Why us?

By maxd01

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Zane went for a run and was attacked by a monster. He woke up three months later with his parents dead and h... More

Chapter 1 - What happened to us
Chapter 2- No bringing your sister a rabbit
Chapter 3- Zane you have a lovely wolf
Chapter 4- Zane goes for a run
Chapter 5- Zane talks to Melody
Chapter 6- Sorry for running Olivia
Chapter 7- Bully me? I don't care
Chapter 8- I have servants?
Chapter 9 - Zane falls apart
Chapter 10 - I won't kill you David, that's all I promise
Chapter 11 - Zane finds a kitten for Olivia
Chapter 12 - Zane tells Olivia about what happened
Chapter 13 - Abby's mama-wolf reacts
Chapter 14 - Keep the pups busy
Chapter 15 - Zane talks to the Luna
Chapter 16 - DA sends out his decision
Chapter 17 - Pretrial hearing
Chapter 18 - Tessa is my Girlfriend
Chapter 19 - Mike finds his mate
Chapter 20 - Loner family and David and Leon what?
Chapter 21 - David and Leon what???
Chapter 23 - What just happened?
Epilogue - Jolene finds out about her sister

Chapter 22 - Contempt of court and decisions

2.3K 174 43
By maxd01

~~~ Contempt of court for the two'sparents

When the Walpert's and Baker's stood and started screaming at the judge Zane had to stare at them. How stupid could they be? Even at his age he knew it was a really bad idea to do that. Based on what he was getting via the pack bonds from the adults they were finding it rather funny. He had to pause for a short time before he realized why. All they were doing was making it look even worse for them.

Before he had a chance to think more about it the judge tapped her gavel several times, "Order in the court. If you do not settle down this instant, you will be held in contempt of court." She banged her gavel several more times as their lawyer tried to calm them down.

Mrs. Walpert glared at Mr. Lawless, "The charges are crap! My son is a good boy and would never do what they are accused of. It's that boy and his group of friends who are out to get my son. I want the damn charges dropped and those put in jail!" Her voice had raised until it was nothing but a screech.

Mr. Baker was doing much the same much to the amusement of the wolves, "I agree, Leon is a good boy and is doing well in school. Why would he attack that girl? He has a girlfriend and wouldn't have any reason to do what is being said about him. This is causing him problems with school and his reputation has been damaged!"

When Zane heard Leon's father mention his having a girlfriend, he barely managed not to die laughing, *And a boyfriend as well, right Tessa?* He aimed the thought at her since he had felt her start to draw back. It was his way of helping her not to be hurt.

Tessa had started to withdraw into herself when Zane contacted her. His comment made her giggle very slightly before she managed to control it, *Very true Zane and thanks.* She was holding his hand under the table and gave it a good squeeze.

Mike was quietly murmuring to Abby to keep her from doing or saying anything. She was still pretty worked up by what had happened. If anyone was going to react to what Mr. Baker had to say she would be the one. Brandon was doing much the same from the other side as well. The rest of the table were trying to look serious, but it was hard. Small smirks and grins kept breaking out only to be wiped off their face then come back.

When the Walpert's and Baker's refused to listen to the judge she banged the gavel again. "Bailiff's detain the parents for contempt of court. Detain their children as well until I have this sorted out." Several deputies came out and it almost turned into a brawl as they detained the six.

The parents were not obeying orders and more officers ended up in the courtroom. When all was said and done all six were in handcuffs. Zane mentally grumbled because the two boys hadn't resisted unlike their parents. He had to look at Mike and was at a loss on what to say. Watching adults act that way shocked him. His parents had trained him well to be a good kid and respect authority. Being a wolf only reinforced what he'd been taught.

Mike raised an eyebrow at Zane and shook his head, *Later Zane, we will talk about it. It was rather amusing watching the wicked witch taken down though.* Mrs. Walpert wasn't looking nearly as faux elegant as she had been. Her hair was a mess, her blouse had partially come untucked, her makeup was smeared.

The judge banged her gavel one last time, "Additional charges will be added to the contempt of court after review by the District Attorney. As of now you are going to be placed in a cell for contempt of court. David Walpert and Leon Baker will be sent to Juvenile Detention until family services can find a location for them. Depending on what charges are made they might be remanded to Juvenile Detention pending trial. Court is adjourned."

Zane's side stood and filed out of the courtroom and towards the vehicles. All the kids were feeling rather shocked at the blatant display of disrespect. From Tessa and Oscar, he could feel a sense of satisfaction for what had happened. They were the most impacted, so he could understand it. Once they were in the SUV Zane, Tessa, and Oscar could only stare at each other.

The drive to the property had been silent until they reached the house. Once they walked in Tessa started giggling before it turned into a good laugh. She finally collapsed against Zane since she was laughing so hard. By the time she was done laughing Tessa was gasping for air. She shouldn't have laughed but it had been too much, "Oh Goddess that was funny!" Tessa gasped out.

