Will We Last?

By qveenlexxxx

13.2K 505 58

"God works in mysterious ways, be patient with him and his doings" More

Chap 1

13 pt2

327 12 0
By qveenlexxxx


"I think you should talk to the lady."

August told B while they were sitting on the couch eating their favorite Chocolate icecream. This was the usual for them. Everyday its the samething and August kind of get tired of being cooped up in the house everyday.

"I've told you many times August damn...I dont need fucking counseling. What you 'not'understand"
She argued, because the irritation that was occuring. August have been pestering her about the Rape Victims Program Doctor Collinsworth told him about and she completely refuses. She refuse to sit somewhere and tell all her problems to someone that dont even understand her pain. The pain that's nonexistent.
"Well my fucking bad for worryin' bout ya' then."
He scoffed. While getting off the couch and slammin his icecream on the counter.
"Yea...your fucking bad. I didnt ask you to worry about me August im fine."
She was tired of people being cautious around her like something was wrong with her. In her eyes she was perfectly fine.
"You so fuckin' un-grateful, man I swear ya' don't preciate nun a nigga do fah you"
He yelled at her. August was fed up with B. He try so hard to make sure she is okay and the more he try the more she push him away.
"If Im ungrateful take me home then nigga...I didnt ask to be here...you insisted"
Bzona yelled while storming off to the bedroom to retrieve her belongings. If he felt like she was ungrateful then she then over stayed her welcome.
August shook his head while sighn'. He wasn't necessarily telling her to leave, he was just was tired of her tellin him she is okay when she's probably not.
He never saw anyone go through something so traumatic as her and act like it never happened. His fault for being worried.
"Bzona chill out with allat, aint nobody kicking you out" he said while pulling all the clothes she placed in her bookbag-one by one. Everytime she add something he take it right back out and place it where if was before.
"August can you stop damn, your really aggravating me right now"
She yelled while moving the bag on the other side while going to retrieve the items he took out.
"August can you stop damn, your really aggravating me right now"
He mimicked her while placing his hands on his hips rolling his neck.
She rolled her eyes trying so hard not to laugh at his stupidity.
"I dont sound like that dammit"
"Coulda been fooling me"
He mummbled while walking over to her trynna take the bookbag away from her.
She whined.
"No man im not gonna' stop until you chill out with allat...aint nobody kicking you out"
He grabbed her hands and took the bookbag out of it placing it on the nearby dresser.
"Nah look I told you so many times before, I wanna protect you and if that means you gotta stay here for a while...thats what you'll be doing"

"Im sorry...its just im really fine, Im not dwelling on the situation like others would"
She explained, really and truly she was fine. She took her grandmothers words and didnt let that situation stop her from living.
"Well im sorry for yelling at you like that" he said with puppy dog eyes.
"Accept my apology?" He asked with a pout.
They both laughed and she nodded.
"Yea I do accept your apology August"


"You sure your mother is gonna' like me...I mean I did basically ruin her dinner a while back"
I asked while laying my head on the window pane, wondering where we were going. He just now informed me that we were going to spend Christmas with his family, which is completely fine with me because I dont have any family.

"For the umpteenth time yes, ya not a ratchet...so you meet the qualities"
He hunched continuing to drive.

I laughed.
"In a more simpler tone, im not Crystal"

"Exactly" he laughed while focusing back on the road

"Ya' know I forgot to tell you...this car is nice"
I rubbed my hand on his dashboard, sweeping the dust the came on my hand off. "And clean" I lied.

"Thats nice ta' know"
He simply replied, trying not to pay any attention to me.

"Ohhh Auggie you look nice today too..gotcha hair growing out and ya grill in ya mouth...mhmm lookin' all smexy"

"Girll ya' a joke...so Im Auggie now huh?" He laughed while shaking his head.

"Of course you been Auggie...Aug" A small laugh escaped my lips while I ruffled his hair.

"Mhmm you kno' im still not tellin' you where we going right"
He lightly chuckled.

"But whyy"
I whined, really wanting to kno' where we was going.

