Being A Braun - (Justin Biebe...

By kidrauldream

733K 14.6K 3.1K

Ariana Braun, a normal girl from Colorado, has an amazing life-changing opportunity and seizes it with both h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 6

16.4K 360 22
By kidrauldream


I had fun out eating lunch with Adam, my other uncle, who also lived over in Atlanta.

He was a great inspiration of mine, always putting others before himself. He always had. He volunteered for many charities and spent most of his time out in poorer countries helping the misfortunate, which i thought was amazing, and most recently was begining plans for a charity of his own.


I opened the front door of Scooter's house and strolled inside, kicking my shoes off on the laminate.

"Im back." I called out, sliding my phone out of my pocket and placing it on the side. "Scoot?"

"In the party room pal!" Came the reply.

I nodded to myself, cutting through the house towards the source of the sound.

"Hey." I said, entering the room Scooter was in.

He greeted me with a smile. "Hey Ri. Have fun?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "You remember that cafe we used to go to back in Colorado when i was little?"

He walked past me, carrying a microphone. "Branchwater?"

"Yeah, well they have one here too. That's were we went.. We went there for my 7th birthday too, right?"

"U-huh." My uncle smiled. "And you spilt orange juice all over your Moms new dress." He laughed.

Scooter climbed onto the mini stage and began setting up the mike in the center.

"She couldn't stay mad at you though, it was your birthday and your Mom hated yelling at you."

I laughed,pulling a cute face at him. I walked over to the stage, hopping up so that i was sat on the edge with my legs dangling off.

"So whatcha doing?" I asked him.

"Oh, I'm throwing a small get together tonight. Nothing major."

"A party?!" I smiled.

"Yeah, but not one of those crazy-ass teenage things. Just some friends, bit of music, you know."

I nodded.

A party.

"Start's at 7. The caterers should be here any minute.. oh and the DJ's coming at 6." He said, glancing down at his watch. It was 4.28pm.

"Cool." I smiled.

"The guys you met earlier are coming too." He said, finishing setting up the mike. He walked forwards and sat next to me, mirroring my position. "You can hang out with them if you like."

I nodded.

They seemed pretty cool. I mean, i didn't want to be like annoying or tag along when i wasn't invited but i thought it'd be pretty sweet to hang out with people my age for the summer.

I smirked. "Oh my god guess what?!"


"Today i totally met Justin Bieber. OH MY GOD. I bumped into him and oh my god he was soooo cute and sooo sweet to me. I fricken cant wait to tell all my friends at school." I mocked. Scooter smirked at me. "And you'll never guess what happened! He touched my back oh my gosh im never ever going to shower! I cant believe it."

Scooter laughed, giving me a light punch on my arm. I laughed too.

"No joke, some girls are actually like that. And i wouldn't mess with Justin's Beliebers." He warned. "They can get pretty darn protective."

I held my hands up in surrender. "Wouldn't dream of it."

He chuckled.

"So is he coming tonight? To the party?"

Scooter smirked at me, one eyebrow raising.

"You know he asked me the exact same thing about you." He said.




Justin Bieber asked about me? Really?

"We are still talking about Bieber right?"

"Yup. He also said you were beautiful. And so did the other guys." He chuckled. "You made a good impression Ri."

I blushed. "Well, what can i say?" I joked.

Scooter laughed, shaking his head fondly at me.

"Just be careful though, okay?"


"Justin's not a normal teenager."

I raised my eyebrows. "I thought you said he was."

"I did." He sighed. "But he's a celebrity Ri."

"But i think underneath all that 'popstar image', he is normal." I said.

"Yes, but that 'popstar image' is his life pal. He cant just one day pretend he's not Justin Bieber and go out for a smoothie unrecognized. It doesn't work like that. He's watched 24/7."

I shrugged. "But he can still be normal."

"Yeah, he can, and around his friends and family he is. But all im trying to say is he's a really difficult guy to date and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Scooter i have a boyfriend..." I said.

My uncles eyebrows shot up. He looked to be debating inside his head on what to think about that. "Really?" He said.


I started laughing. I awkwardly slid off the stage and left the room, wanting to avoid that conversation.

I went upstairs, perching on my bed as i listened to some music.

I started thinking about what Scooter said to me.

I mean of course he would be difficult to date, hes Justin flipping Bieber. He has paparazzi and fans following him everywhere. But he can still be normal, cant he? Who says we would want to date eachother anyway? Im dating Jamie, and isn't he always dating Selena Gomez or something? It's off the cards. Besides, we didn't even know eachother.


I got up and decided to style my hair, curling it loosely and adding a good coating of hairspray. That took me about 45 minutes. After adding a touch of lipgloss and applying a little more mascara, i started to scan my wardrobe. I picked out an outfit and put that on.

I clicked open the camera on my phone and set up the timer. I stood back a little so the phone could get in my full outfit and pouted, placing one hand on my hip. After giggling at the photo, I added an effect than uploaded it to twitter. I had about 1000 followers who were mainly my friends and family, or fans of my uncle and had traced that i was his niece.

@missarianabraun: is ready to partayyyyyyyyy

I clicked open on my 'connect' tab and saw something i actually never thought i would see.