Zane held her as she was working hard on proving you could die from too much laughter. He had found it amusing to watch but Tessa's reaction was almost excessive. Then again, she had been assaulted by the two boys, so he guessed it was okay for her to react that way, "It was but I have a feeling you had more enjoyment watching David and Leon getting arrested than anything else."

Abby and Brandon had walked in as Tessa gasped out her last laugh. They gave Zane a quizzical look, *What had her so amused?* Abby was pretty sure she knew but had to ask.

He almost started laughing when Abby asked him about Tessa, *It seems she found the arrest of the other family's amusing for some reason. We walked in before she collapsed in my arms since she was laughing so hard. She couldn't even stand without help as she howled out her amusement.* He was still holding her, and Zane couldn't help but grin as he replied. His arms were around Tessa as her arms were around his neck with her face pressed against his neck. She was warm and enjoyable to hold though the moment the thought crossed his mind he blushed slightly.

Brandon couldn't help but be amused by Zane's reaction to holding Tessa. He wasn't going to tease Zane since he remembered being his age. It was both pleasing and amusing to watch the two with each other. It was obvious they liked each other and enjoyed the company of each other. Zane was a good boy and Brandon knew Zane would take care of his little girl. He had noticed Oscar spending more time than needed with Olivia as well. When she was old enough if Oscar still liked her, she would be a good first girlfriend for their son, "I have to admit I wanted to gloat as they were arrested and taken away." It was hard not to but helping to keep Abby from doing anything had helped.

Mike rolled his eyes at the two, "I have work to do. You are off until lunch and then your normal day starts. I would say have fun with the Enforcer training but..." He grinned at Zane when the boy made a face.

Zane resisted sticking his tongue at his uncle since it would only make Mike laugh. Instead he went with a nice and proper reply just to tease him, "We will be at training and we will enjoy it. I know the enjoyment is mandated, and we will obey such mandates."

Tessa poked him for that and stepped back, "Time to start working on lunch. Anything in particular anyone wants?" Even though the time at the courthouse hadn't been that long they had to wait until later in the morning.

Mike shrugged, "Sandwiches would be fine. If you want maybe some soup as well. Nothing special. I'm sure we will appreciate whatever you decide. Zane have your team come over this evening since we need to talk. Nothing major but it is about this morning." Zane had been as shocked as the other kids at the actions of the other adults. It was one of those things that one knew happened but when you saw it you were shocked.

Zane finally had to ask, "Uncle Mike, how can adults actually think they can get away with what they tried to? Don't they know the meaning of common sense? Keeping your mouth shut at times? I don't understand." He had seen adults acting like children before, but the display was seriously shocking.

He had to pause and think before he could really come up with a reply. Part of it was because he was a wolf and they acted differently. Yes, they had people who were disrespectful and flouted authority but hardly ever like it, "Zane I wish I had a good answer for you. Part of it is how they were raised and what they were taught growing up. Some is their personality. They just have a sense of entitlement and they don't have to listen to anyone else." He shrugged since there just wasn't anything else he could really say.

Annie made a face and spoke as well, "I have had to deal with people like them before Zane. It is just part of life. Maybe this will smack some sense into them. I'm not going to hold my breath since I rather like living but we can hope... As Mike said there are a number of reasons for people to act that way. I have a feeling in this case it is the adults simple don't believe anyone else is right. If they don't get their way, it is because the other person is wrong. They will toss a hissy fit and pout and make everyone know they are being put upon. With their kids I'm guessing they are passing it down to them." She moved over to Zane and wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss.

Zane ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on it, "God my brain hurts after watching their actions. I think I'm going to find a tree and beat my head against it." When Annie kissed Mike, Zane deliberately caught her eyes before scrunching up his face, "Ick! Not in front of an innocent young wolf!" Now just for added effect he stuck a bit of his tongue out as if he had tasted something horrible.

Annie looked at him when he caught her eyes and started to frown. When he pulled the whole icky thing, she could only stare at him. It had caught her flat footed and she wasn't sure what to do.

Mike had to stare as well before actually frowning. Just for good measure he pulled Annie into another much deeper kiss, "Deal with it Zane and don't even try pulling the 'innocent wolf' thing. I know better." Just for good measure he winked at the boy.

Zane started laughing at both, "Since Olivia isn't here I had to pull the 'ick' thing to support her." He was grinning as he turned and wandered towards the kitchen. He started helping Tessa with getting lunch ready.

