To Have Rosaline

By BelieveNUnbelievable

71.3K 3.4K 306

She was meant for a simple life. A family involving parent's unconditionally in love and who dearly love the... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
Alternate Ending/Rose and Abellon

{Chapter 9}

2.2K 102 8
By BelieveNUnbelievable

The pic above is of something similar to the castle except it is much larger. Just imagine a humongous castle in the place of this one.

Chapter 9

Rosaline sat in the middle of the large bed.

Sunlight from the window casted light onto her as she was slouched over looking at the bedsheets trying to figure out if she would be able to get up and walk around. She twisted her waist slightly to the left to see if there were any sharp pains and was surprised to find that there was barely any, only the feeling of discomfort. She stopped and twisted to the right to find the same result and looked back to the bed with a frown. She lifted her hand behind her and prodded her back where the bandage is still in place and was shocked to only feel soreness when before she felt as if she was going to die from the pain.

he sat up, shocked that she even could, and decided to go for it and get out of the bed.

She shoved the blanket's off her leg's and threw them over the side before lifting herself up. Slowly standing up she took hesitant step's towards the window then turned back around with her brows furrowed in confusion and walked halfway across the large room before stopping. She shook her head wandering why her back felt healed and then wondered just how long she was actually asleep. She turned back around towards the window. She had to squint a little at the bright light and blink a couple of time's as she moved towards it to adjust her vision. Once she could see a small gasp left her at what her eyes were showing her.

There's green everywhere from the tree's to the grass and to the mountain's she could barely see off in the distance. From where her window sat she could see the tops of them all and her fear of height's came full force as she looked down to see that she's more above the ground then she prefered. It looked like the castle, or whatever she's in, was on a mini mountain itself. Her window seemed to be one of the many window's in the front of the place since she could see water flowing under the paved bridge that connected to the castle and an opening in the tree's which seemed to be the only way to and from the place.
She raked her hands through her hair and turned away from the sight back to the room. There was no point on trying to figure out where she was located because she had no clue. She's in unknown territory that could possibly be dangerous to travel in if you don't know your way.

She thought back to the phone call she managed to make to her mother before her phone completely died and begged God that the people her mother is working with will be able to track her phone. They could possibly be her only hope at escaping. There's no way she'll be able to leave this place without help.

Rosaline's thoughts disappeared when the creak of the door sounded throughout the room and she glanced over to see a blonde head pop through the opening and look around until her eyes fell on her and she gave a warm smile. Darcy stepped inside and walked over towards her with her hand's folded in front of her and wearing a similar dress to the one Rosaline seen on her the last time they were together.

"Hello, miss." Darcy said with a smile as she came to a stop in front of the lady.

She nodded to her and gave a small smile back.

"You can call me Rose, you know. It is, after all, what your so called 'king' want's me to be called."

Darcy frowned at the sound of distaste coming from the girl when she said the word King and the shiver that ran through her body after. Looking up at the girl to find her glaring at the floor she cleared her throat to get her attention.

"Well, Rose," She hesitantly made eye contact. "I am here to get you dressed and show you around since my King is in a meeting and doesn't need you to be with him at the moment. Follow me and I will take you to your room."

Rosaline frowned and looked around the room.

"Who's room are we in now?"

Darcy turned towards the door.
"It's a guest room."

Rosaline pursed her lip's and followed her out and down the hall. They took lot's of turn's and passed a lot of door's while going down long hallways that you could easily get lost in before Darcy finally stopped at a golden door that could be worth a fortune. She knocked and then waited a minute before grabbing the golden nob and opening the door to the biggest room she's ever seen in her life. The sight of it took her breath away. It was also the most extravagant and grand room she has ever laid eyes upon. The color theme of the room looked to be gold, red and silver and they came together in beautiful design's on the wall's. The bed was much larger than the one she has lain in and it looked like it could fit ten or more people. Most of the object's, including all of the surface's and thing's upon them, were of gold and she had a desire to run her finger's over them all and admire them one by one.

