jacket, his hair was styled to the side and be wore sunglasses, as good as he looked, he still was late as hell. He carried a white long bag, one usually used for packaging clothing.

"Where have you been? It's been 2 hours, you said you'd be back soon" I ranted angrily as he approached me.

"I know and I'm sorry, I had to go pick this up, and then I got dressed there too," he paused seeming like he was out of breath.

"Great I'm going to get dressed-" I walked past him only to be pulled back.

"Hold up" he paused, he unzipped the white bag and soon pulled out a valentine red thigh high dress. It was strapless with the arms curving in to a sweetheart neckline with little petals embroidering the neckline and hemline of the dress. It was stunning.

"You chose this yourself?" I asked, in shock of how good taste he had.

"With a little help with the lady at the store, I pictured you in it and instantly knew it was perfect" I looked up at him, my eyes leaving the dress and meeting his hazel eyes.

"I love it" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and standing on my tip toes to hug him. His hands rested on the small of my back as I slowly pulled away.

I went upstairs and got dressed in to the dress, I had paired it with some nude strap heels and had left my hair out. My makeup already done, I was quickly finished.

I sat on the bed and buckled the buckle of my heel as the door opened.

"You ready?" Justin asked, walking in and towards me.

"Yeah" I muttered making sure my straps were buckled shut. Before looking up at him as he took my hand and pulled me up, his eyes going from my eyes all the way down, his mouth slightly parted as he licked his lips.

"You look beautiful, just as I imagined" He muttered snaking his arm around my waist.

I smiled blushing slightly "We should go" I said as he focused greatly on my chest. He nodded before stepping back and allowing me to leave first, I could already feel his eyes on my ass but I didn't say anything, he wouldn't even be bothered that I knew he was looking.

As left the villa and were escorted to a shiny white Rolls Royce, getting in followed by Justin the driver shut the door and drove away from the house.

"I think Khalil is gonna be here too" He spoke up as I turned slightly to look at him.

"He's here?" I raised my eyebrows referring to being the Bahamas.

"Yup, Joel is friends with him too so he invited him" He answered shrugging.

Once the car came to a stop, the door opened and Justin got out first. He took my hand and helped me out, thanking him the driver shut the door behind me and we were taken on to the Yacth.

"Justin, Vanessa, so glad you came" Joel greeted as he hugged Justin before giving me a small hug followed by Jennifer who I knew was so nice.

"Well enjoy the party, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask" He smiled at us before he and Jennifer walked away.

"There's my boy!" We both turned around to see Khalil approaching us the both of them cheering and bro hugging I couldn't help but laugh.

"And of course, Miss Montano, how Justin been treating you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Good" I answered laughing at his crazy personality.

"So what have you two been up to? Fucking day and night-" "Shut the fuck up Khalil" Justin cut off laughing as my eyes widened.

"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking" He answered wiggling his eyebrows "Meaning?" I asked looking at him confused.

"Well from all the pictures the paparazzi take of you, you can't keep your hands of her man" He answered, my cheeks turning a shade of pink as Justin chuckled.

We all went to the second level of the yacth where there were a lot of other people. Some greeting Justin, others just keeping to themselves.

"Everyone here, prestige as fuck" Khalil spoke in disgust as he eyed everyone around him. They all were dressed very fancy and posh, thankfully I didn't feel over dressed anymore.

We all just kept to our self. We stood in the corner observing everyone who just talked to one another, not bothering to speak to us I couldn't help but laugh at Khalil and Justin's commentary and judgemental thoughts that they said aloud about other people.

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