~~~ Kadrian and the Lawyer for thepack

Kadrian was again in his office talking with Ms. Colburn, "So what is going to happen from here? I need to know and understand since I'm going to have a meeting with the parents this afternoon." His wolf wanted to understand as best possible as well.

She pulled out some notes she had already prepared. She took a few moments to do a quick review before speaking, "I will need to check on a few items before I can be positive about the results of this morning. As when I originally talked to you I told you the first option was out of court mediation. After that, it would be passed to a Jurisdiction hearing. That's where they decide how the case should be handled. Depending on the results of the review of the charges the parties could be forwarded to a Disposition hearing. If the party or parties are proclaimed innocent, then the charges are dropped. If the charges are found valid it will go to a Disposition hearing. In that the judge will decide on the sentence."

Kadrian started tapping his pen on his desk as he considered what she had said. After thinking about it he gave her a sharp nod, "I don't currently have any further questions right now. Based on what we witnessed this morning what are your thoughts on what might happen?" He held a hand up before she started speaking, "Based on your experience and I understand this is simply a guess."

Ms. Colburn gave him a brief grin, "First, I can tell you the other party definitely made a negative impression on the judge. I'm sure she will do her best to ignore how they acted, but it will have an impact. Best case she will reflect on the actions of the boy's parents. She will take it into consideration when she reviews the evidence and charges. Best case she will uphold those charges. Other than Abby speaking out the first morning our children have acted well behaved, the parents have respected the bench, and we have remained civil. Best case she will drop the charges for the pups. I'm leaning towards her dismissing all charges against the pups. That's my personal opinion based on experience." Even though she had expected some of what had happened, she as with the others had been appalled.

He didn't bother making a face at the mention of the actions of the parents. Kadrian had been expecting it and he hadn't been shocked. He had dealt with both parents before and none of them understood the concept of restraint. They were loud, obnoxious, and were convinced their shit didn't stink, "That's what I was thinking as well. Go and take care of business. Once you get any information let me know. I'm especially wanting to know when we might end up going back to court."

After tucking her notes into her folio she stood, "Will do Kadrian. I will head to the courthouse right now and see what they might have." Since he had dismissed her she left the office.

Kadrian leaned back in his chair and now he was alone let a slow malicious smile cross his face. It had been way to enjoyable watching those people get their comeuppance. Before their brats had assaulted Tessa, he had to ignore them for the most part. Now? Both he and his wolf were pissed off and they were no longer something to be ignored. When Esther came in he could feel her satisfaction as well, "This morning was so very enjoyable. I wish I could have had a camera and taped it."

She had a pleased and content expression on her face. Anyone looking at her would assume she was having a nice day. Behind the façade it was totally different. She was gloating as much as her mate was. When she settled down in his lap instead of saying anything she leaned against him. Esther started sucking on his neck and nibbling as well. She knew what it was going to do to him. When she received a growl from him she knew it was working.