Darcy set her hand on Rosaline's lower back and gently maneuvered her toward's a door on the far wall as Rosaline tried to take as much of it all in. There was no way that the room she was standing in would be her's. It looked fit for a royal. But she would definantly have no objection if it was. If the room is this big and extravagant then she wondered how the bathroom and closet looked. Excitement that she hasn't felt since she's gotten here started to bubble up inside her as Darcy began to open the door to at least one of them. As fast as her excitement came it disappeared when she opened the door to another bedroom that was connected to the beautiful room.

"Here's your room." Darcy commented as she walked across the average room over to a pair of drawers on a large dresser.

Rosaline couldn't stop the pout from forming on her lip's as she looked back to the amazing room.

She let out a sigh of disappointment before asking,
"If this is my room then who's room is that?"

She pointed behind her and Darcy raised an eyebrow before turning back to look through the clothes.

"That, miss, is the king's bedroom."

Rosaline's mouth dropped open in shock along with horror as she looked back to the bedroom in fear instead of the admiration she had before and swallowed hard. The room didn't look so extravagant anymore.

"That's his room? Why is my room connected to his?"

Darcy tilted her head at the slight tremble in the woman's voice and looked back to her to see her looking towards her king's room with her hand's held against her chest. The color from her skin seemed to have paled and her eyes were wide with the emotion she could only pinpoint clearly as fear.

"You are my king's pet so you are to be near him at all time's unless said otherwise. Your room need's to be with his incase he is in need of anything." she stated in monotone as if reading from a script.

Rosaline bit her lip and looked back to the room that will be her's. It at least had a pretty good sized bed, similar to the one she slept in in the guest room.
There was no gold in the room like there was in Rhyvos's and the room was made up of the collor's red and white.

Darcy came over to her with a red piece of garment taking her eyes away from examining the rest of the room.

"Why don't you go and slip this on in the bathroom through that door over there and I'll fix your hair and makeup when you come back."

Rosaline nodded without protest and grabbed the dress that was handed to her and headed toward's the bathroom door Darcy pointed out. It was simple, if not a bit old fashioned, with a white bath and shower. The toilet and sink were also white while the wall's were silver and white as of the floor tiles.
She quickly used the restroom and then slipped on the figure hugging red dress that went mid-thigh and showed off her curve's. She stepped out of the restroom to find Darcy waiting for her on the bed. When her eyes caught her's she got up and dragged her to a dressing table that was sat in the corner of the room with a chair waiting in front of it that Darcy sat her upon. There was makeup, brush's and other thing's all over it just waiting to be used.

Darcy attacked the girl's face with light makeup involving mascara, lipgloss and little blush and then brushed the knot's out of her hair and put it up into a simple updo. When she was done she handed Rosaline a pair of black flat's to slip on and then grabbed her arm and dragged her from the room and the king's towards the first room that she would show her.


Rosaline let out a sigh of releif as she walked into one of the livingroom's Darcy showed her and over to one of the soft, plush couches and sat down, throwing her head back against the cushion and closing her eyes.
Darcy spent half the day showing her all of the place's that she would need to know like the important meeting room's where the king goes and is supposedly at the moment, where the kitchen's were, and other thing's that she has most likely forgotten where they were located. Rhyvos must still be in his meeting since he hasn't came or called for her, not that she really cared what the monster did. And she wasn't an animal just sitting and waiting around for it's owner.
Darcy left her to do as she pleased while she went off to do her chores and Rosaline decided to come and rest her feet before getting up to go look for possible escape route's. She slipped the flat's off onto the floor and lifted her feet to the couch and sighed once again. She let her thought's wonder back to her family and what they were doing at the moment and also how she's ever going to escape the place not knowing where she is or even where to go. How will she be able to handle the monster king with him being bipolar and would probably snap her in half like a stick any minute she's around him. She began thinking about what happened with his last slave and a shiver went down her spine for the picture Abellon described of what the king had to see.

