Trials of the Hunt

By lavendardoll

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When the Wild Hunt rides at night, it blots out the sky and people disappear never to be seen again...or so t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 66

5 1 0
By lavendardoll

"She may come to you now, you know."

"If she comes what will you do?"

"Turn her away, even if she comes with an escort, even if she comes with ladies-in-waiting, even if she comes with your uncle. I don't mean to be harsh, but from now on there can be no misunderstanding of our relationship. I will not be the one to compromise this new government before it is even off the ground. And I'll not make this situation any more unseemly than it already is. My father is expecting me to take up an important position with the council and I will not make a mockery of his remaining plans."

"Are the sidhe orchestrating a coup?" It was a reality no one wanted to consider.

"My father is doing all in his power to avoid a coup. There was a plan in place in case I spoiled their plans from the very beginning." He found the book he was looking for, placed it on the table, and began a search for another.

"You sound like you need a drink."

"I do, but I can't," he chuckled. "I'm to travel with my father to meet with our new regent- "

" -stop it."

"I'm very serious. There are real and immediate repercussions from Padraig's actions. He changed everything we know."

"Who is it to be?"

"Lord Anghus has the appointment."

"It would certainly help matters if that is truly the case... he being friends with your father and all."

"From what I can tell, it is the truth. And you're right, it does help. The more friendly the sidhe delegates are with our government, the less likely we are to have a coup, or god forbid, a revolution."

"Don't say the 'r' word. It makes me nervous."

"Me too."

"How long does this regency last?"

Gannon shrugged and motioned for the door. "I don't know. Until we officially adopt a new constitution, I guess."

"Constitution?," Turi whispered. "Kirwin is stepping down, then?"

"Officially, unofficially."

"Okay... "

"No one will admit, at least not publicly, that Padraig is not ready to rule yet, least of whom the sidhe. Father will handle things from an official unofficial capacity while Padraig is seen as the ruler of the empire, while I work with the council to get the constitution on track."

"You know what that will do to him? He was already in a rage over Tallis. If you perform the duties of his station while your father and Anghus run the empire behind his back, what will his reaction be then?"

Gannon chuckled.

"What is so damned funny?"

"I told them, Turi. My father and uncles sat me in a room tonight after I had defeated an air golemn and told me I'm to take the duties of my jealous brother as he sits in a dungeon as punishment for taking my betrothed while performing my father's duties in his absence. They thought nothing of this... they cut him off at the balls tonight and said they would keep him busy."

"So once we ratify a new constitution, the regency is gone, your father abdicates, Padraig takes his oath of office and rules."

"That is the plan... now if we can make it happen without a revolution, everyone will be happy."

"I guess."

Gannon found his book and sat it on the table with the other. He stood over the table and looked at the door, his hand resting on Orion.

"I hear you were pretty magnificent tonight. What's on your mind?"

Gannon thought long and hard before he answered. "I think the sword is trying to tell me something and I'm afraid to know what it is."

"This has to do with your trials, yes?"

Gannon nodded.

"Whatever it is that calls to you, you must answer it. Perhaps this fear of knowing is part of your trials. It can't all be battles and sword fights."

"Will you come with me... to commune? Usually Dill... "

"Lead the way and tell me what to do."

Gannon led him down the winding halls beneath the palace, through the underdark until they reached the Hall of Cernunnos. When Gannon crossed the threshold, all the sconces in the hall lit. He stopped when he saw the hulking door at the end of the corridor.

"Stop anyone who comes. Anyone, even my father. And don't come in. Dill never comes in until I'm done. Somehow he knows."

Turi nodded. He turned his back to Gannon and set up a post just outside the entrance.

Gannon proceeded into the Hall and the sconces burned brighter the closer he got to the large wooden doors that led outside. When he arrived, slowly, he unsheathed Orion and held it before him. Nothing happened. He sat on the ground and placed Orion in front of him. He closed his eyes and tried to quiet his mind like before. Nothing happened. He felt like he sat for hours thinking on the battle with the aether warrior, what he said to him, and what he might have said to Orion. Nothing happened.

He stood and picked up the sword. He turned around to leave, walked a couple steps and then turned back to face the door.

"Tell me!" he screamed at Orion as he gripped the blade in his hand. Blood dripped from his hand onto the ground before him. His voice echoed through the long cavernous hall, and he continued, frustrated that nothing had been gained, "Tell me why you brought me here! Tell me what he told you!"

His grip tightened on the sword and he flung it at the ancient wooden door. He balled his hands into fists and the blood continued dripping. He ran at the door and hurled his body head first into it. The sound of his head hitting the wood made a cracking noise that echoed through the hall. He hit the floor with a loud thud, his vision filled with stars and blood streamed down his face.

He rose to his knees before the door and punched it until his knuckles were bloody.

"Show me, dammit! Show me like you did before!" He screamed at the door, tears, sweat and blood filled his eyes and his vision was blurred.

He stood and staggered backward. He was exhausted. The trials, the family, the politics - it was all getting to him. Something had to give. He had to remain sober for the meeting in the morning. He had to remain chaste to keep out of trouble with his father. The only relief he could get was from communing and he couldn't even get that tonight. He had survived his trials thus far, but tonight he felt defeated. Completely, utterly defeated. His head hung low, his shoulders slumped forward, and his neck and back ached under the pain of self-inflicted torture.

He leaned into the door, bracing himself with a bloodied right hand and bent down to pick up Orion with this left hand, bloodied and sore. All the sconces blew out and the hall was thrown into darkness. The sword glowed bright white and a wind whispered, "Naois".

The sconces lit, Orion stopped glowing and Gannon walked towards the entrance.

Turi heard footsteps approach from behind. He waited to see Gannon stagger out of the Great Hall, holding on to the wall with bloodied hands, dragging Orion behind him. He looked tired and broken. Turi stopped him. He unbuckled the belt from around his hip, took Orion and sheathed it, slung it over his shoulder. He grabbed Gannon's arm and helped him up to his father's abode. The guard opened the door quickly and helped get him inside. Kirwin met them both and took his son's arm over his shoulder. Turi stood vigil just outside the door the rest of the night.

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