Kadrian stood up with her in his arms as he went over and locked the office door, *Evil woman, trying to distract me when I should be working.* Once the door was locked he carried her over to a couch and dumped her on it.

~~~ The Judge reviews the case
The Judge was sitting in her office and staring at the stack of motions already filed by Mr. Lawless. By the time she had returned from lunch she already had half a dozen of the documents. From what one of the bailiffs had said the adults had been very vocal all the way down to the cells. They would be transferred to the city jail later after she decided what was going to be done with them. As far as the boys they had already been transported to Juvie hall.

With the boys they had been so shocked at what had happened they had been silent. Maybe this would teach them a lesson and they would straighten up. She wasn't going to hold her breath on how their parents acted. It was rather obvious the parents hadn't taught their children well. She was almost tempted to drop the charges against the other children. Before she did it, she was going to talk to her investigator.

She had read through all the various documents available, but she might have more information for her. Based on what she had read it did look like the three kids had been protecting the girl. She had seen the pictures of the bruises left on her chest. Sexual assault was one of the crimes she had a very dim view on. It wasn't going to take very long to make her decision, but she had to take some time. If she just tossed out a decision it could look bad, "Juliet, please contact my investigator and have her come to my office."

It didn't take long before her Investigator showed up and was shown in, "Afternoon Elizabeth, have a seat and tell me if you have anything new on the case with the Walpert's, Baker's, and others." She didn't feel like listing off the names of all the parents.

Beth settled down and opened her backpack and pulled out a number of files, "Most of what I have is ancillary information. I have reviewed all the evidence, statements, and police reports. What I have for you is school records and statements from some of the other teens who have dealt with the all the children. I took a brief look at the financials of the Walpert's and Baker's based on some of the reports from the school. I didn't find any obvious indication of payments to cover up any incidents with their children. It doesn't mean there hasn't been, just nothing blatant."

Judet took the folders when they were handed over. She flicked through the documents before putting the folders on her desk, "What are your thoughts on all the children?" She had worked with Beth for years and trusted her instincts. Judet would still make the decision but she wanted a second opinion.

She had expected Judet to ask and she had been thinking about it. Beth had folded her hands and rested them on one leg before speaking, "Based on my years of experience I would tend to believe the girl and her friends. I have heard very few complimentary comments about either of the other two boys. There were some but those were from their friends. I also spoke to the school officer and off the record she indicated the two boys and their gang are nothing but a problem."

Judet had a feeling Beth was going to say that, "Thank you and good work. Go forth and get started on the next case you are investigating for me. I think I'm going to sleep on this tonight and make my decision tomorrow." When Beth flashed a grin at her Judet pretended to toss her gavel at her.

~~~ Contempt of court sactions

When Judet came in the next morning there was even more motions from Mr. Lawless. She flicked through them and rolled her eyes. It was rather obvious he was trying to bury her under so many motions she would give up. Considering the two of them had dealt with each other before he should have known better. He would still do it just for annoyance's sake. The only thing this really resulted in was his clients would end up in jail for longer as she dealt with the motions.

While her assistant was working on those Judet logged into the computer. She pulled up one of the programs she used for legal documents. With a great deal of judicial displeasure, she started creating the contempt of court sanction. Once she was done she had fined each of them $500.00 for the initial charge the day before. She also indicated the defendants would remain in jail until such time as they formally apologized to the court. For each day they were in jail under the contempt of court each would be fined an additional $500.00.

