Life with Tunechi: Third book

By StarCrossed81

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This is the third book, Loving Tunechi, Living with Tunechi and now this one!!I still sometimes feel like I'm... More

Life with Tunechi
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

967 32 4
By StarCrossed81

***AN: This chapter is in Adrianna's point of view***

As Chris pulled out of the airport parking lot I turned around in my seat smiling at Maliyah. "Hey Te Te's lil momma, you ready to have fun with Te Te and Uncle Chris." Maliyah started laughing and I looked up at Chris seeing his eyes light up as he looked in the rear view mirror. "That's my girl right there, we going to have fun." I rolled my eyes, "not too much fun, Wayne would kill you." Chris made a face at me. "Wayne ain't going to do shit." I laughed, "OK its your ass not mine." Chris reached over rubbing my belly, "just wait till my mini me gets here." I shook my head, "you won't be allowed near him, you or Wayne, I'd hate for my baby to start dressing like him. God Bless Maci, I don't know how she puts up with that shit." Chris busted out laughing. "Girl my nigga got swag." I rolled my eyes, "he got something but it ain't swag, tell me you would wear some of the shit he comes out the house in. Maci has to like check him before they leave to go anywhere." Chris and I both busted out laughing cause as crazy as it was it was so true.

Pulling up at the apartment Chris looked over at me, "don't you think its time you move in with me." I shook my head, "umm no, you can spend the night here, or I can spend the night with you, but I can't live with you Chris, I'm not ready for that yet. Chris let out a breath and I knew he was pissed. I pulled the car seat out as he grabbed her bags. Unlocking the from door I sat the car seat down on the couch and unbuckled Maliyah. She started fussing so I grabbed a bottle out of the diaper bag and fed her. I couldn't' believe she was already 5 months old, seemed like yesterday she was born. Chris sat on the couch watching me and I swear to God he was pouting.

Rolling my eyes I looked over at him. "What Chris, the only reason we are back together is cause I'm pregnant admit it." Chris stood up frowning, "is that what you think, I don't give a fuck you pregnant Adrianna, If I didn't want to be with your ass I wouldn't." Maliyah frowned and I pulled the bottle out of her mouth putting her on my shoulder to burp her. "Chris shut the fuck up before you upset your niece. I love you, but I don't think you truly love me, that's all I'm saying." Chris walked over sitting beside me, "I do love you, we are just two hard headed people." I rolled my eyes wanting to add and you don't know how to fucking behave.

I had already bought a bassinet and laid Maliyah down in it. Chris was flipping through the channels when I walked back in the living room. "You hungry." Chris looked up at me, "I'm always hungry, what you cooking me." I rolled my eyes sitting beside him rubbing my belly  I was thinking fried chicken, homemade mac and cheese, and some cabbage. Chris groaned, "ugh girl you know what you do to me." I shoved him, "Chris shut up." He laughed, "girl you know you love me." I kissed his cheek, "keep thinking that." I jumped up off the couch heading for the kitchen looking behind my back seeing Chris mean mug me.

Halfway through cooking I heard Maliiyah start crying, "Chris, can you go get Liyah for me." He shouted yeah and I peaked around the corner seeing him caring her out and laying her on the couch to change her diaper. I ginned listening to him talk to her. Chris was so good with kids, I couldn't wait to see him with our little boy. Maliyah was laughing at him swinging her hands and I couldn't help but laugh. Chris turned to me, "Maliyah tell your Te Te she burn my chicken I'mma whoop that ass." I made a face, "umm no cussing in front of the children." He rolled his eyes picking Maliyah back up as I went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

Walking in the living room with Chris's plate and drink I saw him taking pictures with Maliyah, "Chris!" He rolled his eyes, "I ain't put my lil momma on instagram, well I did but just her foot, he pulled up the picture of her little feet with her painted toenails with the caption guess who I got?" I laughed, "That's your ass not mine." Chris made a face, "its her foot and who the fuck going to know but Maci and Wayne. My nigga going to think the shit is funny watch and see." I grabbed Maliyah putting her in the swing in the corner, pulling it up close to Chris. He looked over at her. "Man you in my lil nigga's shit you better be glad you my niece." She babbled at him and she shook his head. "Yeah thats whats up."