Abellon walked into one of the living room's closest to one of the kitchen's which he just left with a glass of wine and was surprised to find Rhyvos's pet laying amongst one of the couches with her head tilted forward and eyes focused on the cushion as she ran her index finger against the stitching on the side. He smiled seeing as her back was better and walked over to stand in front of her. He admired her appearance while she hasn't noticed his presence seeing as she was lost in her own thought's. When she did she jumped in her spot with a gasp and held her chest as if to stop her heart from jumping out.

"Holy Hell!"

He grinned and sat across from her on the other couch. He raised an arm to the back of it and tilted his head towards her as she situated herself and sat up straighter. He lifted his glass to his lip's before raising an eyebrow as she gazed over at him and bit her lip.
They sat in silence for a few minute's. Rose opened her mouth to say something but then closed it.

"Go ahead. I won't bite." he smirked watching her in amusement.

"It's not you who I'm worried about biting." she replied and he let out a chuckle. He watched her play with a piece of her hair that fell out in front of her eyes.
"But, I am curious. Do you know how my back is healed? Did those sleeping pills you give me knock me out for a couple of week's or something enough for it to heal? I woke up expecting my back to draw tear's from me again, but nothing. Well, not nothing. It's only a bit sore."

Abellon shook his head and bit his lip's.

"When you were given the pills that sent you into a slumber my blood was taken and used as an ointment for your back. Our kind's blood has healing properties for human's that can heal wound's under a couple of day's. Your wound should be healed only leaving a barely-there scar."

Rosaline sat and stared at him for a minute.

"You .... you put your blood .... on my back?"

He slowly nodded, trying to catch an expression on her emotionless face.

"I'm not going to turn into one of you now am I?"

He frowned at the way she phrased her word's before shaking his head.

Rosaline ran her hand's through her hair and let out a breath. As gross as it sound's his blood did help her and for that she really should be thankful. She looked up at him again to see him examining her face and decided to get over it since what's done is done. He was only trying to help her out after all.

The sound of heel's making their way toward's them penetrated the silence after a while and she looked towards the entrance to see a woman looking to be in her early twenties come walking in. She was very beautiful with straight strawberry blonde shoulder length hair and greyish-blue eyes. She had rosy full lip's that pulled up slightly into a smile when her eyes caught Rosaline and Abellon sitting and staring.
She wore a silk, no straps, velvet dress with a v cut and it reached the floor. She moved with an elegance Rosaline could only dream of ever having. She came and stood by them looking from Abellon to her.

Abellon cleared his throat and stood up giving the lady a smile that somehow looked forced.

"Antoinette, it's good to see you again. I've heard that you would be back today. How was your visit with your parent's?"

"It was well, thank you. They send their greeting's."
She turned her eyes to Rose.
"Who, may I ask, is this?"

Abel looked back to Rose who was still sat staring up at the lady in wonder. He smiled and grabbed her hand, helping her up to her feet.

"Antoinette meet Rose, Rhyvos's new pet. Rosaline meet Antoinette Rhavien, Rhyvos's fiancé."

Antoinette's smile lowered when hearing about the girl being Rhyv's new pet before going back into position.

"Hello. It is lovely to meet you, Rose."

"It's nice to meet you to." Rosaline replied politely finally standing and giving the woman a smile.

Antoinette turned back to Abellon. "Rhyvos hasn't mentioned anything to me about getting a pet."

He scratched his head and looked around the room.

"Yes, well, he has been quite busy so it must have slipped his mind."

Her eyes went back to the girl and took in her figure. "I see."

There was an awkward silence before she spoke again.
"Well, no matter. You seem to be a fine young girl. I hope we'll get along well, my dear, and become friend's. If You will excuse me I need to go and make sure my thing's were put properly back into my fiancés room."

With that she turned on her heel's and sashayed out of the room.

Rosaline looked over at Abel who had his hand's in his pocket's and looking off to where the woman left through before looking to her.

"There's no need to fear Antoinette. She can be a little much and at time's cold but I find her to be a match for Rhyvos. It would be good for you two to get along and be friend's since you both will be around Rhyvos."

