Two Destinies- (Book 1)

By Scarlett_xxoo

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WILL NOT BE CONTINUING THIS STORY. If you want to read this unfinished story, be my guest. I also give permis... More

Chapter 1- New Neighbour
Chapter 2- Evil Nathan
Chapter 3- Shouting is not Good!
Chapter 4- Megan is very Annoyed
Chapter 5- The Dinner
Chapter 6- The Party and Mr. Nice Guy
Chapter 7- Starting to Get Feelings...
Chapter 8- Shocking Revelations
Chapter 9- Enjoying Every Moment with You ♥
Chapter 10- The Drama Unfolds... ^.^
Chapter 11- Things Start to Go Wrong :(
Chapter 12- Tension...and Some Fun
Chapter 13- Ever Wear a Bridesmaid Dress?
Chapter 14- Getting Close, Much?
Chapter 15- The Weird Night
Chapter 16- Pranksters on the Move...
Chapter 17- Stalking Like a Ninja
Chapter 18- Held as Hostage
Chapter 19- Getting Complicated :0
Chapter 20- Knight in Shining Armour
Chapter 21- Special Moments ♥
Chapter 22- My Messed-Up Conscience
Chapter 23- Denial and Shocks
Chapter 24- LOL Wedding! :D
Chapter 25- Some Shattering News
Chapter 26- Crash!
Chapter 28- Rejected
Chapter 29- Heartbroken /♥\
Chapter 30- *Gasps* Did She Say That??
Chapter 31- Prom and One Shocking Surprising

Chapter 27- "Small" Confession

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By Scarlett_xxoo

Well, here it is! The title * wink wink* lol. I'm aiming for at least 30 chapters or more. :)

~Chapter 27~

Megan's P.O.V

I was still hurt and I think I must have been crying in my room for an hour or so. Getting emotional now huh? Well, it hurts so much. To feel mom actually never cared about this. My friends. Moving away from the city I was born in till now, that was just painful. I knew everyone in my neighbourhood. Mom didn't know about Nathan and I. How, were so attached to each other.

Mom was out shopping for some things. Which left me alone. Good. I hated her now. Ugh!

Suddenly, my phone rang and I looked at the called ID. It was Andrew calling. I wonder what he wanted.

"Hey Andr--" I started saying, but was cut off by his voice.

"Megan, Nathan got in a car accident! You have to come quickly to the hospital NOW!" Andrew yelled. My mouth dropped open in shock. What? How did that happen!??? Oh my god, oh my god is he alive??? I never confessed yet!!!!!!! Shoot!!!!!

By now my heart was beating rapidly. I sat up straight and listened to Andrew.

"Is he ok?? Oh my god, did anything serious happen to him?" I asked frantically.

"We don't know yet. He's still in the emergency room. He's unconscious now. But you better come quickly Megan!"

"Which hospital?" I asked.

"Trillium. Now hurry!" Andrew exclaimed. I shut my phone off and sprung off my bed. Running downstairs very quickly, I rushed towards the door. I was thinking about Nathan every second. Why him God??

I quickly ran outside and hailed a taxi as soon as I could. "To Trillium hospital, and fast!" I said to the driver. He immediately went off, and I was biting my nails very nervous. What if he fell into a coma? Then he wouldn't remember anything! Oh my god, I'm freaking out!!!

We reached at the hospital and I dashed inside not wasting a second. I went to the front desk receptionist and asked about Nathan.

"Where's Nathan Lopez?" I asked.

"He's still in the emergency room. You will have to wait." The front desk lady told me.

"What room is he in??" I asked exasperated.

"3rd floor, Room 305." She said. I ran to the elevator and went up to the third floor. I was praying the whole time to god, to keep Nathan alive. I was so scared.

Once the elevator doors opened, I ran down the hallways searching for room 305. I spotted Andrew and Linda outside a room, who were looking very worried. Linda was crying especially. I approached them and they looked up.

"Is he alright? Did the doctors say anything??" I asked.

"We don't know. But the doctor said he had a serious graze on his forehead." Andrew said. My heart fell and I felt like crying. I looked down at Linda who was sniffling and rubbing her eyes.