Grabbing my plate I came and sat by Chris feeding Maliyah some of my mac and cheese. SHe was so impatient getting mad when I didn't feed her fast enough. "God you sure this ain't your baby cause she act just like you when she eats." Chris looked at me crazy, "don't' be saying shit like that, Wayne going to kick my ass for real." I laughed, "please Wayne aint worried about you." We finished eating in silence watching TV. Maliyah had even settled down drinking on her cup. I grinned over at Chris. "This is going to be our life pretty soon." CHris grinned at me. "I know I'm ready." I sighed, I just hoped Chris would settle down before our little man arrived. He was constantly in the news cause of his temper, on twitter going off, or just posting shit on istagram that he knew damn well he shouldn't.

After we ate Chris laid a blanket down in the floor and played with Maliyah while I put the dishes in the dishwasher. When I walked back in Chris had Maliyah giggling and I walked by them slowly sitting down. Chris stuck out his hand trying to help me. "Aight, you ain't giogn to be able to get your ass up." I rolled my eyes at him, "boy I ain't that big hell, I still got three months to go." Chris cut his eyes at me and I shoved him. Maliyah was a trip, I loved spending this time with her. I had been so exited when Maci called asking me if I would watch her, like she even had to ask.

Maliyah was defiantly Maci's little girl, it was 10:30 before I got her down for the night. Chris had passed out on the couch and I was tempted to leave him there but didn't feel like hearing him bitch about being left alone. After I had laid lil momma down I went and sat on Chris's lap leaning closer to him nipping his ear. He swatted at me and I laughed at him. "Chris, get you ass up, or you sleeping on the couch by yourself." Chris barely opened his eyes, "Come here." I shook my head. "No lets go lay down." Chris groaned, "Babe...give me five minutes." I rolled my eyes. "Fine keep your ass on the couch, I'm going to bed." Chris groaned but got up wrapping his arms around my rubbing my belly. "You suck..." I laughed at him, "you wish I did." He laughed following me in the room.

Christopher collapsed in the bed and I changed into some pj pants and a shirt, Chris sat up and kicked his shoes off striping down to his boxers. I crawled under the covers snuggling up to Chris. He wrapped his arms around me leaning down to kiss me. "I think I'm awake now." I made a face at him even though he couldn't see me in the dark. "Well you better take your ass back to bed." Chris started nuzzling my neck and I swatted at him. "Chris our niece is in the next room." He laughed, "she sleep so find another excuse." I rolled my eyes, God I loved this boy.

The next morning I was awoke by the sound of Chris singing at the top of his lungs some Michael Jackson crap. "Ugh Christopher, shut up before you wake Maliyah up." Chris stuck his head out the bathroom door only getting louder. "Ok you wake her up you deal with her." Chris rolled his eyes letting out a loud shrill and the next thing I heard was Maliyah start crying. I pulled the covers over my head. "Christopher Maurice I told you." He walked to the bed slapping my thigh, "I got this chill."

When I got up a couple of hours later Chris had Maliyah asleep on his chest. "You spoiling her." Chris shrugged grinning up at me, "aww my baby jealous." I rolled my eyes, "she can have your ass." Chris moved his eyebrows up and down, "you wasn't saying that shit last night." I walked by him slapping him on the back off his head. "Boy shut the fuck up." I leaned down kissing him heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I was happy that Chris and I were actually getting alone. We had been fighting so much lately I was beginning to wonder if we would be better off just separating. I walked back in sitting beside Chris leaning in to kiss his jaw. He looked over at me. "Whats that for?" I shrugged, "just cause."

I was laughing at Chris fighting with Maliyah over his mashed potatoes when Maci called. She sounded so happy, after all that crap with Dhea I had been worried about her. Wayne had even called me asking what he should do to get her out of her funk. I talked to her for a couple of minutes before getting off the phone with her. "OK so your right." Chris was giving Maliyah and ugly look and she was swinging at him squealing. He gave her a bite of his potatoes glancing at him. "About?" I sighed, "Wayne thought your lil instagram stunt was funny." Chris got a cocky ass grin on his face. "Told ya my boy Weezy would like that shit." I rolled my eyes, "ya'll are both stupid." Chris nodded his head at me, "yeah but ya'll love us." I made a face. "yeah ya'll going to drive us to the insane asylum." He laughed at me, "at least you'd have a roommate." I laughed, "right."

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