The Kissing Booth (Niall Hora...

By Gottalovecupcakes

78.4K 1.5K 191

High school was duh, high school. NO ONE WANTED TO GO. It was hell that every teenager had to wake up at 5 in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part One
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part Two
Check it Out

Chapter Thirty-Four

996 28 5
By Gottalovecupcakes

"I can say a million things that could describe this graduating class, but that would just take days. We're a lively bunch, you could direct a movie on us and make billions. But that's not the only reason why we differ from other passing and coming seniors, what makes us different is our love and support for one and other. We made a change in the ways things go down here. For example the other day I saw two freshmen ready to battle it out when our very own Luke and West came to pull them apart and talked some sense into them. When one of us is at a low, we don't abandon them. No, we help them get back up. We take what ever levels to help them and watch them grow into better people. If you had to say, we matured from careless ninth graders to soon to be college kids. I know the thought of college scares us all, just growing up and moving out is its whole journey itself. As I look out to my peers, I can already tell, we have know idea what the hell we want to be. We change every five seconds still just as we did in kindergarten, but the only difference is we're trying to find the easy way out. You don't realize how real it all is until you're sitting in these seats with a cap and gown, waiting for your diploma. It's a new adventure ahead of us, and it's a terrifying thought to think we're going in the real world. We used to die to be an adult and live on our own, but now that we're faced with reality, it's a whole other emotion. An emotion no one can comprehend, really. I like to think of it as a crazy new roller coaster that you're riding for the first time. When you're waiting to get on, you see the twists and turns, and you have the nerve racking feeling inside you. Then you get on, they strap you in, and you're off. You reach a daring twist or crazy loop and scream at your highest, but sooner or later it comes to an end. Now, I'd like to raise an imaginary red cup," Liam smiled, holding his hand in the air like there was a cup in it. Almost simultaneously, we all image his pose, holding our very own imaginary cup. He looked down at us in shock, but quickly recoiled into a laugh. This wasn't planned at all, no one knew his speech till today.

"To all our laughs, screams, cries, and memories. To our families, teachers, principal and friends for supporting us in everything we do. To the love this graduating class shared for each other, and to new things ahead." He said, swallowing back some tears as was everyone else.

"Cheers!" The rest of us yelled, gulping our imaginary red cups.

I'm sure the teachers invoked with planning the graduation were probably cursing in there minds with all the screw ups that happened. Like how Liam's valedictorian speech wasn't what they approved too; no adult would approve of his red cup thing, then Luke screamed, "HELL YEAH, FUCKIN' RIGHT, I'M OUTTA THIS SHIT HOLE!" after receiving his diploma and as I heard, the prank was in full affect. Since everyone was occupied with graduation, Jack got his friends to do whatever it is to do. Still have no clue what these guys have up they're sleeves, but apparently it's one for the books.

"Can the graduates rise," Mr. Johnson said, and on command we do so. "I'm proud to present to you, Class of 2013!"

Cheers erupted again and hats started flying, another violation for us. "Babe we're finally finished!" I said to Niall as everyone scrabbled for there caps. "In the words of a good friend, hell yeah, fuckin' right!" Niall laughed, fixing his cap back. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him as we began to exit. When the first person to leave, Cassidy Allan, left, screams started to be thrown. Screams and laughter. Immediately we all rushed out with any exit nearby, violation number 47886433, to see what was happening. I pushed through, leaving everyone behind of me as I followed up with Lucas. After getting through the doors, the sight of three pigs in party hats, on saying "Class" the other "Of", and the last "2013."

If that wasn't enough, rabbits exposed themselves as the started to hop around, dragging little signs saying "2013" with them.

"Best part thanks to our buddy, Zayn." Matt smiled, pointing inside the auditorium. There it was, a huge banner cascading down the stage with the background of everyone's picture and Zayn's graffiti drawings over it, along with confetti everywhere.

"Mrs. Samuels, 3 o'clock! Run!" I screamed at Matt and kick off my heels, taking them into my hand and running behind him. I couldn't help but laugh as we twisted around the rabbits hopping around to the front entrance of the school.

"Hey, slow down now!" A security guard yelled but was ignored as we burst through the doors, crying of laughter.

"Thank god you made it out alive, everyone was on our tails too!" Whinny said when we found our little group standing around. "And I blame these bozos!"

"They can't touch us!" David replied cockily brushing his shoulders. "Why are you guys running around, we thought we lost you." My mom with laughed with Jack by her side, brushing off the confetti out of her hair. "And might I say, nice touch with the big banner."

"Don't have a clue about what you're talking about, Kathy." West smiled innocently. "Yeah, and I have four heads! Gosh I've missed you boys around the house! All of you need to have a sleepover again." She nodded at us. "Awe, Kathy!" Lucas gushed as they all huddled around her.