'Justin Bieber followed you - 3 hours ago.'

Wow, i bet most girls would kill to read that - i thought to myself.

I followed him back before glancing at his tweets.

@justinbieber: just met the most beautiful girl. wow #stunner

I heard a knock on my bedroom door so i quickly turned off my music and went to open it.

Alfredo grinned at me. "Hey Ri." He said.

"Oh, hey." I smiled back. I liked that he was already calling me by my nickname.

"Your uncle sent me to come get you."

I glanced behind me at the clock. "Why, what time is it?!

"Just after 7." He said.

"Oh shit, i'm not even ready."

"It's okay." He chuckled. "We only just got here."

"Lemme just grab some shoes." I laughed. "You can come in."

I jogged back over to my wardrobe and picked out a pair of heels, sliding them onto my feet whilst Fredo checked out my room.

"Cool room. You know, this is the room Justin always choses when he sleeps at Scooters." He said. "He likes the view outside."

I looked over at him, a smile forming on my lips. "Really?"

"Yeah, i guess you guys have the same taste." He said. He smiled at me.

I looked back down at my feet, my cheeks blushing a little. I smoothened out my dress.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded. I walked towards him.

"You look really nice by the way." He complimented.

"Aha thanks." I smiled. "So do you."


The party room was already pretty busy with people when we got in there. It was wark, with loud modern music blasting from the DJ.

Fredo placed a hand on the small of my back, gesturing in the direction of some seats. "You coming to hang? The guys are just over there."

I glanced over, seeing the boys i had met earlier chilling in the seats.

"Umm, definitley later." I said. "I just wanna speak to Scooter a sec."

"Okay." He smiled. "Don't be a stranger."

I waved at him.

I looked around a little and found Scooter over by the bar, talking with Adam.

"Wow Ariana, you look beautiful." He smiled.

"Thank you."

Adam shook his head fondly. "You're so grown now Ri, damn."

I laughed.

"I remember when you were born."

"Same here." Scooter agreed. He gazed at me, taking a sip of his beer. "Tiny little 4lb 6."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Don't be getting all mushy on me."

They laughed, pulling me close to hug them. I giggled and hugged them back.

"Scoot i thought you said this was going to be a small party?" I laughed.

"It is compared to previous ones."

"Previous ones?!" I grinned. "Damn theres already like 50 people in here."

Adam chuckled. "Why do you think your Mom never let you come here before?"

I thought about it. 

"Who knewyou were actually cool?" I joked.

Scooter mocked offence.


The party attenders were mainly Scooters friends and connections from work. The only people I properly knew was him and my uncle Adam. I mean, i'd met Justin, Fredo, Ryan, Goody, Kenny and Chaz - but only briefly that morning.


I turned towards the bar and walked closer to it. I waited until one of the servers noticed me.

"What can i get you sweetheart?" He winked.

"Ummm I'll have-"

"Nothing alcoholic." Scooter spoke up. He appeared next to me, next to Adam.

"Scooter Im-"

"17. WAY underage." Adam smirked.

I playfully rolled my eyes. Such party poopers.

"I wasn't even going to."

"Good girl." They both grinned.

The server laughed at me.

It was a little annoying being at a party with your two protective uncles. It was like taking your Dad along on a date. Except i didn't have a Dad and it wasn't a date....

"Hey Ariana."

I turned around to see Justin stood behind me, his  soft hands tucked in his pockets.

He was wearing kind of a metallic baseball jacket with a black top, jeans and signature supras. His hair was cute, and he was wearing that smile again.

I remember him looking really reaallyyy good.

"Hi." I smiled, picking up my drink of lemonade from the bar top. I smiled politely at the server then back at Justin.

"You look beautiful tonight." He said

I blushed like crazy. Being complemented by Justin Bieber was certainly something.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Cool shoes."

"You too." He smiled, nodding at my footwear. "Don't those things hurt your feet."

I laughed. "Yeah. But no pain no gain, right?"

"Is that what girls really believe?"

"I don't know. I mean i'll probably just take them off when everyones a little drunker. They wont even notice."

Justin laughed.

I glanced at my uncles who were watching us whilst chatting.

"You're funny." He smiled.

I blushed again. "Is that a good thing?"

"Of course... I mean, you don't seem to be bothered by the fact that im famou either. You just treat me like everyone else."

"I mean, obviously i think its a little surreal stood here talking to you right now, but im not gonna treat you differently because people know you."

He smiled. "Thank you." He said with a nod.

"You're welcome." I laughed,

I glanced back at my uncles and noticed they were still watching us but were too far away to know what we were saying. I shifted uncomfortably and Justin noticed.

"They're watching you, huh?" He chuckled. "Scooter and Adam."

"Yeah." I laughed. "Can we move? It's a little creepy."

He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder and smirked. "Sure. Lets go find the guys."

"Okay." I smiled

His hand hovered over the small of my back as he lead me over to were Ryan, Chaz and Fredo were sat.

For a moment i suddenly thought of Jamie in California with Shontelle, Harley and the gang of other popular kids they had gone with.

That was actually the first time i'd thought about him since i left and i have no idea why he suddenly popped into my head.

I remember feeling a pang of disappointment when i thought about him.



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