Once the document was done and being printed she typed up another document. This was to Mr. Lawless as well. In it she informed him she was referring any possible charges from the day before to the D.A. Once they received the information the D.A. would decide if any charges should be brought. She sent it to the printer and the moment they were out she signed them and handed them over to her assistant, "Take care of these first, as you are done organizing the motions and put them on my desk. I have a court session I need to go and take care of." She left the office after pulling her robes on.

~~~ Mr. Lawless contemplates the case

Mr. Lawless was relaxing in his office and contemplating the day before. His clients were far less than happy at the moment. When he had checked on them last night and then this morning they were still screaming. Well by now it was more general frothing since their throats were sore from the screaming and yelling. When he had tried to talk to them they had just demanded he get them out of there.

He did find it rather interesting it was Mrs. Walpert and Mr. Baker who were the most vocal. The other two were relatively quiet for the moment. He had finally managed to get them to shut up by threatening to leave. Once they had quieted down he carefully explained what contempt of court meant. After making sure they understood he carefully explained the sanctions which could be taken against them. As of yet he hadn't received the letter about the sactions or charges being forwarded to the D.A. for review.

Mr. Lawless had knocked out several motions both the day before and before going to see his clients. His next stop was to see their son's and see how they were doing. He had a feeling going to Juvie was not going to be a pleasant experience. They were bullies and by nature bullies were cowards. They might think they were tough, but they weren't. He had watched the boy who the other kids seemed to follow. Now he would probably have taken over Juvie. He was muscled, had bleak eyes, and just came across as uncaring. It wasn't that he just didn't care so much as he didn't care what happened to him personally. It was reinforced by how he'd comforted and taken care of the girl.

He had one of his various P.I.'s look into the kids' background to see if there was anything he could use. It ended up being a bust. Zane had been a good kid where he had lived before. Being in a coma and losing most of his family wasn't something he was going near. He could try the 'coma changed his personality' but if the mention of what happened to his sister and parents came out it would become sympathetic. For the other children involved they were much the same. Good kids with few issues at school and decent to good grades. There just wasn't anything there he could use.

What was a problem, was his original clients weren't good kids and everyone knew it. Their parents were respected only due to their position in the city. They had several companies and employed a goodly number of people. He was going to do what he always did and fight to get them off or as light a sentence as possible.

As he was thinking he couldn't help but grin, he had traded parries with Judet a number of times. They both disliked each other but they also respected each other. He was a good lawyer and she knew it. She was an honorable judge and stood by her belief's. Just for good measure he knocked out one more motion just for good measure. Once he had it done, he turned back to one of his other cases. The Walpert's and Baker's still wanted to sue for slander and liable but had to wait. If they filed it now, and then their children were convicted, or the others let off it would be tossed.

~~~ Zane talks to Annie

Since nobody knew when the judge might rule one way or another Zane had decided he was simply going to go with the flow and try and be a kid again. One thing he knew was he needed to go and have a talk with Annie. He had been trying to be open with her, but it had been so very hard. She hadn't pushed in anyway and neither had Mike.

Olivia seemed to get along with her quite well and so did Tessa and Oscar. He figured it was because they were junior wolves and didn't have anything tied up in it. Zane finally walked over to Mike's office right after the Enforcer training. When he knocked and was called in he walked in and closed the door. He settled down in a chair across from Mike's desk.

"How can I help you Zane? Is there a problem with the training or school?" Mike couldn't think of anything related to it or the case which might be bothering Zane.

Zane met his eyes and looked down. This was going to be horribly hard, "Uncle Mike I would like to talk to your mate. I know I have been coming across as cold with her. I would like to talk to her and try and explain why. Olivia gets along with her as does the rest of my team. I know this is probably upsetting to you and Annie but..." He didn't know what else to say.

Mike met Zane's eyes before he had lowered them. As Zane was talking he listened and wanted to cheer to the sky. His nephew was taking steps to keep healing even if he didn't see it, "You didn't need to come and talk to me, but I appreciate your taking the time. Would you like me to ask her to come here and not the house?" She was working on getting certified as a Courier for this pack.

Zane visibly relaxed when his uncle started speaking, "I had to talk to you Uncle Mike. You are her mate and I would have felt wrong to talk to her first. I'm trying Uncle, but it is still hard. I know you as well as Olivia and the Luna aren't quite as worried about me. I am still scared, but my team and especially Tessa, are helping me a great deal." He swallowed before he started speaking again, "If you wouldn't mind Uncle Mike I would appreciate it."

Mike stood and walked around the desk and leaned over and gave Zane a good hug, "I'm proud of you Zane. She will be here shortly." *Annie, Zane would like to talk to you. Would you mind coming to my office?* He knew she would feel his pleasure at what he was telling her.

It was only a few minutes later when she walked in. Until she did Zane was relaxing in his uncle's hug. It really did help him and his wolf since they could tell Mike did care. They did know it, but Zane had been very hesitant when it came to some hugs. Tessa was one thing, but Mike, the Luna, and the Alpha were totally different.

