The Nekos And I~ (Remake: X R...

By BBRoxRocks

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You always lived a normal life. Your mom was barely home because of her being a nurse. You had 3 best friends... More

Hello there.
Chapter 1- Meet...yourself
Chapter 2- You're a cat!
Chapter 3- The mystery guy
Chapter 5- You're a what!?
Chapter 6- The ash-hole
Chapter 7- The battle for you
Chapter 8- Not you too!.. what's going on!?
Meet the characters~
Chapter 9- Im going where?..
Chapter 10- The Whole Story
Read this dangit!! >.<
Chapter 11- Fetch! Date with Damien
Chapter 12- Soft kitty, warm kitty... Date with Kyoya part 1
Chapter 13- Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty... Date with Kyoya part 2
*SPECIAL* A mother's bond (Mother's day special)
Chapter 14- Way better than Twilight
How you met Damien
How you met Ashley
How you met Mami
Chapter 15- What should I do!? Date with Ashley part 1
Chapter 16-An open heart~ Date with Ashley part 2
Chapter 17- That sly, sneaky fox~!- Date with Mami
Chapter 18- Who do I love?..
A Revised Mami Love Ending
A Damien Dawn Finale
An Ashley Chase Closing
A Kyoya Shiro Conclusion
Final Words
A/N; Part two??

Chapter 4- Close call

3K 118 56
By BBRoxRocks


As you walk down stairs, with your (h/l)(h/c) hair color in a ponytail(a/n if you have short short hair, like me, ^_^* Just make it up), you see your mom, making breakfast. She looks at you, and raises an eyebrow. "(y/n)? Where do you think your going?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Im going to help a friend with his work. You know, they weren't at school yesterday." You say, in a calm tone, crossing your arms. "Why do you care?" You ask, heading to the fridge, grabbing an apple. Mom just blinks, looking a bit... hurt. "Is it so wrong to know where my only daughter is going to?" She asks, trying to look strong. You shake your head, grabbing your light, not heavy,  (f/c) jacket, and begin to head out. "Be back by dinnertime!!" She called, as you closed your door.

Damien's house was not too far from yours. You had to turn a corner, and bam. You would be there in about 5 minutes.

However, as you were walking down the street, you bumped into a large figure. It was a male twice your size! He looks down at you, smirking. "Well well well... What have we got here?" He says, in a frightening tone.  You back up, shaking. "Who... Stay back! Im warning you! I know karate!" You say, raising your fists.

All though... You barely remember anything!

The man just smirks, moving closer to you, pinning you to a wall. He eyed your entire body, grabbing a hold of your hip. "This is gonna be fun... " He said, in a seductive tone. 

However, you had the upper hand. 

You managed to get a firm kick, right into the baby making area, Making him fall to the ground, writhing in pain. You took this chance to run, with your head low.

"I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS BITCH!!!!!!" The man calls out, but you could barely hear him.

You quickly think about where to go. Your house? No, that was far behind you. The police station? Too far!

So, you stuck to your original plan. 

You ran to Damien's house, as fast as your legs could carry you. Your legs feel like jello, and your lungs felt like they were gonna cave in, but eventually you reach the house hold of the one and only, Damien Dawn. (If anyone gets the reference, Then meow <3 BUT DONT LITERALLY MEOW  XD I tend to say meow when I got nothing else to say.) His house was not that big, if anything, it was smaller than yours, but not  by much.

You take a deep breath, and you knock on the door of the house, then wait there for a response.

Soon, the door, was opened, and there he was...

He was slightly taller than you, but not by much. His brown hair was slicked back, but it was natural, you know. His green eyes could tell you a story if you stared into them long enough. He was currently wearing a black tee with vampire fangs on it, and he wore some denim jeans. 

"Bubbles! You're here! I have been waiting fo-..." He stopped, and he just looked at you, and he... sniffed the air? "...What happened?" He asks you, gesturing for you to come inside. You nod, and you step inside. "Damie, nothing happened. I promise, im fi-"

"(Y/n), you dont have to hide anything from me." He says, looking you right in the eye. "I know you're lying to me." He closes his eyes, looking down. "Bubbles, please tell me." He says, in a very quiet tone. Out of nowhere, he hugs you, holding you close to him. 

At first, you try to get away, feeling your face get hot. But eventually, you close your eyes, and surrender to his embrace. You close your eyes tight, feeling your tears falling. "Damien... I was attacked."

(Damien's pov) 

"Danien... I was attacked." I hear her mumble. 

I know. I know (Y/n)...

Of course, thats what I wanted to say. But she couldn't know the truth about me. 

She can't know that I can smell her from a distance, or when she is scared I can sense it, or when she was with someone else. 

That last one... Is the strongesta.. 

She almost smells like... fur. A cat. 

But not any normal cat...


I snap back to reality when (Y/n) waves her hand in front of my face, making me blink. "Er, sorry bubbles. I was thinking." 

"About what?" She asks me, tilting her head to one side. 

" 'Think fast Damien...' How I will kill this guy. Who the hell does he think he is, messing with my girl!?" I growl, gritting my teeth. But I feel bubble's arms wrap around me.

"Damie... Im fine." She whispers into my ear, closing her eyes. I merely nod, letting go of her.

However, I realize she is still hugging me. 

(Back to your pov) 

You let go of him, and reach into your bag, and pull out your fake glasses, and you smirk, pulling out a book. "Mr. Dawn, I am miss (L/n), and I am going to be your teacher for the evening. 

(And thats that. Too dramatic? Too cliche? What do you guys think? ^_^* Meow. Until next time~)

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