No-one but Nate

By exoticmess

8.6K 286 73

Three years ago I realized I'd fallen for my Brother's best friend. Only thing was I didn't know how to feel... More

Chapter 1- First Day of School
Chapter 2- All About Nate
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Christmas Special
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3- The New Guy

446 12 3
By exoticmess

Chapter 3

All four of us were sitting around the dinner table, enjoying the pizza that had arrived a couple minutes before.

"So, why did you decide to come back to Australia?" Lisa asked Nate with that curious tone in her voice.

"I just wanted to be back, I guess." He had that blank face on him; he just looked down and continued to eat. He was obviously hiding something. It was an awkward silence for 10 minutes until I decided to break the quietness.

"Are you okay, Ella?" Lisa asked me in a terrified voice. I could feel my face turn red of embarrassment and it seemed like it was burning up.

"I'm- fine. I just- chocked on some-meat." I replied while trying to catch my breath. "I'm just going to get a drink from the kitchen, I'll be back."

"Can you get me one?" Adrian quickly asked before I was about to leave the room.

"And me too!" Lisa added.

"Do you want one, Nate?" Adrian then asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, but I'll go get one myself. I just need to go toilet first." He excused himself before I left the room after him.

As I was gulping down water after water trying to get rid of this thing stuck in my throat, it took me awhile to start pouring water into cups for everyone else. I then heard someone walk into the kitchen, "I thought I made it clear I was going to get my own drink."

I took my eyes off of the jug I was pouring water out of and stared at Nate. "I just thought I would just make everyone's drink at once." And before I knew it, there was a huge puddle of water on the kitchen bench, dripping onto the tiled floor and soaking my socks. "Oh, crap!"

"I'll get the towels." He suggested. Nate made his way to the cupboards, looking for the paper towels.

"Give me a few pieces and I'll wipe the bench. You can dry up the floor." I was flapping my hands, signalling for him to pass me the paper towels asap. He threw me the whole roll of paper towels and I started wiping the bench top. I guess Nate was searching for tea towels to wipe the tiled floor because tea towels absorb more water than those paper ones.

It took us approximately 10 minutes to clean everything up until Adrian decided to scream across the house why we were taking so long. Nate collected all the wet paper towels I used and quickly threw them in the bin.

I decided to carry all the cups but Nate turned around to see me struggling to hold all of the cups in my hands. "Here let me help you."

"No, no, it's fine." I reassured. "I can hold them; you just head back to the others."

Raising his eyebrows, "You do realise you're going to be holding four cups, and you only have two hands, right?"

"Ummm... Yeah, you're right." He did have a point there.

With a smirk, "Here, let me." He insisted to help hold the other two cups. I handed him the two glass cups that were already in my hands and took the other two cups. We finally made our way back to the others.


Nate and I were lying on the grass of the park watching the sun go down. It was such a beautiful view, and such a beautiful moment.

Nate turned to his side to face me, his right arm supporting his head, "Ella, I need to tell you something important." He whispered as he was slowly moving closer.

By the time I was going to reply to him, his face was about 6 inches away from mine. "What is it?" I asked.

"I love you, El." His smile spread across his face.


"Shhh."His lips moving closer to mine and eventually his met mine. I could feel my face start to heat up but nothing stopped me from kissing him back. Nate moved his body so it was hovering over me, I could feel the heat radiating from his body and the smell of his cologne smelt so good.

I cupped his face as he started moving his hands slowly down my body. It got to the point where his hands were rubbing my genitals. I let out a groan. After a few minutes of making out, everything started to stop, the rubbing, and then the kissing, then the heat from his body started to vanish... they were all gone. I opened my eyes to see the dark sky above me, turning my head to see Nate lying on the grass breathing so hard trying to catch his breathe.

 "El, can you do me a favour?" He turned his head towards me.

"Depends what it is, though." I said, smiling back at him.

"I need you to wake up." His smile disappeared and now his face was pale and all serious.

"What?" I was shocked. "What do you mean, I need to wake up?"

"Wake up, Ella!" His voice sounded different like a woman's but his mouth was moving in sync with the voice.

"Hhhmmmm, leave me alone." As I felt a hand shake my shoulders.

"Wake up, Ella. You're late for school!" Shaking me even harder. "Ella Mackenzie! Wake up this instant before I drag your ass out of bed myself!" This time I knew exactly who it was- it was my mother.

My eyes struck opened and turned my head to the clock. It read 8:10am. Well, fuck! I must have forgotten to set my alarm last night. I turned my head towards my mum who was standing before me with her arms crossed. I removed the covers off my body, feeling goose bumps forming on my naked legs as I run pass my mum to my en-suite to get ready for school.