"Beacuse its a surprise and if I woulda tol you...ya' prolly wouldn't have came"
He hinted around but still not givin me the answer.

"Gosh fine"
I huffed while reclining back into my seat enjoying the ride.

"Really August" I yelled once I saw where we was pulling up he knows I hate going to this place during this time of the year and yet he brings me here.

"Come on please for me"
He begged me to come inside.

I rolled my eyes while unbuckling my seat belt and getting out the car.
'Toys R US' whole parking lot was full not one empty parking space, luckily we found one for ourself.

We both walked inside side by side into the crowded store. They had many people running like a chicken with their heads cut off.

"Okay why are we here?"
I asked still standing at the entrance not wanting to walk into the turbulence.

"My neices and plus I need your help"
He smiled me a toothy grin before walking off further into the store.

I sighd before following him.

We ended up on the Barbie doll aisle and it was damn near empty. Most of the good dolls were gone and plenty were bust open out the box. We continued to walk down the Aisle to see if some of the togs struck our interest but they didnt.

"Damn all they shit gone"
August exclaimed, while picking up a empty doll box off the shelf.

" yea August thats what ya' get when ya' go Christmas shopping late"
I replied sarcastically.

"Keep getting smart ya' hea'"
He pointed at me before walking onto a different aisle, leaving me.

"What to get them" I rhetorically asked myself while roaming through the little options they had.
My hands grazed upon a purple Frozen guitar. I just grabbed it because it was the only thing on the aisle that wasnt gone or open.

I walked to the aisle that August went on only for him not to be there. I sighd because nine times outta ten, we both lost eachother.

Instead of finding him I went to the front to get a basket to fill up with random toys. I grabbed everything from a doll house to easy bakes and many more.

Basically I was shopping for myself, when I was younger I never really had the opportunity to go toy shopping like talking bout.

But I remember this one time. My mother wasnt really on drugs as heavily then and we had spending money. She pampered the both of us all day, it was really rare for us to have a mother and daughter day. Well, she took me to Toys R US but I was only limited to one toy. We walked all around the store, repeatedly going on the same aisle until I choose this life size doll. After she brought the doll, I took it everywhere it was my only bestfriend after my cousin stopped comin around.


"Ahhh" I screamed and turned around to see August dying of laughter.

"Hush that is not funny August damn"
I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Hollup ya' mad?"
He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ofcourse im not mad August, im pissed that you cant act mature for once...like damn I have to be the mature one all the damn time"
I yelled causing others to look at us.

"Im so-"
I held my hand up cutting him off.

"Nope you always sorry August...sorry this sorry that like damn nigga I hope you know I was playing the whole time" I busted out laughing. "Shoulda saw your face when I snapped"

I continued to laugh while he mugged me.

"Ya' should try acting ya' good at it"
He suggested while walking back to the section he was at.

"Nah, I wanna teach"

He nodded.

"Thought you wanted to be a nurse?"

"Changed my mind...what ya' think bout this?" I held up the doll house that was in the basket.

"Yea, I think Kay said she wanted that"
He said while looking at something eles.

"Why are we in the boys section Aug?"

"Beacuse they wanted a Wii game or somethings like that" he said while picking up a black Wii, putting it in the basket.

"It comes with games already?"
I asked while looking at the Sports games that was stationed under the Wii.

"Nah but ima go take them to pick some up...we got everything?"

I nodded while we walked to find a short check out line.
Finally we made it out the store since it took us forever to find a line and get rung up.

We both plopped down in the seat exhausted from today. All I wanted to do was go back home and lay in the bed all day.
The drive was silent but this time a comfortable silence. We enjoyed each others presence and that was what I was used to. I missed me and August friendship, so these moments I cherish.

I caught August glancing over at me many times not saying anything while he tapped his hand on the steering wheel-indicatin he was in deep thought.

"Do I really say sorry allot?"
He finally spoke up.

"Yes you do, but I dont have a probelm with it...it just shows that you care about my feelings"

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