"You kids!" West's father glared jokingly, pointing over at us. "Wesley, you looked very handsome as did all of you boys and the girls looked quite gorgeous as well! The only thing I'm concerned is the twins. They saw the rabbits and caught one!" West's mother told us, watching West's younger twin brothers pet the bunny.

"Aye, those were a lot of money!" West blurted out, scolding his brothers who simply giggled.

Soon enough all our parents had found us and all her talking amongst themselves. I couldn't help but notice my father was MIA, but I wouldn't blame him. No one wanted to be around him and he had lost everyone's trust.

"Okay, before we all go out, we need a group photo of our babies!" Whinny's mom exclaimed, pulling out her camera.

"Oi, Liam, get in here!" Niall yelled at the boy who was passing by. His smile grew and handed his diploma to who I assume is his mom. "I like this more Irishy Niall." I grinned up at him.

"On three, okay?" Jett's dad said.


"WAIT, I NEED A COOL POSE!" Louis yelled.


"Dammit Jett, get your ass out of my face." Fin growled.


Flashes began to blind be as everyone took there pictures. Is this what it feels like to be famous?

"Oh my.." Maura said, looking at the camera after snapping the picture. "LEMME LOOK!" Matt screamed, running over to his dad. I followed his actions as did everyone of us as we left to check the picture.

There we were, huddled in the picture. West, Matt, Louis, and Harry were squaring at in the bottom doing that silly cupcake face with there hands, Fin and Zayn were kissing with Zayn giving the camera a thumbs up, David was staring at them with disgust, Lucas held his two hands in peace sign form as did Jett, Liam was laughing, Niall was kissing my cheek as I smiled with my eyes closing, and Taylor along with Whinny were the only ones who looked normal.

My friends, everyone.


"I don't see why you want me to put my dress back on, what are you three hoes up too." I said with no emotion to the only three female friends I had.

"It's a surprise!" Taylor smiled innocently. "Now get the damn dress on you bitch."

Don't you love our friendship.

"Touché." I squinted my eyes as I took the dress from Whinny. "What?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I dunno, it sounded like a perfect time to use it." I shrugged, walking to my bathroom.

I secretly loved my prom dress. I got so many complements in it that it made me feel more confident of not being a size zero, but a healthy two or four. Not that girls who are blessed with size zero aren't healthy, I just liked my ass to be honest.

"Ready for you crazy heads." I sighed, walking out to see Fin handing me my heels. "Oh no, nope! Watch as I walk over to put on my black VANs, watch." I said, doing so.

"You're difficult, now come on!" Taylor whined, pulling me out if my room and down the stairs. "Oh yeah, it's okay if no one knows that I left!" I rolled my eyes with sarcasm as I got into her car.

"Shut up." Fin groaned, getting a slap on the cheek from me in return. After slapping each other for a good five minutes, we gave up when Taylor began to park. "I'm not helping the guys clean up there mess in my dress...HEY I RHYMED!" I patted myself on the back and smiled.

"Esme, no." Whinny laughed as we all walked to the front doors.

"Just go in and don't run off, okay?" Taylor told me, pointing to the gym doors as Fin pushed me towards it. "I'm a screamer, just a warning." I announced to them before being pushed in.

I turn around, noticing what looked like a disco light.

Duh, it was, Esme.

There was some balloon scattered and a blonde in a tux, in the center of the gym.

"How you doin'?" I winked, saying it in a Joey from Friend's voice as I walked over to him. "God, Harry was right, you look stunning." He mumbled, pulling me into him by the waist.

"But I have old everyday makeup on, my hairs all ugly and I'm wearing sneakers." I tried not to laugh so the moment wouldn't be ruined.

"But still." He whispered this time, kissing my lips softly. He pulled away and took out a remote, clicking a button and instantly started to play a song.

"I'll be" by Edwin McCain, one of the many favorites of mine. My arms draped around his neck, his arms holding my waist as we began to slow dance. I'm sure we looked like idiots, but he was my idiot and I was his.

"I love you, Esme Harris." He smiled befits kissing my forehead.

"I love you, Niall Horan." I smiled back. "You make me feel like Kelly from Saved by the Bell during there prom."

"It's perfect, because he's blonde like me and she's brunette like you." He chuckled lightly.

"And you're my Zach, forever." I muttered, resting my head on his chest.

"And you'll always be my Kelly."


Okay, I'm sooo close if you guys can get this baby to 10K reads I'll just die! And update after I hit 10K! Lol

So Zerrie is engaged. Thoughts?

Idk, I'm happy for them but they are slightly young still. Not like they're planning on saying "I do" tomorrow or anything, but still, I'm truly happy for him even though my heart broke. There's something ironic about this all and you guys will see what in saying soon (;





love you all,

Ox, Dee)

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