Minutes later, I ran downstairs, grabbing my school essentials and my car keys, reversing out of the driveway in my BMW without asking if Adrian was already at school or even saying goodbye to my mum. I didn't have time to talk; I just needed to be in school on time for class.

According to the time on the car's clock, I was 5 minutes late. I ran out of my car, slamming the door behind me. I quickly ran inside the office doors, signing my name since I was already late for class. I didn't want to look like a weirdo running through the school hallways, so I decided to walk really fast. I had my head bowed down so none of the teachers would tell me off for being late for class. I made a quick stop to my locker putting away any unwanted things from my bag that I didn't need for the first two periods.

There was a bang that echoed in the hallway from how hard I closed my locker door. As I made my way past the science faculty, I ran into someone. With my head still down, staring at the floor, "Shit, I'm so sorry." I apologised.

I started taking a few steps towards my desired location, but something stopped me. "It's okay." That's when I stopped, his voice sounded like a sex god. I couldn't help but turn around to see an unfamiliar face.

Oh hey there good looking.

"Do I know you? I haven't seen you around before." I asked as my eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm new here, so I doubt you'll know me. Anyways, do you mind helping me find where Room 105 is?"

I released a small giggle, "it's right there." I was pointing at the door that was just behind us.

"Oh, thanks. My name's Jeremiah, by the way." He introduced himself, realising for the first time he had that British accent in him.

I gave him a smile and introduced myself, before excusing myself; I didn't want to be anymore late than I already way. "I'll see you around, Jeremiah." Giving him a wave before I headed off to class.


The bell rang, indicating it was now lunch. For the first 10 minutes I had detention with Miss Sanford for being late to her class this morning. She gave me a lecture about being late and that if I was ever late again she was going to make my life a living hell by making me clean the staff toilets.

No thank you.

Once I was dismissed, I walked over to my locker to get my lunch remembering I didn't make my own lunch this morning. Walking to meet Lisa and Robert sitting side by side at the seats we normally sit at, laughing while munching on their lunch; I was interrupted.

"Ella, is it?" It was that British accent again. I turned around to see Jeremiah standing behind me.

"Yeah it is. It's Jeremiah, right?" I was trying to remember his name and not get distracted by his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

He nodded, grinning as he started to talk. "Since I don't know anyone at this school yet, do you mind if I hang out with you and your friends for today?"

I agreed and told him he can hang with us as long as he wanted to. I showed him the way to our table. As we approached the table Lisa and Rob looked up from their food eyeing me. I can tell Lisa was mouthing something to Robert but her eyes still fixed on us.  "Lisa, Robert, meet Jeremiah." As I introduced everyone to one another, they shook each other's hands. Lisa went all red in the face when Jeremiah grabbed her hand. She wasn't great with boys, she would only talk to Rob and that's it.

We both sat down, Jeremiah sitting next to me. The first 5 minutes was awkward since no one decided to talk.

"So what school did you come from, Jeremiah?" I was the one to ask Jeremiah; knowing Lisa and Rob were too scared to ask themselves. I look up at Jeremiah, and oh my, that jawline of his was defined strikingly. If you looked closely enough you can see his stubble along his jaw.

It was hot.

"I'm actually not around here. I'm from the UK." Nodding as he told us.

That explains why he has that British accent, but fuck, British accents are so hot in person. I tried not to drool over his accent, asking him why he moved to Australia.

"My family wanted to start fresh, so we decided to move to Australia. I assumed Aussies had kangaroos as pets in their backyards and rode them to school or something." Rob, Lisa and I started laughing and banging the tables. Jeremiah was staring at us like we weren't okay. "But that was obviously a stereotype, though I did want a kangaroo as a pet." We laughed even harder, but this time Jeremiah decided to join in.

Lisa and Rob decided to ask questions about his life in London, his old friends, school, town, what it was like in London, the weather and how he was able to cope leaving everything behind him and move to the other side of the world. He just shrugged just before the bell rang for class.

Jeremiah didn't have trouble finding his way around the school, since Robert was in the same class as him for the last two classes. After school, I was walking to a car when I heard a familiar voice call out my name, "Ella, Ellaaaaaaaaa!" I stopped to turn around to see it was Jeremiah.

"Oh hey, what's up?" Wondering why he wanted to talk to me.

"Nothing, I thought maybe we can hangout this afternoon and chill. Maybe you can ask Rob and Lisa to join, too."

I looked behind him to see Adrian and Nate talking, they both walk to Adrian's car. Nate nudged Adrian whispering something to him and they both turn to look at me. I quickly looked at Jeremiah and gave him a smile. "Yeah, alright. I'll text the others but I just need to take my fish out for a walk." I gave him a smirk and we both started cracking up laughing.

But that was a pretty lame joke, El.

"After you take Nemo out for a walk, I'll meet you and the others at the park across the road from Woolies around 4." We both said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. 

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