Annie stopped at the door to the office after opening it and smiled. It was good seeing Zane accepting affection from his uncle, "Hello Zane, why don't we go elsewhere and talk. I'm sure Mike has all sorts of horribly detailed Enforcer stuff to take care of. No reason to occupy his office." She wasn't going to force Zane to give her a hug. This was more than she had been hoping for.

Zane let his uncle go and stood, "I would hate to distract my Uncle from all those horrible Enforcer duties he has. If I did he might talk to the trainers and I would start crawling up the stairs at home again." When Mike laughed Zane did as well and followed Annie out of the office.

She was grinning at the two, it was obvious they did care for each other. Zane was still dealing with what had happened while he had been in a coma. Annie had talked a great deal with Mike about Zane and Olivia. She had respected his decision to limit how much he could say. They were mates, but this was a very complex family situation. Once they were out of the office she glanced at him, "Feel like getting something to eat? I know of a good place in town. Since I'm with you it shouldn't be a problem."

Zane's wolf lifted his head and looked interested at the idea of food. He had to snort, "Well as long as it is rare or something off the wall then it sounds good. I have to admit I would love to have a Gyro, an honest to god one. Not one of those pseudo American ones." He hadn't had one since arriving. There had been a place back home he could walk to and they were killer.

Annie gave him a toothy grin, "Oh goody, I do know of a place, a lone wolf runs it and Mike took me to it recently. Shall we?" They walked outside and to her vehicle.

Zane lifted an eyebrow at the vehicle since it seemed almost un-werewolf. The darn thing was a Subaru Impreza wagon. It was a good car, but he had long since decided wolves like cars which were big, bigger, and frigging massive. This had to be one of the smallest cars he had ever seen a wolf drive, "Ah, I was expecting something larger."

Annie laughed at his comment, "If you did as much driving as I do you would have something very fuel efficient. I get about 33MPG with this and believe me it saves a goodly amount. Besides I don't have to have some monster SUV or muscle car to prove I'm a wolf."

He almost giggled at the asperity in her voice as she was talking, "I see Annie, it does make sense. It just seems wolves just want a big vehicle." Zane settled in the car and remained quiet while she drove to wherever they were going.

Once there he stepped out and had to inhale, "That does smell good Annie. Thanks." They walked into the place and he had to smile. There was the vertical skewer with the mutton or beef stuff. He took several slow deep breaths and almost blushed when his stomach spoke. It was a loud and demanding rumble.

From behind the counter a woman, she was a lone wolf, started laughing, "I think someone is hungry and what can I get for you?" She had inhaled and knew both were wolves. She had met Annie before and gave her a grin.

Zane had to swallow several times since his mouth really started to water, "Um food, lots of it, and soon. I would hate to try and eat the counter to get to the meat." All he could do was stare at the skewers as they were slowly rotating.

The woman started laughing, "One large meal for a hungry teen coming up, what would you like Annie?" She turned and started slicing a fair amount of meat off and made several larger Gyro's for him. For good measure she tossed in several sides and slid it across the counter before working on Annie's food. It didn't take very long before she had what both wanted, "Enjoy and there is plenty more where it came from."

Annie snickered at Zane's reaction as he was staring at his tray. It was obvious he was debating on how much he could eat and how quickly, "Go Zane there is a table in the corner where we can talk." She grabbed her tray as well and followed him over, *We can talk this way, so we aren't overheard.*

He did his best to be polite and wait but it didn't happen. The first bite of the Gyro almost melted in his mouth. The sauce and cucumbers were fresh and crisp. It took him eating the first before he could reply, *Sorry Annie, I didn't realize how hungry I was. The Enforcer training tends to make me hungry in the evening.* Once he finished the first he took a good sip from his drink and started munching on a side.

Zane was glad when Annie didn't press him to talk. If she had he would have replied but it would have been irritable, *Annie don't take my coldness or lack of reaction to you wrong.* He stopped eating for a moment and looked at her before looking back at the table, *I'm sure Uncle Mike has told you what happened. When I woke to find my parents dead and Liv so badly hurt... It scared the crap out of me. Everything I knew had been destroyed and I didn't know. To make it even worse I wake to find I'm hearing voices, and I'm now something like what caused all of this.* He was still trying to come to terms with some of what had happened. He liked his wolf and was starting to understand him.