She nodded and sat back onto the couch as Abel did the same. They made small talk until he had to leave for he had duties of his own to be performed, telling her that he was happy that her back was better and that she looked lovely today.

When he was gone she sat for a few more minute's before getting up and heading into the kitchen. Her stomach growled at her for something fulfilling and she rubbed it in embarrassment when a couple of women who were cooking looked over at her. She bit her lip and looked over at the refrigerator and back to them and wondered if it would be rude to go and get something when they were already cooking. She walked towards it and stopped, changing her mind, and went to what looked to be a waiting table off to the side.

A minute after she sat down a plate full of noodles, bread and vegetable's was sat down in front of her and she looked up surprised to see one of the women turn back around and head back to the other's. She grinned at her retreating back and quickly dug into the amazing smelling food like a savage. She definitely did not look nor eat like a lady with her elbow's on the table and taking huge mouthfuls at a time. She ate as if she hasn't in week's.
As she took in the last bite she noticed a figure off to the side of her and just about choked when she seen who it was.

Rhyvos stood staring at his pet as she wolfed down a plate full of food. He had half the mind to take it away and tell her there would be no food until she learned table manners. His eyes gazed over to her back and lingered there. She must have been healed with his kinds blood if she's up and moving without help. He frowned slightly at remembering what he done. He doesn't know why he branded her in such a way and a hint of guilt crawled it's way to him before it disappeared completely and he was back to not caring.

She finally noticed him and started coughing with food flying out of her mouth. It was one of the most unattractive thing's he's ever seen. When she was done she stared up at him with frightened eyes and pressed her back against her chair trying to move as far as she could away from him. He raised an eyebrow at her movement's but made no comment toward's them.

"If you are finished I want you at my side, now."

He watched as she swallowed hard and looked to her plate. He snapped his finger's and one of the cook's quickly came and took it away. She hesitantly stood and as she did he took in her attire. He had to admit that she looked good with a body hugging red dress and long slender leg's that looked smooth to the touch. He couldn't help the lust that hit him and turned his eyes away disgusted with himself. He left the kitchen, knowing that she would follow, and headed toward's his office.

Rosaline fidgeted with her hand's as she followed the man who scarred her and would have most likely killed her if it weren't for Abel. She could feel her heart pounding and wondered if he could hear it. She felt as if she would faint any minute from all the fear coursing through her and wondered if he could sense her fear. Her hand's were shaking slightly and became sweaty from nervousness.
As they walked she stared at his back, waiting for him to turn and hurt her. She stayed a couple of feet away from him just incase.

They reached a door that she remember's Darcy showed her as his office. He opened it and walked inside and over to a desk that was sat in the middle and sat down as she stayed put at the door, too scared to be in the same room with him.

"Close the door." he ordered.

She took small step's into the room and turned and slowly shut the door. She turned back around to see him staring at her and she could have sworn she felt her heart stop.

"Sit!" he comanded and pointed toward's the large couch.

She crossed her arms and went and sat at the edge of the middle cushion. She looked back up to him to see that he was now working on paperwork. She furrowed her eyebrows. Why did he need her if he was only going to be working?
She crossed her hand's on her lap and looked around the room. There wasn't much to the place only few piece's of comfortable furniture, several hunting pictures on the white wall's and bare table tops here and there. It was quite plain compared to the room's she was shown. The only interesting thing in the room would be his desk that looks perfect for him.

Sighing she looked down to her hand's in her lap. She felt extremely uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. She brought a hand to her lip's and bit at her nail's nervously before looking back to Rhyvos who kept his eyes on his paper's. She sat back into the couch and tried to relax a little since being tense is going to get her nowhere.
She thought about asking him what she is supposed to do but thought better of it. She scooted to the left and sat her elbow onto the armrest and head onto her hand. She looked off to the wall and began day-dreaming, waiting for something to happen.





Slightly rushed sorry.
Had to give you guy's something.

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