I sat down beside her and put an arm around her affectionately. "Don't worry. Nathan will be fine." I whispered to her. Of course, I didn't know if that was true. I only tried to think of something comforting to say. Lind only nodded and continued sobbing a little.

Everyone was getting impatient because the red light above the emergency room just wouldn't shut off. If it did, that meant the operation or whatever was over.

Andrew was pacing up and down the hallway looking very anxious. I sat beside Linda the whole time, trying not to cry. Please god, please pray that Nathan is alive. Please. He's a good guy, he's so special to me. I need him. Please.

We waited and waited. The clock ticked on and on. I was getting more emotional by the second.


After what seemed like an eternity, the red light finally shut off and we stood up immediately after the doctor came out. We were nervous of what he would say.

Surprisingly he smiled. Which meant...YES!!!!!! He's alive right?? Then why else would he smile??

"Your in luck. He's alive and fine. But he's got a pretty bad graze on his forehead. I suggest he stay in the hospital for at least a day. He can get discharged afterwards." The doctor said. I smiled and looked up at the ceiling. Thank you god, for keeping Nathan alive. I closed my eyes trying to squeeze out the extra tears that were forming.

Linda was very ecstatic at the news and she cried with joy. Andrew looked relieved, to see his bro all well.

"Can we see him please?" I asked.

"Well...he's not in the stage to talk now, because he's asleep. But if you like, you can."

Everyone wanted to go inside and meet Nathan, but the doctor said only 2 people could go. We decided to let Linda go first, since she was his mom after all. He needed his mother-son time.

While Linda went inside, Andrew and I started talking of how grateful we were that Nathan was alive. "I was worried sick! I was there when he was in the accident. The police never caught the guy who crashed into him yet. They're still on the look out." Andrew said.

"I'm just so happy that Nathan's alive. Oh god, what would I do without him?" I exclaimed. I looked up at Andrew to see him looking uncomfortable a bit. I frowned.

"What?" I asked. He gave a small cough before speaking.

"You, Nathan admitted something to me before the car accident." He said. My eyebrows rose up.

"What was it?" I asked.

"Well, he told me that...he li---" Andrew was cut off by the voice of Linda coming out from Nathan's room.

"Megan, Andrew you can see him. He's perfect my sweet boy." I heard Linda mutter to herself on the last part. I chuckled to myself and pulled Andrew inside.

There he was. Nathan was lying on the hospital bed, with an oxygen mask over his face. His eyes were closed and there were so many weird instruments and thingies on his hands and arms. On his forehead, there was a white bandage wrapped around his head. He lay perfectly still.

I rushed to his side and took a seat on the stool beside his bed. Looking at his sweet face made me smile. I held his right hand gently and spokes soft words to him. "I'm so glad you're alive."

"What would I do without you?" I continued. I heard Andrew cough from behind. I turned around and glared at him.

"You know what, I'll leave you two love birds alone." He gave me a wink and left the room. I turned back to Nathan, wishing he could open his eyes to see me.

"You make me smile, laugh and cry. And I haven't even told you something I wanted to tell you for a long time." I said almost in a whisper.

"I just wanted you to know, that whatever may happen I care for you Nathan. A lot. You're someone I need with me. I just...want you with me forever." I whispered again to him. He was hearing those sweet word inside his head. I'm sure of it.

"So I just wanted you to know that..." I couldn't even say it properly. Oh god, now I was seriously getting shy. But he was asleep so why was I getting shy?

Just say it stupid!

"I like you Nathan. Very much." I finally managed to sputter out those words I was longing to say. Those words I have kept to myself for a longtime. And sadly, I'm going to move far away from him. What better time to say this then after?

I kissed his hand lightly and gently put it back down. After saying bye to Nathan, I walked out of the room feeling happy and contented that I finally said those words to him.

"Someone's got shot with cupids arrow." Andrew said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I said, giving him a punch of his arm.

I still had to tell Nathan I was moving. But I didn't want to. He would be miserable for sure, just because I've moved. So many things in my life that are so complicated...I hate this!

But at least Nathan's alive. That's all that matters now.


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