Annie kept eating though not as fast as he was. She had dealt with other turned wolves and he was still growing into who he was going to be. Annie had watched him eat even if he hadn't realized it. He was eating more than the other wolves since the changes were still happening. Zane was a wolf, but he was growing and all the exercise he was doing, *I don't blame you for being so scared and upset. I'm not going to bother pretending to imagine what it might be like. I can't since it isn't something I have ever experienced.*

She reached over and rested a hand on one of his arms and lightly stroked before she went back to eating, *I know Mike finding me as his mate has probably tossed you for a loop. I will not come between you, your uncle, or even Olivia. All I wish is to be able to settle into living with my mate. I want to slowly work into being part of the family as well. I'm going to try not to push or ask to much from you from the family aspect. Please talk to me if you have a problem with anything I do. I will do my best to work with you to make us a family. Family is something very important to me.*

Zane moved a hand over and pressed it against hers before he went back to eating, *It did Annie and it scared me badly. I was so very scared Uncle Mike would focus more on you. For me I think I could have dealt with it since I have my team. For Olivia it would have torn me apart. She doesn't have a team or is a member of one. Oscar really cares for her, but it isn't the same. She almost needs Uncle Mike more than I do since he is her only family.* He dropped his hands to the table.

What he had said really hit and he had to blink. What Zane had just said was his team was now part of his family even if he wasn't related to them. Tessa was his girlfriend and he had meant it when he had asked. He did like and care for her. It had little to do with her and Oscar taking care of Olivia. He and his wolf just plain liked her. She was pretty, and they had a connection. Olivia didn't know what the connection was like since she was just human. It didn't mean she didn't have friends, but it was different.

Zane had to take a slow breath as he tried to understand what he had realized meant. He settled the food down and drew in a ragged breath. After several he finally lifted the food back and he started eating, *I have my team as well as Olivia and Uncle Mike. Olivia only has Uncle Mike or had only him. I think having someone else for her is going to be good.* He couldn't say anything else.

Annie had watched him thinking and what he had been thinking about had really hit him. She hadn't quite joined the pack since it had to be done on the moon night. Because she had mated with Mike she could sense some from him since they were family. When he finally spoke she again reached over and rested her hand on his arm, *Zane you have family as well. Mike cares for you, Olivia obviously loves you. I will do what I can to help comfort you as needed and hopefully become part of your family. Now are you still hungry?*

His stomach grumbled, "Yah, food!!!" He grumbled as he finished the second Gyro. Even now he was eating more than the others, "Heaven help the bacon bill." He scarfed up the other food on his plate.

Annie giggled at him before they talked a while longer before getting some ice cream from a different shop and heading back to the pack.

~~~ The judges decision

Judet was looking at the document she had just finished. As of now she had decided to drop the charges for Zane and his friends. She had taken several days to really contemplate everything. Each time she had reviewed all the documentation she had, it came up the same. The two boys were at fault because they attacked the girl. She was most definitely an innocent in this issue.

With each time Judet had seen her Tessa had been quiet and almost painfully shy. She simply couldn't imagine the girl working with the others to do a setup, so Zane could have a fight with David. Judet had also reviewed the doctor's notes about Tessa. They showed the young woman was trying to deal with what had happened to her. The first day when she had started crying her entire body showed it was real.

Watching Zane's reaction had also proven to her it had happened. He wasn't possessive or overbearing. His actions showed he honestly cared for Tessa. Judet had to wonder about his almost cold and painfully hurt expression. She did know about his parent's dying but what else had happened? He looked like a badly hurt and scared teen.

After a great deal of consideration, she had chosen to drop the charges against Zane and his friends. As of now those other parents hadn't been willing to give a formal apology to the court. It was also coloring her consideration on the case. One group had come across as willing to accept her authority and respect her position. The others didn't. If the parents didn't then the children wouldn't.

Now, she had made the decision she created adocument indicating the next court date. Both parties had to be there for her judgement and punishment. It was going to be ten days from the date ofher decision. It would give both partiestime to prepare any motions and rebuttals. With a slight smile she had the documents sent out.    

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